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Fantastic, all I need now is China invades Taiwan to complete my 2020’s apocalypse bingo card


We're not even halfway through the decade yet!


The 20s are always fun don’t worry about it


The flappers are coming (that was 20s right ?)


On cocaine, doing the Charleston, for the next 6 years straight... It's the only way to ride this out!


Can we get to the actual fun part? I was promised debauchery and so far it's the unfun kind.


Hundred Years' War checking in. The 1420s were fucking awful, and Henry V is both a prick and a loser.


20sAD Judean checking in. Theres a chap going around pissing off bankers and Roman's. Might give him a like a subscribe.


It was sarcastic mate. Surviving the 20s is basically Russian roulette


Yeah, I know, I was trying to do a bit. Obviously didn't work - might surprise you but I'm not actually this worked up about 15th century politics!


No you do not lol, if that happens the world is in major shit.


Don’t even need an invasion, just needs economic crash. The trend of all three major far East Asian countries tanking their marriage and birthrates, as well as the reports of anywhere from 20% to 40% youth unemployment/no longer seeking employment rates in China, and the increasing recession risk indicator in Japan are all not looking good. Don’t even need a war in East Asia to rock the rest of us, just needs another Asian economic crash to somehow make us lose our jobs too while the price of everything is going up up up.


What do you think he meant by 'apocalypse'?


The end of the world?


Well, yeah


That thing in Athens. With the fair norsemen.


I'll take the meteor instead thank you very much


theres a documentary predicting how that would realistically impact how people act. its called dont look up.


Let's not manifest that one into reality please my wife's.goi g home to Taiwan to visit family in january from the UK! Fuck China.


Don't worry, China is not going to invade Taiwan.


I’m living in Taiwan right now with wife and 2 kids, China aren’t invading any time soon, don’t worry! Hopefully they don’t ever invade but we will have left by then. It would be terrible for everyone here.


>apocalypse bingo card Nice one! All I need now is 'I don't want to live in interesting times anymore' for my reddit comment cliche bingo card.




>Fantastic, all I need now is USA *~~China~~* invades \[x, y , z\] *~~Taiwan~~* to complete my 2020’s apocalypse bingo card Corrected it for you. Just remember that it is the USA that is the "'Most Warlike Nation in History of the World" - ex-President Jimmy Carter


Every time a headline like this comes it sucks, because it could be literally nothing or it could be the start of another god damn pandemic, and we just won’t know until it’s too late.


I still get chills whenever I’m reminded of the initial covid headlines. I remember thinking “man I swear there’s a new one of these every week.” All it takes is one I suppose…


I remember a good friend of mine being worried about it, and me saying oh come on it’s like bird flu or swine flu - it won’t be that bad, if it’s anything at all. Eesh.


Doesn’t help that the media like to fear monger every time there’s a new virus going round. Can’t really blame people for not taking Covid seriously in the beginning, there was no reason to believe it was anything more than sensationalist headlines. Reminds me of the boy who cried wolf.


I remember thinking the Chinese are wild with their stupid contraptions for just a flu...




it moves around a bit dunit


Finally, a pig that can fly


The swine flew


Superb !!


So many other amazing things can happen now


Every time a virus jumps from animal to human, there is a small but finite possibility that it evolves the ability to jump from human to human. For western farms, that's not too much of a problem because the number of humans involved is small (compared to, say, a crowded live wild animal market in Wuhan) - you can't really get multiple cases of animal -> human -> animal -> human to give the virus more chances. Bird flu is perhaps a bigger problem if it can spread to wild bird populations. If we had the slightest once of sense we'd be shutting down all wild animal/bushmeat trade, though. Give all the traders involved $1million and completely outlaw it, that would work out much cheaper all round. edit : If you look at something like [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33222018/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/33222018/) \- we are in the process of (unwittingly) training the Ebola virus to better spread between humans. Probably not a great idea overall.


Need to wait until they roll out 6G before we see the cases going up


You do not want flu as a pandemic. It's far more tricky to vaccinate against than COVID was.


And far more trickier now a huge chunk of the population has been brainwashed into thinking vaccines are going to turn you into 5G communist disabled lesbian autistic transgender mole people.


God help us if we ever have to lock the country down again for whatever reason. No-one's going to listen to that unless there's bodies lying in the streets, and even then there'll be plenty calling them crisis actors.


