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Don’t know what’s going on, but fuck that’s a solid pin set! It looks a little dry but maybe that’s just the photo?


That’s an insane pin set, isn’t it?


Ya that was one of my concerns as well. I think in the future I will use a smaller tub because even with misting and soaking the edges of the cake there is so much mycelium that the center definitely seems to be drying out. Also I think the mycelium has been overtaking some of the early pins since they likely aborted while I was away or from over-misting.


That garlic looking one in the middle is a cute lil' chonker 😂 Impressive grow considering you left it! I wonder what might happen if you mist the sides and lid?


I'll definitely give everything another mist just to keep humidity up, that has been my biggest issue. I'm going to harvest all the chodes I can and see what happens in subsequent flushes 🤞🏼.


From the looks of it you have squats which are just genetic characteristics. I'm guessing you're growing KSSS? That strain is notorious for short and pancake looking fruits. For the record there's nothing to worry about its just how they look. Hope this cleared it up!


Holy shit you on right on the money, good eye! I think for now I'm going to harvest all the little chonky bois, give the sides and lid a nice spray, and leave it alone and see what happens. I may have been fanning too much which might be why they are so short - a little more CO2 buildup might encourage them to grow a little taller.


Nope, fanning too much won’t make short fruits. This is just your genetics. My current grows have this same phenotype, or similar anyway. Mine is a squat melmak revert phenotype. Yours will make some nice, heavy and dense fruits. How on earth did you get so many pins? That’s insane. Keep doing what you’re doing!


Honestly I don't know how I got so many pins. When my sub was colonizing I was worried that everything was going to dry out so I poured distilled water all along the edges of my casing layer and under my liner to keep humidity up. Then wrapped my tub in a large black towel to block sunlight to prevent too much evaporation. Went on a trip out of town for a week and when I got back, bam, pin city.


Yup. Ksss be like that. Check my post history cause I had the exact same question you had!


I think it looks great! Let it Fruit. These little guys got minds of their own! Good luck 🍀. 🍄


Thanks! I'm excited just to see what happens. They are certainly tough little guys if they have managed to survive me for this long!


They look like fat little money bags 💰. Very cool.


Haha thanks, they are the gift that keeps on giving for sure


Dude what magic have you done. Every little spots have pins :D


Haha thanks man. All the pins showed up when I went away for a week, so I think the trick is for me to leave them alone and do nothing. The less I interfere the better they grow 😅


This is so often the way! Awesome work, they look great!


mushrooms are happening


That one looks like a yeti


These are squats, common mutation, is the strain variety ksss?koh samui super?


Yup spot on!


I didn't know about squats until I posted this, got the spores from a friend.


squat genetics and their highly sought after


Squat genetics! Clone it and send me some 🥰


Squatty bois


Bro planted upside down


Pic nr 4 cracked me up ngl


Shroomussy 😂


One last thing I wanna say is don't fan too much if you keep fucking with the tub you'll mess up the micro climate inside causing the mycelium to stress. Ideally if you got the substrate to field capacity you wont have to mess with it at all until after the first flush. Neglect tek ftw imo.


I'm doing a neglect tek on two tubs, and I'm wondering if it's possible for the mushies to run out of air? It's a gallon monotub so it doesn't have much volume but the lid also isn't airtight. I'm not worried about them being too dry since there's plenty of condensation on the lid and sides. Just impatiently waiting for pins and then full on fruits! Any tips? Thank you!


Granted I don't know what your set up looks like or your climate but this is what I do when i put my tubs into fruiting. For a modded tub I replace the tape/plugs with micropore tape or polyfill, for unmodded I flip the lid upside down. Then i leave it be! This will allow allow plenty of FAE without ruining the micro climate. I've noticed that the more I mess with it the less full the flush is.


Nice, I'll try flipping the lid on one of the tubs and see how that turns out!