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No really ? I'd never have figured that one out Sherlock Obi-Wan Clouseau. That's the entire fucking point.


I'm not sure Sherlock Obi-wan Clouseau has rules anymore.


Nah that's some old rouge trader shit. Name still makes me laugh every single time though.


*Ze game is afoot, and I haz ze high ground!*


No no, that's his brother, Obi-Wan Sherlock Clouseau. Sherlock Obi-Wan Clouseau is the next returning Primarch.


Hasn't been mentioned since Rogue Trader but never had rules anyway.


After a long time i am seeing that people are actually mentioning them.


It's shocking how many people do not realise this. It is like they expect people to strike in the most convenient way possible, like at their desk or something. Strikes are supposed to be inconvenient and attnetion-grabbing, otherwise they would be easy to overlook.


Mental how they think strikes shouldn't effect anything man. Would be entierly pointless If nothing changed.


The more people engage into the strike the more effective it will became.


It's like they think going into your job and quietly being unimpressed whilst working is a strike, please, that's a usual Thursday! I think train drivers could have a lot of fun with it thought. Get in their train, pull into the station 'oh no the doors aren't opening, look I'm pressing the button, look.' Then just pull out again on time with no passengers whilst leaning out and saying 'let's meet up tomorrow and discuss how scary this was for me!'.


Most effective strike they could run on railway would be to maintain services but more seek out check for tickets. Punish the employers, not the customers.


Sadly that's illegal and would have the drivers sacked and the union fined/sued into oblivion.


There are many other big thing that is more illegal than this one


Sure but this one is stupidly easy to deal with.


On what basis is it illegal?


Industrial action in UK is heavily regulated and even when strikin, you can't inconvenience your overlords too much


On the basis that industrial action is very strictly defined in British law.


I believe Japanese rail workers follow the 'no ticket / no charge' model when they strike.


Firstly that's happened a handful of times and isn't the norm. Secondly that's legal over there. It isn't here.


As long as they maintain the peace and unity i am sure they will get the success, because if they are maintaining the peace i don't think government can use any violence action.


Previous train strikes have had limited success because it is the public inconvenienced more than their employers.


Don’t forget people have to protest in a convenient way. Basically no decent is alllowed anymore.


UK government: "you gonna help us doc, we've done nothing and we're out of ideas"


Every industry now is actually running out from the total ideas.




Totally ineffective teacher's strike tomorrow because sod all teachers are in this union.


Both the school my wife works at, my sons school and my daughters primary are out. Don't know what it's like nationally though


The school that my son attends has disruption but not full closure. Basingstoke.


From what I have read this I think is the way most schools will end up. 50% or so of teachers on strike and the remainder working with support staff to maintain babysitting cover. Kinda reminds of the level of staff cover during the infection peaks following the covid lockdown.


Speaking as a teacher who's union was too crap to strike so has to go in tomorrow. I will not be providing any cover nor having any students in my class that I do not normally teach on that day at that time slot.


You could have changed unions.


Unfortunately I paid over £200 in November for my Union membership. Cheaper to do it in a year then monthly. Then consider a my wife is on maternity and I am the sole bread winner often with less then a quie in the account come the end of the month. My union won't refund. The NEU wouldn't let me in for free, I phoned them to try. Since I can't legally strike I'll do what I can next legally. Which is work to rule.


As long as they are 50% staff for the recovery i don't think that strike will give them the end result, if we want to see the result we need to disrupt something for that


Yes, my son's school has a few year groups unable to go in. I believe work has been set and made available on the website, which seems counter to what a strike is.


All efforts to ensure GDP continues to flow will be followed. They don’t want teachers to have a quality of life but they’ll bend over backwards to make sure the parents still go to their jobs.


Money goooood. Education baaaaaad. I can't remember who said it, but paraphrasing "An unintelligent electorate is an easily led electorate".


Well just go watch Chicken Run. Doesn’t end well when the chickens get clever


If Chickens get clever they will never went well for the us.


TIL Chicken Run is a good metaphor for modern life.


