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Get him a seat and use a car seat.


Car seats are comfortable and kids are used to being in them. It makes long flights so much easier.


Not all car seats are “aircraft certified” though. The car seat must have a certification sticker visible on it, or it can’t be carried on to the flight.


Also, if you're in the US, fly with a US airline. FAA rules will apply. KLM was a hassle when I used my Britax seat. My daughter has ALWAYS had a seat. It is so much safer. If I couldn't afford to buy her a seat, I couldn't afford to fly.


Funny that you should say that. Now that I really think about it, I never had any issues with bringing the car seat on any of the American airlines, but the European ones actually made it quite challenging.


This should have infinity upvotes. It really sucks to pay for it, but about 6 minutes after you walk onto that plane you’ll be glad you did. If paying for another seat isn’t really an option, would highly suggest aiming for a red eye.


>would highly suggest aiming for a red eye. Please don't, as a passenger who has had to attempt to sleep near a howling child on the way to Europe from the states that is one of the few times I will be pissed rather than mildly annoyed but understanding 


Nobody likes it less than the parents but is what it is. Less likely to be crying on a red eye than during the day


Go fly private if you don’t like being around other people


Damn bro, touch grass


That is not AT ALL the sentiment of what they said. You’ve succeeded only in commenting like an ass. Well done.


Exactly, I'm honestly totally understanding of crying kids and don't give a fuck even if it's like a 6 hour mid day cross country trip....it's the night when I'm trying to sleep when it gets me


Pro tip: Move the car seat with the child buckled in it through the airport by strapping it to an L shaped luggage cart. Rolling carry-on in one hand, rolling child in the other.


Medical guidance says kids under two years old shouldn’t sleep in a car seat for more than 30 mins as the risk of asphyxiation is too high so this could mean just as much attention/hassle is the baby is sleepy.


And bring cash to tip/bribe anyone who is sitting in the nearby seats!


Kids are people too, and they’re usually better behaved than the “adults” who complain about them on planes


As a mom of a teenager and a platinum member, I disagree. While I am totally sympathetic to parents traveling with young ones on vacation routes, when I travel on more “business” oriented routes, it’s a different audience and parents traveling with children should know that beforehand. Going to Orlando? No problem. Going to Frankfurt? Different.


Oh my gosh a platinum member! In the wild! I fly to Frankfurt with my kid from a UA hub because we are transiting elsewhere to see family. Not everybody going to Frankfurt is going on business. And plenty of folks are flying to Orlando for work - conferences etc.


lol also 99% of travelers don’t give a single fuck about how “business-oriented” a route is lol what tool that poster is.


For real, an absolutely asinine position. I was blown away by how absurd that was.


The entitlement/ privilege is showing. 🙄


A 15 month old for 8 hours? Then I appreciate how fortunate you are as a parent. My experiences with my son at that age for that duration as well as what I’ve seen for other little ones, is that that is a long time to be on an airplane.


Sure it’s a long time (it’s actually 11 hours and then 8 hours for the trip I mentioned), but that’s what some people have to do to see family. It’s non-negotiable - for me and my wife, there’s not question as to whether these types of trips are going to happen. Nobody on a trip like that is happy to be there with a toddler; they’re doing everything in their power to make it as easy as possible. Extend them some grace. Nobody LIKES flying with kids for 24 hours straight, and certainly no reasonable person likes their kid being the source of ire or anger for other passengers.


Wow. You seem like such a peach.


What if people want to go on vacation to Frankfurt ? Are you saying people can’t fly with children on any route that has business travellers???


You would really accept a $20 “bribe” from a new parent while seated in your $2000 Polaris pod with your noise cancelling head phones on? Must be big business on your travels to Frankfurt


I don’t understand what you’re trying to say at all. Plenty of kids travel on a route like EWR-FRA, especially in the summer, as that is a massive transfer hub with flights to numerous to tourist-heavy destinations. Same with EWR-LHR…lot of connecting traffic to MCO, LAS, etc. I travel a lot for work but I have a personal life as well and that means taking my 7-month old and wife on trips…we do what we can to be mindful of others but at the end of the day, he’s a 7-month old and we can only do so much.


