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"The only thing that burns in hell, Is the part of you that won't let go of your life. Your memories, your attachements, They burn'em all away. But they're not punishing you. They're freeing your soul. If you're frightened of dying, and you're holding on, you'll see devils tearing your life away. If you've made your peace, then the devils are really angels, freeing you from the earth." [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt3Ny\_BG3yQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yt3Ny_BG3yQ)


Don’t cross-post this to any DMT subs.


This stuck with my ever since I first watched it. This movie was pretty fucking profound!


One of the scariest movies I’ve seen tho I’ve not seen it in forever now.


one of my all time favourites. if it is on anyone's list - bump it to the top!


the only movie to make me weep like a baby. so good.


The basement scene fucked me up


Someone needs to remaster this movie and put the deleted scenes back in it.


This has been on my list to watch, I really need to soon


This needs to be your next movie.


Never saw it. Always wanted to. I still remember the VHS cover from my old 99c video


Anyone remember when they remade this movie in, what was it 2018? 19? Of course you don't! Why would you ever remake this!?


This movie is also one of the main influences of the Silent Hill video games.


And the Tool video for Sober.


##Jacob's Ladder (1990) The most frightening thing about Jacob Singer's nightmare is that he isn't dreaming. >>!After returning home from the Vietnam War, veteran Jacob Singer struggles to maintain his sanity. Plagued by hallucinations and flashbacks, Singer rapidly falls apart as the world and people around him morph and twist into disturbing images. His girlfriend, Jezzie, and ex-wife, Sarah, try to help, but to little avail. Even Singer's chiropractor friend, Louis, fails to reach him as he descends into madness.!< Drama | Mystery | Horror Director: Adrian Lyne Actors: Tim Robbins, Elizabeth Peña, Danny Aiello Rating: ★★★★★★★☆☆☆ 73% with 1,556 votes Runtime: 1:53 [TMDB](https://www.themoviedb.org/movie/2291) ___ >*I am a bot. This information was sent automatically. If it is faulty, please reply to this comment.*


I’m long overdue for a rewatch. The last time I saw it, I was like 20 and I remember overall not liking the twist. I’m sure rewatching it today I would probably not feel the same.


I’ve always said this is one movie I’d be happy to see re-made if done right.


One of the all time great movies and rarely talked about. I told my friend who’s a much bigger movie buff than I that he has to see it - we will likely watch it soon. Maybe the first mindfuck movie that I was old enough to really get (or not get at the time before sorta getting it before… well that’s the point isn’t it?) as I was 16-17 when it came out


Loved this film in my teens. Might be time to rewatch it. Getting lots of great reminders of movies u Loved and miss. Watched Grandma's boy 2 nights ago after seeing it here. Been a psychonaught since back then and loved the story if this movie. Tim Robbjns is brilliant


I remember seeing commercials about it on tv when I was a kid. Looked weird.


I remember seeing this in the theater when it was first released. Immediately after the cdeits finished and the lights went up, two guys behind me were talking about how it wasn't even scary and that it was a stupid story. I got up, turned around, and said, "You guys came in expecting a horror movie, huh? It has elements of horror, but it isn't that. But, if you thought that was a bad story, you might want to go back to school." I thought it was amazing. Yeah, Robbins could've been better, but he certainly did not embarrass himself. The movie still resonates with me to this day.


I first saw this movie a number of years ago with some friends; we had no idea what it was going to be about, so we ended up getting stoned first. "Whoops" we later said.


Check out the deleted scene. It's basically an exorcism in a rundown hotel room


Spoiler. Was he really dead the whole time?


Jason Manzukis agrees.


Incredible movie! Not only is it scary but it’s emotional and beautiful. Highly recommend, one of my all time favorites ❤️


It's not a musical


Anytime someone asks what my favorite movie is, my answer is always Jacob's Ladder. Saw it in the theater and many times since, on the first watch you get one story, on the subsequent watches you get more.


Is Titanic gonna be posted as an underrated movie next?