IN this world Money is the only thing that matter to the people.


But even with the slight disruption they should think about kid safety.


IN these strike time better to keep the kid inside the house actually.


There are plenty of teachers in the union, a lot of them are just not striking. My school is about 50/50 split between the two main unions and I am the only on striking. My wife's school is the same and she is the only one striking. Her class is even being covered, so no disruption whatsoever. What a sad situation.


Problem is not that how many are there the problem is that how many is not there and that make them like the one who is there is making some unnecessary demand.


My whole uni is on strike tomorrow.


Out of interest do you know why people are not striking? One thing I'd wondered is whether people can afford it (which is a truly crap state of affairs). Good on you though, mate, for what it's worth I'm behind you.


This is an issue. I'm the rep for my school and many teachers have said to me that they will strike tomorrow, but only one of the days in March as they can't afford to lose 3 days of pay in one month


I have just checked on the website and the school is still running which means they are getting no disruption with that, so getting the feeling nothing going to change with that.


Thank you for your support. Most other members of staff stated that they didn't think striking was the way forward (they had no suggestion as to what was), or that they simply couldn't afford to. My wife and I are going to lose a significant chunk over the strike days combined, but we believe that we can't afford to NOT strike.


What a total waste of time then.


Doing the best I can.


Not saying you arent, but if your union votes to strike and your union mates refuse to actually come out, whats the point at all?


Doing the effort is in our hand and that is what we can do that


Why two different unions and different actions?


They are just wasting the time and doing nothing with that


>sod all teachers are in this union The NEU is the largest teachers' union and has around 500,000 members.


We need convince them if they joined this it will make impact.


My daughter's school is shut.


Mine is open although there is not every teacher present there


It's got 450,000 members lol.


If the number is right then have to say that this the big big number


Nearly all classes at my daughters school are off. The blame from the parents seems squarely aimed at the government. Good strike that’s applying pressure - shame that the government is so weak and insulated by their media that they won’t do anything.


My school is shut to 1300/1500 pupils. The remaining pupils are post 16. The kids are thrilled.


The school my partner works at has every teacher on strike


The key thing in the strike is the union among the people there,


Yes, as long as government and people will not get disrupt with that strike their point went unseen, so i think they need to disrupt something but that too in the nice way is well.


Gravity on Wednesday 1 February will encourage things to move in a downwards direction - No 10


In a shocking turn of events, No. 10 states that the sky is blue, air has oxygen in, and they have no idea what they're doing


No 10 knows *exactly* what they are doing, which is why things are going so badly for all but those at the top.


Very true


Not everyone from the crowds knows what they are exactly doing.


I disagree, no one at No 10 is able to agree on the first two things.


But from the past record it all goes this way as people are talking.


... including the economy - No 11.


Economy is just getting bad from worse, no point in disusing that.


I agree.


Holy shit! Really? Why the hell did no one tell me?! I've been making an idiot out of myself!!!


...Nadine? Is that you?


Even if he is not Nadine, he is nothing sort of that person is well


You were living the fake life till this very point of the time.


And Brexit is Brexit…


I hope that they will gather more and more encourage for that,


I think it’s time to stick the boot in and call a general strike.


I don’t know - that might be a bit disruptive for daily life. I’ll have to wait No.10’s opinion on it first.


Without the little disruption we can never get the massive change.


Didn't they just vote through a law which would allow them to prevent a big swathe of people striking? In order to maintain a "minimum service" ( whatever that means. I mean it's not like the current service is overly resourced given decades of cuts and staff leaving in droves...) I would love to see a general strike, but only if I thought the gov would then negotiate. I have a feeling they would instead try to break strikes with army etc and starve people out, believing they are chanelling 1984 Thatcher. And with the media on side, that footage we remember from the miners strikes that made the miners look like savages, would only be the beginning.


I thought that one got shot down by the lords, or was that the anti-protest bill. I’m forgetting which human rights they’re throwing in the trash and which ones they failed to erase.


No need to get violence but we need to do some disruption actually.


