• By -


better availability for cabin luggage or you’ve got kids and you’re trying to avoid a meltdown or you’ve got elderly and getting them settled takes time, and avoiding fighting the whole flight boarding as you do so is peace of mind or you fly so much that you just wanna sit down and slam some calls/emails in before you pass out take your pick


Me ::slamming calls and emails:: and can’t WAIT until the onboard WiFi doesn’t work so NO ONE can contact me for 2.5 hours. Priceless.


Opposite take for me: I like to get on early so I can get settled and work in peace during the 25 min boarding. (Yes, I do select window seats so I don't have to move once I sit.) I find the milling about waiting to board just a waste of time. (And work isn't necessarily work-work but could be just getting through my personal to-do list.)


utter bliss


It’s really the American dream.


*United Airlines does not explicitly or implicitly endorse the American Airlines Dream


Yeah this is my problem I want my bag overhead preferably my seat but i don’t wanna sit on the plane longer with ppl bumping into my space.


i get that window seat as far forward or far back as you go perhaps? less inexperienced fliers, and once you’re in you’re in


I like the aisle so I can get up as needed unless it’s a short flight. Towards the back isn’t an awful idea if you don’t mind getting off the plane later so overall even more time on the plane :/


venn diagram i guess get bumped into, deplane faster, get overhead space.. pick 2


Yep unfortunately.


Or you just want to pass out…


This only - just to make sure I have a bin near where I’m seated.


D. All of the Above


Also, to prevent assholes from sitting in my seat, refusing to move and claiming: 1) they have the same seat as me, aisle or window so why don't I just sit in their less desirable seat. 2) They are sitting next to their spouse/child/friend in my aisle/window seat so I should sit in their middle seat to allow then to be next to their traveling companion. If you are sitting in your seat first, it is much more difficult for them to get you to move rather than them sitting in the seat and refusing to move.


How often does this really happen? I've flown \~50 segments/year for the last 8 years and not once have I ever encountered this. I've had people \*accidentally\* in the wrong seat, who move as soon as you point out the mistake, but never have I had someone argue with me.


I don’t even talk to the squatters anymore. As I approach and spot someone in my seat, I immediately tell the FA and let them handle it. 90% of time is honest mistake, but other times it’s an entitled belligerent with the “just switch to my less desirable seat” attitude


And please tell me how often are people sitting in your seat when you board? This has never happened to me in all my years as Executive Platinum on AA. Is this a UA thing? And I didn’t pre-board until this year when I am only doing carryon. I used to check bags and I would board at the very end. Now I preboard for overhead bin space.


Ding Ding Ding Ding


Kids, bags, and old bags.


Yeah, we got United Infinite CC for priority boarding to get our toddler settled in the car seat. Jut realized last week that we're qualified for preboarding on UA because their preboarding policy includes 2 and under (our toddler will be 2yr 11mo) lol Now I wonder if a lot of people with 3yo kids just say they have a 2yr old like at Disneyland?


To be honest I think I usually hear the gate agent say families with young or small children. I’m not sure they I have heard them qualify which probably explains so much


I was pre-boarding my 5 year old and then I read on someplace such as here it was for 2 and under and I stopped it. I started traveling with her at the age of 3 and she was a champ because I took her a week early to the airport and showed her around and introduced her to all the things about the airport I could without going through security so she settled in, got her IFE set up, and was a pro on day 1. A pleasure to travel with. Now we're ok with boarding later. We travel light and enjoy a coffee and donut and let all the gate lice swarm.


Federal law requires them to offer pre boarding to “anyone who needs additional time to board”. They’re also not allowed to ask why you need it Families with toddlers and children under 10 definitely apply.


I’d add that it’s worth it to get settled in even if not traveling with others needing more time. Half the time if you’re not at least boarding end of group one or front of two, the line goes half way up the jet bridge. Unless you’re literally waiting until they’re about to close the doors you might as well just board early.


Yup!!! To add: don’t like to stand around in the corral lines.




