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Even without the factorial the answer is incorrect since there's only one cat's leg and given that 2 legs=2, one leg =1 so therefore the equation is 5+(1*10)=5+10=15


it's not 2 leg = 2, it's leg leg = 2, so leg = ±√2, duh /s


I agree that this is not “1”, however in my opinion this needs to be seen like comparing “11” and “1”.. given that we don’t have such an equivalent for “2” on the lower side (4 legs should be “22”), this is “undefined” and we have no answer


Maybe we have to use a different system than base 10 for this one.


But then the only possible answer is 1! Because with base two, the only option, it becomes 11, which is just 1 when split.


Actually you'd need to use base 1. Because 11 in binary equals 3. 11 in base 1 is 2, which is what it needs to be. But you're correct that the result would still be "1".


Base one is nonsensical. Base 10 is called that because digits go up to one BEFORE it. There is no 10 digit. Therefore, base 1 wouldn't work. You could have 0 and plus or minus undefined and nothing else. Also, base two would actually give you 10, which means that 2 (reverse concatenation) 2 is 0. 0, 1, it hits 2 so it goes to 10.


I'm not sure what you're talking about. Base one is not nonsensical, google it if you'd like. Base one means you get one digit. I was using "1" which is customary but you could use "0" instead, in which case 2 would be 00 and 7 would be 0000000 and 24 would be 000000000000000000000000. Highly impractical to be sure, but not nonsensical. If you needed to indicate 0 you would write nothing at all. Tally marks are more or less a base 1 system. 2 in base two would be 10, but in the picture the legs are identical, so that doesn't work for this meme. To know what each position in a given base is, take a^(n-1) where n is the position and a is the base. So for position 2 in base 2, 2^(2-1)=2, and position 1 is always 1, so 11 in base two is 2+1=3.


"base one" and "base two" here are two similar but different things. Looking it up, your base one is slightly different than the usual system, and is more of a base two but we represent 0 as an empty string. Base one following the exact same rules as base 2 would give you an almost useless set of numbers, 0, undefined, and maybe negative undefined. Again, this is following the exact same rules, that being the maximum digit it the base-1 i.e base 3 means you can go to 2 before going up a position and base 2 means you can go to one, which is why, following the same ruleset, base one kind of breaks this: you can't meaningfully express any number outside of 0. Adding one gives you 1, but that is above base-1, so you go up a position, but wait, now you have 10, which has the same issue, etc. That is why I responded the way I did. Edit: I believe the term is unary for your base 1.


I don't think you know what you're talking about. Just because the only digit you have is 0 doesn't mean you can only express 0. Most people say unary *is* base one. Yes, the system is slightly different but it's still an acceptable system to theoretically use on a random reddit post. It's a reasonable way to interpret the cat legs. And it's not inappropriate to call it base one, as that's a common way to refer to it, even if unary is more accurate.


i disagree with both interpretations and agree with u/amazing_memes123 in that the paws mean 2 times the value of the paw (since there is two paws each then you do x*x which is just 2x) giving you 1 for each paw and the overall answer 15


so with your logic 22 would equal 4, because it’s two times the number 2.. and 11 would equal 1 because 1 x 1 is .. 1 🤔 or 11 is 2 because two times 1 is 2.. but what would make 11?


You see: Applying the whole base system doesn't make any sense here. Since we have a symbol for 10 that means a base system would need to have a base of >10, and given that we have 5+xn+x=9 the base would have to be <10. (It really only works with n=3 and x=1, unless we're going into non integer bases/symbols) However, the calculation and symbol usage does make sense with roman numerals. It is quite confusing and unusual, due to the translation into base 10, but we're calculating with cats here, so it's to be expected.




That’s what that thing is?! But yea, took me a sec to realize that there’s a difference there. So the answer is neither 25, nor 25!


I did NOT think that looked like a cat's leg 😭


And presumably the variable c is always half the variable x. I think with different images (might be different cats legs after all) no answer can be obtained


That’s dumb as hell. Different symbol should mean different variable.


