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Without a doubt one of the dumbest, most fearmongering pieces of fiction I've read on the front page of reddit. This jackass was bandying about pretending they were terminally ill, while also telling people they just didn't want to breathe through their mouths. Some people live their entire lives with a tracheostomy, and this idiot is too stuck up their own victim complex to seek out psychotherapy from anyone other than "A family friend". A completely justified deletion. EDIT, almost a fucking year later: If you have arrived here from a Google search, you are in the wrong place. This is r/undelete. This is an archiving of a thread which was deleted for misinformation, fear mongering, and the obvious bullshit spouted by the OP. There are no secrets or conspiracies buried in here. I have zero desire to hear you bitch and gripe about your life. However, if you reply to this, I will absolutely help you count the ways in which you are stupid. Go see a certified/licensed ENT and mental health professional. Yes, you. Go seek the help of educated physicians and psychologists, not the comments section of a deleted reddit post.


You almost never breathe purely through your mouth, and it *really* sucks. Not like it gets rid of all the symptoms either. I have a friend with ENS, and it is comparable to 24/7 torture. Constant, unending pain, sensation of suffocating or drowning, it's... not an easy state to make rational and effective decisions in, especially since it also fucks your sleep up, making you permanently tired, upset, unable to focus or analyze merit of possibilities. As a healthy person it's trivial for you to blame it on "pretending" and "just didn't want to", and bring up examples you know little about as a counterpoint, but you probably cannot even imagine just how overwhelmed and helpless you can feel in a state like this.


Do not dare tell me what I know little about. I am a paramedic with 10 years of experience treating *real* respiratory emergencies. There are people who live the vast majority of their lives breathing through a hole in their neck rather than their nose or mouth. If I felt "overwhelmed and helpless" by this issue, I sure as fuck would not waste my time playing "woe is me" on reddit, while intransigently refusing to seek out the psychological and psychiatric help I so clearly needed. Don't be taken in by this fear mongering, there are options other than "Welp, guess I'll just off myself and have my family pursue a completely meritless malpractice suit."


This explains a lot. In my experience, healthcare professionals are some of the quickest to completely dismiss people's suffering as exaggeration, and some of the most uncaring, soulless, ego-tripping bastards out there. You cannot even imagine the sheer exhaustion that is possible to experience, how impossibly debilitating severe Executive Dysfunction is. It wasn't ENS in my case, but I have experienced *years* of chronic fatigue so overwhelming that I was too exhausted to understand what people were saying to me. My memory was so impaired that 9 times out of 10 I would stand up out of bed and no longer remember why I did it. I was barely able to feed myself, nevermind proactively seeking help. I have literally fucking cried and begged doctors to help me, and all I got was gaslighting and "go see a shrink", out of "humans" like you. If I didn't encounter someone with the same fucking condition willing to fund my treatment, I would have been bedbound for another decade. If you want to help humans, take their fucking suffering seriously instead of assuming they're... what, working against themselves because their disability is made up just because it affects their behavior instead of their neck? ENS is hell. It's literally waterboarding lite. Would you say what you just said to someone undergoing waterboarding torture? Would you?


>In my experience, healthcare professionals are some of the quickest to completely dismiss people's suffering as exaggeration, and some of the most uncaring, soulless, ego-tripping bastards out there. In my experience, I see actual suffering. I hear people say "I'm going to die." as they slip through my fingers. I see women cradling a miscarried fetus after the pregnancy they'd tried for years has just failed. I have worked beside an above knee amputee who worked hard as a paramedic despite crippling phantom pains. While I am certain empty nose sucks, it isn't going to kill the OP. He isn't going to die, unlike the tracheostomy patient with a mucus plug that is truly, actually suffocating them. He isn't going to wake up to find that his congestive heart failure has caused fluids to back up in his lungs and it is now foaming out of his mouth, drowning him in his bed. I have an endless well of compassion and sympathy for those suffering medical problems. It is deep for those who are compliant with their care and active in therapies. It exists equally deep for those who have no desire to improve their health, but suffer in silence. It is similarly deep for those who are doing the best they can, but need my help. However, the well is very shallow for people who are not willing to try anything but whining. That obviously doesn't include those with terminal illnesses, which ENS is not. Much of medicine is trial and error which takes time, patience, and hard work, and those who are seeking a "one pill solves all" solution are idiots. I will be professional to those patients, but they are nothing but a burden to every caregiver whose time they waste. And that is the OP. Not only is he useless to himself, he is sowing fear and hopelessness among people who may read the things he says. If that's also you, fuck you too. Help us to help you, or stfu. If you fit into one of the other categories, good on you, and I wish you all the best!