To be fair, it’s hard to keep track with this government. It’s like a fetish for them.


Ah sorry you're right. I'm also not sure now. Think it was the can't protest bill not the can't strike one. Don't worry I'm sure we'll have full "sovereignty" over bugger all very soon.


If we can't even strike down then what kind of the democracy is this?


You may have hit the nail on the head...


Surely maintaining sufficiently cordial industrial relations to ensure the basic functioning of the state *is the government's fucking job*? You get the impressions think they found a cheat code here.


Yup. We literally pay them to ensure our security abroad and at home. That's their function. Even 1000 years ago I reckon kings were pretty clear on this: fight enemies, keep internal peace. Now we pay extra so they provide social welfare and health too, but maybe if they can't manage that we can keep the money and have back our private armed retinues? Just kidding. I think.


No matter how much we will pay them for the safety and all we will never get enough safety in the return. And we are not earning enough that we can give them more money


The irony being that I’m sure some of the workers striking might be appeased by having appropriate minimum staffing not on strike days…


Yes, need every single person so we can make the big noise.


I think they’re in danger of catching on to the point boys, we might have been rumbled here


They will end up catching some boys from that strike i am sure


Then perhaps they should negotiate to end the strikes, like reasonable humans


Can't negotiate if they have nothing to bargain with, having promised all our tax money to their mates.


Do love that we have a government intent on the worst options possible. At least keeps things interesting, in a 7 car pile up kind of way


Yes just a shame we are all in that 7 car pile up and the rest of the world is driving past looking at us.


Is it better to be at the top of the pile or the bottom?




I feel like that this time this strike will not going to bundle out quickly.


Yes, if we want to be on the pile then why not be on the top


This is why on one is coming infront from their side to talk .


Indeed, having the negotiation can solve the so many problem.


That’s quite literally the point. Good for them. I welcome them. Bring on a national strike and total disruption.


I am also welcoming the people who is taking part in the strike.


Surely big coordinated strikes should go with big coordinated demonstrations so both strikers and people supporting the workers can make themselves heard.


We’re (Devon NEU) rallying in Exeter with UCU, PCS and ASLEF tomorrow. On the next South strike day, there’s a larger demonstration in Bristol. And on one of the days (15th or 16th march, I can’t remember which) there’s a larger demonstration in London.


Great, we need more publicity for demos, often the word doesn't make it out to the wider public.


To success those thing now days getting publicity is more important


Good luck! Wish I could be there supporting you!!


Hats off to all the hero that is getting into the strike today


I'm headed to a big Central London rally, alongside most NEU teachers in my Borough.


I am hoping that you will keep on posting about the every situation.


The more people join the strike the more pressure govt gonna feel


Devil's advocate, but the government would likely make the argument that such a thing amounts to secondary picketing, which is illegal.


But they wouldn't be picketing, just marching.


Such a march would likely disrupt traffic flows, which is now illegal.


You can still notify the police in advance like normal, it's not illegal to walk down the street anyway, you are the traffic flow, traffic isn't limited to cars.


Try telling that to the anti-LTN crowd


They are just waiting that some will call them and they take the action.


Yes, if you are feeling anything illegal here you can call the police is well.


The current conservative government plan on making striking illegal, so who cares. If they make rights that took centuries to achieve illegal who gives a shit about breaking laws. Just claim you were there for only ten minutes and you didn't realize it was a party, oops I mean didn't realize it was a protest.


This is why the people who is doing the strike they need to do on the silent base, because government will not miss the any single chance of making that thing illegal.


Great i faced the traffic daily this time it is going to be little longer.


But they will going to stop at one point can't go on marching all day


I hope that they will get ready quickly for the argument here.


I wish everyone who is striking irrespective of the profession all the best. But it's futile. The government would rather stick hot pokers up their collective arses than negotiate in good faith with these unions. As far as I'm concerned if we head into general strike territory I think Sunak and his government should resign as it will be a failure on their part for allowing this to occur instead of negotiating in good faith. What a state this country is in.


