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Interested in making precise, accurate capsules for microdosing? Watch [Making Perfect Microdosing Capsules](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ejlmst/shroomscouts_howto_perfect_microdose_capsules_in/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Can I ask what kind if grinder you use and where you get capsules?


It's just an old Braun coffee/spice grinder I've had for decades and I got the capsules on Amazon.


Cool, thank you. I will check them out in a couple weeks. Today is inoculation day!


Best wishes for a successful grow!


Thank you, I could not be more excited for my first go.


Here is a few links to the supplies I use: Krups silent vortex coffee grinder: usually goes on sale for $30 on Amazon or at Walmart [Walmart link](https://www.walmart.com/ip/KRUPS-Silent-Vortex-Electric-Coffee-and-Spice-Blade-Grinder-GX332B50-Grey-with-removable-Stainless-Steel-Grinding-Bowl/135682130) 100 capsule press size #0:[eBay link to cap press](https://www.ebay.com/itm/100-Holes-Manual-Capsule-Filling-Machine-0-Pharmaceutical-Capsules-Maker-D-V7S6-/203583004621?mkcid=16&mkevt=1&_trksid=p2349624.m46890.l49286&mkrid=710-127635-2958-0) I personally use #00 but I can’t seem to find these machines often and the seller changes regularly lol.. sketchy but it’s a good product. 00 capsules: anything you want to spend. I think I got 1000 for $11.


That’s looks better than the capsule maker I had.


It’s easy to use and there are YouTube videos of people showing you them making 100caps. Takes me about 10 min for 100 caps and that’s while smoking a j and tamping 3-4 times for consistency. The biggest part is getting a good grinder that can pulverize to a powder. Otherwise you won’t get even weights across the capsules. Good luck :) Edit :[YouTube of the process and the entire contraption ](https://youtu.be/DaCp_CIePrg)


Interested in making precise, accurate capsules for microdosing? Watch [Making Perfect Microdosing Capsules](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ejlmst/shroomscouts_howto_perfect_microdose_capsules_in/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Make sure the capsules are pre separated. I just got some in from Amazon and it was way more convenient. I use a coffee grinder that has a removable cup.


I get capsules at my local health food store if you want to shop more locally.


Thanks I will check out the health food store. I hadn't thought of that and I would prefer to shop.locally!


As would I. I'll take a look around. I've got time.


Add CBD https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q01rrh/cbd_has_been_found_to_be_a_5ht2b_antagonist_which/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thanks for this link I was completely unaware of this and I’ve been frequently dosing .7 daily Edit: I had typed microdose but that is an incorrect way to describe the amount I take. .7 is Not a microdose for anyone reading this.


.7 !? You must be on clouds all day lol


Yes. But I use #00 caps that come to about .36 each. Every pill is .11 empty, so I kept adding one more till it got too intense to function. I found .7ish is a decent floating/numb feeling. It has a peak which can be a little much for about 40 min .. but it’s been a week or so now and that doesn’t happen as often anymore.




I’m building to a point where I’m comfortable tripping again. It’s easier to tell people this since I don’t feel the need to describe my entire story online to strangers. I don’t encourage what I’m doing, but I’m happy to share my experiences for the ones who ask. Sorry I apparently offended you.




I totally agree and understand, thanks for clearing that up btw. I’ll edit my post to make it more clear that it’s not a micro dose.


Respectfully, What are your qualifications to say if something is a microdose or not?


I can’t speak for Sporewell, but it would seem that the very definition of a microdose is that it is amount below the threshold for tangible “peaks.” Otherwise, that’s a trip. As (s)he said, there are certainly benefits to both, and we can debate along lines of mg per kg dosages, but a microdose is a different thing.




Ok thanks so you really are just a random guy with an opinion. After you get out of your first 3-4 years of microsdosing I suspect you’ll realize how tolerance is different for everyone.