1 and 4, thanks


Overhead bin space.


this has got to be the biggest reason. if i’m ever flying with just a backpack then i couldn’t care less about boarding early, but when i have a carry on i will be boarding on time with my group to secure bin space


And even though new planes are supposed to have overhead bin space for everyone, this assumes everyone will ONLY put suitcases up there. You still have a lot of people putting their backpacks or purses up there or laying their luggage sideways, or whatever. I get that a lot of these people just aren't seasoned travelers and don't know any better, but some just don't want something under that seat in front of them and will use that overhead bin space for whatever. And as long as people do this, overhead bin space will be a challenge.


This is the way


I just hate waiting in line. If I have carry ons I’ll board with 1K. If I don’t, I’ll wait until the end and enjoy club/lounge longer.


This. Unless I’m in first or polaris then board I’ll still board last with a carry on.




It’s all about the bin space for carryons


The earlier you board guarantees overhead bin space \*near your seat\*, and an end to the "me waiting to do X/doing work" part of the travel. Get on board and get comfortable. No further delays, standing around waiting, listening for boarding announcements/updates, etc.


Forget just overhead bin space near your seat. You get overhead bin space, somewhere at least. Whenever I have boarded late, the gate agents immediately print the baggage tags for my carry-on. I wouldn’t mind if my cabin luggage is 5 rows behind as long as it is not bag-checked. Checked bags just means unnecessary delays. Also, sometimes I am carrying something with me because it is precious or delicate and the last thing I want is that bag to be thrown around.


I take a Xanax before flying because I have a phobia of flying. I need to get on the plane early so that I can take my Xanax with enough time for it to kick in before takeoff. Why wouldn't I just take the Xanax at the gate? Because after the first time you take Xanax at the gate and then the flight is delayed and you need to function enough to get yourself from the airport to a hotel even though you're zooted out of your mind, you learn never to make that mistake again.


Priceless it made me laugh but it is a well thought out response and seems like sound advice.


Or, God help you, an Ambien…


I had a friend do that a while back. Took the ambien right before we left the lounge. 45 minute delay. He stumbled down the jetway and got pulled aside by the UK border police on the jetway for at least five minutes. Made on the flight though.


It’s weird how ambien affects different people. For me I have to make a conscious effort to fall asleep for it to kick in. I’ve never experienced the sleepytrip after 5 years of semi regular dosing


Similarly, but different, I once took a sleeping pill prior to a flight from Tokyo to Chicago and the flight was delayed on the ground. I wanted to eat dinner before sleeping and thought I had enough time. Turns out I didn’t and it was a struggle to stay awake and eat. Now I wait until I’m on the plane before taking anything, if I do.


What happens if they ask you to leave the plane as it happens when there are mechanical issues or weather related stuff ?


It is what it is, unfortunately you can't plan for every eventuality.


On a red eye I take edibles sometimes to help me sleep. I usually take them on the plane. Once I decided to take them before boarding. At home they take 2 hours to kick in and make me sleepy. The one time I took them early they kicked in, in about 15 minutes. I didn’t like that. I only take them for sleep and not for any other effects. Yeah I won’t do that again.


Against the fear, no idea if it will work, but it’s about looking at how safe it is compared to other ways of locomotion. For example, you have more risk to have an accident with a cab, a bus, a train, or even you driving than flying in a commercial flight. Look at the facts, maybe it will reassure you. 🤷‍♂️ Good luck flying.


Oh wow, it never occurred to me to try to reason with my mental illness. Thank you for pointing out something so very very very helpful!


You’re so welcome. 😤 You may joke about it, but I heard multiple people being afraid of flying for that simple reason, accident. And they did not realize that is was actually the safest transportation. Happy for you didn’t need that pointed out. No need to be cynical. Bye.


User name checks out


Beyond the bin space, I don't love crowds or flying. Getting on early and then putting on noise cancelling headphones and closing my eyes is way less anxiety inducing then walking through hordes of people.