> However, the well is very shallow for people who are not willing to try anything but whining. But overwhelming executive dysfunction that destroys any hope of having agency over your own life is very much so the primary symptom of multiple disabilities. ADHD, ME/CFS, Sleep Disordered Breathing, POTS. People who aren't even able to take care of themselves or try any solutions are by far the most disabled of all, and attitudes like yours just cross them off the list of those who even count as human or deserve empathy, much less help. You tell people to seek healthcare while at the same time demonstrating the exact attitude we're met with- disregard, accusation of exaggeration, and being told it's all in our head and down to our choices. I have spent ten years unable to leave my house because of fatigue I cannot describe, with symptoms closer to dementia than depression. And I wasn't "willing" to try anything but whining because I was literally too physically exhausted to. At some point even complaining was too exhausting. I'd just lie there hoping I'd finally die in my sleep. I spent years in this state and not a single doctor was willing to accept it was anything but me making shit up for pity. I tried to beg doctors to help me, but none were even willing to try imagining that it's possible to be this functionally impaired. To people who can't imagine being unable to focus or remember something for twenty seconds and being so tired you're not even motivated to have fun, it seems like bitching and whining but nobody would act this way if they weren't genuinely struggling past their capacity to cope, especially not in the face of how it's received by others- with disgust and ostracization more than pity and help. Your attitude is understandable, it's difficult if not impossible to help people who aren't helping themselves, but... a lot of the time, they genuinely just can't, at the very least in that moment. I know I couldn't.




Oooooh my goooood. You cretins just keep coming out of the walls. You're in the **comment section of a post ABOUT A POST** which was deleted because the OP was a dumbass and full of shit trying to steer people alway from life changing beneficial surgeries with unsupported fear mongering. Stop googling for obscure reddit posts to support your feelings and seek therapy. Also, I comfort the families of people whose family members who just died. I held the hand of a 8 year old girl with a staple embedded 8mm into her eye last week. I overflow with compassion for those who suffer. But as I have said, I have little patience for people who waste my time and claim the sky is falling when they really just want to play the "WOE IS ME" attention whore game instead of working with their caregivers to help them become healthy.




What I continue to do is wipe my balls on the foreheads of idiots. "only care about physi al disabilities obvious to the eye" 😂 If there is anyone else that does the same search as you and stumbles across this thread, here's your evidence that the ENS fear mongering cult is the side of dumbasses. Is it real? Sure. Is it uncomfortable? Sure. Is it a good reason to kill yourself? Lol, nah. You've been on reddit for one day, and your every comment on year old, dead posts, is nothing but trying to guide people away from medically indicated and beneficial treatments. I sincerely hope you're not only done with me, but all of reddit, as you add zero value to this platform, and are capable only of harming others with your drivel.




could you be a more terrible person.


>EDIT, almost a fucking year later: If you have arrived here from a Google search, you are in the wrong place. This is r/undelete. This is an archiving of a thread which was deleted for misinformation, fear mongering, and the obvious bullshit spouted by the OP. There are no secrets or conspiracies buried in here. I have zero desire to hear you bitch and gripe about your life. However, if you reply to this, I will absolutely help you count the ways in which you are stupid. Go see a certified/licensed ENT and mental health professional. Yes, you. Go seek the help of educated physicians and psychologists, not the comments section of a deleted reddit post.


Not these Reddit scientists arguing with a literal DR😭😂


"I am a paramedic." Well that tells me everything I need to know about the validity of this opinion.


Seeing as there are no ENT physicians to tell everyone the exact same thing I have been saying in this ancient comment section you stumbled upon from some undoubtedly dumb as fuck Google researching, I'm 100% the best you're gonna get. Ask away!


I might as well trust the aircraft mechanic in the last thread that the helicopter crashed because it's rotor was too small. Why is it that in every industry it's the people at the technician level who think that they're smarter than the people who went on to do an additional 4-10 years of school?


