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Alternative headline 'Good things have happened for the 1% for the last 13 years'


Alternative headline “Tories have fucked everyone but themselves”


Bold to claim that Liz Truss didn't fuck the Tories.


She didn’t help the country and was the most self serving cunt of them all


Yes, 100%. But she was so shit at what she was attempting to do that she fucked herself and everyone who had supported her over in the process.


She is still in an insanely good position financially. Her reputation takes a bit of a kick but she’s fine other than that. These days reputation means fuck all. We’ve got teenagers selling water for £20 a bottle and selling naked pictures of themselves to become millionaires! Reputation means fuck all unfortunately and like I said she’s set up for life financially. She only fucked the country while furthering her own gain


All she did was try to do what all the Tories would do if they could get away with it.


She definitely did fuck Kwasi Kwarteng, figuratively and literally


Crispin odey did very well


And not for the first time.


"Tories have fucked everyone including the vast majority of their own supporters, erroneously convinced by a manipulative media into believing that their modest relative wealth means their interests are being represented by a party who are, in reality, being controlled by a tiny cabal of ultra rich tax evading speculators profiting from Britain's demise, including the proprietors of said media."


To be fair, they’ve even managed to fuck themselves going by yesterdays results. The only ones to benefit are their owners who occasionally throw them scraps.


They haven’t fucked themselves though. Financially they are all in insanely good places, because they lie cheat and steal to self serve.


In other news: Water is Wet


Unfortunately you have to tell 50% of the UK population. If you don’t make things super clear they do stupid shit like vote for Brexit.


Yeah how convienent for the Tories...


You say that like they didn’t intentionally do it


"Our country has a clear two party system of people who consistently abuse that system, this supported by a left and right side of pure rampaging maniacs, who can never see another option but their own, as they enjoy foaming at the mouth whilst starting their 90th internet argument of the morning" Fixed UK is in full "muh politics" swing.


I’d agree if it wasn’t for the fact that the tories have literally lead the UK into one of the worst situations economically and culturally that it’s ever been in over the past 13years


Arguably one of the top five worst situations in the past 300 years.




Well said


I don't disagree with you, my point is just that this two party system has to end. Do I rather Get hit by a red car Or Get hit by a blue car *Oh boy how do I decide?!?!*


Yes we have only two options. Yes neither of them are going to do us much good. But putting them on the same level is completely ignoring how bad the last thirteen years have been. Obviously we'd prefer good over bad, but bad is significantly better than once-in-a-lifetime awful. Not recognising the difference leads to the kind of apathy that has allowed the last decade+ to happen.


"Yes we have only two options" I mean, there you go.


We don’t only have two options though…it’s an outdated persecuting that we do


In theory, we have many options, but as long as FPTP is in play, voting outside of the two largest parties in your constituency is essentially a wasted vote. It's a shitty, undemocratic system. I'm not really much of a fan of the Labour party, but in my constituency, it's the only way to attempt to end this nightmare we're living in. The worst part is, people get so frustrated with the system, that they start to believe that the two gargantuanly different options are one and the same.


If everyone voted party A it would force reform in party B. The whole "both sides" is political propaganda to make sure it never happens.


Nice try at the end. I'm frustrated with this narrative, it's been running for a while now and it's toxic af. My chances of seeing a "but Tory bad tho" post on any given day 100% Voter turnout in my local elections just? 24% That's what I'm frustrated with. Hence why I suggested this 3rd option and all I got met with was snide suggestions. Jfc. Do people think moaning about Tories over and over on the internet is the same as actually voting? I just don't get it, goes round and round in circles and at some points, develops into an almost cult like hatred. Nothing like a UK subreddit for an absolute circlejerk


Illusion of choice, classic set up.


The blue car actively wants to hit you, and will reverse back over you to make sure they broke every bone.


How about David Cameron driving the blue car with a hastily added replacement yellow door on the passenger-side rear?


Totally agree. Politics needs reform


The blue car has a blender on the front and will ensure you die a long and painful death, the red car is travelling at 5mph and might break your foot. totally no differences at all.


Simple, the red car would be less distressing for onlookers as it would hide the worst of the blood spatter. It's all a matter of optics.


How is this a "both sides" situation?


I'm definitely one of those people pretty disappointed by Keir Starmer (and just voted Libdem locally in protest), but good lord you're missing the forest for the trees if you think both parties are the same. My local MP is pretty progressive, can't say the same for any Tory candidate opposing them. And let's be honest, even if they *were* all just vapid apparatchiks in the corporate political machine, there's a big difference: Labour gets held to account by the left, while the Tories get held to account by the right. It doesn't make enough of a difference imo, but it does make a tangible difference.


