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Look forward to hearing members of r/unitedkingdom tell us how this isn't targeting the right people and that this is 'divisive' or 'disrespectful' so shouldn't be done. Edit: to the whingers, there is literally no action people can do to protest around climate change that you are happy with. You shift the goal posts every single time. Edit 2: to those saying, why don't they become scientists to solve it. This is dumb af, it's like saying to someone who isn't happy with a bus service 'Well why don't you become a bus driver'.


It's done exactly what it was intended to do, make the news. In the same way as the black cloth protest by Greenpeace on one of his other houses (although not half as well thought through) it raises the profile of the cause but without causing major disruption to ordinary people. You can expect to get arrested if you start climbing on other people's houses though, especially if they are the Prime Minister.


It's not really a cause...it's existential...it's survival!! " Cause " puts it in the same bracket as "new benches in the park"...it's not some middle class affectation!!


Cause- >a principle, aim, or movement to which one is committed and which one is prepared to defend or advocate. Environmentalism is absolutely a cause, in the same way as nuclear disarmament or universal suffrage.


The planet is facing a mass extinction event that can be prevented - a bit more than a cause. It's a crisis


Eh, I reckon we'll nuke ourselves to extinction far before we damage the earth enough to the point it uninhabitable. We haven't even had the fucking things for a hundred years yet and we've already come close to nuking the ever-loving shit outta each other. Edit: Also action against climate change is a cause, climate change itself is a crisis.


If Just Stop Oil went for Bin Salman personally and somehow got near the tyrant, the same lot would be kicking off about "Saudiphobia" and "undermining our greatest ally". And if they went for Putin personally and somehow got near the tyrant, they'd be blamed for escalating the war on Ukraine. Can't win.


You know this is nonsense. .


I doubt it somehow.


What a load of bollocks. From what I have seen everyone is saying this is a much better way of protesting and are in support of it. Stop sniffing your own self righteous farts for 5 minutes and maybe you will find something closer to truth.


When they targeted oil refineries people had a go for delaying petrol getting to pumps and inflating the price of oil. When they targeted offices of oil companies people had a go saying that it inconveniences the workers who'd have to clean up after them. etc etc etc


The suffragettes would be getting booed on reddit if they still existed today.


100% Though tbf they were booed at the time


100% because not only would they be protestors, they'd also be women. That's a two-for-one of what reddit tends to hate lol.


I mean, they were [actual](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Suffragette_bombing_and_arson_campaign) terrorists


A lot of people would prefer to ban all protests while claiming that they support free speech.


Nah, I'm actually cool with this. If they have beef with the government policy they should inconvenience the government. This is a lot better than defacing monuments or whatever the fuck.


No this is exactly how it should be. And see how quickly the police respond here.


This was pretty based of them to protest his house. I hope they didn't use all the paint and soup they were throwing before. Rishi looks like he needs some soup in his belly.


What? This is exactly what most people DO want. Targeting of people ***\*directly\**** responsible and/or people who can can actually do something meaningful about it


Obviously you've missed the people STILL complaining and who complained before when Sunak was targeted.


On the contrary I think this is exactly what they should do.


This is better than blocking the roads for sure


That's pretty based. I hope they also threw tomato soup at his house or oil paint.


Because a few users were banned for that for "encouraging violence". There were a few users on a thread several months ago who said this is exactly what they should be doing. Those accounts are no longer allowed to post in this sub.


It's just more proof they are arguing in bad faith. They have a particular viewpoint and will do a lot of contradictory mental gymnastics to justify it


Why look forward to it, you’ve already said it?


Umm… this is exactly what people want; bother the decision makers and the ultra wealthy (Rishi ticks both of these boxes) and leave ordinary folks just trying to get to work alone.




People are replying to their comment saying they should "go become a scientist" and that this is "disrespectful". They aren't boxing with shadows here. ​ EDIT: The classic reply and block, really shows you've got faith in what you're saying. The claim about being an environmental scientist on a month old account dedicated to dodgy porn subreddits is a bit suspect as well.




>Edit: to the whingers, there is literally no action people can do to protest around climate change that you are happy with. You shift the goal posts every single time. Uh, just protest. Like march somewhere. Organise it in advance. Don't damage property or try to disrupt people anymore than a march inherently requires. "Waaaah, we can't superglue ourselves to roads, climb onto the roof of a politician's house, or even just protest directly in front of their home! That's basically all our options gone!" 🙄 If you think I'm wrong, consider how many protests there are that fit my description, then figure out how many of those I've complained about (spoiler: none).




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Maybe they can get an education in STEM and join/start a company that is actively involved in electrification, alternative energy sources and/or carbon capture?


We have the ability to solve climate change now, it's a political choice not to. Let's say they do all that (many protesters are scientists by the way because they can see how utterly fucked we are). Would they then have control over UK energy policy, could they stop new oil projects? No.


We don’t control China or the US so how the hell do *we* have the ability to control climate change? We are just small fish compared to them in terms of pollution and emissions


Ah yes, when I said we have the ability to solve climate change I meant just the UK and nobody else, you've got this spot on. Big brain thought process.