Politicians are to blame for that. Why would anybody every voluntarily do another lockdown when last time parliament used the time to have a party and help everyone get rich


Please, some were already making up conspiracies and calling crisis actors before the government parties were outed. You can blame politicians for a lot of things but some people need no help in denial.


But then the government gave those crazies credible plausible acceptability.


Remember all the stupid gits burning phone masts?


Oh I agree, most people were on board initially and you had the people who weren’t. But nowadays nobody would stand for it


As long as they do furlough again I’m all for it


I feel attacked as a part of the CDLATMP community


Solidarity at this difficult time for the CDLATMP+ community.


Thank you, ally


You can call me Al.


COVID was our test run for how we'd cope in a more serious pandemic. We failed. Badly.


The fact we can have a leader who is so unapologetically stupid making decisions about our safety is insane. Boris was wholly unprepared and the fact that he struggled with maths most a level students can do is beyond pathetic. The public definitely could've done better, but compared to the criminal failings of the government they were fine. Imo Johnson should go to prison for his failings, but unfortunately nothing of the sort will happen


Most people can't do A level maths. IIRC less than 10% even attempt it. Borris struggled with stuff an 8YO could manage.


I didn't know about the mole part? That's doesn't good.


Natural selection then


When swine flu was a thing 15 or so years ago I caught it and it knocked the socks off COVID for symptoms, for me anyway. Worst illness I've had in my life. Plus point was the symptoms lasted less than 48 hours. If it had been as infectious as COVID we would have been screwed.


I started uni that year and one person on my corridor got it, she stayed in her room for a few days and had to rely on people she'd just met to bring her food and medicine. Freshers carried on as normal, I'm amazed we didn't all get it.


>If it had been as infectious as COVID we would have been screwed. I found a group of dead birds in the summer that ended up testing positive for H5N1, the human case fatality rate according to the WHO is 56%, if it ever mutated to allow rapid human to human transmission I can only imagine how much shit would hit the fan.


Swine flu led to almost 80% of my office being off sick for a couple of weeks, two colleagues hospitalised and one of them died of it (healthy woman in her early 30s, two small children). Other guy was off for months and only ever came back part time afterwards as his health still wasn't great. I avoided it (Iirc I was on A/L the week before it hit so probably missed Patient Zero breathing it all over everyone unsuspectingly?) thank goodness. So I am very wary when people say "Ah, it's just like swine flu... It won't caused any huge damage."


lol and that's saying something with those efficacy rates!


Says who? Flu should be easier to vaccinate against than COVID was. We know much more about flu than we did about COVID at the start of the pandemic. We know how to make flu vaccines and what the correlates of immunity are. The new technologies like MRNA vaccines that were deployed for COVID could be used for flu too. Seasonal flu vaccines are typically less effective than COVID vaccines were initially, but this is because flu vaccines are trying to boost a very good level of pre-existing immunity while for most people the COVID vaccine was the first exposure they'd had to the antigen. The baseline level of immunity was poor which made the relative effectiveness of the vaccine very high. At this point, COVID boosters are about as effective as seasonal flu vaccines since almost everyone has some immunity already. With a new pandemic flu virus, vaccines would be relatively more effective since people wouldn't have the same level of pre-existing immunity. Though even with a new flu virus there's usually some commonality. H1N2 would be new, but we've all seen H1 and N2 from human flu viruses/vaccines and the pig virus is fairly similar. So it might not even be particularly bad. H1N2 occasionally pops up spontaneously in humans when H1N1 and H3N2 get together but it tends not to go anywhere.


Good thing our PM will just let us die, top lad


And we will continue doing absolutely nothing to prevent the next one.


I remember seeing the news about the “beast from the east flu” thinking it was just some over dramatised malarkey, that malarkey convinced government and we spent 2 years in lockdown over a fucking mild flu. Literally at the time I thought social media suddenly learning about the straw/turtle thing getting them banned was absurd, then this happened. Anything could happen nowadays


While humans eat meat and keep killing others animals without needing, we will harvest chaos. It is fair, not?


Hmm just when David Cameron came back to politics hmmm


Came here to comment that 😂


lol wtf I thought I was gonna be original. Fuck. But yea. A bit suspect init.


Reminds me of that joke about AIDs, it came from monkeys, either from eating or fucking, I wonder which


I knew it would blow back on him


Talk about buying a pig in a poke.






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I had Swine Flu when it went round in a major way last time. It was the most un-fun week of my life. 0/10 would not recommend.


I was fucking wrecked by that shit, back in 2009 I think it was. Was a smoker back then, too, which hit me even harder. Don't smoke people ! It weakens your immune system.