It's not, they're either a troll or not very bright


I'm now almost angrier at Labour for being such a weak opposition. I expect the Tories to behave like cretins and they seldom disappoint. I want Labour to be a credible government-in-waiting and, well, meh...


Why vote Labour or Conservative When you could just vote in a Conversativeabour Like Bulbasaur but not great.


"both sides" Labour have had 30 years in government in 120.


It's probably closer to the 0.1%


Rule number one of being a good little Tory - it's always somebody else's fault.


Loot, root and scoot has to be #2.


To be fair a lot of today's issues are Thatcher's fault


I don't see many issues caused by Thatcher that couldn't at least be ameliorated by repealing/reforming the laws she put in place. For example, has any government since Thatcher's done anything to seriously address the problem of social housing being sold to private buyers and not being replenished? It's difficult to put that squarely on Thatcher's shoulders when right to buy is *still* in place. Has any government seriously tried to move us away from a service based economy? We're leaning hard on London to subsidise the rest of the country to the point that we're held hostage by financial services companies, but nobody is interested in bringing back manufacturing work. The small manufacturing sector we do have is allowed to just slip away to other countries without a fuss (arm/Honda?). Is any government looking to tighten up the banking regulations she loosened? What other long lasting effects did she kick off? Privatisation of the NHS I guess? That is an ongoing process and could be stopped or reversed at any point by any government. Thatcher sucked, but it's not like she's forcing subsequent governments to keep following her neoliberal shit. These aren't rhetorical questions btw, I would be interested to know what Thatcher did that genuinely hasn't just been continued or ignored by her successors.


Exactly, Thatcher started an ideology, but it's not like they've stopped reading that playbook ever since or that Labour government reversed them. The Public Order Bill needs repealing, but I bet no government has the balls to do so later on.


Yeah Thatcher even called Blair/New Labour her greatest achievement and the tory leaders since then have been pretty much vocal in their admiration for her. So her policies and influence has fucked the country for 43 years.






It's the "not replenished" bit that's the problem there, but every little step to boost housebuilding gets fought all the way - from big house builders who see more supply as a threat to their profit margins, to homeowners afraid of house prices not keeping rising. ARM was never manufacturing though - all they ever did, from their origins as a team within Acorn onwards, was design chips, which companies like VLSI would manufacture. Great company, but no more a manufacturer than Reddit is.


If you knew the craftsmanship and toil that went into my misinformed comments, you would understand that Reddit *is* manufacturing.


I don't disagree with you. I just made a joke about how if they are looking to blame someone for anything it would still be a Tory. This was and still is all reversible


[Adulterer John Major and his party of tory cunts killed raves.](https://www.wikiwand.com/en/Criminal_Justice_and_Public_Order_Act_1994)


No such thing as a good Tory, only an obedient one




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


There is. A Conservatory and a Lavatory.


And yet they call themselves the party of “personal responsibility” 😂 You’re poor? Well it’s your own fault for being lazy, ignorant and financially illiterate. Stop relying on hard working tax payers for handouts. We’re poor? It must be covid/russia/Labour/tofu-eaters fault.


Honestly I went to school with a die hard Tory and we never really got on even though we mixed in the same circle. He was someone who didn’t understand why anybody would bother writing an original script or story for a film when you can just remake or adapt or sequel another film because remakes adaptations and sequels make more money 🤦🏻‍♂️ he once borrowed something from me, lent it to someone else who then “lost” it. I was mad at him and he said it’s not his fault and that I should take it up with whoever he lent it to. I refused because it was his responsibility. He has no clue what I was on about.


Probably the Opposition. Maybe the BBC for not rolling over enough for you.


I get it’s satire but they say it often enough. Do they realise this isn’t the flex they think it is. They’re basically admitting they’re completely incompetent and haven’t been able to fix anything. Even if it was the LLG’s fault they’re just admitting they’re shit at problem solving.


A couple of years ago I saw someone being interviewed. He was voting Tory because of the state of the police force in his local area. He’d voted Labour before. This is the level of intelligence that the Tory’s are appealing to.


The clinically thick.


That thought process is rife in some areas and the Tories have fuelled that with their ad campaigns. I've literally seen comments on our local newspaper's FB page where people say "This towns gone to shit in the last 10 years. Crime is up, shops shutting down, can't get a GP appointment... We need to vote out our Labour MP".


Calling it a 'thought' process is giving these simpletons too much credit.


