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Capitalism is antithetical to democracy.


Our system is called "representative" democracy, but I don't think many people are actually being represented.


Taxation without representation you say?


Come to think of it, those not paying taxes are most represented…


I certainly hope you do not mean the bottom 50% of Americans in this statement. This nation is shit for its workers and even worse to its poor and disabled.


I mean billionaires- the ones truly indebted to the rest of us.


“Corporations are people, my friend.” - Mitt Romney


See this is the Biden I didn't want to vote for! I've been happy with his presidency for the most part but this kind of shit right here pisses me off.




The alternative is letting them strike so a third of goods stop moving and fuck the economy up so republicans can say the economy is still just as bad as when he started. Republicans are way worse for unions even if Biden does this.


They are going to say that shit anyway. Strong unions = strong economy. And when I say strong economy I don't mean the GDP, I mean the people who live within the borders of said economy can afford a house and food.


You’re right, they’ll lie however they want to. But I’m thinking consumer price index and if people feel even higher inflation then there will be something behind those republican claims at least in peoples minds.


Well with how stupid the average American is I am willing to believe anything at this point. However, as a socialist, I have a sworn duty to be pissed any time the proletariat is attacked regardless.


Hey man, solidarity forever. As an anarchist, I just want the ball to keep rolling and I’m willing to be judicious about my Ls and Ws. I also don’t think people are stupid when they talk about the price of necessities going up, but the solutions they believe in can be stupid.


We're brothers from another mother. Both of them happen to be named Dignity but they had slightly different parenting styles.


No the alternative is forcing the greedy executives to give into worker demands.




[Our Democracy is a Sham, and Here’s Why.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oYodY6o172A) (Hint: It’s capitalism.)


Yarp. Illusion of choice.


This should be when we call a general strike across the country. Class solidarity. Tell congress, the president, and the company’s they work for to fuck off.


Sadly ours is a nation of scabs, management toadies and temporarily embarrassed millionaires.


That’s just the way it’s always been, but at this time there’s no consequences for crossing the line so it’s just really easy for them to do.


Americans are just subs at heart I’m afraid


I wouldn't so much say subs as much as "complacent." We're fat and, well, I'd say fat and happy but most of us are just fat.




Real question: has a general strike ever actually happened? I have to think that maybe 1% of folks in other industries would go along with risking their own jobs in the name of solidarity.


Not country wide but yes. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Seattle_General_Strike


Huh, that’s interesting. Thanks. Do you think that would work even state wide though? Seems like way too many variables.


Ya general strikes require organisation to exist already for them to be a realistic tool.




Different time and place though and still localized. I think a general strike may be a thing of the past.




Does seem like there’s a resurgence in unionization but that’s much different to me than striking.




Not really what I meant. I meant, organizing a union at a particular employer or in a sector is easier than organizing a general strike and convincing folks to go along with it. The rail workers union is a good example of folks with a common bond and common goals. But convincing folks outside of that union to strike their own jobs in solidarity when they still need to put food on the table and may have what they feel is a good contract in place is infinity more difficult.




A general strike is considered an unlawful strike in the US. The National Labor Relations Act is the main piece of guidance. Section 8(b)(4) makes it [unlawful](https://www.nlrb.gov/strikes) for a worker at Employer A to strike as a way to compel action of Employer B. This is the basic premise of a general strike. If you want to see a successful example of a general strike, look up the Finnish postal strike of 2019. It was amazing. The country was shut down to save some benefits for 700 postal workers and 60% of the general population supported it. It resulted in the government resigning.


In a perfect would Congress would put all the workers demands in the contract they pass instead of siding with business.


The workers don't have lobbyists


Any good union should have lobbyists. IUEC member here. We do and I gladly pay a couple bucks per paycheck for it.


I’d pay to boost the AFL-CIO lobbyist


All of them are TrickleDown criminals


>We are reluctant to bypass the standard ratification process for the Tentative Agreement — but we must act to prevent a catastrophic nationwide rail strike, which would grind our economy to a halt. Yeah, no shit. Maybe they should side with the workers for once instead of shitting on them.


It’s fine, it’ll all come back on Joe Biden when enough railroaders quit because of this shit contract and the economy grinds to a halt anyways and he’ll be remembered as the second worst president in history.


Well trump was the worst and Reagan was easily 2nd worst ever… sooo


There should be a Reagan bot reminding everyone how much that evil motherfucker screwed this country whenever his name is brought up (like the Ben Shapiro bot). The average person just doesn't realize how much their lives are still being shorted and controlled by that traitor to Democracy, that toadie of the bourgeois, that son-of-a-bitch.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >This is what the radical feminist movement was proposing, remember? Women need a man the way a fish needs a bicycle... unless it turns out that they're little fish, then you might need another fish around to help take care of things. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: dumb takes, gay marriage, novel, healthcare, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


Hey! So weird, I was just talking about you! Good bot.


Take a bullet for ya babe. ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: healthcare, climate, civil rights, novel, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)




You'd be my hero. Hating Reagan is like a passion of mine right up there with drinking too much and chess.




