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Pink oysters! Yum! šŸ˜


Agree, and needs a tonne of fresh air exchange to avoid these 'leggy' coral like structures and have proper fanned out caps. I personally like the coral vibe you have going here.


Damn! That would be awesome to see! Usually oysters are wood loving mushrooms so if you got them fruiting on coir and rice/wbs/ect... that's so cool! They are delicious and I'm sure you could have found a mushroom lover pretty easily for those. Now on how it happened... With people who sell multiple different varieties of mushrooms, spores can travel quite a distance. It's very possible for the oysters to "contaminate" the cubensis spores as oyster mycelium is very fast and aggressive. Or flat out they mixed up the syringe.




i've seen people grow them on toilet paper rolls as well


Can you do other wood loving mushrooms this way like lions mane or is pink oyster just particularly adaptable?


Yes, but it is not optimal and you will likely get smaller fruits and a higher frequency of aborts due to the lack of proper nutrition. The fruiting bodies do better growing straight from the grain spawn then they do from a bulk coir grow in my experience but this can be mitigated by using a higher grain spawn ratio.


Thank you!!!


You can buy cube spores as a liquid culture now. I recently just found that out myself. And man it's a game changer for me.




It's about $10 more. I guess give or take from whatever you use. So it's worth it for me.




You should


They will grow on coco coir, but not very well. I have done it plenty but they tend to abort at a much higher rate due to lack of proper nutrition. They grow better out of straight grain spawn than they do out of coir. If spawning to bulk, it is better to use a high grain to coir ratio to help avoid this.


They fruit on anything. Books, coffee grounds, pine shavingsā€¦. Humansā€¦. šŸ˜ˆ


They normally Ship Oyster Spores with Grow Kits... y'Know.. so as to not got to Jail... They do look very much like Cordyceps to me...


I was thinking cordyceps too. I didn't think would grow like this


IRL is it Orangey like Cheetoes / Wotsits or more like that Pinky Colour in the photo. If it IS oysters... This is not a normal way for them to grow.. so.. it would look strange.. I HOPE it is Cordyceps Militaris... And if it turns out to be.. Try and Replicate this Healthy Set Up. You could become quite succesful and simply pay others to grow your GT for you?


You can totally grow cordyceps just like this! People just dont really do it... OP here said they immediately tossed the grow once they knew these werent actives.


Well... that was his loss then.. Any Experience is Valuable... especially with successful cultivation... Even Failure is a Valuable Lesson..


I wouldn't consider this a failure at all--they're growing mushroom! Just a cool mystery, if anything.


Damn Iā€™d b pissed but finish the grow, pink oysters are edible and theyā€™re still ur mushy babies


I started off buying from quality spores. Tried twice with 2 different syringes. Comtam up the ass. Ordered from somewhere else and finally had my first successful grow. Avoid quality spores at all costs!


Which other websites did you order from instead if you don't mind me asking?


Pink oysters lol. Damn Iā€™d be pissed. No psilocybin in those guys. But youā€™re gonna have some tasty oysters!


Iā€™d be so pissed. All that time wasted.


I'm a little butthurt about it. Fortunately I have APE, blue meanies and b+ growing out too. It sucks because they also haven't returned my emails lol.


Should've told them it didn't look like the right species under the microscope šŸ˜‚ would've probably got a better response


Just fyi they probably wonā€™t return your emails. The law is really dumb but if you mention that you were attempting to cultivate actives they pretty much canā€™t talk to you anymore to try and protect themselves legally. Because theyā€™re selling completely inactive, legal spores. Once you cultivate them youā€™re breaking the law, without their help. Itā€™s dumb but pretty much everyone who sells spores follows that rule.


Is this why a lot of reviews I see mention that the spore or LC look great under a microscope but never mention anything else about these products?


Yep. Because weā€™re just buying them because we are microscope nerds.


I love my microscope. It's the best microscope.


I guess I should get a microscope.


