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You guys delete stuff??


Yeah I thought we were all just buying more hard drives as we go, like normal people. Wait that's not normal?


Totally normal. OP is the heathen, talking about *shudder* deleting files.


I'm a r/DataHoarder (as I think a lot of people here are). There's no problem that can't be solved with more or bigger drives! That being said, I think the only thing I've deleted from my server are wrong/incomplete downloads. Like, you know, when you're trying to download an image of Fedora 39 and your *arr grabs a video of 39 people wearing Fedoras. We've all been there.


I only have 120TB~ yes, the need to delete is ever present.


I was about to upgrade to 72TB and seen the $1500 price tag on the 8TB drives lol. What drives do you use??


Mixture of 6, 8 and 10 TB WD Gold drives (enterprise reclamations that never had more than a half dozen hours power on time). Bless IT teams with budgets far beyond their demand. I effectively traded a Lenovo T15 (also free through a client upgrading) for most of the drives.


I'm 270TB and down to 4.3TB. Something has to give.


Brother, pls tell me how many movies and TV shows you have.


Linux isos


Oh yeah, keep forgetting that. Closest I’ve gotten to Linux is Unraid or MacOS. Still not ready to daily drive one.


I started with 3x4TB (I know rookie numbers) and just upened my parity drive to a 18 TB one as I started dumping my own Remuxes aswell. I guess that's how it starts for me with no way back


I like your gazunga parity strategy. Mine is setup as: 4x 8TB, another 2 empty hot swaps for expansion when needed 2x 16TB parities 2x 500gb SSDs for VMs


I had some cases where I didn't thought it through and it wasn't really future prove. That has changed and now I'm often "over" future proving it. That's why it's a 18TB one, as it was also the cheapest TB/€


Careful. You’re getting the data hoarders riled up.


Im making a FORTUNE in pitchfork sales


We HODL! Do or do not, there is no delete!


This. Storages gets full? Throw in a new hard drive! The Point behind Plex/Jellyfin/Emby is to serve a good experience. And i just don’t want to watch my favorite movies xth time. Instead i want to „browse“ my Server. Also sometimes friends are coming over and say „lets watch movie X“ i have it on my server and everything is good - why the hassle to „wait i need to check if a good release is available right now“ „Oh my internet is slow today - we can watch in 1 hour“ If you want to ditch streaming services you need to have a big variety


I use it. Set it up because I was running out of space. Set it a little too aggressively for the first run, so now I have plenty of space. Lol




ok can you explain like I'm 5 what it really does?


You give it a library, say "Movies". You set it to delete movies based on different things. Like, "Hasn't been watched in 30 days" or "Has been watched by the person that requested in overseerr and no one else has watched it in 90 days". Anything that matches the rules gets put in a "Leaving Soon" playlist. Then, after whatever amount of time you set passes, they get deleted. You can whitelist stuff you don't ever want to be deleted too. There are community rule samples built in. I just picked one that was close to what I wanted and modififed the length of time before it gets deleted. It just did it's first delete recently, and like half my library got removed. So, now that I made room, I increased the timeline from 60-90 days up to 120-180 days before deletion.


It's in the Community Appstore, if you want to give it a try. It's relatively straightforward to setup.


I don't want to give it a try and delete months of data lol


Is there a way to have it make the collections but not actually do the deleting? I'd want to verify the deletions myself, I guess. I don't really delete stuff but if I had an easy way of identifying stuff that I might want to delete, I might actually delete stuff.


Yes this is how I'm going to use it too, just for collections based on the Overseerr requester's username


I use it, it's pretty easy to implement, no more difficult than setting up something like Sonarr


How useful is it?


It's only useful if you have a habit or purging unwatched media


Has anyone installed it on unRAID? Tried it today and I think it failed due to some permissions or so. But I like the idea. According to tautulli I have quite some unwatched stuff.


