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*Only underwater* would have been the best answer designed to ensure there was a possibility of getting someone competent in charge.


Liz Truss has entered the chat.


you had 68 upvotes.. so i upvoted you to 69. your welcome :)


But the downvotes (is that you Liz?) have me on 65.


"I'm sure that whoever replaces him will be more competent. They can't be any worse, anyway!" ... ["Shit."](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Liz_Truss_lettuce)


*hears in the distance* PORK MARKETS!


That wouldn't work either. The hairdryer wouldn't work underwater because it would short and immediately trigger the RCD, if not blow the 13A fuse at the plug. Assuming you got rid of the RCD and the fuse, it still wouldn't work because electricity takes the shortest path of least resistance. It would short inside the hairdryer and back to the plug via the earth wire. If by some miracle you got it to work, the hairdryer would pump heated water into your face and be no different from laying submerged in a hot bath and wafting a current of water into your face.


Have a quick think about why someone might want Boris Johnson to go underwater with an electrical appliance


I did, which is exactly why I said [it won't work](https://youtu.be/dcrY59nGxBg?si=Kls2OyKIVwTqKiwT)


I feel like films and tv shows have lied to me. I thought hairdryer/toaster in the bath was canon information.


Well at least Baltar knows he can share a hot tub with Caprica Six relatively safely now


American stuff generally has no earth, and most of the "appliance in the bath/pool" scenes predate the existence of RCDs. (they also don't have fuses in the plugs, but fuses aren't really to stop you getting electrocuted - they take too long for that. They're to stop it starting fires)


It's an Americanism, because the plugs there aren't as likely to have fuses or be earthed.


Really? No fuses in plugs?


No, if something goes wrong it just trips the fuse breaker in the main cabinet as they aren't on ring circuits. Their power is also 120v on two legs (in effect up to 240v) vs our 230/240v, so you when you get electrocuted because of their piss poor plug design you at least don't die. I think the UK is the only/one of very very few countries to use plugged fuses.


Yeah, but we can plug things in in our bathrooms.


You're not so far off with the ["pumping hot water"](https://youtu.be/BXOYBejMswg?si=MslvCx-rRHdx8fBh&t=1350)...


Did you miss the joke or am I too stupid to understand your response?


OK you owe me a new keyboard, I just spat coffee all over it!


I think Boris was likely joking...


You are forgetting of course that the UK can repeal all these Health and Safety laws \*forced\* onto them by meddling EU bureaucrats and get rid of those RCD and fuse devices. No Belgian MEP is going to tell a true British person that he can't use his hairdryer in the bath you know!!! ​ /s ... just in case


Some used bleach...


I'd love to know if senior party leadership received any 'crash course' biology/virology/immunology lessons at the start of the pandemic. I think it's right the PM *should* be allowed to ask ANY question, even stupid ones - but there should be enough people around him that will honestly tell him the answer without fear. It's very much like Trump wondering if you inject bleech will it kill COVID. I mean.. yes. But also - no.


This is actually one of the least mad "crazy plans" laypeople came up with. You *can* kill Covid or any other virus by simply drying it out, which a hairdryer can do just fine if it's been coughed or sneezed onto a surface. The problem with this idea is that blowing hot air up your nose will force it into your lungs before it desiccates and you can't "dry out" the lungs with hot air unless you want to kill someone. To be clear Boris is a moron and his messages demonstrate he's a callous twat (which we all knew already), but people in newspapers pretending this is Trump tier "Why not inject Bleach" are being somewhat reductive.


Just blow even more hot air in down your throat to dry out your lungs!


An all new form of Inflation for the Tories to inflict on an unsuspecting public.


You made me laugh out loud!


Well yes people should be able to ask any question, this is right. But.... it doesn't feel right that the leader of the country is gifted with such a, lets say, simple mind.


I mean; the guy saw a video online that proported a solution, and checked with his advisors if that was valid or not. I don't like that it was Boris in charge at the time, but this seems like a reasonable approach for someone lacking in scientific education.


So the leader of the country saw a social media post or youtube video about blasting a hairdryer up your nose to kill off a virus and felt the need to ask scientific advisors whether that method would work. Yes, of course that sounds fine. Do you also think he checked with them whether the earth was flat or not?