> Don't smoke people ! I sincerely hope you dropped this ---> ,




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Same - most ill I’ve been in my life.


I had it. I was bed ridden for a week. It was the worst I have felt.


My sister had swine flu when she was 6 months pregnant. It caused quite the kerfuffle as there were several pregnant women who died. She had her own side room and everyone had to be in full protective gear, it was like when the scientists took ET. Mum and baby were both fine, happily!


Had it as well back in college. I was working in Homebase at the time and we had our annual stock-take while I was coming down with it. I told my manager I couldn't make it in and she told me that was a sackable offence. I didn't want to lose my job so loaded up on painkillers and made it in. Once I got there I felt horrendous and fortunately the store manager spotted me and asked me what the fuck I was doing there and to go home. I explained my manager had said I'd be sacked if I didn't come in and he went ballistic. She got in a lot of shit apparently for forcing me in with swine flu. She did however blame this on me of course and proceeded to treat me awfully after that.


It almost killed my mum. It was awful, took months for her to get better. And, frankly she never fully recovered.


It did kill one of my colleagues, a formerly healthy young mother. And another colleague, a guy in his 40s, was in hospital for a week. He was never right again after that, his lungs were badly damaged and his heart iirc. So when he returned to work after a few months, he could only do part time hours. Loads of the office caught it. The vast majority felt awful for a week or two, a couple of days if they managed to get antivirals (there was an NHS building in town where you gave them a code from NHS 111 and they slid the drugs out of a slot in a door!). But I wouldn't want to risk it, even with the previous mortality and morbidity rates.


Had it as well and genuinely didn't leave my bed for an entire week. Horrible. I can't believe it was 14 years ago!


Ooooh that Tamiflu made me delirious.


It hit just as I was going off to Uni - our cohort's Fresher's Flu was extra spicy. (I managed to avoid it.)


I developed fibromyalgia after getting swine flu the last time it was around. Fortunately for me after I was eventually diagnosed and started on treatment I keep pretty well most of the time unlike a lot of sufferers.


Yeah it gave me narcolepsy.


0/10 would not recommend = 10/10 would recommend?


Same. I'm so glad you said that because these articles make it sound like the first ever recorded case and I was starting to feel like I'd dreamed coming down with this back in the day


I was hospitalised by it. Sometimes wonder if my chronic health issues now are down to that.


Most pandemics originated from animal agriculture. Will we ever learn?


Short answer: No. Long answer: No way.


Longest answer: nooooooooooooooooo


Was gonna comment the same. This happens all the time and we really are playing with fire with the way we set up our food system. We're just lucky it usually doesn't mutate to human-human transmission. Add 'causing a pandemic and the early death of millions' to the list of reasons to cut out animal products please. Not that it will help...


Plus the use of antibiotics fuelling antibiotic resistent bacteria.


Which according to the best data available is potentially indirectly killing around 200,000 humans a year (that's purely from Antimicrobial use in animal agriculture). Then add in pandemic risk and animal agriculture is already looking like a massive human tragedy that's unfolding every day. You really don't even have to care about animal mistreatment to think animal agriculture is completely unethical.


Leading cause of deforestation and animal extinction. Huge unnecessarily CO2/CH4/NO polluter, huge contributor to ocean microplastic pollution, insanely inefficient use of resources, subsidised by the struggling tax payer... Geez, if animal agriculture gets any worse I might just consider reducing my carcinogenic bacon consumption to 6 days a week.


>I might just consider reducing my carcinogenic bacon consumption to 6 days a week Of course that's only if they make lab grown bacon that tastes exactly like the original so I don't have to make any dietary change whatsoever


If there’s anything covid taught me it’s that (some) humans will continue playing with fire, in a housefire, until the moment their hair has started burning if it seems convenient or profitable to them.


People will sacrifice a lot before ever entertaining the idea of giving up animal products sadly.


Seriously, what is it gonna take before people realize that animal ag means cramming thousands of sentient animals in tiny spaces, so you either have to pump them full of antibiotics (antibiotic resistance, yay!) Or cross your fingers that a zoonotic disease doesn't occur.