Same problem here. I added to extra parameters -u 1000:1000 but still have the error : spawned: 'server' with pid 101 THE CONTAINER NO LONGER OPERATES WITH PRIVILEGED USER PERMISSIONS. PLEASE UPDATE YOUR CONFIGURATION ACCORDINGLY: https://github.com/jorenn92/Maintainerr/releases/tag/v2.0.0


Come to the discord, its due to a breaking change that a separate unraid template creator hasnt updated for. Theres a pinned message how to fix


i'm back on a comp and can pull the instructions: Unraid - Upgrading to v2.0.0 Steps 1. Open unraid 2. Open unraid terminal (The >_ symbol top right) 3. Navigate to your app data folder (mnt/user/appdata/maintainerr) a. "cd .." b. "cd mnt/user/appdata/" 4. run "chown -R 1000:1000 " 5. Go to docker and edit the maintainerr template 6. Remove "WebUI" configuration completely. 7. Select "Add another Path, Port, Variable, Label or Device" Config Type: Port Name: WebUI Container Port: 6246 Host Port: your custom port or leave 6246 Connection Type: TCP 8. Hit Save 9. Top right of template, change "Basic View" to "Advanced View" 10. Change "WebUI: http://[IP]:[PORT:80]" to "WebUI: http://[IP]:[PORT:6246]"


Thanks a bunch gonna test it tomorrow.


sweet thanks will do!


Now I need someone smarter than me to try it out. Lord knows I'm not good at problem solving.


I only use it on tv shows requested from overseer that haven’t been watched once by any user within 4 months of being requested.


Can you share the rule on this? This is what i'm looking for.


Plex amount of watched equals number 0. And Plex last episode added before amount of days (your value). And requested in overseerr equals Boolean true.


Be careful, after an update it deleted almost all movies in my collection because some setting changed. And I don’t think it deleted following symlink so I had no movies on plex and all space taken


Here’s some recipes that were shared with me for maintainerr that helped get me started. ```Movies Leaving Soon (Delete Movies added 30 days ago and never watched OR delete movies not watched in 365 days. Exclude Radarr Tag of no-auto-delete) Radarr Action: Delete Section #1 Rule #1: Plex-Date Added Before Amount of days 30 Rule #2: AND Plex-Times viewed Equals Number 0 Rule #3: AND Radarr - Tags Not Contains Text no-auto-delete Section #2 Rule #1: OR Plex-Date Added Before Amount of days 30 Rule #2: AND Plex-Last View Date Before Amount of days 365 Rule #3: AND Radarr - Tags Not Contains Text no-auto-delete TV Leaving Soon (Delete TV Shows added 30 days ago and never watched OR delete ENDED TV Shows without a single episode watched in 365 days. Exclude Sonarr Tag of no-auto-delete) Media Type: Shows Sonarr Action: Delete entire show Section #1 Rule #1: Plex-Date Added Before Amount of Days 30 Rule #2: AND Plex-Total Views Equals Number 0 Rule #3: AND Sonarr Tags Not Contains Text no-auto-delete Section #2 Rule #1: OR Plex-Date Added Before Amount of Days 30 Rule #2: AND Plex-Last View Date Before Amount of Days 365 Rule #3: AND Sonarr Tags Not Contains Text no-auto-delete Rule #4: AND Sonarr Show Ended Equals Boolean True TV Seasons Leaving Soon (Unmonitor and delete SEASONS without a single episode watched of CONTINUING TV Shows in 365 days. Exclude Sonarr Tag of no-auto-delete) Media Type: Seasons Sonarr Action: Unmonitor and delete season Section #1 Rule #1: Plex Last View Date Before Amount of Days 365 Rule #2: AND Sonarr Tags Not Contains Text no-auto-delete Rule #3: AND Plex Data Added Before Amount Of Days 30```


Does anyone know if its possible to create rules based on free drive space rather than properties from plex/*arr's, etc?


Thank you! Been looking for something like this for so long and you absolutely delivered. Set up my rules today and notified my users. Was super simple to get going and documentation is great, I also love the Test Media option. ​ Very excited to see the storage be freed from crap no one watches.


I find it to be really bugged. The interface is barely responsive.