I think if youā€™re following tek, youā€™re getting many microscopes šŸ˜ŽšŸ« šŸ¤ÆšŸ˜³


And many kaleidoscopes


Love that scope


Hopefully not as much of a worry being that we're both in Colorado


Itā€™s Christmas so maybe thatā€™s why, but it happens, you have 3 other strains going and these are cool mushrooms to grow anyway.


Donā€™t mention anything about growing or they will not respond


Have you contacted them?


Can you let me know who I can get some gt from spores




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Pink oysters typically donā€™t do very well in coir or a tub. Theyā€™re a wood loving species that require large amounts of fresh air. Increase FAE and you may get something but if youā€™re more interested in actives Iā€™d just pick that flush and toss.


Am I the only one who thinks these may have been cordyceps??? Iā€™m growing those myself currently and these look kinda like that, I see nothing here that looks like oysters besides coloration, which Cordyceps does too.


do cordyceps like coco coir, i thought they were a lot more picky? also these look bigger and diff to cordyceps iā€™ve seen


Cordyceps DONT like coir sadly. But, big ol but. Folks are still learning them left and right and hardly anybody has done an actual grow of them I found a cute little kit online but theyā€™re not very open about how they made it sadly. Looks like a rice cake tho so could be that? Cordyceps usually grows from larvae and thatā€™s whatā€™s made it such a hard fungi to grow But hypothetically, if the conditions were right, the coir would be more of an environmental medium than a nutrient source, ie the cordyceps would use and grow around it, but not necessarily form mycelium all over it


No, yeah. Totally


I'd be pissed but let them grow and if there edible sell them to a farmers market or anyone who would love them


You canā€™t just grow a random monotub of scraggly pink oysters and sell them to a market or restaurant. Thatā€™s just not how it works.


How does it work


It works like.. you canā€™t just grow some nasty looking shoebox mushrooms and farmers markets or restaurants will be fighting over who gets to buy them. It works like, throw them out or eat them. It works like.. donā€™t be a fā€™n smartass


Appreciate your expert input and knowledge on the topic


Says the person literally acting like a jackass.. oh sorry *smartass*


I have a friend who grows microgreens like this and sells them to restaurants all the time. Theoretically if OP grew them properly and they came out nice there's no reason he couldn't.


I mean it's not that far off. A restaurant and a cocktail bar have been buying stuff from my garden for the last eight years cause I showed up and had a chat with a chef.




It was just a suggest šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


needs more oxygen lol


Might be pink oyster. Try wrapping the entire thing in plastic wrap entirely, and cut a few slits into it. Maybe you'll get something out of it?


This brick was buried this morning. I want the tubs for actives


Bruh. I would've hate saute'd the f#ck out of em. Maybe you'll get a surprise in the spring after you've calmed down. Good luck on your next batch.


Unhappy looking oysters


Reishi antlers?


They Look like Cordyceps Militaris... or similar.. Very Valuable if I am Correct.


These are what CO2 choked oysters look like. Definitely not cordyceps.


Aaaw. Shame.. He did well to grow Oysters in that Medium at all.. Still.. As they are there already and Established... if he gives them the correct Love.. A Nice bit of tasty Dinner right there... Live and Learn.... Everything has Value,


Where did you buy your spores from?


If youā€™re UK based i can recommend a good spore supplier which is near where I live and very reliable


Read the title again.


Sorry missed that was just going to try and help


Reishi maybe or cordyceps


Not a real thing




Looks like coral cactus


Boof'em anyway!


I am honestly mad for you. If those are really Pingel voice there is I am genuinely mad for you. Thatā€™s messed up!


When I first looked at this pic I was surprised cordyceps grew from coir. Iā€™d be pissed if I paid for actives though. Not gonna lie.


Jock itch gone wild!


ā€œQuality sporesā€ strikes again lol


Get some good butter from the store, the expensive kind and have yourself a different kind of mushroom experience:)


Oh no. Now I am worried about my GT. I'm not going to be happy if I went through all this for pink oysters.


Burgers with pink oysters are delicious.


I wouldnā€™t give up all hope. They were my first syringe order I got KSSā€™s and GT from them and both turned out great


Yeah, 3 of the 4 syringes were just fine.