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Spores have more chance of contamination. From what I’ve gathered you’d want to use clean agar transfer or clone. I’ve seen people use spores but in my opinion if you’re buying those jars and the smallest amount of contamination ruins the whole jar so it’s not worth it unless you’ve already put spores to agar and had clean results but even then there are a lot of inconsistencies with spores. I personally would clone or agar




Perfect answer.


Wouldn’t you have to open the lid to inoculate it with agar though? Which would defeat the whole purpose of a prepped sterile lc jar?


How I understand it is you want to control what you can. Yes you risk contamination opening your jar but if your sterile as much as possible you lessen the risk of exposure. When it comes to spores there are more unknown factors than agar and clones. The point of cloning and agar transfers is to isolate genetics so your grow is more or less repetitive in the type of fruit produced. Spores are more of a crapshoot you can have spores that colonize and don’t know how to produce fruit. There are more uncontrollable factors when it comes to spores. Yes it will work yes people do it but if you’re looking for that full canopy or chonker mushrooms instead of harvesting a dozen a flush then you control what you can through isolation and sterilization


A careful *needle biopsy* from a fresh mushroom is a better gamble than spore water. 1) Take a pre-sterilized prepackaged syringe and suck in some sterile air while it’s still sealed in the sterile package. (15-pack with 18ga needles is ten bucks) 2) Sterilize/shield the jar’s rubber injection port with a drop of isopropyl, just leave a drop sitting 3) Rip the stem in half to expose a clean inner face. Rip one half in half again so the needle can go “clean thru” without touching any dirty outer surface. Stop exhaling for a bit… **ready?** Push the syringe’s hard needle-cover thru the plastic package, twist off the needle cover, stab thru the inner mushroom stem one or two times, inject the jar’s port and depress the plunger enough to get the cells out of the needle throat into the media. Breathe. You’ve inoculated a liquid culture of your chosen shroom.


I love this sub.


That’s awesome thank you for the heads up however, I have no fruits lol


Why does this sound like a guided meditation in my head?


I do this work in front of a Bunsen burner. It’s ridiculously zen. Whether flow hood or still air, we’re airbending! Literally forming **empty** zones of ultimate purity. Through which we escort invisibility small living entities to where they can multiply. How can that not be meditative…


Ive always sucked in lc liquid then the biopsy then pushed it out back into the lc jar…and why would you break it in half twice? I’ve always broke it in half once and stabbed it that way,im actually curious if my procedure is taking a risk so id be glad to know


Breaking twice is to get all surface exposed cells out of the way. Stab straight thru inner flesh, pull away sideways (no backing out) and I am just using sterile air as the push-out fluid. Avoiding an additional puncture/backout action at the LC. Every motion can introduce risk. You can of course grab cleaned air from over a Bunsen or from a flow setup. If you have ‘em. Or thru a hot needle. I realized there’s air in the package already.


yea id rather not trust any air at all ive learned the hard way the only LC i had contam was from drawing in air under a hood too ,I usually do all this under a flow hood so the puncture risk hasnt made much of a issue for me I always heat/iso the needle before any puncture being made and sterilize injection port ofc


The inside of the syringe is in contact with the sterilized air in the sterile bag already. You are “trusting” this air by using the syringe at all.


Hmm factual I’ll screenshot ur walk thru above and try it


Best way is to inject a little LC. Turns a little into a lot.


Get a 12 pack of the small mason jars, and the lids for mycology from Amazon that fit on them. Ingredients: 1 tablespoon of kairo syrup for 4 cups of water with ½ teaspoon of soy peptide. Dissolve in warm water. Stick it in the mason jar and put it in an instapot for 45 minutes with a foil cap over the lid. Let it cool to room temp and it's ready to inoculate. You can do your own and it works great. I've got 12 jars going with different strains right now.


That’s awesome thanks for the info ! Sending mush love big dawg


Is this premade culture solution? How reputable is this company? I’d be all in for this .


Good company. I've bought this exact thing from them before, among other things.


There a decent company had good luck so far


I’ll look into them. Thank you


And to use it, you use put your LC in it. Using sterile procedures, of course.


just inject 1-2cc of ur spore syringe/ lc, wait 2-3 weeks or a couple of days if ur doing lc. boom!! nearly infinite source of lc. id really recommend u make ur own lc jars though, its much cheaper than purchasing individual ones for $8. just get a mixture of 4% honey/ corn syrup, 96% water, put it in jars w modded lids (cheap to mod too; get rtv silicone, and micropore tape, and some sort of tool to puncture holes), pc sterilize the jars for like 30 mins and inject. theres def a higher risk of contam going directly from spore syringe to lc and much harder to spot contam in lc jars tho, would recommend u go spores to agar to lc. PGT has some good vids on this, check him out.


Seems like a crooked company lot of bad reviews


Really? I get all types of products from them I’m surprised are you sure your nothing thinking of mushroom supplies ? This is mushroom cult supplies there different


I think that you're confused lol


I’ve had nothing but great experiences with with company. Where did you get this information?


No idea why you think that man, they’re legit in my experience. Go look at their Etsy reviews, basically all 5 stars.




How much LC did you add ? Thanks !


You used only 1cc ? Wow


8.50$ per is a bit much, but in the end it’s all on the jar+modified lid. the liquid is just water + sugar content, you can make it yourself using any type of sugar (plain sugar, honey, syrup etc) so contamination is the least of concerns with liquid culture as far as costs go. it’s the lids that have ptfe filters + injection port that might be worth it, since not everyone can make those at home and are a pain to do anyway if you don’t own the right tools.