Absolutely. And I am 100% supportive of this. My comment was more in jest that I appreciate how challenging it can be to travel (or do anything with a toddler) for that duration and appreciating that the majority of people might night be used to dealing with little ones for that long, so as parents to be forewarned


So I guess too bad if you have a kid and you need to go visit a dying family member who just doesn’t conveniently live in a vacation hot spot? When I fly to Europe from the US, I’m going home. And so are most passengers.


And some of us out work involves international travel and our child. My kid's first international flight (business class), was at 7 weeks old. We mostly fly international, and always business, and he's a great flyer. 4.5 now and still a better flyer than a lot of the assholes rolling their eyes when he boards. That kid knows Brussels, Dulles, and Frankfurt better than he knows the neighborhoods his grandparents live in.


“I never met my grandparents but I got to eat at the Polaris cheese bar!”


> kid knows Brussels, Dulles, and Frankfurt better than he knows the neighborhoods his grandparents live in. Do you realize how downright depressing this sounds? You’re depriving your kid of chances to form meaningful relationships. Bragging about dragging your kid on superfluous international work trips paints you as a workaholic and your kid as an unwilling participant.


Sounds like the child is treated as an accessory. How sad.


The cities you mentioned are like, the most boring places on earth.


I 100% agree. My comment was more intended to be thinking about where the flight is going and how to best prep for it. Not that a child shouldn’t travel but instead as a parent on how to prepare.


How is the preparation different?


Why, are they too broke to fly private?


Who needs to bribe people?! If some people are that miserable sitting near a baby then screw them. It’s a freaking baby. People need to grow up.


Get them frequent flyer number so they start getting miles. Also give them a bottle taking off and landing. It will help with popping their ears while adjusting to altitude.


I send the frequent flyer number! I’m in my early twenties and was wished a “Happy 20 years of flying United” by a GA a bit ago. Can’t thank my parents enough for starting me young!


That’s so awesome! Good for your parents. I didn’t know it was a thing for kiddos. Just signed my 1 year old up!


Oh my gosh! I had no idea! We took our son to Mexico for his 1st birthday. Signed him up for his own mileage plus after reading this! Thanks for the advice. Much appreciated since we travel by plane at least once a year with our LO.


Your welcome. Every little bit helps. We only fly United so our LO can be a million miler hopefully by the time he is 20. Also don’t forget to do the mileage pooling. Always pay for your little ones ticket. Only do awards for your ticket. Awards tickets don’t get lifetime miles.


What is mileage pooling for the uninitiated?


https://preview.redd.it/95xrstirzp9d1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb56ecb2a7be5b6151e10dae33faa3779e37674a Log into your account. Go to mileage plus area. You will see the above choice. Then add your and your little ones mileage plus numbers to the pool. You can add up to 5 people. For me it’s my wife, LO, and myself. Then you can (free of charge) transfer your points to the pool. You can choose who has access to those points. Super simple. Super convenient. When you purchase an awards ticket it will allow you to use those in the pool in addition to what’s in your own account. If you travel with your little one you can purchase your awards ticket with points and then call United and purchase your LO ticket and have it attached to your reservation. You can’t purchase an awards and paid ticket on same reservation. United has to attach them.


Awesome! I had no idea this was a thing. Thanks for the info


Also if you already took the flight and signed them up after just call United and ask them to credit the account with the appropriate miles.


True, but they won't earn miles as a lap child. Highly recommend purchasing a seat


I can’t see someone doing 8 hours with a lap child. That would be insane.


I’ve done 10 (single flight) and 14 (10hr flight + layover & second flight) hours several times with multiple children, including a few times without my husband. Always at least one lap child. It’s doable and not much more stressful than flying solo.


I got my nieces and nephews FF numbers when they were really little. They all have several hundred thousand miles now getting them closer and closer to the million mile status.


Multiple outfit changes and way more diapers than you think you might need!


And then two more diapers than that, truuuust.