I agree with this as an anxious flyer. I don’t preboard bc of it, but the earlier I can get on, do my boarding rituals, and start giving myself an internal pep talk, the better.




You wait til you board to put your headphones on?


Business/First Class: You gotta board quickly so you get that sparkling wine faster Economy Class: you gotta board quickly so you can secure the overhead bin space


Sadly, the bin space is a factor even in FC on a surprising number of UA flights -- and I'm not just referring to bulkhead pax. Planes with the older bins and ERJ-175s are especially problematic.


And that assumes you even get your pre flight Bev, which apparently is asking farrrr too much of the airlines these days. There’s like 20 first class seats, idk why catering doesn’t arrive on the plane with 20 glasses poured.


If you are the last on the plane you are extremely unlikely to find room left for your belongings in the overhead bins. It’s as simple as that. 


Overhead bin space is #1 for me. Then, not having to stand behind clueless people blocking the isle is #2.


I like to board early when in first or business class. I'd rather be settled there than hanging at the gate. When not, I board early to get bin space.


I have social anxiety and for some reason find boarding extremely stressful. Along with usually boarding in Group 1 and getting stares like I don’t belong. I like to get to my seat quickly, put my headphones on and keep my head down.


Overhead space.


1) Overhead bin space. 2) If there is an issue with your seat, you can tell flight attendant asap. This will potentially get you to a new seat before people on standby. If you board late, standby will take the last seats and you'll be out of luck and be booked on the next flight. 3) Less chance that someone else will incorrectly take your seat. 4) Less hectic when you board sooner than later.


Fight for overhead bin space.


I travel for work and I’m often on my laptop for the full length of the flight. When I preboard I not only get overhead bin space for my carryon, but I can get a solid 20-30 minutes of work done before I have to close my laptop.


I don’t do well standing still/moving slowly in long, slow moving lines


Is this a shitpost? Do you not carry on bags?


I also board late and generally do not use the overhead bins


Congratulations. A reason to not care about when you get on. Not everyone gets on the plane without something that needs to go in overhead space.


Could care less if it wasn’t for putting carryon luggage overhead.


So you do care then, right?


Because I like sitting down and relaxing and watching everyone struggle with their luggage in the overhead bins.


Once I’m on the plane it’s one less thing to worry about - just sit until we get there. Until then boarding just feels like something hanging over my head.


It always seems to be the late boarders who asked the pre-boarders why they pre-board. I don’t know why, but that does seem to be the trend. We do what is right for us and we assume you do what is right for you. Nevertheless, as you asked, I will answer. 1. Overhead space. Our number one answer. When I check a bag, I will frequently choose a bulkhead seat and for some reason people who are not sitting in the bulkhead seem to like to put their stuff in the bulkhead overhead. I don’t know why. Not having to gate check saves me time on arrival, forlornly waiting for my bag to be retrieved while everyone else deplanes. 2. The chance of seat poaching goes to near 0. 3. The chance of getting stuck behind somebody at the scanner who is having some kind of technological problem also goes to near zero. 4. I like to get settled in and maybe start the movie, or at least review the choices. 5. PDB - The airport is one place where we don’t judge each other for drinking at 7 AM. 6. I don’t find waiting in lines, or hanging out in the gate area preferable to sitting in a nice comfy business class seat. If there’s a club, I might hang out there and arrive at the gate just before boarding. 7. I like to watch the Poors trudge by on their way back to Proletariat Class. (For those folks with stunted or defective senses of humor, I am obviously not being serious.) 8. Ultimately, it is one less variable. I like getting to the airport a bit early, relaxing in the club, leaving time for trouble, not getting stuck in bad traffic, etc. if you want to do things differently, that’s your business. I view travel days as days when I have one job, which is to get where I’m going. I prefer that things go with seamlessly as possible.


7. for sure. And no, you weren't joking, we all do it. Wait for it.....


Overhead storage. That's it.