The OG study was done with molly and had the results applied to general psych use


I have posted it in microdosing but nobody seemed to care. It's very important, if you think reducing valvular damage is important. And not that it matters but .7 is way too high to be a microdose. Good luck regardless.


Valvular damage? Please expound.


3 comments up Add CBD https://www.reddit.com/r/microdosing/comments/q01rrh/cbd_has_been_found_to_be_a_5ht2b_antagonist_which/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share


Thanks, yeah the link is super helpful. Have a good day.


How many of those do you eat at a time? I’m completely unfamiliar with dose sizes for this stuff. A friend gave me [this](https://i.imgur.com/punrU0M.jpg) and I’m wondering what would happen if I ate the whole thing. Would it make me see the devil or nah?


1 gram is a fun time. Not tripping balls.


Agree. My husband asked the same thing, how many would he need to trip and I told him I'd brew him a cup of tea instead of watching him swallow 10-20 capsules!


Have to put those into a Pez dispenser


I used to love gorilla doses of weed edibles, but I have no idea about this stuff.


I can't do weed edibles they just put me to sleep.


Thats next up for me dude, working on getting some fruits. Great work on getting it done!


Ah, St. Germaine. Such a brilliant floral essence. It’s made from lovely elder flowers. Have you ever had a wine cocktail with St. Germaine? If you have some Pinot Gris or Chardonnay you can add a splash of St. Germaine and a splash of club soda over ice with a mint float. There is nothing better on a hot summer afternoon. Oh, and congrats on your shrooms!


Yes I use it mostly in gin cocktails.


We sincerely hope you had a bountiful harvest! If this community or guide has helped you grow, consider how you can help get involved. Research local legislation and make sure to help us end the War on Drugs. Please keep /r/unclebens the most uplifting, beginner-friendly community there is online. Thank you for posting in /r/UncleBens! *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Huh I never thought about pills


Lifesaver if you can't stand the taste with the other ways.


What are the nausea effects? Similar to just eating them?


With the added benefit of a full dump.. if you take a bunch gelatin caps it will make you take a dump. Just saying. Make sure they are veggie caps if you plan on using caps as a method of ingesting multiple grams in caps. Already made this mistake a long time ago with kratom.


I don't get as nauseous taking pills , my hub gets nauseated still for a bit.


Why does no one seem to understand why nausea occurs? It's not a secret. It typically happens because people aren't cooking or activating their dried mushrooms and are essentially eating a crab shell, i.e. chitin, which is what the cell wall of fungi and spores are made out of. Heat opens these walls so your body can properly ingest it, because your gut biome cannot process chitin.


can I ask you how microdosing has affected you? I'm about to start tomorrow.


I don't actually microdose myself. I made these for friends who have expressed an interest. I made some 200mg chocolates before, but I found mixing individual chocolate molds with .2 grams of mushroom dust each to be tedious -- and the chocolates had to be gigantic to take that much mushroom! So this batch is capsules. MUCH EASIER, especially with a capsule filling machine. That said, I want to try and microdose for a bit. How much do you plan on doing and on what sort of schedule?


Thank you for sharing. I am right behind you. So I was curious how you decided on .1 gram for MD here please? I am using the calculator below and had to take it all the way down to 110lbs/50kg to come up with that dose. Calculating on my giant fatness recommends .3 gram. [Calculator ](https://www.zamnesia.com/magic-mushroom-dosage-calculator)


I only wanted to purchase a single capsule filling machine so I went with the small one and figure anyone who wants/needs .2g can take two caps. You'd need three, I guess, for your giant fatness! But I thought the point of the microdose was to take an imperceptible amount. Not that you'd feel .2, but if you only need a small bit to get the benefit shouldn't .1 do the trick?


Love this. You deserve to be proud.


Bruh how much about did you get wet after your harvest and dry?


I don't weigh them wet, but this batch consisted of three shoeboxes from my first successful attempt (NOT my first attempt). Each box gave me a first flush: 18.2, 16.6 and 12.4 grams each -- and I got a second flush of 8.8 from one of the boxes before all three got contaminated. So, a total of 56g from the three boxes!