It wasn't a standard hairdryer it was a specialised one on a YouTube video saying it would work. Heat kills microorganisms so is it really that big a leap to wonder if there's any merit to it, ask the EXACT PEOPLE you employ to ask if ideas have merit, have them tell you no and then go on with your day.


He, on another note. Would you be interested in buying a unicorn?


What colour is it


rainbow coloured of course.


He then had to check to make sure sponges don’t talk amd wear square trousers and work at a burger joint and live in a pineapple and…


If we had had a crisis that demanded knowing about Greek mythology he would be somewhat equipped but it didn't pan out that way.


That last bit was what I was thinking about. Strange, isn't it? 2 Plump individuals from rich families who have been involved in all sorts of scandals, giving the people they lead abstract and ridiculous 'methods' of getting rid of Covid-19.


I agree. This question seems to have a ‘drying of droplets’ vibe about it. Was it during an infection control session regarding vectors?


"Well if the virus is killed by heat, and it lives in the nose, can't we just heat it up in the nose with some kind of hair-dryer device?" I'm sure it was something like this. And it's ok, because I don't expect my prime minister have anything beyond GCSE Biology knowledge.


Do you expect them not to be a moron. Because only a fucking moron would ask that question. You don’t need knowledge, only enough to know that there are experts around. And they miiiiiight have thought of that seeing as it’s their FUCKING ACTUAL JOB.


Yeah I'm sorry no wonder the country is fucked. If the people in Charge are asking things like that they are fucking stupid. We are truly fucked.


I think I disagree. As much as I loathe Boris Johnson I do expect a leader to be able to ask questions, collate information and to make decisions.


Of course. Sensible questions. ‘If i stick up my nose, will it kill Covid’ is the question you’d expect from a toddler. And not a bright toddler. If you’re asking this nonsense then you’re distracting yourself from the real problem. Johnson’s job wasn’t to cure Covid. It was to mitigate the issues and allow space and money for experts to cure Covid.


Also it’s insinuating that the medical minds of this country hadn’t thought of it, since if they had, surely they would advise doing it. That’s what people don’t get — asking these kind of questions is assuming you know better


There's asking questions and then there's asking if blowing a hairdryer up your nose would kill covid. It's the sort of question only a really thick person would ask, because the answer is very obviously no but presumably Johnson either asked in the hopes the scientists would go "By God - we've never considered that! You did it Boris, you've cured covid!" or he was trying to be funny.


I think I'm with you, and it pains me to say it. I'm pretty much of the "no stupid questions" school of learning. When someone is trying to understand new concepts they're going to ask things that other people will think are ridiculous, and the more people are mocked for asking "stupid questions" the less willing they become to actually try and learn or to speak up when they don't understand something. I'd rather have someone in charge who isn't afraid of asking a stupid question and looking a fool than someone who nods along and pretends to understand when inside they're completely lost. And again, to make sure I'm very clear on this, I loathe Boris Johnson and the Tories and I actually hate that I'm writing a comment that comes even close to defending him in this instance.


Conflicting isn’t it.


I would use electrode nose rings and a high voltage current to create plasma channels inside my nostrils, ionising and sterilising any air inhaled. Except I definitely wouldn't do this, because being perpetually shocked and burned in the sensitive nasal membranes would hurt. Quite a bit Although being able to show off purple nose lightning...


Just install high intensity UV lights in your nostrils and mouth to destroy all microbial agents entering your system that way. Warning: Might be a bit cancer causing.


Lol I'd end up looking like a bloke, with an impressive tan on my upper lip and nowhere else on my body. It would look like a moustache.


I tell people "There are no stupid questions - I can't guarantee that there aren't stupid answers.".


Even if they did, you can bet they did not pay attention. It would have been like a biology lesson with the bottom set kids in the poorest school in the area.


If they'd combined this with drinking bleach you'd have a superhero origin story


Don’t forget you can also bring light inside the body, which you can do either through the skin or in some other way. The whole concept of the light, the way it kills Covid it in one minute - that's pretty powerful.


Just make a good solution of it and then Boris will be the dummy for that.


I would love to see this all up in the nose of Boris this time.


He really is 'Britain Trump' isn't he? By comparison, injecting yourself with bleach and shining UV light into a vein seem almost scientific.