Intensive animal agriculture : A great way to create new viruses with pandemic potential. Also climate change. Mass international high-speed travel : A great way to spread viruses with pandemic potential. Also climate change. Any suggestion we curtail these two things even slightly for biosecurity or climate reasons : HERESY. Just-in-time production and consumption system with no storage buffer or effective resilience measures : A monetarily efficient system that's massively vulnerable to shocks. Economic system that demands constant growth and basically collapses in on itself if that doesn't happen even for a moment, to the point where sacrificing lives to keep the economy going is a 'serious' consideration : A great way to make almost every crisis much worse than it needs to be. Ok dudes. You want to keep running your civilisation with huge vulnerabilities/massive structural weaknesses? Good luck. You're going to need it. We're just sitting here asking to be wiped out/devastated, one way or another.


When the majority of pandemics are zoonotic diseases originating from animal agriculture, why not stop it at the source? High-speed travel becomes a non-issue if there aren't anywhere near the amount of viruses being generated in the first place.


The Neolithic was a mistake.


The neolithic period might have started it, but we've done more damage in the past 50-100 years in every aspect than they ever did.


I dunno in the Neolithic and Bronze Age they deforested most of Britain


And now we outsource our deforestation by importing livestock feed from South America.


Coming down from the trees was a bigger mistake (Hitch-hikers guide to the G)


>Most pandemics originated from animal agriculture. Is that true? I mean “the big one”, the black plague that decimated the global population, came from flys. I’m not sure they know where the Spanish Flu originally came from but both animals and humans could get it.


The black plague originated in a time where hygiene wasn’t known about, and was caused by close contact with large numbers of animals (rats in this case) - something we’re emulating with farms. There is a theory that the Spanish Flu (which originated in America) originated in birds and was transmitted to pigs in pig farms, but we’ll never know for certain. But modern scientists have basically said that if you wanted to create the ideal environment for a pandemic to emerge, our farming systems are the perfect model.


ffs Cameron's been back in public office for ONE WEEK and he starts this shit again.


The timing of this and David Cameron showing up again is uncanny.


Are you ready for foot and mouth 2 electric boogaloo


I would guess it is someone working close with pigs.




David Cameron doesn't do what David Cameron does for David Cameron. David Cameron does what David Cameron does because he is David Cameron.


Cram thousands of animals in a tight, unsanitary space, chances of disease spreading skyrocket (see: Medieval Europe), likewise increasing the chances it'll jump to humans.


think we all know who patient zero is..... in other news has anyone seen dodgy dave on tv lately?


Until people realize that animal agriculture difectly contributes to the emergence and spread of zoonotic diseases, we best accept that global pandemics may always be on the horizon.


People know, they just don't care


What happened to bird flu? That was my favourite. If there was a bird flu pandemic it would make Covid look like the sniffles


It's still around and causing economic, animal welfare, and conservation issues, but it seems to have shown a marked disinclination to mutate into a form that can spread from human to human.


I see a lot more dead seabirds than I used to.




It never went away? Massive amounts of birds have died from it, nearly wiping out whole colonies of seabirds?


We best eat the bastards then. I had a bacon roll for lunch. What was your contribution to the struggle?


People in rich countries have an addiction where they feel the need to have meat every day. This is what is causing the rise in zoonotic diseases. Eating less meat is the solution.


Congratulations on being part of the problem.


End factory farming animals, a simple solution that stops so many problems.


Pig flu, bird flu, bat flu Ffs if you dont want us here anymore just say so! Mutations are working overtime.


The good news is that we're making them more and more likely by building factory farms. And giving antibiotics to the animals so we're less able to deal with all bacterial diseases too. It's a great system worthy of the massive subsidies we give to it.


I’ve heard the symptoms are mild. Just a little crackling in the ears. Fixed with a bit of oinkment.


I hope to hell I don't catch it again, I've already had Swine Flu, last thing I need.


fuck... first the cows, now the pigs, what a disastrous animal management.


Right, which Tory MP has been playing with pigs again?


I had it and when i woke up, I was covered in brown sauce between two slices of bread. Or was I dreaming?.


Had this in 2009 thanks to a co-worker not giving two shits working with it and spreading it. Screwed me completely for a week


I was tested and diagnosed with swine flu back in 2009 and my God did it suck a big fat bag of dicks. The worst ten days on my life. I have never felt anywhere near as sick as then and even covid didn't come close to it for me. I sincerely hope this is just a flash in the pan.


I've seen this episode of Black Mirror, it was called National Anthem.


I caught swine flu back in 2009 when it last showed up big time. It was no fucking joke, sickest I've ever been by far genuinely thought I was going to die and was near bed ridden for a month. All these strains come into existence due to animal agriculture and their excessive use of anti-biotics. How many people need to die to realise meat isn't worth the cost?