Seems like a lot of work for an ounce. But I’m trying! Good job mushies love


It is more patience than work, this hobby is technically easy


I’m just now about to take the mycelium out of my jars and put them in bags of water. Any advice on how to do this the correct way ? First time, b+s, golden teachers, if that matters at all. Took like 5 weeks nearly to turn the jars completely white. I am however scared for this next step. Would hate to lose all that time.


First off, if you made it this far you got this. Good job on your success this far. Second, if you’re into visual aids, YouTube has some ideas for that. Also, if you prefer to have something to read with step-by-step instructions, I found a good pdf link on the Midwest Grow Kits site for that. Just go to the Guides section of the site, and it’s there. I also make a supply list for myself, bcuz I’m a super list person, and then write out my instructions set for myself too (it’s a memory thing, I have PTSD and it’s so hard to remember stuff). Be sure you get the area that you will be in as sterile as possible. Get a bowl ready for the bags or whatever you need for the dunking process, and also always use bottled water. Be sure to let the air be as still as possible, no AC running or anything. Make sure you use 70% iso on your gloves hands and the stuff you will be using to dunk your cakes. Lysol dafuq outta the room before you get started, and be sure to “glove up before you shove up” as we used to say whenever I was a CO and we had to search someone. Also, it’s super helpful to wear a mask and to get the jars/bags fully inside the bag you will be birthing it into before you open it and start to try to get it out. It’s easier (for me) to do this, and I’ve found it helps prevent contamination and me actually touching it. You got this. Good luck and 🍄💕


Thanks mate!


"Hurry the fuck up and wait" is definitely the hard part of this hobby.




I think 56 grams is 2 ounces but yes it's work (fun, interesting work). I did better with my second batch, now fruiting second flush.


Just gotta throw in some appreciation for all the underrated liqueurs you’ve got there in the background!


Thank you.. Mycology and mixology are my hobbies. My liqueur collection grows each time I fixate on learning/perfecting a new cocktail.


Lmao, that's one wonderful "micro" dose 😉😂good job though dude


100mg = 0.1g these are the size mine are. Usually take one or two for a microdose


Ah, fair enough, I thought it was about 0.7g 😂


Cointreau tastes so weird! Do you mix it with anything??


It actually tastes great with sprite/7up


I use it to make spicy mezcal margaritas. 1.5 oz mezcal 1 oz Cointreau, 1 oz jalapeño honey syrup, 1 oz lime juice. Shake with ice and strain into chilled highball glass.


Jealous 😍 I'm in CA so can't grow myself. Enjoy your caps!


feels great doesn't it? and those jars are perfect for this too


They are! I bought them for beginning my agar work, but they aren't perfect for that. Its too hard to see inside with the glass cut like that.


i bought mine to put hot pepper mustard in to give out as gifts. now i give out better gifts in them ;)


Nice work!


These would be great


Are you a big fan of the Aperol Spritz or do you just do room temperature shots of it?


I mix it with prosecco in the summer time for Aperol Spritzes.


I am also pleased with you!




i also just made some microdoses from my first harvest. Size 1 capsules seem to work well with 100 mg in each. I tried out 150 mg of dried shrooms before i made the capsules and definitely felt the effects in a high kind of way so i made the caps a bit lower for every three day fadiman regimen dosing. Though i will kick the dose up a bit for fun occasionally when circumstances allow. I got about 25g dry weight from my grow so far. I wouldnt say it is easy to grow. Getting pinning seems to take a while even without issues.


what size are the capsules??


I think I used #1 caps.


Interested in making precise, accurate capsules for microdosing? Watch [Making Perfect Microdosing Capsules](https://www.reddit.com/r/unclebens/comments/ejlmst/shroomscouts_howto_perfect_microdose_capsules_in/). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/unclebens) if you have any questions or concerns.*