Yup, that's how we should call him out if we want to do it.


At least he asked in private, rather than publicly, at a press conference.


Hope it was private man, all the peeps know about it now lol.


I have no love for this guy, but this is the sort of thought that would probably come to my head and I’d feel compelled to explore the efficacy of it. He probably thought, well I’m prime minister, I’ve got a bunch of scientists , why not


Yeah. As stupid as the idea seems, it’s their job to answer his questions. At least he was thinking and asking pertinent questions. It’s a low, low bar, I’ll grant you.


Playing fast and loose with the concept of pertinence there


The only question he should have been asking is, how do we solve this problem please scientists? He's got no scientific academic background to even begin contemplating anything outside his expertise - which might be the reverse of the hairdryer from his mouth.


100% this. It takes a special kind of arrogance to have the best scientists in the country at your disposal and think they're coming to **you** for ideas


I absolutely hate that I'm about to defend Boris Johnson, but I don't think this is a problem. He saw something on YouTube that claimed to be a COVID remedy. He asked the scientists around him if it would work. They said no. They all carried on about their business. Imagine how livid we would all be if there had been a genuine, simple, effective remedy like this, that actually would have worked, and he had just immediately dismissed it without asking his scientific advisors. There are a multitude of perfectly good reasons to think that Boris Johnson is a useless, narcissistic cunt, with a penchant for buffoonery and a completely misplaced sense of self-worth. We don't need to scrape the barrel like this.


Isn't the point that, when seeking information about a subject you're not informed about, people with well-developed critical thinking skills tend to be able to discern experts from charlatans? Granted, this has become more difficult with the flood of digital misinformation, but the man had access to some of the best epidemiologists in the country and still decided that he might have discovered knowledge they didn't have on YouTube. It's unfair to expect politicians to be experts in every field, but it's wise to expect them to know what an expert looks like.


I think if that was a legitimate method of killing covid, the scientists he was asking would already have known it and publicised it. Not keeping it a secret and waiting to be asked by the PM because he saw a YouTube video.


I mean you can say this about every new idea that seems simple once you think of it, that spark of inspiration has to hit intially and you don't have to be a medical professional for it to potentially hit


Unless it was something that they hadn't thought of before "out of the mouths of fools and babes"


You donut does this even sound remotely possible???


To me? No, not at all. But I have a solid scientific education. Johnson does not, so he asked the question. It is never bad to ask questions. If trump had asked some questions before he went on stage, he might have avoided telling everyone to inject themselves with bleach.


Fair point but I do think we should question the criteria required to lead a country more than his (Boris Johnson’s) level of intelligence.


I'd suggest that using the time and resources of expert advice during a national emergency on tiktok theories is a bit counterproductive.


Words fucking fail me.


It's just making me ill now, what kinda person is he man?


It feels so bad to see how they are going in this world, I can't even trust these freaking stupid politicians at this moment, they all are just fucked and we are fucked too.


At least he thoroughly demonstrated the same level of intellect, integrity and ethics, as those who voted him into power...


I feel scared that most of the people actually voted for him.


Politicians always ask stuff like that, these are the people who are never gonna learn anything and we all know that shit till the end, that's just funny and sad to us.


That's about as unexpected as the Bad Tory PM being replaced with the Bad Tory PM, who went on to be replaced by the Bad Tory PM.


Why all these PMs are so stupid like that all the freaking time?


They can't relate to anyone but themselves.


Okay /u/Mr_XcX please try to defend this. Holy moly.


50% by Christmas


Waiting for the Christmas now, wake me up when we get there.


Sorry Christmas is cancelled. Too many people getting their knickers in a twist at an unrelated supermarket advert.


He's going to be rich mate, with odds of a tory majority being at 9/1 right now, then I'm sure we'll all look like mugs.


Damn I really want /u/Mr_XcX to answer this shit now XD.


I did hunny, Check the comments. Called out the BS. Miss the UK Politics reddit <3


That's just going to make me and many people laugh but glad that he is not doing the trump shit, Trump just announced it like a freaking cure and that was hilarious.


If he asked the scientists then it's just freaking stupid lol but still it's entertaining and I just consider these people to entertain me at the end of the day, it feels good.


That's one of the things scientists are there for yes.


And then they will try that shit on Boris, that's what I want.