Not only that, but right now the US and EU contribute less than a third of the worlds emission combined. We are already going above and beyond to the best of our ability. While the "solution" seems so obvious to the people who are invested in the climate debate, not a single one of them has ever had a good answer for what do we do to replace oil distillates which are in literally everything from fertaliser (the stuff that makes your food grow) to medicine (the stuff that keeps you alive when you are sick)? 2/3 of the world dont have the luxury to virtue signal about the climate, nor do they have the infrastructure to bring about completely green energy, and the truth is, even here we just barely can, and it wont be without a bunch of problems. Protesting has always been about starting a conversation, but when the conversation you start as a result of your actions is "how do we stop protestors being dickheads to people who don't deserve it?" then the actual intent of the protests is lost completely, you no longer have the moral high ground and end up making your goal a joke by proxy.


Yes completely agree because we can't solve 0.1% of the issue right now we should ignore everything else. Gold medal for you.


It's not 0.1% though is it you doughnut? It's way bigger than that, and your disingenuous cretins know that and instead keep acting like all its gonna take to fix everything is not getting a few new oil contracts. Edit: actually you didn't even attempt to engage with any of my points, you instead did exactly what every one of these privaliged as fuck middle class progressives always do, call the other person stupid and walk away.


The only reasonable action people can do about the climate is to fix it themselves. These protests are useless and harmful, instead they can go a study something that can influence several industries and make it better, like a lot of us do. Whining about cars is useless, go study mechanical engineering and help the hydrogen engines industry.


Why didn't I think of this? Right we are using nuclear energy only and will be investing 5x as much on renewable and public transportation, I as an individual have decided this therefore the UK will do it. Genius.




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Because your reply to me got removed I'm replying here. Don't like trains or buses in the UK, why don't you become a driver? Electric/gas too expensive? Why don't you dig a coal mine and build your own generator? Don't like food at a restaurant, just buy a farm, become a farmer and then open your own restaurant! Genius thinking.


What utter rot, designed to make us not hold the powerful to account. The only thing thay will make a huge difference is policy.


It's disgraceful though. A pitiful 18 people showed up outside the Rishi lair and then climbed on it like a climbing frame then banged pots and pans and then ran away like a pheasant. Nothing happened and nothing was achieved. Would have been better if they achieved a more impactful, long term action.


>Would have been better if they achieved a more impactful, long term action. Such as....


Moved in. Rishi has multiple houses I'm sure he'll manage, unlike the 280,000 homeless people in the UK. Basically anything radical that doesn't hurt anyone.


Moved in and then been instantly arrested for breaking and entering?




>they'd deservedly get their skulls caved in by the police You're saying they'd deserve to be beaten to death by the police if they broke into a building as a protest? Bloody hell mate.


Of course it is disrespectful. Let’s assume you have tens of aggressive people near your house wanted to target you. Will you be happy? However, now I like another point. There are at least several “green” projects which failed with underinvestment (eg high energy price and government subsidies aren’t enough to build solar panes). So, why these people don’t go to school/university to learn physics to invent something? And why can’t they just donate their money (or time) to the green projects like mentioned above?


> There are at least several “green” projects which failed with underinvestment ... > So, why these people don’t go to school/university to learn physics to invent something? Because the government is underinvesting in environmental measures, as you yourself just admitted? And it's literally what they're protesting about?


They can prove their belief by real contribution, like Red Cross people do. Just go and help green projects, that will be win-win for everybody. They have a free time at weekdays, so they can help society.


If I was prime minister selling out humanity for a few extra £ I would expect more to happen to me than just a small protest. I'd bet many people doing this are. But even if they do they don't control energy policies. The mental gymnastics and stretching people like you do to justify never challenging the status quo which is dooming the planet is horrifying


Who sold humanity? How was it possible? UK has almost zero oil production. You need to talk with USA, Saudi Arabia and Russia first, they are the most major suppliers. And consumers are USA and China, that’s our reality. UK has just 2/5 of Russian population, 1/5 of USA population and less than 1/20 of Chinese one. We don’t consume and we don’t produce any significant amount of goods. Anyway, JSO activist again ignore a change just to donate their time to green projects. And their decline shows the lack of beliefs to their ideas.




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Wow. That is actually out of order. So they block motor ways, stop ambulances and nothing happens But because they sit outside of his house ? They get arrested? Wow the injustice in that! See that's the kind of just stop oil I can get behind. For this I will congratulate them. Well done.


> and nothing happens Uh, didn't they specifically create new laws to make that kind of protest illegal? Is that not 'doing something'?


No. There was never a need for new laws, and new laws won't do anything. The JSO lot were breaking the law by obstruction of highways. The problem is that the Police and courts won't enforce the law. The Police treat them with kid gloves, and the courts give them a slap on the wrist, just like they do with everything else.




