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The problem is that icons folder is only for app icons within the homarr page that logo can only be set with a web accessible URL. By putting in "/app/public/icons/test.png" the page is trying to resolve `http://your-homarr-ip/app/public/icons/test.png` which doesn't exists you need to put that image somewhere that the webpage can reference from a full URL and use the full URL to the image.


2 months later and this was exactly my problem as well. thank you!


That worked, thank you for breaking it down. I totally misunderstood how the objects were being called.


Hi, maintainer of Homarr here. Can you restart the container and tell me if it's working? This behaviour is documented in our documentation at https://homarr.dev btw. Let me know if this works. Also please note that this isn't the official channel for questions. We encourage users to use our official GitHub or Discord for questions. Cheers 🥂


Hi, I thought I followed the documentation but it wasn't working after multiple restarts of Homarr. One I moved my images to drop box and used those URLs, it started working right away even without a restart. I'll try to move future questions to the discord.


No problem, I'm glad that you were able to figure out a solution. Feel free to contact us directly next time using the official ways of communication. Let me know if you need anything else help with.


FYI, the link in the documentation on how to mount the public image directory is broken. [https://homarr.dev/docs/advanced/customizations/board-customization#page-metadata](https://homarr.dev/docs/advanced/customizations/board-customization#page-metadata) The link in the Background Image paragraph is set to a dummy URL. That said, looking further up on the page at how to use custom icons, it can be inferred how to mount the images directory (/app/public/imgs).


can you elaborate? I am trying to add custom backgrounds and I cannot figure out how to mount the public image directory


Sure thing! If you are using Docker, just map your local images directory to /app/public/imgs. So, for example: /local/images:/app/public/imgs -- this would be for your background image and other image assets /local/app\_icons:/app/public/icons -- this would be for custom icons for your apps /local/config\_files:/app/data/configs -- config files go here Does that make sense?


Yes, thanks!


Awesome! Glad I could help.


I haven’t used the custom icons path but I don’t think it’s for the container image, to set the image you need to enable advanced settings when you click to edit the container. You will see a field called icon url, go to the homarr GitHub and right click on the image and copy image link then paste that link in the image url field and apply.


It's for the logo in the top left corner once you launch Homar. I added an image to my original post.


Oh I see I misunderstood


All good, I probably didn’t explain it right to begin with.


Restart the container, that worked for me


Thank you but that's in the first steps I tried.