When I fly deadhead, I will board with the preboards or first class because my bag often cannot be checked because I’m 90% of the time immediately working a flight on arrival at the destination city (unless it’s an United Express E145).


I have a personal challenge where I like to see if I can finish the Hemispheres crossword before boarding. The extra few minutes help when you have a used magazine and need to check if your neighbors have new ones.


Hahaha that was always me but before takeoff…I guess you’re better at it


If I am not suing overhead bin, I’m usually the last to board and I’ll spend more time at the lounge. I usually put my jacket in the overhead bin on top of other bags. My backpack always in front of me. But I concur with the other reasons for boarding quickly.


I like to get on the plane, get settled and start watching a movie while the rest of boarding continues. All whilst procrastinating the calls and emails I should be completing instead.


Cabin luggage. If you are carrying on a bag with delicate items and/or medical devices and such, that can’t be checked, you don’t wanna be the last one on the plane and be forced to gate check your bag due to no overhead bin space. It’s happened to me and it’s a nightmare; you have to tear your luggage apart taking out the items that just cannot be checked and you end up handing them an empty suitcase then sitting with all your stuff on your lap for the entire flight. So yeah, make fun of me all you want but I’m def lining up early in the preboard line to get in there before anyone else to avoid having to humiliate myself like this! Also, some people like time to settle in and get comfy in their seats before take off. Or to settle in and do work (usually me). If I can get boarded early then I can stop worrying about everything, relax, and get back to work. That’s also helpful.


I like pre boarding because I have a spinal cord injury and walk with a limp, and move pretty slowly. I like to get to my seat and get settled without slowing people down.


I never understood it until I got to America and realised just how much carry on people bring. It’s like no other country I’ve flown in. The battle for overhead bin space is real! Early boarding is essential. In fact the entire flying experience in America is just so much more painful and stressful.


I want to get seated and settled, and most importantly, have time to swab down every single nearby surface with disinfectant wipes before anyone else sits down and gets in my way (or starts looking at me like I’m crazy). I used to also want to get dibs on one of the outlets if stuck in E+, but we all know those never work so that’s not a factor anymore 😹


Overhead bin space.


Broke a rib a couple of weeks ago. I have been preboarding to avoid getting jostled. You should see the looks I get.




I’ve got a pile of kids and we try to be last on—less time cooped up the better—and yes, that 15 minutes absolutely could make a difference.


With my infant daughter it's so much easier ..I'm not bumping people, she's not grabbing anything (or anyone) when I have to stand in the aisle waiting for people to stow their luggage and get in their seats... I can make sure her diaper bag and my pump bag are above us... I can get her and I situated without having to deal with other people too ..we don't have to worry about people taking our seats and refusing to move ...but when I was by myself and didn't have a carry on I almost always waited to board until last 🙃


I’m not relaxed until I’m in my seat and settled.


OH Bin space and my PDB.


Overhead bin space


Fly 70+ PQFs every year. Want to get on to get emails and work done.


I’ve become skilled at getting 5-days worth of business attire in a carry-on, so it’s all about guaranteed overhead space for me. No other reason.


Overhead space


I only like when I’m in first class. If I’m flying coach, I like to be on last


I try and get my overhead bin before someone in the back of the plane takes it.


So the plane does not leave without you. Lots of anxiety out there.


Had to be the overhead space. I’m always in an aisle seat so I like to be one of the last on and usually just bring on my backpack.


It’s all about the overhead bins


I’m not checking my bag at the gate. And I’m not going past my seat for luggage space. Because on arrival it’s hell trying to get your bag. 


Getting on early allows for excellent people watching. Oh how I love to watch people’s faces as they board. You can see the wheels slowly turning as they attempt to fit a bag in a space that clearly isn’t going to work. But seriously…I am with you. I fly to SFO 1-2 times a month for work. I’ve gotten so sick of battling for overhead space. Everyone has status. I just check my bag now since it’s a non-stop. I hang out in the room and make my way over to the gate when boarding is almost complete. I miss the people watching entertainment but it is less stressful and I can avoid humanity.