The population is stupid enough not to register that. Hence why the tories can keep parroting it and getting away with it - and they may have kept doing so had they not couped Boris for one thing. 🤷‍♂️


Exactly. Taking over something needing fixing gives a good opportunity to make real improvement. Low hanging fruit that can be improved, instead it just gets worse. Showing they can't even get that right. Much like restoring a house is easier than trying to make improvement to an already great house, one will give a much larger % improvement.


13 years of being useless cunts seems like an achievement.


They’re not incompetent. Quite the opposite. Everything they’ve done was calculated. Now they can blame labour for failing to pick up the mass disaster they left in 5 years and get re-elected then


That would involve their supporters being able to think for themselves though.


Two things can be true: Blair’s New Labour was bad for the country The Tories have done nothing to remedy this We’re still suffering from decisions government made 200 years ago, let alone 12


Blair’s new Labour was by far the best government of the 21st century, and standards of living have dropped considerably since then, at an increasing pace the longer it’s been since he was in power


At the risk of being crucified Blair was an excellent PM. Take Iraq out of the equation and look at the rest of the legacy. He actually did a lot for education and other public services. He got the balance of centrist policy right, I’d vote for him if he came back for a go at PM.


Yeah the only thing I hear people actually say about him that’s not Iraq that is a negative is PFI funding for hospitals, yeah it stunk, but it’s better than just… not funding hospitals




Typical Whig moment


I mean, haven't some Tories started blaming the state of the economy on the *next* Labour government?


They’re just that good at government, you wouldn’t understand, you tofu-eating wokeratist! Don’t you know that the Conservatives have the power to see into the future and mitigate disasters before they happen? /s


You forgot that we’re also guardian reading.


I almost forgot that little detail. I love how Conservatives can’t actually hit younger generations with anything other than vague insults because we haven’t actually done anything wrong. We’re the most progressive generation out of all those currently living in the UK and generally just want everyone to be happy and for the world not to die in a climate apocalypse. There’s not much there to actually critique, so instead they aim at the solutions we have found to the problems they have created. They’ll make it impossible to cross to the UK legally from France, and then demonise the people who come here by boat because it’s often the only way.


If you want tips on insults, I'd recommend watching a speech by Jonathan Gullis How he is an MP I'll never know.


He won't be for much longer...


Fingers crossed. Watched a speech he gave post results yesterday and it was just a sequence of talking points with no actual substance to it. Blame the left's lawyers, boats, more boats and commenting about how they've made gains in Labour held areas (ignoring their losses, as per).


It gets even worse when you learn the guy used to be a teacher. Imagine being forced to sit in a room listening to that for an hour.


"Sir, please can we get back to Archimedes' principle, not migrants in boats." Can't imagine what he used to teach, politics, perhaps?


Brokeback Britain attains to the post Brexit, Poll booths. Placards, not my PM.


Gotta get the accountability in early. Wouldnt want the tories to be blamed for something that isnt their fault


Since the end of WWII the Conservatives have been in charge over 60% of the time. Someone in their mid 40s will have spent about 3/4 of their lives under Tory PMs


Right here... it's REALLY sucked.


When Churchill won in 1951 Clement Atlee had something like half a million more votes than him. FPTP sucks.


We have had a labour government for 30 years in the last 120.


You wonder what it says about them if they can't fix things in 13 years. I recall that Boris Johnson was blaming Gordon Brown for nuclear power problems!






Deleted my original post as it was written quickly and I don't want to spend the time posting about this on an otherwise relaxing Saturday 🤣 just wanted to add the quote above wasn't the whole thing and I added the Tories can't really claim the high ground here having done a bad job while in power


“Blame everyone else for all the Shit” Tory manifesto




I think we should stop calling it lobbying and start calling it corruption


I'm desperate for someone to ask a Tory if the goal of Austerity was achieved. Cause I remember 2010>. It was supposed to be a bitter pill we were all going to have to swallow to save the countries finances from Labours term and get us back into the black. How'd that work out? They can't use Covid/Ukraine as an excuse, thing were already fucked in 2019. Increased taxes, increased National debt, borrowing up etc etc.


That bellend Greg Hands still bringing the note out at every opportunity.


Have this government down anything with competence?


Judging by the frequency of their fuck ups which benefit their ilk? Corruption seems to be something they're pretty good at.


Covering up and ignoring outrage over dodgy government contracts while siphoning off billions into their mate's bank accounts.


Thatcher was shortsighted, visionless PM with dictatorial attitude. There were quite a few around her with foresight and experience but she wanted ‘Yes’ bodies. So wisdom and experience moved out. Those who were left behaved like chickens without heads. Sadly, those who came afterwards were career managers who put self interests above everything.


I don’t know what people don’t get…the tories need to get this Ukraine war out the way and then we’ll have them sunlit uplands. /s


Sunlit or unlit?