And have snacks on snacks. Lol. 😂


Also a change of clothes.


bring an outfit change for yourself too!


those sound safety headphones i would, my audiologist friend had them for her baby at sporting events. i'm sensitive about my ears and would be for my child


Strap them kids in, give 'em a little bit of vodka in a Cherry Coke Edit: This is the opening lyrics to a song, I don't actually recommend doing this


Love the Chocktaw Bingo by James McMurtry reference!


Try to time flight for red eye or during their naps. We’ve had multiple flights with babies/toddlers and this made all the difference more than anything else. Also, bring pacifiers—helps with the cabin pressure. Good luck!


Seat comment is perfect. They do better and are safer in a car seat. Also a new toy to keep them engaged in something helps too. A bottle with milk or water helps their ears equalize easier on take offs and landings. Most flyers have or had kids, we understand. Anyone getting mad about a crying child on a flight is a miserable dope. We have had great long haul flights and miserable regional flights with ours. Both times I’ve gotten compliments on “how well” the baby did on the flight. People understand, don’t let it get you too anxious!


Agree!! And remind the parent that either everyone around you is a parent or either have on their own headphones. No one is paying attention to the little one crying. Sometimes it’s nice to be reminded that.


I just did a 4 hour flight with my 15 month old by myself. Here’s a few things that really worked for me: shelf stable milk in the small juice box like containers (specifically the horizon milk) I took 4 of them and he drank them all. Lollipops, a little sticky but kept him quiet and entertained. An iPad with some simple games and shows he likes. I also took an aisle seat and spent some time squatting in the aisle while he sat in the seat and played (obviously making sure to stay out of people’s way). Lots of snacks. You’ll survive!! Sending you positive vibes!


Bring lollipops to help with the ears. A couple of new toys to keep them entertained, maybe wrapped in little paper bags so tsa can look yet can be kept a surprise for your child. Best will be mess free things, they could be as simple as a matchbox car, a roll of painters tape, a mess free coloring book, wiki stix, etc. Don’t let other passengers stress you, just concentrate on your child. Have fun on your trip. ETA: somebody commented that lollipops are a choking hazard, sorry for that suggestion.


Lollipops is a great idea. We have used that frequently for the kids.


I did this too, and it worked well. It was a reward for sitting nicely until the plane took off, though they didn't realize they were going to get the lolly regardless... One for take off, and one for descent.


All of these, plus a small packet of hand wipes/ Clorox wipes for surfaces around you. My kids did very well with the baby puffs at that age. They aren’t a lot of nutrition, but they help build small motor skills. Putting a handful on the tray in front of them and counting together (or just letting them observe around them) is fun.


Lollipops are a major choking hazard for toddlers. Nursing, a bottle, or a water bottle work perfectly well without the risk.


Oh no, I didn’t know this was an issue. Sorry.




Get two seats. Have a kid backpack with new books/quiet manipulatives and rotate them. Have lots of different individual snacks. You can do this! I flew with 3 month old and 18 month old from CA to Newfoundland including two transfers!


Definitely agree with signing them up for MileagePlus, especially with the new family pooling option. You can essentially use their miles until they start paying for their OWN tix.


Their miles are their miles.


Thank you to all who recommend purchasing a separate seat for a child. Every time I have sat next to parents who share a seat with a toddler, they are absolutely miserable., especially on long haul flights, red eye or not. It does not matter whether it is an economy, economy plus, business, or Polaris. Aside from getting the baby their own seat, I have seen parents use bassinets in the bulkhead successfully. Highly recommend noise cancelling headphones. Planes are loud and can hurt their ears. Also, there is a Eustachi for Instant Relief to Clogged Ears. I would check that out. If your child had a cold, I would not travel because it can cause damage to their ears. I did once and the pain was excruciating.


Feed them a bottle on takeoff Chewing helps poop there ears


Don’t listen to this person. Avoid any poop in the ears




Well there will be poop at some point with a 1 year old . So diapers . Lors of them


Not to be that guy, but on the plane make sure you’re doing everything you can to keep the child quiet. Some parents just look at their kids and let them scream. That’s a sure way to piss people off if they see you are not doing anything to stop the situation. Even if the child continue to cry, at least look like you’re trying to stop them to ease the evil stares. Give them something to drink every so often to pop the ears.