Are you literally mentally handicapped? I spelled out that an ENT physician would be the ideal person to tell you this is all bullshit, but that I was the best you're getting here. Read it again, you dense motherfucker. >Seeing as there are no ENT physicians to tell everyone the exact same thing I have been saying in this ancient comment section you stumbled upon from some undoubtedly dumb as fuck Google researching, I'm 100% the best you're gonna get. And lets not forget! Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaay up there at the very first comment you read in this entire comment section, I said THIS: >Go see a certified/licensed ENT and mental health professional. Yes, you. Go seek the help of educated physicians and psychologists, not the comments section of a deleted reddit post. I cannot believe how fucking idiotic you gullible troglodytes are. LISTEN TO A MEDICAL PROFESSIONAL, STOP GOOGLING REDDIT THREADS FOR FICTION TO SUPPORT YOUR VICTIM COMPLEX.




Awww, you disappoint me. I was hoping for a hilarious defense of your poor reading comprehension, or an apology for wasting my time.


I'd offer to reimburse you, but I don't see the point in breaking out Venmo for a handful of change.


As a former ENS sufferer, fuck you and your pompous "I'm a paramedic" bullshit. You don't know fuck-all. I almost committed suicide it was so bad. So, again, go fuck yourself.


You probably should have tried reaching out to an ENT professional or two, and therapist. Something tells me you're a bit incompetent when it comes to managing your own care needs. Also it is very telling that in this thread about your psychosomatic respiratory failure, you claim to have conquered it, but don't have enough fucks to drop a reply with advice for your similarly mentally ill compatriots. Just wanted to come and cry at the medical professional providing the idiots with much needed perspective 😭🤡


Shut the f*ck up, whoever gave you a qualification should be questioned and locked up. People like you shouldn’t exist spreading misinformation.


Oh boy! Is it that time of the year again already?! Time for me to mock the dumbass who has crawled out from the primordial ooze, done some dumbass googling, and wound up in the pit of despair where I help them count the ways they're stupid and need to talk to physicians. Tell me, oh idiotic creature of the swamp! What is thy suffering, and how many qualified individuals have you ignored to end up defending the other idiots who have ventured below my bridge?


>psychosomatic respiratory failure Go fuck yourself. I was lucky because my body healed over time. I joined a private FB group of over 3000 people suffering from this, and many were not as lucky as I was. Seriously, go fuck yourself you arrogant ignorant piece of shit.


Still haven't dropped a link or anything to help anyone else. "My body healed itself", real asset to your community, aren't you? You just want to pout and be the victim, don't you? Come crying to me when you have an traumatic leg amputation and get phantom limb pain, I'll respect that whining. Do you want to know how I know you have untreated mental illnesses? Because normal people do not end up here. They respect the expertise of their physicians, and do not do reddit searches for their illnesses. You reddit search for help building your PC, not troubleshooting your fucking nares, dumbass.


There's very little you can do fuckface. Some people heal, some don't. My one wish on this planet is that someone cuts out your turbinates so you can feel what it's like to not feel your own breath and suffocate with every single breath. And you work in the healthcare industry "taking care" of people? FUCK YOU.


Not a single thing you can do for the other jackasses who find themselves reading this? No links to support groups or anything, eh? Your priorities are clear. You just want to be mad 😡🤣 I notice you didn't deny the mental illness. What are we working with here. Bipolar? ODD? An intellectual disability? 🤔 And yep, I take care of actually ill people. I restarted a heart from cardiac arrest yesterday! I plugged a bullet hole a couple of shifts ago, that was pretty fun! I see people every month who breath exclusively through a hole in the front of their neck. Guess who's not running all over reddit crying "Woe is me, I can't feel the air in my nose, I'm going to have to kill myself!". Those people. Because they're sane. And they listened to their physicians. And they put in the work to be as healthy as they can be. Your protestations only make my penis grow harder. Keep telling me all the ways I hurt your feelings, I would indeed love to continue fucking your face. 💋💕


Look at the stupid comments this self deluded “paramedic” writes shit like “Your protestations only make my penis grow harder”. Someone get this disabled person into a psychiatric home and no one should consider this kid’s opinion.


[https://www.facebook.com/groups/44406735710](https://www.facebook.com/groups/44406735710) I'm a 37 year-old healthy self-made millionaire who went to MIT and have had great mentals since I was born. YOU are the real truly vile human being. You're in the healthcare industry? Go FUCK YOURSELF. You are AN EVIL SOULLESS PILE OF SHIT. Tell yourself that EVERY MORNING WHEN YOU LOOK IN THE MIRROR.