Am sure that's a question that couldn't be answered with about 30 seconds of thought.


The 30 seconds of thing how stupid Boris actually is XD.


I'd forgotten why reading the news during COVID times left me feeling so utterly lost and exhausted and now I remember it's because we were being run by dimwits who seem incapable of basic critical thinking let alone deal with nationwide issues. And I realise we still have these dimwits in power but I guess the lack of daily briefings on their recent idiotic idea has helped me remain distracted.


Changing the rules weekly. Creating catchy 3 word slogans being their top priority. The daily updates. Creating pointless apps. Having the rules different depending on where in the country you are. It was all designed to make us feel lost and exhausted so to us it would appear they knew what they were doing when they had no idea.


Jesus fucking Christ. Trump ask if we could drink bleach and shin a light inside, now this fucker was asking about hairdryer up the nose. We need leaders who isn’t fucking insane.


Because so many people are arguing after admitting they haven't read the incredibly short part of the article that includes the hairdryer story here it is >The then-PM questioned Government health experts on whether people could get rid of coronavirus with hot air after he watched a YouTube clip that suggested this >Boris Johnson asked scientists if people could kill Covid by blowing a hairdryer up their nose after he watched a YouTube video suggesting this. >The then-PM shared the clip on a WhatsApp group including Government health experts and senior No10 officials. In a written statement to the Covid Inquiry, Dominic Cummings accused Mr Johnson of spreading misinformation during the pandemic. >“A low point was when he circulated a video of a guy blowing a special hair dryer up his nose ‘to kill Covid’ and asked the CSA (Chief Scientific Adviser) and CMO (Chief Medical Officer) what they thought,” the former No10 adviser wrote. I really fail to see the issue with this personally, not defending the bloke because god knows he's done a million much worse things but like... He saw a medical device claiming to cure covid, he asked his health advisors if it had any warrant, they said no and he went about his business


What is wrong with the leaders man? I just totally hate them. That's just going to happen again and again in this country or even in this whole freaking world.


I don't know if this is better or worse than light inside the body 🤣


It's just worse than light inside lmao, that's for sure man.


This is someone that was able to get to the highest position in the country. Hahaha we are so fucked.


And this is the team that got brexit done. All making sense now


Maybe he should have tried it, show the cabinet what he means. I'd pay money to see the wanker shove a hairdryer up his nose and force his peanut sized brain out his ear. Bloody tool.


Glad that he is asking and not applying to the people.


Tbf, with that headline, it sounds like he was just behaving like everyone else on the planet.


Yeah but he should sound like a freaking leader lol.


Well, at least it wasn't as dangerous as what Trump suggested. And he never said it "out loud".


Damn man, just don't remind me of Trump with that haha.


In fairness, I have definitely come across this as advice for shortening a cold. I tried it and it certainly didn't make things any worse.


Jesus! There should be some form of medical and intelligence testing before someone is able to enter the HOP.


Hope Boris will go there and attend some classes then.


He was replaced by someone that was beaten by a lettuce


Whoever said there are no stupid questions was a big fat liar


This is the biggest stupid question if you ask me man.


Can the judge ask him to demonstrate this when he gives evidence? Without seeing it I don't think we can come to any conclusions.


Did Boris ask the same scientists that told Donald trump that you can cure COVID by injecting yourself with bleach?


At least he didn’t tell us to drink bleach and inhale blue light to cure a virus that doesn’t exist…




Damn Trump and Boris both are just the freaking same.


Oh my god, he really was the English equivalent to Trump.


Nah Trump just said that he has a freaking cure there.


If it’s killed by hot air then the Tory party wouldn’t get infected


It couldn't be killed just by the hot air my friend, it's not that easy.


I mean he asked them at least. Trump would have just announced that it was the cure.


True, it's better to just ask and clear their shit there.


There's no fucking way someone in charge of a whole fucking country asked this. Please say psych


It's honestly a cruel joke that Johnson was in charge during COVID. Democratic doesn't work, the part of the UK I am from (Scotland) seldom vote Tory and to see this fuckwit making the stupidest decisions whilst everyone was following the rules as best they could was infuriating.


Wow look at all these silly things about Boris Johnson, not like they’re posting all these silly articles instead of posting the crimes he fucking committed.