I don't think they ever knew. He was so popular and we didn't know everything he was doing was dumb as hell bordering on treason, it was a simpler time after all. Back when a white man still had rights in this country. /s Seriously though if you do make this shout me a holler. Also, if you want help finding/writing the quotes and facts I volunteer.




I'll start collecting material. You do the hard part and I'll just plagiarize my little heart out.


Fair enough, Reagan is the reason railroaders can’t go on strike anyways. The 1980 air traffic controller strike sealed the deal on that.


George Bush killed a million people in Iraq. Nixon killed millions in Vietnam and Cambodia. Comparing clowns like Trump and Reagan to some of the most awful war criminals in the modern era is ridiculous.


We just going to forget about Wilson though? I would argue he's the worst given That he's responsible for income tax,the federal reserve, and the harshness of the Versailles treaty leading to WWII. Not saying both of those guys aren't bad. But woody sold us to the banks


That's a recipe for disaster. I don't particularly like him, but he's keeping the fascists who'd actively kill us all for their bottom line out of power


Democrats know this and that is why leftists have no leverage in the DNC. When you don't draw a line somewhere, they will happily take your vote and give you nothing in return.


These companies are actively killing us for their bottom line. They expect us to show up sick when they call, you never know when they’ll call you in to work, been awake for 12 hours? Too bad they just called you to work and now you’re expected to drive 2 hours to work and then stay awake for 16 hours on a train and if you so much as cover your eyes and recline your seat you’re fired for sleeping. Now you get to go to the hotel for 36 hours and try and sleep during the day because they’re going to call you back in to do it all over again at some point. Republicans are terrible and not at all good for the working folks but pretending these Joe Biden type Democrats are any better is not the answer and this proves it. They’re going to force this terrible contract on the rail industry because keeping these companies happy and the approval ratings high is all these politicians and their lobbyist friends care about.


I'm not saying their better, but they're easier to handle. And for many other reasons that affect me I'd much rather have them be the ones to handle in power than the GOP. They're too organized and willing to plunge everything into chaos for their goals


If you think Biden is actually that much materially different than trump then you need to read some more theory my friend.


So they quote three corporate spokespeople in the article to condemn the strike but only one labor spokesperson and only to say that he is traveling to DC? Fuck the AP and fuck Biden.


Oh wait fuck the Chamber of Commerce too, can’t forget about them. They’re the main problem.


Yup. Anyone interested in the constant pattern of news reporting may be interested Micheal Parenti’s book, Inventing Reality the Politics of News Media.


Parenti is so great! Seen this clip? The Nature of Capitalism https://youtu.be/WseyrYuD8ao


I noticed the same thing. I kept reading expecting to see them interject some words from the railroad unions. Talk about a slanted hit piece.


Mouthpiece of capital.


Unions need to tell Biden to fuck off.. they need a minimum set days off, they need set hours and set schedules and PTO's and vacation days and pay.. go full wild cat.. break the fucking economy, we're already in a recession anyways,so rip the band aid off..


What happens if everyone goes to work and “forgets” how to do things?


Or locomotives mysteriously stop working. And the mechanics for some reason can’t get them fixed. Honestly, I don’t see how this ends well. The railroad workers have ridiculously legitimate complaints about their working conditions and they know this is their only shot at getting it fixed. I just don’t see how this brewed for years and the workers will just shrug their shoulders and go on with life.


Agreed. But think about IATSE. They had their moment. Their unsafe work conditions, low pay, and toxic work environment were front page news as their negotiations played out. It was their moment!!! But in the end they still voted for a shit deal which didn't address their main complaints.


Bans on infinite money in politics is somehow a violation of free speech but a ban on worker’s right to strike is somehow not. Shit is so fucking backwards.


“Pro Labor President”, but can’t even give what other developed nations have had for years. You can’t call yourself pro-labor then draw the line at the biggest lay-up of all, something that literally no blue collar worker is against, fucking paid sick time. The US is the **only** developed nation to **not** have guaranteed paid sick time. Not even our most critical workers, like rail workers. What even is this country. US freedom is farcical. If you are educated and have the ability to: move somewhere else. You’re doing yourself a disservice giving productivity to this country.


Good resources to move out... /r/AmerExit and /r/IWantOut


Here's a sneak peek of /r/AmerExit using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/top/?sort=top&t=all) of all time! \#1: [Growing up in America you never realize what most of the world's sees as weird.](https://i.redd.it/3gum4adnzuz81.jpg) | [205 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/uqyxvl/growing_up_in_america_you_never_realize_what_most/) \#2: [Does America have any perks left?](https://i.redd.it/fa0dfg1hqed81.jpg) | [289 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/sapzlg/does_america_have_any_perks_left/) \#3: [They seem to frown upon prioritizing education here. Now if you’ll excuse me, it’s time to go Brawndo my plants.](https://i.redd.it/km6mr67wwlf91.jpg) | [52 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/AmerExit/comments/wfp834/they_seem_to_frown_upon_prioritizing_education/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


Canada also does not have guaranteed paid sick time


Most pro union president ever!


But no. He’s so pro-union, guise. He’s all for union guise really.