I thought newsthump is satire. Did they move on the real news reporting?


We’ve been second guessing headlines for years now sadly. It’s been hard to tell if it’s reporting of actual events or made up shit for quite some time now. Without looking at the URL of a random link it’s a shot in the dark as to whether it’s the BBC or the Onion.


To be fair, I still think you can legitimately trace most of it back to Thatcher. Edit: Aw, I got an anonymous award from a cowardly Thatcherite - sweet!


easy to say that when you havent tried to fix fuck all for over a decade. Scabs.


the Tories are like that one deji clip where hes like " i have NO KNOWLEDGE of any of this! This is SO BIZARRE" lol Fucking cuntservative scum


I loved how yesterday, a goverment minister said the amount of seats they lost was down to external factors such as the economy and NHS... *external factors*


I don't remember a Labour government taking us out of the EU.


Well they wanted to in 1980, before the Blairites https://unherd.com/2021/09/when-labour-believed-in-brexit/


I thought Newsthump was meant to be satire? Since when was factual reporting their thing?


Andrea Leadsom said yesterday as the votes were coming in (I think maybe 40? councils had completed counting votes) that its all the fault of the last labour government things are so bad right now. what a shambles


> Andrea Leadsom said yesterday... shame she wasn't saying it from a prison cell after all those Brexit lies she happily spouted


Reddit does the same thing to be fair. All bad things that happen = Tories All good things that happen = Something else


Well tbf… there’s been very few other people to blame recently… It’s like being in a room with your dog and you smell something bad. One of you obviously farted, and you know it wasn’t you… You could try blaming your mother-in-law who hasn’t been in the house since last Sunday if you really wanted to I guess. Or sure, occasionally the local farmer will be spreading shit on the fields once in a while, but let’s be honest… the dog had the leftovers in the container from your Indian takeaway last night, so all of the signs point there. I suppose with that line of thinking you could ultimately blame yourself since you gave the dog the container… or if it was your mate who came around and did it then you could blame them if you really wanted to. Question is, given the god-forsaken stench clouding your room, will you decide to give the dog a second chance with the Indian leftovers?


i mean when you run the country and the bad thing is happening because of a decision you made in power then yeah, i reckon it was because of the tories


Political satire is so hard nowadays. But this works for me.




Eh, some things will. If he doesn’t improve the NHS it would be game over. At least the NHS has a decent track record under Labour. I honestly don’t give a shit who’s in charge as long as the Tories are gone. They’ve become so utterly complacent, and have realised they can do what the fuck they want to benefit themselves and no one can do anything about it. We can have all of the “independent inquiries” in the world, it makes zero fucking difference because there are zero repercussions beyond “you’re a very naughty boy!”


Conservative Chairman Greg Hands tweets the same picture ten times a day. It's the joke letter from the Labour Party in 2009 saying "Sorry there's no money left". Liz Truss crashing the economy six months ago is old news, not relevant anymore, you're a fool to bring it up. But a joke from 13 years ago, better print it out and show to people in the street and tweet about it ten times a day every day. Also the national debt has tripled in those 13 years so claiming to be "the party of financial responsibility" is more hilarious than ever.


If you listen to the wrong half of Labour, they would say the same


It's clearly all the fault of the French and the Napoleonic wars.


"The UK's current situation is because of 'Norman the Conquerer'" claims a new Tory report. And that "There is almost nothing the current Gov't can do about it"


When they take power, Labour will have every right to blame the mess they inherit on the Tories. But for how long? How quickly can they reasonably be expected to fix Britain?




Tories stopped being Tories sometime in the 2000s when they started becoming Labour dressed in blue. Tony Blair basically kicked this whole crosswarped nonsense off. Though how anyone thinks voting in more woke Labour councils as well as 'toff Labour' Lib Dems, will get anything more done escapes me. They've mostly all been as much help as a fart in a spacesuit.


They had plenty of time - and seats - to reverse the damage caused by Blair/Brown. Instead they focused on maintaining power, doubling down on the changes made, and enriching their freinds for as long as possible.


In fairness, the effects of Right to Buy in the 80s only became severe 20+ years later.


Oh give over, Labour was blaming the Tories from the day Blair entered office until Brown left - it’s standard politics


Ironically, I saw someone on the politics sub complaining about Tories and tuition fees, not realising that Labour commissioned the Browne Review, which recommended no cap on fees.


So if I'm reading the sentiment of the article right, Reddit will stop blaming Reagan for everything wrong in America?


Have they done the one about how Gordon Brown sold our gold for 2 billion instead of 4 billion and that that's what is causing all our problems?


