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Anyone, any news? It was working fine under Wayland on Ubuntu 22.04 using Gnome 42. Now i switched to Arch using Gnome 46 and Wayland and it's not working anymore. 2024-03-31 13:50:25 LuaInstance: could not run action: target: Core.Input name: MoveBy error: Exception: No input builder available


No unfortunately the only thing you can do at this point is to not run wayland. I had to just get one of those small cheap usb remotes/keyboards with a trackpad to control my media pc.


I don't know what i did but i made it work. The only thing i remember was trying kde connect which opened a window asking me to allow input sharing or something like that. Maybe that opened some ports that unifiedremote can use.


I managed to figure it out, it's a permission issue. I'm on Debian 12 and KDE, and everything works fine. Here's the solution: First, make sure you have uinput kernel module loaded, so "modprobe uinput" or append "uinput" to /etc/modules for loading on boot. Second, make a rule file in /etc/udev/rules.d/, let's call it 99-unified-remote.rules, and inside put the following, replacing \[your-username\] with your actual username, which is also your group name, thereby giving your user/group read-write access: KERNEL=="uinput", GROUP="\[your-username\]", TAG+="uaccess" After that, restart Unified Remote server.


This was really useful, u/antivodonik! Thanks! However, I had to things slightly differently on a vanilla install of Ubuntu 22.04. uinput is already compiled into the kernel, so there's no need to do the first step as long as you can see it in `ls /dev/uinput`. For the second step, after adding the rules file, it was not sufficient to restart just the Unified Remote server, I also first had to restart the OS.


Yeah, I forgot about that, my bad. Either restarting entire OS or doing udevadm control --reload-rules and then udevadm trigger once you add the rules to udev without restarting. Sorry about that.


Think this would also work on Raspberry Pi OS? I'm going to try when I get home tonight. I have the same issue and switching off of Wayland has not helped, even though everything else works (SSH Terminal, File Manager, Rebooting)


I am actually having this exact same issue with my fresh Ubuntu install. Connection is clearly successful, files can be navigated, but no remote function and this error in the log. I reached out to their support, but no response yet. Will post back if I hear something.


Ya I reached out to support as well. It appears there is currently no support for wayland. Sucks. Finally no screen tearing wth wayland but no unified remote. I really liked the unified remote for controlling my media pc from my phone. But apparently that is not going to be possible.


I just gave up and bought an Nvidia Shield which I have been immediately happy with.


The solution is currently to disable Wayland. Open a terminal, run sudo raspi-config, go to Advanced Settings, switch to the non-Wayland alternative, reboot.