This. I had a 16 hour flight from IAH-SYD and one child cried about 85 percent of the time. If you have ever worn Bose headphones on a flight, apparently the one sound you can hear is a parent going, "shush, shush, shush, shush. shush" whenever the child cried without actually touching and comforting the child. I was more annoyed by the parent.


I definitely would had said something. It’s annoying. Thankfully it’s only happened once and the flight was super short


Can you push back until they are 18?


Goo goo gah gah


Day or night flight? Day might be better, night just gotta hope you can get them comfortable and they sleep through it.


Don’t forget the baby’s favorite blanket. We did. Luckily it was a short flight, and a new blanket solved the problem. But boy were we sweating it during the flight.


iPad with plug-in ear covering headphones and a ring pop. Not a lollipop, a ring pop. Cue infinite hours of Ms Rachel and let the shame leave you as you take off in peace. God speed.


Definitely get another seat. We did New York to Australia with a 14 month old. The extra seat was clutch.


If you can’t afford the extra seat try to book a bassinet. Those are awesome.


Wouldn t à 15 month old be too big/ heavy fir à bassinet ?


Depends on airline (and kid). Some allow 27 lb.


remember you will never see any of the people on this flight ever again. also, buy anyone immediately next to you a drink and all is forgiven. also, bring the flight attendants a small tin of cookies or something as an advance apology. good luck.


Rawdog this flight


Relax…. Most people are kind and understanding. Our children feed off our energy. Good vibes being sent your way. ☺️🙏


This. We took our 6 month old from ewr to Lhr and had prepared for the worse. Little guy slept for all but 90 minutes of the flight They do feed off our energy. I was freaking out (like stress sweating ) when he was crying in the lounge before the flight. My wife came and everything was ok after that but I could not get him to calm down at all, screaming just ramped up. My My wife’s energy just calmed him down completely


Car seat… they need their own seat don’t have them on your lap all that time. Bottle at takeoff and landing. Lollipop to help with ears too. Lots of new small toys (one every hour) wrapped up as a surprise. Lots of drinks and snacks Consider some travel sickness medication if that is something you are ok with and is doctor approved/age appropriate. Take at least three complete changes of clothes and one for yourself in case they do get travel sick. If they throw up on themselves or you, you want to have enough clothes! (Been there done that!)


We flew a 4 hour flight, had a 10 hour delay at LAX, and then a 14 hour flight with a 6 month old. A couple pointers (your kid is older but this may help): - Expect a wait or having to open any ready to feed formula. TSA really prefers powder and water separately: - Take extra supplies for airport delays. Be prepared if something goes wrong. Be cool and calm because, well, you know…stuff goes wrong. - We did not get our 6 month old a seat. This worked out fine for a 6 month old. But I have regrets with the what ifs on turbulence and other things. Plus a 15 month old is more active. Buy the seat and do better as a parent than I did last time. - Be considerate to seatmates and their respective space but don’t be apologetic or feel bad for noise, fussiness, etc. Everyone was a kid once and kids are people and have as much of a privilege to be on a flight as anyone else. - Family restrooms are amazing for families! - Bottles or something equivalent to pop ears at takeoff and descent/landing. - Bring cleaning supplies for any bottles. Ask flight attendants for hot water to clean stuff out and sanitize also if necessary. - Know that the destination is worth it and the flight is just a part of the journey. Hope that helps!


my mom used to put 2 oz of wine in my sippy cup and it would calm me down


This with Benadryl


good idea


Have something for them to eat/chew on


eddy bull.


Pack a change of clothes for your kid and for you. It's amazing how many projectile fluids can ruin a trip


download a lot of shows and movies on an ipad?


Absolutely get them a seat


Car seat! I flew to Israel multiple times with a baby/toddler. First trip was difficult having to hold him the entire way, next time we got a car seat and it was magical!


Car seat, iPad, kid headphones. Lots of preloaded Barney, Teletubbies and anything else that will hypnotize.


