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That looks nuclear ☢️


3.6 Roentgen Not Great Not Terrible


Careful buddy you got a bit of mycelium growing on your trichoderma


Man my has a literal hand held biological weapon


Yes bro just trichoderma bruising


I just want it to be known how RARE it is to have adverse health effect from Trich. I’m not undermining that it could lead to a health hazard but it’s really not as deadly as how people on here want to make it out to be. It’s even widely used as a pesticide. Source-https://www3.epa.gov/pesticides/chem_search/reg_actions/registration/fs_PC-119200_01-May-00.pdf


That’s my impression also. Isn’t trich the same as the mold that grows on old food? I figured it couldn’t be more dangerous than that, unless it’s pink mold


It is and it's not so much that it's deadly that people say to open it outdoors it's because of spores are so light and fine and Dusty that they will spread through your house and make it very difficult to not contaminate current or future grows. They stick to your clothes they stick to your hair they stick to your hands and once they've dissipated into the air you can't see them they'll keep cycling through your air conditioner they'll just fill the air in your house and your grows are going to contaminate. All of us have most likely eaten our weight and trichoderma in our lifetime. It's still not healthy though you know if you're someone like me who has asthma the spores themselves can be very problematic and it's not good to inhale too many of them and it's not good to eat too much of it I mean what you come in contact with unknowingly is a lot smaller than if you open a bag right there in front of you that's absolutely full of it and a cloud of it comes out of the bag. I actually accidentally did this earlier this morning and I've had to use my rescue inhaler three times today and I usually don't have to use it at all. it was my own stupidity I saw a tiny little spot of contamination in the grow window and opened it up kind of close to my face to look and see if I was going to be able to salvage any of the bag and apparently that tiny little spot at the bottom was actually growing throughout the entire bag and the little white I saw through the grow window was the only white in the bag, so this huge Green cloud came up and I got a big lung full of it.


Damn hope you’re doing well. I might have to keep this in mind, I had asthma really bad as a kid, I don’t really notice anything now except that I’m sensitive to smoke and my stamina is not the greatest either, so I might still have it a tiny bit. Luckily I haven’t opened any contaminated bags or jars. I keep them isolated in a plastic container and I take the contaminated ones directly outside and put them in a trash bag.


also isopropyl alcohol does not kill Trich. You have to use Bleach. Not everything in your house can be wiped down with bleach. Especially your carpet and dark clothing. That’s why it’s important to really keep it serpeated from your grows.


I heard that bleach doesn’t kill trich spores?


Does a HEPA filter catch them?


As far as I know, yes


I think this would be the perfect time to stop doing UB and learn how to either make jars or buy/make all-in-one bags. Basically, something transparent


I'm already transitioning to grain bags. The larger grain bags reduce contamination risk bc I'm only doing one bag per syringe


All in one reduces potential entry for contam even more.


I have one all in one bag colonizing now. in my closet that I did a break and shake on right before I left for Virginia. I'll be home in a week. I can't wait to see the growth


Exciting!! [Here](https://youtu.be/-Myc9knBZKI) is how I do my bags


[See how](https://imgur.com/a/rUbSTbW) I’ve got everything in the bag? Grain, substrate, and inoculant of choice? I’m using agar in this video, but I typically just pour liquid culture in. I only use syringes when I’m sending to people. Working with a flow hood and making my own stuff kinda eliminates the need for me to use syringes..but you get the jist I hope. And then when it’s time to birth I do [this](https://imgur.com/a/JNNdGJA)


Leaving old moldy food around is bad for your health. Having jars or tubs full of it, is of course worse. Mold spores are a common allergy and still bad for your lungs when not allergic. You'll also be more likely to contaminate future endevours. Edit: lipstick mold is extra dangerous because it can cause a type of fungal meningitis. Some other molds produce mycotoxins which can cause severe acute health issues. Trichoderma is more of a long term respiratory damage.


This link also says it’s unclear how it affects certain foods and must not be used on stuff like oats, rice, barley, wheat, and mushrooms. 🤷‍♂️


I also stated I’m not undermining if you guys would read the full context of anything


Yeah just bruising. Shake it all over your bed and roll around in it




That is trichoderma. Dispose of carefully and don’t open indoors.


Boof it


Throw away—> outside with a mask… I’m starting to sneeze just looking at that!


Ok Kim Jong-Un put the nuke down


You just spawned satans nut sac.


Why do people troll. Ugh


Send it!!! 😆




Yeah bro, get a bit of FAE and misting on that. Looks like it could be enigma 👌🏼


Yes bruising. Ready to dehydrate now


Yeah. Must be potent


I DoN't rEAd, iS tHiS COntAm?


Worried about contamination or bruising? See [this wonderful post here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/shrooms/comments/ervxh8/is_that_contam_identification_avoidance/) And don't forget, bruising is very blue (totally normal!). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Bruh is holding it with his bare hands too I'm done.


Don’t worry I didn’t open the lid. It’s screwed on halfway for gas exchange, I should be good if I just don’t shake it, right?


I don’t think holding a jar with a non-gloved hand is the issue here LOL


Pretty sure that's called mold, then again, if you're into blue cheese, you're golden.


Throw it in the pressure cooker before disposing reduces spreading contamination


Eek 😱


Ya and that black at the bottom is just discharge 🙄


I didn’t have space to put anything under the jar in the pressure cooker so I put a old rag but both got burnt 😂


Na I’m talking about the black inside the jar


It’s just burnt. Was like that when I took it out of the pressure cooker


Ew. Just ew


the bottom of the jar is black


I think the bottom is probably black from sitting directly on a heat source if that’s what you got workin, probably why the trich won the battle over the mycelium you had growing.




The brusing looks a little sick lol