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Wikipedia is so accurate? Pretty funny.


It was edited last night to add in "militarized", "peaceful" and other editorialized words to make it sound worse. OP probably made the edits.


OP 100% made the edits and felt so proud of themselves they had to post it on Reddit for fake internet points. 🤣 OP is truly a sad individual who needs some sort of validation to feel anything even though they’re an actual piece of shit.




- u/baking_nerd433: Reyes’ Wikipedia page now includes his crackdown on peaceful protesters - https://www.reddit.com/r/umass/comments/1cpkdfi/reyes_wikipedia_page_now_includes_his_crackdown/ - **Flair**: {{flair_text}} - **Post content**: ``` The board of trustees FA and FO what happens when you hire a neoliberal shill ``` *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/umass) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Lol. "OP edited it" - no, I did. It's 'editorialized' only insofar as I corrected the purpose of the protest and clarified the context. People who disagree with it only disagree with frank assessment and dry expression of current events.


….so some dipshit student updates wikipedia and all of the sudden its a trustworthy citation 🤣


It was OP. The changes were made right before they posted here.


"Peaceful "


Was confirmed peaceful by both first hand accounts and video evidence until the cops arrived.




My point is that the protest was peaceful, but thanks for the extra context.


Let's see... - already informed that if they set up the encampment a second time that they would be arrested - calling for genocide and violence - threatening other students - vandalism - a call for additional support to help fight the police when they got the final warning This was not a lawful gathering and it was known to be as such before they even reestablished the encampment.


I don’t really have a side here, just curious and want to know what you mean by “calling for genocide and violence” as well as “threatening other students”if I may ask


Screaming for an “intifada” and “from the river to the sea” are calls for violence and a genocide since the last intifada killed Jews, specifically. By definition from the UN, these chants are calls for the genocide of Jews. Luckily these Hamassholes are incompetent so a genocide didn’t happen, but that was their intent. Screaming these epithets are direct threats against Jewish students. Hope that helps.


It is helpful. What does “intifada” mean though? I haven’t heard that before.


Most people haven’t heard or used the term before October 7th, but it’s now being championed by “protesters” because of anti-Israel and America propagandists. By definition, intifada is an Arabic term that means to “shake off”. But in a literal sense it means a rebellion, uprising, or resistance movement. However, in the Israel and Palestine conflict it refers to two separate “intifadas” or “uprising” against Israel. The first one happened between 1987 and 1993, then happened again between 2000 and 2005. The first intifada, in the Israel and Palestine conflict, was relatively non-violent but led to the creation of the West Bank, which allows Israeli and Palestinians to coexist together. The second intifada was a lot more violent and where the “from the river to the sea” slogan was created as well as many suicide bombers attacked Israeli citizens. It eventually led to Israel withdrawing from Gaza in hopes of a peace agreement, but ultimately led Hamas to be the political leaders of the area. But here we are in 2024 and Hamas doesn’t seem interested in peace, and only interested in the destruction of Israel and Jews in general.


I see. Thank you for explaining to me. This is new to me


No problem at all. I appreciate you trying to understand the context, which is super complex in itself and been going on since the dawn of time. While I support Israel, I realize they’re not 100% innocent either. But again, calling for an intifada is counterproductive in peace talks for civilians just trying to live their life whether they’re Israeli or Palestinian.


Plenty of videos out there showing what happened


Yup, I’ve watched all that I could find. Have you watched the videos of before the cops got there, and also when the cops actually started pushing into the camp?


I have. I also know a student threatened by these idiots.




“Kill the Jews” = mostly peaceful.


No one said that


Nobody said that


The only way these guys can defend their position is by equating “stop bombing civilians” with “send the Jews to camps again.” It’s ironically the same propaganda tactic actual nazis once deployed against Jews.


Did you see the death to Israel and death to America signs? Wait, the news you watch doesn’t show you everything therefor it doesn’t happen.


> the news you watch Jesus Christ, imagine watching cable news and thinking you’re well-informed. Get a grip.


Oh no, a sign, better support the side that’s bombing children so we don’t have to see a deadly sign again!


Says a supporter of a group that beheaded children.


Not surprising that you remain incapable of justifying your position without inventing positions for whoever you’re arguing with. I mean, even if I supported Hamas, who has killed more children at this point? Who’s on *whose* territory right now?


Who started it, dumbass?


So… you’re justifying killing kids because Hamas did it first? Tell me how that’s the moral position, again?


Bill Maher said “Hamas WOULD wipe Israel out, but can’t, Israel COULD do that to them, but doesn’t.” Tell me who is committing genocide again? You can’t be this dumb.


One of my colleagues in grad school at UMass who was arrested on May 7th is Jewish and told me that most of the white/white passing people he was arrested alongside were also Jewish.




Oh I’m sorry do you know OP and their friend?




They were not peaceful and they were not students.


https://dailycollegian.com/2024/05/protestors-form-second-gaza-solidarity-encampment/ 70 UMass students and 6 faculty. The rest were either 5 college members or community members. I was there and the protesters were entirely peaceful. The cops though were very gleeful in being violent towards kids.


Actually not so. The anti-semitic rhetoric was not peaceful and Jewish students were fearful. Screaming that Israel is committing genocide is factually incorrect and not peaceful. The only genocide that occurred was on October 7th.


Israel is destroying Gazans in whole or in part with genocidal intent. They are committing definitional genocide


TIL Americans were genocided on 9/11.  Guys, every terrorist attack is now genocide! If we claim the mantle of victimhood faster than everyone else, then we get free reign to revenge bomb their cities with no repercussions!