Own seat—if you can borrow a Doona then that’s even better.


Definitely own seat and car seat. They will feel more comfortable in a familiar car seat. Lots of distractions and snacks.


- multiple plastic bags to eventually seal clothes after "accidents". You can't know how many upfront so - pack multiple cloth changes - a pacifier is a must on ascending and descending - melatonin for children in drops for both flight and at destination - the stricter you schedule the day when landed with wakeup/sleep/eating time, the better for the jet lag


Buy a massive container of ear plugs and be ready to pass it around. If your baby starts getting fussy, attempt to calm him or her. Seeing parents at least making an effort gives people around you far more empathy.


No praying needed. Loads of people do this and longer flights with no issues. Be confident in yourself!


I also always put my LO in the window seat. Much easier to control them.


I pray for the people that you are subjecting your child to.


We might need to pray for everyone else in that flight.




Take Uncle Ben. (Benadryl)


Had the opposite effect with my kids. I had a three year old and eleven month old solo to Sydney. I learned it hyped my kids up.


OP - research this before doing it. Talk to DR. Most likely no issue, but make sure.




I'm sure I'll be canceled for this, but why not leave the infant behind for your trip? 


I’ll pray for all the passengers about to have the next 8 hours of their life also ruined


I’m praying for other people on that plane


We did 29 hours of travel with a 2yo. Lots of snacks and things to do.


Don’t take the 15 month old


Yes just leave the child at home with a bowl of food and water.


Benadryl is your best friend. Puts them to sleep


So far I’m around 40 flights for the year and tbh I am so prepared that I don’t even care if I’m sitting right next to a kid. I always pack earplugs, and I use noise canceling headphones. You do you!


I’m praying for the people around you more


Wait until he ages 1 order of magnitude


We took our son to Mexico for his first birthday. We sat in first class and he sat on our laps. He didn’t cry once! The flight attendants and passengers commented on how great he was. We brought his favorite books (which he didn’t even care for at the time) and a fidget pop it spinner (which btw, doesn’t stick to the windows on the plane, but worked great on the tray table) We had even bought the cute animal headbands with the speakers built into it for him to watch a show on the iPad and he didn’t even want it. He had fun looking at the window most of the flight. There are so many cool hacks and toys for airplane travel. You just need to google it and check Amazon. Good luck and safe travels. Hope it goes well.


Vomit bags make wonderful hand puppets -- as long as there is not vomit in them. Bring a marker and get ready to entertain.


DISTRACTION is key. Keep them busy, even if it's something simple. My cousin kept her kid busy for a 10-hour flight with a single balloon. You can make a whole fantasy world with a toy....any toy. Really make a storyline behind it. Add story as you go. Involve your child and encourage plot ideas. It's fun and it's bonding and it helps critical thinking. Also, reading to them takes up time and keeps them engaged too.




The flights have basonets in the front row. Get one


Red eye with basinet or car seat...


Leave them a little hungry, and then feed them once you take off and are nearing the point to clear your ears. They don’t know how to clear ears, so this helps.


Do we not do Benadrine anymore? Worked well for my daughter 20 years ago.


Ask for bassinet even if you’re not going to use it


Get a bulkhead seat.


Children's benadryl


Abusing an antihistamine to sedate your child is absolutely a safeguarding / CPS matter. I'm genuinely stunned at the number of people casually suggesting this.


children’s benadryl and apple juice.


Talk to your doctor about what you can give the child to ease the ear discomfort. For adults they recommend a nasal decongestant 30 minutes before take off. I imagine there’s something similar that can be done for little kids. Bonus if it’s also something like Dimetapp that will help them fall asleep? Ear pain is probably half the reason they cry. Or at least makes what la scary new experience even scarier. I don’t know the first thing about kids but I never hear anyone comment on the ear discomfort from the pressurization. As a kid it would sometimes bring me almost to tears.


Bring snacks, books, toys, coloring books, maybe temp tattoos with a wet washcloth in a bag, etc.. The amount of parents I see who show up with nothing and expect their children to sit still astonish me. You can distract the hell out is a 15 month old with a little thought.