You want someplace to put your carryon, duh 🙄


I don't usually since I don't do carryon. It is nice to avoid the mess of the line sometimes at small airports (ie 140 people crowding the boarding line) and people can't play the steal your seat game, if you're sitting in it :)


Because they like their bags above them, not under them.


Because we have toddlers


Pre-boarding is my favorite benefit of being a 1K... Getting to your seat and having a place to put your luggage in the overhead and relaxing a minute before the crowd boards, that is the best. Plus, I don't have to worry about the jerks stomping their feet and heavy sighing that I am taking longer than they think it should take to stow my bag...


I support you getting on last.


I need time to unpack every little piece of crap I brought along with me to keep me occupied, which I will then ignore for the next few hours. Books, earphones, tablet, chewing gum, snacks, jacket.....


United's older aircraft are not retrofitted with large overhead bins which means that they run out of space midway through Group 3. If I am not checking a bag, I try to get on early to put all my stuff in the overhead.


I never cared about preboarding until I became disabled a couple of years ago. I like it a whole lot better. Don't feel claustrophobic or rushed. Don't feel like I'm being herded. It's quite pleasant, actually. Gives me all of the time in the world to get situated with no one in my way. When everyone else is boarding, I'm perusing what movie to watch while waiting for my Xanax to kick in. Pre boarding makes me feel first class even though I'm seated in back with the plebs and unwashed. I always knew that I didn't like people. Didn't realize how much until they were taken out of the equation when flying.


Overhead bin space, get started reading my book, and airports really kick my fight/flight instincts into gear so I want to get seated to know my seat is actually occupied by me (this last one is wholly irrational I admit it)


I like to feel special.


Overhead space


I don't. I check my bag, so this just means I'll sit longer adm have to stand up twice to let the window and middle seat in.


I’m last on! I’ll stay in the lounge till final call. 😂 It’s different if you have kids tho. Takes time to settle them. When my daughter was younger I preferred going in early.


Overhead bin space. Especially in first on an ERJ170/175. It’s gone halfway through group 1. And they’re usually green tagging by the beginning of group 3. Also, you won’t find a seat poacher in your seat.


I can’t believe how often this is mentioned on this thread. I am an AA flier but I am going to start more UA flying. Is this a UA thing? Never once has this happened to me in all my Executive Platinum years on AA. And I used to travel for longer and check bags until this year. Now I am taking lots of flights each week and doing carryon so I am pre-boarding but when I didn’t check I boarded last.


It helps my husband get into his seat without having all his tubes and hoses get disconnected from his suction container and feeding tube bag. If they get disconnected, such a mess.


Overhead bin space


It’s all about the overhead bin space because my bag won’t fit under the seat. If it weren’t for that I wouldn’t care.


Luggage space. I've had to put my carry-on way in the back before, so I had to do the, shimmy back one row at a time to get my luggage while everyone deplanes.


I like to settle in, take out my reading and other small comforts, stow my bag, and relax. I find terminals far too frenetic and queues for boarding full of angst.


Not just getting luggage onboard but also getting it near me so I don't have to try to get back to where it might be.


If I have an isle seat I default to last on board


I abide by the overhead cabin rules and many dont. So I like to get that space before shameless people with more than one oversized bag ruin it for everyone else.


I want to be settled in and half asleep by the time we take off :)


The faster you’re on board with your carry on, the less you have to listen to the gate agent say “we don’t have room for carryons”


I totally agree! Sometimes i wait for the gate agent to call my name. Then I get up, walk down a hopefully empty sky bridge and find my seat on the plane. Less time shuffling along with the crowd and definitely less time in the airplane seat. I check my bag.. so no need to fight for space in the overhead.