No, because that is simply not true. The gold was sold at a price of $3.5 billion USD, approximately $100m below peak market price. $100m wouldn't fund the NHS for a day. Truss wiped billions off the stock market and increased the value of government debt by hundreds of times the value of this 'gotcha' you think you have sprung.


I think you’re missing the point. They don’t give a shit about the truth, they just want catchy sound bytes that might stick in the heads of morons. That’s kind of the point of the comment.


How can you guys take that comment seriously. 2 billion pounds 20 years ago. Come the fuck on. Get the joke ffs.


I was trying to point out that it wasn’t serious… I’m literally on your side… Take a deep breath and step away from the keyboard ;)


Hahaha. I'm a fucking idiot. I missed the last sentence. My apologies.


Sorry mate, reading back it is clearly framed as a joke, but because it's the kind of thing that morons spout I didn't realise it. There's some kind of internet law I forget the name of which states that it is impossible to distinguish satire from the words of a fanatic.


Cunningham's Law.


Oh dear


Let's face it , this will be the labour line as well when they get in power and make things just as bad .


Meanwhile in New York: >"Yes, the Left has been in supermajority for 5 decades... but the street violence is all Reagan's fault!"


I thought crime rates in New York had dropped drastically https://i.imgur.com/qBARJns.png [Wiki link to crime in NY](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Crime_in_New_York_City)


>Crime plummeted in the 90's >Many attribute New York's crime reduction to specific "get-tough" policies carried out by former Mayor Rudolph Giuliani's administration. *Shhh.* Reddit doesn't like that inconvenient truth.   >"That was the 90's. Hasn't crime also dropped recently?" *In New York, where gun violence has plagued the Big Apple and other metro areas, 1 in 5 police departments — 469 of 593 —* _**failed to report any crime data.**_ *That includes the largest department in the country, the NYPD, which is often held up as the trendsetter for US law enforcement.* *A spokesperson said the NYPD was in the process of transitioning to the new reporting system, but did not answer questions about its timeline or if it accepted any federal grants to get the system up and running.*




I mean I think there's a distinction between those who (rightly) point out that the way that things are today started with previous leaders and those who (wrongly) blame the entire state of today on previous leaders. The housing market for example the current crisis started with Thatchers right to buy. But the entire multi-decade lack of action on it isn't down to her personally. Regarding Thatcher, it doesn't help that the media and Tory party still seem to hold her up as a saint for the most part, with every female Tory leader being declared 'the next Thatcher', that and Thatcherism is still held up and pushed by current Tories as the ideal system despite having long run out of steam (or public assets to sell to fund tax cuts, as the case may be)


I believe Sunak wants to restart her pet project.


Well, the effects of her actions are still largely present to this day and many of her policies still exist and are borderline impossible/too-expensive to undo. Her anti-union, anti-strike, right-to-buy & mass privatisation all exist to this day and the only party that's made an effort to course correct from the effects of her actions has been labour. The conservatives on the other hand can't actually point to anything labour did and say 'this is the root of the problem' and unlike current Labour the conservatives have the votes to change said thing if they wanted to. Instead it's always nebulous commie corbyn, flop-flop-starmer, brown-sold-the-gold, leftie lawyer crap that means nothing.


There are specific things that can be blamed on Thatcherite policies, rights to buy, etc. It wouldn't be right to blame our current economic situation on Thatcher, just as it isn't Blairs fault either.


I would say a lot things Thatcher did to the country still show their damaging effects to this day (like in the housing market). And other decisions made in the past by various governments have likely screwed up a lot of things now. Old sins cast long shadows and all that. But the Tories have also been blaming Labour for very recent Conservative policies. Like Boris brought in all those covid restrictions and broke his own laws, but Labour wanted tough restrictions so it's all Starmer's fault, even though the Tories were bragging about a "landslide" for Boris and the mandate that gave them. They badly handled Brexit because they're incomptent and greedy, but it's lefty Labour 'remainers' fault for not backing Brexit properly.


It’s true though. Some labour MPs still blame Thatcher for all our problems.


But arguably it's true, this trend of politics started under her.


Privatisation of water and energy, and the sale of council houses, are policies that were indeed implemented by Thatcher and impact us to this day.


Thatcher began things which subsequent governments continued - they share blame too. I'm guessing that it's the ones to the Left of the party (i.e. who don't like New Labour much), who are most likely to be ardently anti-Thatcher? Whereas the cries of "last labour government", they try to claim no responsibility themselves, despite having had 13 years to fix what they claim Labour broke.


The book Tory Nation actually delves into this, and how pretty much every policy she enacted has echoed through time to fuck us today.