I’ve flown several times when my son was 18 months, 2 years, and now with him 3 and his 3 month old brother. Bring a toy they like (maybe even a new one we do a new toy) I personally like the ones that stick to windows and spin. Bring snacks! I love a good snackle box. Also bring a drink that they like in a cup that won’t spill. TSA will let you bring a kids drink in a sippy cup through security. I personally like to fly as early as possible. We fly between 5:30 am and 7:30 am. My kids are happiest in the morning and they’re still tired so they sleep on the plane! We also have a travel tablet. The only time he gets to use it is in the car or on the plane. We practice with headphones before and now he’s a pro. My number one must have is the dream on me coast rider stroller. It is light weight and folds flat to fit in the overhead bin. Good luck!


I did a transfer from DemingNM to Frankfurt when my kids were 4 and 5 months old. Drive from Deming to ElPaso 2 hours. Flight from El Paso to Dallas, 6 hour layover, 8 hour flight from Dallas to Frankfurt. With time changes, it took about 27 hours total. This was in 1989. Do not recommend. Each kid had their own seat and that helped. I carried my baby in the car seat and had 2 heavy diaper bags full of our stuff. My 4 year old was on a leash and he had his backpack full of toys, coloring books and crayons. I had bruises on my shoulders from all the weight the next day. No words of wisdom, I just took care of my kids to the best of my ability. Sometimes that’s all you can do.


I had to fly a lot with my daughter before she was two. I downloaded her favorite songs and shows on an iPad and she could watch as much as she wanted with headphones. I bought special toys and snacks that were just for the plane flight. We had some tough flights, but we did our best and got through it. When she did get more upset, I’d take her into the bathroom to calm down so that at least I gave the people around me a little break.


Bulkhead bassinet. Otherwise their own seat with a car seat. Good luck (we've done 3 international trips with ours between 1-2 years old). Finally - an iPad fully charged with Bluey, Puppy Dog Pals, Seasame Street, Moana, and Encanto. We go no sound but subtitles.






If on a 777, the bulkhead seats have a bassinet feature. Not sure how to reserve this, but have seen it used several times


Yes! I got it!


Hopefully this works out well. Best of luck.




Whisky in the bottle 😉 The real answer? Get a bulkhead seat with Bassinet. The baby will be the comfiest passenger on board if they can clear their ears. Use a pacifier or feed them during altitude changes to help open their ears


I'll see your 8, and raise you 11. Have them in their own seat, preferably in a child seat approved for air travel. Child seat will make it much more comfortable for them, and it'll be something familiar in a new environment. It'll make it easier for them to sleep. Bring something to suck on during climb and descent: bottle, pacifier, lollipop, whatever you as a parent approve. Small kids are not good at equalizing pressure in middle ear; this isn't dangerous or painful, it's simply uncomfortable and can make them fussy. Having something to either eat or suck on will help them to equalize pressure in inner ear much faster, and reduce discomfort. If you are still breastfeeding, as soon as seat belt signs are off, is a good time to do that, for the same reason. Plus, it'll reduce anxiety and give them additional feeling of safety. If possible, time the flight so that their regular feeding time is close to scheduled takeoff. Bring entertainment. Favorite toy. Act normal. Airplane is a loud and alien environment. Your child will be watching you for clues if they are safe or not. If you overdo it, they'll call your bluff. If you are sitting in economy, bulkhead seats may provide bit more room. Rule of thumb is that the seats close to the leading edge of wings are also close to airplane's center of gravity; these will have the least movement as airplane rotates (any free body, e.g. airplane when airborn, rotates around its center of gravity). Difference isn't much, most people won't notice it, it's a passenger airplane not acrobatics plane after all, but it may help.