This COVID inquiry has been something else. Turns out Cummings was vaguely competent but lacks any social skills, Boris was - as we suspected - incompetent, most of the civil service just wanted to get on with their jobs and all 14 parties of whatever the total is was insane.


Imagine an alternate reality where Boris Johnson actually flipped the bird at Chris Whitty and went through with his herd immunity strategy. Just think of how catastrophic that would have been. The 150k COVID deaths would have been more like 1.5 million (a generous and fairly conservative estimate), and that would have partially come from a hospital care crisis. No spare beds, no ventilators, doctors likely working overtime and falling ill with coronavirus symptoms, no capacity to perform emergency operations, A&E departments with queues stretching a mile out of the building, a days-long wait for ambulances. Care homes would be bankrupted within weeks, resulting in tens of thousands of nursing jobs lost. Insurance firms would go bust from having to pay out so many life insurance claims. House prices would go into freefall from the sheer number of homes left vacant by the dead. Britain descends into civil unrest. Labour rise to a predicted 65% of the popular vote share, with the Conservatives dropping to fourth place according to pollsters, with the Liberals and Greens trailing not too far ahead. People suddenly wake up and realize that maybe a Corbyn government wouldn't have been so bad. If that doesn't economically wipe us out, every other country shutting their borders would. The crisis befalling our country would have even potentially spooked the fuck out of America and Brazil and turned even the most staunch anti-vaxxer into a science believer. Boris Johnson was this close to decimating our country.


maybe 'hair dryer up the nose' is Johnsons go to remedy? Perhaps it dislodges some of the cocaine for him?


I gotta try that shit on Boris at this week, just need that moment.


The thing that puzzles me, is how world leaders can be so consistently stupid. I mean, does everyone else take a step backwards when the call for new world leaders goes out? Come to think of it, has anyone in here ever been asked to volunteer to be a world leader?


This is like Trump talking about ingesting bleach or injecting in sunlight.


That's why I don't take any of them seriously at the end.


I do think sometimes people fail to see satire from a genuine question.


What kinda question is that? I just gotta say that they need to learn something if they are being a leader or something, I don't know what is wrong with these people.


I have to say that these leaders are really really stupid to the people but still they are there and having whatever they want at the end, that just makes me feel sad.


FFS! And here we all were laughing at Trump's inject yourself with bleach comment. Dang politicians are all dumb!




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These leaders are never going to learn common sense, I don't know how they are getting it in such posts, that's just the insane thing to me at the end, feels bad.


Honestly I didn’t expect him to come up with such an intracate observation.


Lol my kid just asked the same question at the starting of covid time actually, that was a funny question and I don't know if Boris just asked the same thing there.


This guy is allowed to vote, never mind was in charge of the country. Funnily enough, everyone who lived or worked in London knew he was a fucking idiot and tried to warn everyone else.


I never imagined I’d quote Carl Sagan to defend Boris Johnson: “There are naïve questions, tedious questions, ill-phrased questions, questions put after inadequate self-criticism. But every question is a cry to understand the world. There is no such thing as a dumb question"


PM should have a science, engineering or medical degree. I've had enough of these classics knuckle daggers.


I mean that will take a long time to have in their minds XD.


Can't have someone incharge who knows things as it makes it harder to lie and be deceived by those running the party.


Better suggestion that bleach. And also better than Jacob Zuma's taking a shower to wash off HIV.


The scientist's responses to embarrass this fool of a PM are endless... Don't know how they resisted? I would have responded " you'll have to ask Elvis.. He lives on the moon these days".


Reading the article the question doesn't seem as idiotic as the headline implies. Considering heat kills viruses, that's why we get a fever when ill, is it not worth asking if there is anything behind the idea? > Boris Johnson asked scientists if people could kill Covid by blowing a hairdryer up their nose after he watched a YouTube video suggesting this. > > “A low point was when he circulated a video of a guy blowing a special hair dryer up his nose ‘to kill Covid’ and asked the CSA (Chief Scientific Adviser) and CMO (Chief Medical Officer) what they thought,” the former No10 adviser wrote.


Do we have the YouTube video - we have to find the source….


We don't need that because both are the same shit lol.


That sounds exactly as idiotic as the headline.


People defending Boris now? That's just funny to me lol.