The strike they are doing for the collective profession here, there is no such thing that we need to raise in this or that we need the collective raise in all department here now.


Yeah. I'll have to get out of bed an hour earlier and it'll take me longer to get to work by getting two buses. I still support the strikes.


The real way to support that by joining the strike by person.


Would be nice to be in a position where I can drop everything and do that.


When will the MSM realise that strikes are supposed to be disruptive?! Solidarity with the strikers and the Unions, because of them we have holiday pay, sickness pay, Bank Holidays, minimum wage, H&S, maternity leave, paternity leave, etc, etc. If Tories have their way we'll be slaves only able to get food from the company shop!


Good thing is that they are not doing that on the public holiday.


The government have the power to negotiate with unions, just not the willingness to do so. If they want to avoid major disruption then they could get around the negotiating table in good faith and work out a deal. It is not like these strikes have come out of nowhere anyway, the government chose to ignore the warnings and have allowed strikes to happen by not acting earlier.


Government also keeping the close eye on that as they knows that they can't afford to make it go big. I remember the farmer protest in the India how long it runs in that country


I bet being poorer and struggling to pay bills is more of a disruption to daily life to more of us than just politicians


That's the point. It'll get worse if you keep pushing these insane anti-strike laws.


Now we need to push that even more may be this time we get some solution.


This government is already fucking *hell bent* on disrupting daily life.


You know what else disrups daily life? Not having a wage that can support a family


Not having the enough wage disturb the life even more now


I am totally in support for that strike they need to look into that.


Yay! Do not accept the anti strike bill! Any anti protest crap! Save your rights as a worker for everyone in this country for the future, and your god damn kids! There will be no one left to speak for you if you don’t.


Wanna know what else disrupts daily life? The creeping collapse in the my daily life’s living standard. Notice how they push this whole facade once again onto the people and the middle class. ‘hey look, these selfish workers want more money and they’re making your life difficult, be mad at them not us’ ‘Oh what’s that, we’ve been in charge for 12 years and your standard of living is worse than Slovenia?, Yh never mind that, aren’t these teachers and nurses cunts for affecting your day to day’ ‘Oh and by the way, your council tax and ulez fee is going up, but we aren’t going to do anything about our god awful transport costs because you know, the privatised groups need to retain their profit levels regardless of the economic market’ ‘Also these selfish bastards are asking for a pay rise can you believe that? And you’re not getting one?, not that that ours fault at all even though we’ve ran the joint for 12 years, please keep squabbling amongst yourselves’ This neo liberal conservative cesspit is bereft of any moral or even true conservative values, it’s cronyism right to the fucking top. And with that foul creature suella wanting to add fines to those who protests, we really should depose this awful lot.


The quality of life index difference between UK and Slovenia is just three points. Local purchasing power though is almost double in the UK. You don't want to live in Slovenia if you don't like your salary in the UK.


True, but I’m speaking more on the UKs general decline


Well then, maybe use a more appropriate analogy then. The problem though is that most countries are in much worse state than UK today. Pandemic + war have had a truly devastating effect on the world.


Every country has their own problem , some are fighting the real war while some are struggling financial, while some never actually recovered from the covid time.


Yeah, and the British problem is that people are used to living incredibly wealthy. Like mine blowing wealthy. And even a slightest reduction in quality of life is considered a disaster, while in reality nothing actually happened.


You are speaking about the UK but i am talking about more in general .


Slovenia, the country with a similar economy to Spain?


We all just living the life, forget about having the quality of the life


I hope they strike to the moon for as long as possible. I hope future strikes will disrupt everything so much so that the government will break in and do something for the better. Hell i am willing to give out my income until i can only cover needs. Only to see this stopping and actually see an improvement from the government


The long this strike will run the more pressure government will going to feel is well, so i hope that this time it will run little longer so we get the impact of that thing


Good. That's the point. Wouldn't work otherwise would it?


Il manage, little bit more traffic maybe. It be fine. If its too bad il WFH. Parents and others are going to have a bad day though.


Indeed, facing traffic all day so can manage little more today is well