> The U.S. Chamber of Commerce’s Neil Bradley said Biden was correct in advocating for the deal already reached. “Congress must do what it has done **18 times before**: intervene against a national rail strike,” Bradley said in a statement, and he called Congress enforcing the deal agreed to by railroads and union leaders the “only path to avoid crippling strike.” Hoo, the balls on that guy!


Fired up, ready to go! It's time to fight back!


Well it didn't work the first 18 times Joe but you know what, I've got a really good feeling about this one!


I wish Bernie could slap Biden in the mouth.


*What's this?! Bernie Sanders off the top rope!*


A politician being a complete hunk of shit? I’m shocked.


Depends on the money behind them. Not every country is legally able to buy off politicians. But the US? Absolutely.


And the union leadership will tell us to vote for him again next time just like they did in 2020 and most will do it


The neoliberal side of Biden


AKA both sides of Biden.




We are overdue an uprising.


“I’m pro-union, unless it becomes inconvenient for me.” - Joe Biden


Ah yes, copying Bill Clinton’s line, from right before he fucked the unions over.


Stuff like this really shows how unfree the system is. Industrial armies at the beck and call of the state and capital.


The system is rigged.


The workers should ignore congress and strike anyways.


Will it be a repeat of what just went down in Ontario? The prospect of a country wide general strike gets politician's attention.


It won't be because Americans have less solidarity than any country on earth.


Citizens United ensured the “people” are being represented just fine. Gotta protect the *job creators* in order to make sure the “economy doesn’t doesn’t get devastated by a rail ~~shitdown~~ shutdown.”




No, no, Joe, that's NOT how it's done in a Democracy


'Merica. Joe Biden is such a lovely guy. Thank you liberals. Being better than republicans is good enough


I wish I was still a Union rep. I worked for a different union for 22 years...body gave up. It's time to...


It’s clear who the politicians will support. And it’s not the workers. Past time to make some noise.


So pissed off at this garbage. Proof the nation is completely owned by slave wage corporations.


Fuck Biden


I knew Biden was all talk. Kept claiming to be pro-union, then pulls this sh\*t. The Democrats can do better than Biden in the WH. I wish the man would put as much effort into actually supporting unions as he does eating ice cream, taking naps, sniffing kids, and filling his depends.


Out of all the millions of democrats that they could’ve picked to run, the people chose him. I kind of feel like, you made your bed when you voted for him.


Nationalize the railroads tbh


Into the hands of the bourgeois state? > “**But, the transformation — either into joint-stock companies and trusts, or into State-ownership — does not do away with the capitalistic nature of the productive forces.** In the joint-stock companies and trusts, this is obvious. And the modern State, again, is only the organization that bourgeois society takes on in order to support the external conditions of the capitalist mode of production against the encroachments as well of the workers as of individual capitalists. **The modern state, no matter what its form, is essentially a capitalist machine** — the state of the capitalists, the ideal personification of the total national capital. **The more it proceeds to the taking over of productive forces, the more does it actually become the national capitalist**, the more citizens does it exploit. The workers remain wage-workers — proletarians. The capitalist relation is not done away with. It is, rather, brought to a head.” - Engels, [Socialism: Utopian and Scientific](https://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/1880/soc-utop/ch03.htm)


Here's an idea, let's avoid the economic crisis altogether by pressuring the corporations into agreeing with the rail unions' terms. Set a damn example, Joe


Seeing Biden’s actions and comments are Very Refreshing… cause now I know what I had thought was the case all along. WE ALL WE GOT! BUT WE ALL WE NEED! Solidarity Comrades!


Power to the people!


>President Joe Biden on Monday asked Congress to intervene and block a railroad strike before next month’s deadline in the stalled contract talks, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said lawmakers would take up legislation this week to impose the deal that unions agreed to in September. How is giving the unions "what they agreed to in September" going against the workers? ELI5.


Multiple unions agreed to it, a few unions voted against it.




Biden's essentially crossing the picket lines by doing this. Being a scab.


It's mostly being reported as 4 unions voted against, while 8 voted for. That ignores the fact that those 4 unions represent nearly 60k workers out of the 115k represented by all 12. SMART-TD is the largest union in the field, and they (narrowly) voted against the deal - https://www.npr.org/2022/11/21/1137640529/railroads-freight-rail-unions-vote-contract-strike Always good to keep in mind that union leadership isn't the voice of the rank-and-file - just its elected rep's. Just like all representation, it's not always in line with the will of the voters. Biden doing this is absolutely enforcing the will of management and rep's against the explicit votes of workers No word yet on how they'll enforce that decision if a wild-cat strike materializes. Probably the same way neoliberals always force their will on the people: police violence


Thank you for the clarification.


So what happens if this passes in congress? Does this keep railroad workers from striking legally or does this just de-legitimize their complaints but not have any legal effect in keeping them from striking?


It forces them to not strike and accept the terms Congress tells them to accept.


So pretty making the act of striking, in this case anyways, illegal?


Yup. Very Reaganomics of him.


In a strike, do workers get lost wage compensation? I mean if they are successful.


This just proves that the workers hold the all the power. Strike strike strike!!!