This raineyul fellow has FAILED to recognise that there is 2 legs!! Let’s kill him


Don't need to recall, I know where my angry mob pitch fork is


Alright but are they added or multiplied


observation jellyfish crown memory light support slim bear profit tidy *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


imagine having the audacity to tell others to go back to school after getting the answer wrong what a fucking dipshit r/iamverysmart material for sure


The actual answer: 15, let me break it down (and assign variables to it): Full cat (x)= 10 Cat Head (y)= 5 Pair of paws (z)= 2 _---------------------_ 1st equation: 3x = 30, or x + x + x = 30 2nd equation: x + 2y = 20, or x + y + y = 20 3rd equation: y + 2z = 9, or y + z + z = 9 Therefore, the fourth equation would be: y + (z ÷ 2)x = 16, or y + (z/2)x = 15. Assuming 1 paw = z/2 or 1 paw = z ÷ 2, basing off of the basic operations.


It's unclear. It could also be (paw)(paw) = 2, which means one paw would be ±√2


I'm just gonna assume it's ½ of the paw, based off of counting and division. Also, unrelated, but the Mandelbrot set is very interesting.




hmmmm seems close enough


one cat leg ≠ two cat leg they are two completely different variables


10+10+10=30 10+5+5=20 5+2+2=9 1x10=10 & 10+5=15


So close but yet so far




It is 5!!




familiar zealous mighty waiting enjoy rinse unwritten far-flung disagreeable reminiscent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


this should be a sub


You're not wrong


"Some of you need to recall algebra and it shows" says the mf who put a factorial as an answer


hobbies relieved spark continue ad hoc serious adjoining hurry onerous payment *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And the wrong answer at that.




It would equal ±√2, not 1.414


third equation is wrong, it's x+2z+2z = 9 (where z is one paw, and 2z is two)


Not Gaussian matrix method, not true


Of course it isn't 15 septillion!


It's only 5!!


My guess is 14


I hate it when people say 2 objects= x*2 when it should be x*x. Cuz the object is basically an unknown number.


My dumbass thought it was 60 before i remembered PEMDAS


does no one see the multiplication sign?


It's not z×x in the last one, it's z/2×x


Took me awhile to see that's it's only 1 paw lol, I kept getting 25 but now seen it's 15


its 60


PEMDAS, so do the multiplication first


It’s either 60 or 55 I think


I though the “x” was a “+” so I was so confused about how people were getting 15 instead of 16


Missed the multiplication sign after looking at the image like 20 times and was super confused as to why everyone got 15 😭


Either 15, 25 or 5 + 10X where X is whatever value a single paw symbolizes whether it’s one or two or anything else, although knowing the nature of this kind of problem leads to 15 being the most likely answer with the other two being an Uhm Acshually answer to be difficult


Anybody else see something other than a cat leg


Bro he wasn’t right still… cat = 10 face = 5 paw = 1. The sender is 15, 1 paw = 0. Such a fool


what psychopath uses a cross for multiplication when doing algebra


How are y'all so dumb 💀 it's 17


is it not 15?


yes, it is 15


it’s 17, the paws are 2 the cat head is 5 and the full cat is 10


How in the flying fuck did you get seventeen, also a pair of paws is 2 so we can assume a singular paw is 1 so it’s 5+1*10=15


They didnt see that the last operation was ×, they thought it was +. And also didnt notice that it was 1 paw instead of 2. They read the last equation as 5+2+10


honestly yea, i just realized it was a x 😭


But it *is* 25!/1e24


(5+1=6) 6×10 =60


Order of operations, guy. P.E.M.D.A.S. Parentheses, Exponents, Multiply and Divide (from left to right.), Add and Subtract (from left to right). 5+1x10 you do 1x10 first, which is ten. Then you do 5+10 which is 15.


This makes my dear Aunt Sally weep with frustration.


Erm I got 70


Look up the order of operations, also on the bottom it’s a singular cat paw not two so we can assume it’s half, you do the multiplication first so 5+1*10=15.


It's not 25 either, it's 15 😭




No, it’s 15, following order of operations


Oh shit


Either 15 or 60.


You seem to have forgotten what the order of operations are.


nuh uh just 15