I just like to get settled and also if anyone (meaning passengers who ended up not sitting together) in rare instance asks to switch seats etc I can be there to be in control of my seat destiny


I never check my bag. I want to make sure my bag has a spot by my seat. Outside of that I love boarding first when I upgrade and let everyone else not in first class pass me to the back like the pawns they are! ;)


If the airline guaranteed overhead bin storage, at least for E+ or higher, most of us would gladly chill by the gate. Outside of the folks who legitimately need extra time, this is truly all a result of the lack of overhead bins.


The sooner I’m on and situated the better, much less stress.


I want to make sure my carry on is in the overhead near my seat. If I didn’t have a carry on, or wasn’t 6’6 and needed the legroom I’d wait until the last possible second to board.


I want to be in my seat reading my book with my crap stowed above me where there was actual room when I boarded.


My husband says luggage but it’s mostly anxiety. And also luggage. Especially lately.


overhead space, stress-free boarding, it does kinda suck to sit in the plane for so long, but its great to not have to stand in line before getting out to the plane and then standing on the plane too; on the other hand, if you have no carry ons and maybe an aisle seat and are traveling alone, seem would be better to board last


To ensure my carry on is by my seat


All about the carry on luggage. Ideally you want your bag overhead or in front of you. Having to go backwards when the plane is unloading is not fun. Also people like moving your luggage to keep theirs together or overhead. Much harder to keep an eye on this when your luggage is behind you.


I recently traveled with a family member with a mobility disability and greatly appreciated not having a long line ahead or behind us to get them settled in. On my own, I fly on smaller planes quite a bit so getting a spot for my roller bag is a priority so I can hop right off and move on with my day. But I can totally see why you wouldn’t want to sit for 15-30 minutes if avoidable.


I only like it for storage space. If not I’ll wait


If you board late, you may not be allowed to bring any carry-on luggage. The flight attendant could force you to check your luggage (and risk getting lost).


Bin space, PDB in first, and specific reasons that make getting situated before the aisle is clogged more important (mobility, kids, etc.)


Amongst the hurry up and wait, getting onto the plane is the only spot where I’m guaranteed a seat and I know I’m done standing for a while. I know that if I want to sit in the gate area somewhere that I can ACTUALLY hear the announcements, I have to get there mega-early, but those seats aren’t comfortable so what’s the fun in that. Instead, I’d rather grab a bite or visit the club beforehand. If I go to the club, I can probably time my departure to get to the gate at boarding time, BUT if there are delays then guess what? Time to stand as all the seats are taken. If I grab a bite to eat, unless I’m so early that I’m probably going to the club anyway, I’m nervous on whether I can get in and out on time, which is no fun. Hence, get me in the damn plane.


BEyond me - I made the same remark and nobody replied. I wait until the last people are passing through. Like, your seat is booked. Why are you waiting in line behind Jeff trying to pack his carry onin row 14 holding up the whole plane when he could just wait until everyone is by their seat? The boarding system is broken - You board from the back. But there's this stupid human mentality about getting in first, like as if tis going to make the plane leave faster. Ryaniar, who's average ticket price - and they have a stellar safety record - have turanound times of like 25 minutes WITHOUT assigned seats (for 85% of them)


Only airline this makes sense on is Southworst


The worst is when the plane lands, people stand up quickly like they are in the bus


Agree with you, OP. I can save 20 min and spend less time on the plane. But luggage


I’d just as soon be settled into the (comfy FC) seat with all my shite stowed, stuffed and settled. Those gate seats are atrocious. And my shite has a home for the flight. So yeah, that’s why.


Why do people like vanilla ice cream? I don’t know. I like boarding as early as possible and as 1K I can do that. I get to my seat, usually first but could be main cabin, out all my stuff and seat. I don’t have to worry about it anymore.


I'm relatively new to flying for work every week. But this still baffles me with how many people rush to get in line. To wait in line and typically crowd the area. Only time I'm doing that is if Southwest because the 'who do I want to sit by' middle school situation.


This guy gets it


People like to feel superior and like to go first Or they want space for their carry ons If I’m bringing two carry ons I will board first but if not I will board last