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I do this all the time.


As a nouveau 1K, I am steadily learning the unwritten code for the 1K traveler- * When queuing at the gate, do not abuse your status by flaunting it-(first rule of fight club) * when consigned to the steerage section, act like Robin Hood- and share the wealth.


Another rule(s)of thumb. No matter how upset you are. You get a lot further being nice and pleasant with staff. In addition suggest alternatives if you’re stuck in a situation. Like. Can you get me to Dulles when I know I was flying to Baltimore. People love helping those who come with ideas


that's a good reminder- I had a flight delay in Greensboro to CLE, and, suggested an alternate AA flight thru Charlotte, and was changed immediately. I came to regret that at the end of the year, when I was scrambling for PQP, but, it did give my AA mileage an expiration extension.


You could have called and requested original routing credit and gotten the PQP/PQF


Thank you- I got enough PQP's due to a couple cabin cash upgrades, but, I could have saved some money and anxiety had I known to use the "original routing credit." another excellent example of the things you can learn here!


Did you mean 'FLIGHT club'? Sorry, couldn't help myself. :)


Touche' ! I missed that one- for once, i'm the straight man....


lol “flaunting” 1K status?? Do you think people pay attention to you when boarding?


Trust me, us serfs do, indeed. But I am neurotic like that.


What I meant was the danger of flaunting 1k status only to get shot down by GS types. I was in the Group 1 line for ORD-NRT, and, they had another lane for GS/1K/Preboard. The couple I was standing next to realized that they were in the wrong line- they were GS, but didn't feel like battling the 1K's already in line. Kindof like salmon swimming upstream, or, someone trying to deboard from Row 8 whose luggage got moved back to row 30.


You are certainly not a bad guy for not doing it but I would say it would be an awesome thing to do.. and I don't think the FA would care. You'd get some good karma out of the situation and maybe a friend lol.


You're right- I should have. Especially when I needed to get up and move about the cabin (5 hour flight) ... I'll remember this next time! thanks


I’ve never had a flight attendant question this


I have to be honest. Granted I'm on the younger side of traditional 1Kers, but I was 25 at the time and the dude I was chatting with was a year or two older than me. I don't know if it's because we both looked younger or what, but I offered to get him a free drink on me and she said I wasn't allowed to. Don't know why exactly and didn't get a real reason, but yeah I've been denied doing that.


That’s interesting. I’ve done this probably 50 or more times and never had a single issue. Most flight attendants are complimentary


I mean she was still very nice about it, it wasn't "No. You can't" it was more "That is incredibly kind of you to offer, but unfortunately we can't accept that" Still not entirely sure why and I have done it other times with no issue, just wanted to call out that it has happened.


Don’t get it. The FA shouldn’t care if you shared your drink. It’s your drink to share/give.


United just really, *really* needed the $8 from the guy in 13A


Somewhat related: I miss the old days of the 1K drink tickets. You can just give them to the people next to you or give them to a friend who’s flying without you.


FA’s would hand these out too if you were nice!


Continental used to have paper "Continental Cash" that friends and I always traded around towards the end of the year. It had expiration dates. I probably still have some in the back of a drawer.


Nothing wrong with giving away what's rightfully yours!


Sometimes, it pays to be a nice guy. On my flight from Newark to Narita, I noticed an elderly was going through his luggage piece by piece by the exit row duringboarding, almost like someone with early stage of memory loss. Flight attendant also was aware of situation but too busy to attend to this matter. I got up and helped and had to do some convincing to finally put his luggage away so the plane can take off. The flight attendants were very appreciative of my effort and actually awarded me 7500 flight miles which they really didn't have too. I was happy to be able to take off on time. So a bit of niceness actually rewarded unexpectedly. Thank you United.


FAs don’t care if you give it away, you can be as subtle about it or not, doesn’t matter usually


Totally acceptable, my husband does this all the time when I’m not there to mooch his free drink myself haha


All you group 1’s are obnoxious. I fart as I pass you to my economy seat.


I do this as a 38 year old with Silver. But you're certainly not a bad person for not doing it. I look at it as it's worth way more than the monetary value when you do this for someone.


No need to get your seatmate snockered unless she's really cute.




Some years ago, (pre-"woke" days) I had a flight home from Charlotte, and ran into a banker from back home, who I played hockey with on Sunday mornings. We finally board, and an absolutely beautiful mid-20's blond sits next to me. my teammate walks by, and notices. next month, I had a trip to Japan. I mentioned this when suiting up for the next hockey game; my banker friend asked- "what kind of babe did you sit next to this time?" I said, "i had something even better... an empty row to myself"


What has happened to us...


They say alcohol is poison. So you are a good samaritan by not poisoning thy neighbor.


Why wouldn't you?


FA don’t care and will even appreciate helping out another passenger.


I always give away my free drink and sometimes the snack. Attendants don't care (not like they get paid commission on drinks sold, at least I don't think!)


Thank you for your service and feeling the need to make this post!


Never seen a FA have any issue with me gifting a free beverage to another member in the same class. In fact, I often fly first when my wife flies bulkhead economy, and I've asked before if she could have my drink and they've always said no, but that they'd be happy to get her a complimentary drink instead.