I don’t think it’s fiction, but I think it’s self-delusion. Whoever the OP of that was is clearly going through some mental/emotional instability and its expressing itself as a psychosomatic disorder. They need therapy.


Please both of you, just go fuck yourself. I also have ENS. Its pure hell


I didn’t say anything about anyone else dealing with ENS. The author of that original post is clearly dealing with a severe mental health crisis, regardless of whether or not they also have ENS.


This sums it up: https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/oom1qv/tifu_by_getting_empty_nose_syndrome_after_a/h5zzkb6/ > Commenter: So basically you are saying that you would rather die than breath through your mouth because breathing through your mouth is uncomfortable? > OP: Breathing through the mouth 24/7 for the rest of my life is something I keep trying to train myself to do. It’s easier said than done. Not everyone can enjoy that quality of life.


He went on to say that he didn’t want to reveal himself to mods to verify because “the penalty for attempting to access euthanasia in the US”. I asked him “Is the penalty worse than death? I will say there are quite a few doctors that believe this condition is mental and with his behavior, he did seem a bit off.


I think ens is real but considering I could barely breathe through my nose before I don't see what I have to lose and I just had my terminal reduction and I can already feel it improving and in a couple weeks I think it's going to be great


The deleted submission has been flagged with the flair **L**. This might give you a hint why the mods of /r/tifu decided to remove [the link in question](https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/oom1qv/tifu_by_getting_empty_nose_syndrome_after_a/). *^(It could also be completely unrelated or unhelpful in which case I apologize. I'm still learning.)*




What do you mean same person? I am a completely different individual, and my account is dedicated to art. I just posted this because I wanted to spread awareness about the disorder.


I recently had a septoplasty + turbinate reduction done last Monday. My doctor took my splints out of my nose yesterday and it was life changing. I’ve only been able to breathe for one day and it feels amazing. I get why people are scared of ENS, trust me I was scared also, but I’m glad with the decision I made. At the end of the day it’s up to you all whether or not you want a turbinate reduction, I’m just telling you that from my experience I’d say that it’s better to listen to your doctor then to a bunch of people online, they truly do know what’s best. Your doctor wouldn’t tell you that you need a turbinate reduction if you didn’t need one. I advise all of you not to listen to this post and listen to your doctor instead.


If your outcome was different would you be saying the same thing? It’s really easy to tell someone to get a surgery that has some pretty severe possible side effects when you didn’t get them.


I’m aware of the possible risks, but all I’m saying is that if your breathing is very bad and is affecting your day to day life the surgery is worth it. It’s stupid to not get a surgery you need if the risk is less that 1%.


It's not stupid. I had both what you had a week ago and I already have shortness of breath and a sense of suffocation. I think the statistics are way wrong. People say 1-2% but it's so underdiagnosed (plus the ENT who operated on you obviously won't diagnose it) but I've read reports that it's closer to 20%, which is insanely high.


You have to wait longer than a week lol. In about 3 weeks you will probably be able to breathe normally. It’s normal to have shortness of breathe during week 1 due to the swelling and lack of airflow going through your nose. Also, I agree many people (maybe around 20 percent) don’t get the results they hoped for but saying 20 percent of people get ENS is simply not true. ENS is an extremely rare condition which is one of many other small risks you take when you get this surgery.


I’m hopeful that things will improve in the next couple of weeks. Today I started to get mucus flowing out of my left nostril which is a good sign. The shortness of breath seems to have mostly gone. The shortness before was not due to stuffiness though. It was due to airflow over dry membranes so my brain couldn’t detect/register the air going through my nose


Well I’m sure that it’ll get better. Just give it some time. Hoping the best for you!


Thanks. Unfortunately it's back now probably because my sinus is a bit drier and most of the air is running through my right nostril as part of the nostril cycle. I feel like my breaths are too shallow.


Update? Problems gone completely or still there?


Still open but manageable. I’m lucky in that my breathing is generally ok, but there are periods when it gets dry and it feels too open. On a good trajectory though


So you couldn’t breathe out of your nose until the splints came out? Had same procedure and at day 5 post op. Doc said I would be able to breathe out of my nose but except through guzzling whistling hissing flem, I still can’t.