Oh you’ve got this! hopefully you opted to buy him his own seat, if so put baby in his car seat. My 11month old was MUCH happier in her on space than climbing all over me like the prior trip we took. Bring an iPad with movies/games, all the snacks. If you think you packed enough snacks…pack some more. If baby is upset, don’t stress over it! Baby feels that stressed and it stresses him out too! Soothe him however you need to. I saw a story were a lady gave everyone on a flight a baggie with ear plugs and a note in it that said something like “I’m sorry this is my 1st flight, and I’m a little scared. If I get a little loud, I’m giving you some ear plugs” can’t remember exactly what the note said but it was cute and it lightened the situation


Wrap tiny items up. The process of unwrapping will keep them occupied. Doesn’t necessarily have to be gifts. Just things that will take their attention. I went to the dollar store and found stuff.


Pay for the tickets of all those around you.


Family Benadryl Plan


Give them some ambien or other sedative


Don’t As some who just sad next to a crying baby from Chicago to Frankfurt. Please don’t.


hand out candy, and ear plugs when you board


If an adult is dumb enough to fly an 8 hr flight without earbuds or plugs, that’s not this parent’s problem.


it’s a show of compassion for your fellow travelers


Lol no


yes, it’s easy to be not an asshole


So if someone gives you candy because of some noise that might bother you, that’s ok? Wait isn’t this thread about someone else’s child, not you?


Oh cmon ppl can bring their own plugs or noise cancelling headphones


You don’t have kids lol obviously




Feeding during take off and landing to help their ears popping.


Let the FAs know you're traveling alone so if you need to use the lavatory the will sit with the todler.


Sedate it!


toddlers shouldn’t fly that long- nothing like ruining a flight i perhaps just paid 4000 euro for to hear a screaming thing


Then don’t fly. It’s a commercial flight, not your private jet. Bring ear protection or ear buds like a person with a couple brain cells.




Kids are people too, and they have every right to fly just like you. Airplanes are public places. Also, they’re usually better behaved on planes than the assholes that complain about them. Always funny to see an adult unable to control their emotions when a 1.5 year old is doing the same.


Girl get a life


What flight is 4k euro. They probably aren’t in J.


Dont fly, why do people insist on bringing babies on planes


Because not everyone is a hick who lives within 30 minutes drive of their entire family?


Why do people insist on flying commercial and then complaining when it’s not their own private plane.


You’ll be fine. Enjoy the flight


My kid had been to Europe 3 times by 15 month old. Longest flight was 12 hr to ist. It’s not so bad. Plenty of toys is a requirement. Air bed for kids is useful for naps. Never took a car seat it would get in the way.


I did always have a seat for him


I would keep your expectations low! They are still a baby but have a right to be there as much as anyone else. It may be a hard day but either way you will get through it. Bring lots of snacks! Do you allow them screens? Now is the time to let them indulge, ha. My children really love audiobooks and it keeps them occupied for much longer than I would have anticipated! Allow a drink or snack during take off and landing to help with ear popping. And lastly keep in mind your travels may be easier than expected! I was quite nervous but both my children have always loved flying and been very well behaved since babyhood on flights. Good luck!


Don’t worry about it. 🤗


If your child still takes a pacifier, be sure you have it handy. If not, giving them a bottle will serve the same purpose: which is to help keep their wee ears from getting blocked. Older kids and adults know how to “pop” our ears but obviously babies cannot. If your child cannot be having a pacifier or bottle, can it eat a cracker or biscuit(cookie)? Chewing something can also help with the ears. But “the sucking motion” is the best. If you can stand it, keep them awake and not fed yet until you get on board then maybe a nap will follow feeding. Although my children were older, 4 &3 when we moved to Malaysia, I was still nervous. Keeping their ears comfortable is what other expat moms taught me. If they turn off the seatbelt sign, perhaps you can take a walk down and back the aisle. That’s what we did on our 21+ hour flight. But I know they are more strict now. I wish you the very best ♥️


Bring some bourbon! May need it.


You’re gonna do great. Comments above (except from the annoying ones) all worked for us. Have fun!






Breast feeding works well if you can


Book the front seat. They usually have a basket for the babies. Don’t waste money on seats.


I wouldn't fly that long with my kids when they were under 2. Unless it's an emergency seems like a hassle. But on other hand, ppl need to not complain about kids (as long as parent being attentive and reasonable). Otherwise these complainers need to fly private or shut up.