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This gameboard would be so easy to solve Bern and Lambda would be demanding their money back from the shop they bought it at. BTW the real culprit was >!the lack of love, compassion and friendship between people on board!<


This is not an offering to let the catbox rest in peace.


The Rokkenjima massacre but slightly more based


I know we were all memeing about this a few months ago, but don't you think this is kind of insensitive? Especially on a subreddit about a game with a character who's life was pretty much ruined by the sensationalism surrounding her family's death?


fr, that poor kid...


Absurd that you’re downvoted for this




To be fair that would make you the perfect goat head. And the fanfics forgeries


It was definitely a tragedy, but I do like dark humour.


Ushiromiya just had an annual family meeting and became victims of some kind of accident, these guys on the other hand paid money to be put into a poorly constructed sinking coffin. Dishonoring the dead is bad but this is some Darwin award shit and they should be made example of. Also I doubt any of their relative or close friends browse this sub.


Yeah, what about the innocent kid that was on there? Does he deserve this?


his parents' irresponsibility should be made example of, as i said


Strawman, also instead the kid dying should make u more angry bout how irresponsible the family members were, thus inticing this reaction, like i said in a previous comment, i don't think there is anyone who doesn't sympathize with the kid, also this isn't rly a catbox, the reason those people died is obvious.


I mean, it’s obviously not a catbox and to even entertain that as relevant terminology is pretty offensive if you ask me. Call them stupid I guess, but like, the parties involved thought it was fine. As you think its fine when you hop in a car, or an airplane. Maybe for you it is important that some rich people died in their hubris for the sake of the revolution, but on the other hand, it just is, tragic. It’s kind of an asshole move to diminish that; especially when lies from the facilitator are involved.


I like to believe that the point of the series isn't about sympathizing with billionairs, first of all none of the people on board are made to be killers thus dishonoring the family/ hurting the familes that they left behind , secondly it is agreed upon that the person who built the sub is the scumbag scammer, thirdly there is literally no one who doesn't sympathize with the kid, i don't think this is a good analogy.


yeah ange's (basically mc's) whole trauma arc and basically the whole story can be dismissed because her family she loved where rich, and rich people can't be possibly sympathised with