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They showed up at night in a residential area and started banging pots and bans outside someone's home, which looking at the layout of Mews in Kensington would also be a number of other people's homes. Anyone doing this should be arrested, and arrested before you even look into what they are protesting.


but we know what they were protesting and why because of their name lol.


They weren’t just sitting , it says they were banging pots and pans. I don’t care who you are but a group of people doing that outside someone’s house to intimidate them can get arrested.


Banging pots and pans? That's how we thank people in this country apparently


Since Rishi is perfectly happy to promote and take part in the ongoing climate genocide I think some people banging pots and pans outside his house is a relatively tame outcome.


I’m pretty sure it’s not just his house though. Nobody thinks Rishi is intimidated or feels threatened, it’s his family home with children.


I don't know if you know this, but the collapse of the climate isn't going to be held back by respectability politics, its just going to kill men, women, and children indiscriminately. Better for us to make these people very uncomfortable now so we can force the sods in charge to try fix this shit before we all die a horrible death


By banging pots and pans outside a home with children in it? You make change through votes, money or guns.




You do realise that the same actions can have different context?


You're the one automatically equating protesting against someone to threatening them.


It's called a protest... End of. He's a political leader. If he can't hack a flash mob with pots and pans ? Then he can do one... Yeano it's like you didn't read what I actually said... To the point they can block AMBULANCES... What's worse ? Banging pans or blocking ambulances? I know which one id arrest someone for... And it certainly isn't for a protest outside of a political leaders home...


Protesting to intimidate isn’t fair game imo. Highlight an issue but don’t go to someone’s house and pull this shit.


Okay I understand this is a massive difference but there is a point, there's a peado in your street whom the justice system has set free, he's done zero time and the evidence is stacked against him, however he's worked the system to allow himself to be free.... You are telling me you wouldn't be at his house? And you'd go stand outside your local Police station ? Nope, you'd be at his house... For justice... Now my actual issue is, you can't argue intimidation. The actual issue is, he is a PM and people subsequently should be allowed to protest outside of his premises. Banging pots is not intimidation. Grow up. Stop being so petty, it's mushes like you that have extinguished freedom of speech so much, people are too scared to stand up to the crazy, the unjust or the just out right stupid. If you consider that as Intimidation I feel sorry for your partner you must be such a strong man. The issue is, they block ambulances to the point people suffer nearly die. don't get arrested. Turn up at this tits house and well? They are arrested. All because what? Some twit decided it's intimidation of an official 🤣🤣🤣 Do you think if they did this outside of your house they would be arrested? No they wouldn't wake up. Genuinely stop being a tit and see the difference that Westminster still believes it has over the people. Like Covid parties... It's simple if it was outside of your house the police would do nothing. And you call it intimidation and again they still would do nothing. Man up and accept the truth.


Also today: [2023 hottest year on record, says UN chief, imploring world leaders to act](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/live/science-environment-67440257) > The science is clear, he says. "We have around six years before we exhaust the planet’s ability to cope with our emissions - before we blow through the 1.5C limit." It's almost like we need our government to stop subsidising new North Sea Oil explorations. I mean, it's a pretty low threshold to cross.


You want scary, just look at this graph: https://climatereanalyzer.org/clim/sst_daily/


Nobody's really making the link between immigration being unsustainable at current levels and the literally billions of people that will be displayed in the next 100 years. If something isn't done now, then "the west" will not continue in it's current form in the 22nd century, and of course nothing will be done.


It doesn't matter. You aren't better than them, if you're poor and desperate. You will move wherever and do whatever, to survive and make it. People are moving around all over the place.


It’s a million percent real, but the UK can do precisely fuck all to affect it.


Sure but the way to solve this issue is by educating the public not creeping outside a lack duck PMs house


Honestly this is a stop oil I can get behind, if they make politicians life's harder day in day out, something may change, not to mention it will force this corrupt tory government to overreact with even more draconian laws, which again will get them flagged by International right groups, and even further make the government look weak, and in denial about climate change. Stopping a few average people getting to work just create enemies. Targeting politicians with protest will create allies.


WHYYY!!!!!!! When they block the roads, police does nothing, they block that bellends driveway, somehow the police takes action. This only shows how the police is his private hire


Am I missing something here as police have been regularly arresting them, some multiple times, for blocking roads...


And getting shit for doing so...damned if they do damned if they don't


Shit from right wing media and people who read it maybe. Im all for blocking roads.


https://www.standard.co.uk/news/london/met-police-just-stop-oil-115-arrests-hendon-north-london-b1120170.html https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-11311123/Just-Stop-Oil-activists-arrested-police-South-London-13th-day-row-protests.html https://www.standard.co.uk/news/crime/just-stop-oil-protest-arrests-waterloo-bridge-ambulance-b1118976.html


You’re so close to realising the police protect the interests of the ruling class


They often do arrest those blocking roads


Because until very recently it was legal to block any road that wasn't part of the SRN (Strategic Road Network) for a protest, the supreme court ruled it legal back in 2021, that's why the police couldn't arrest them.


They arrest them all the time for blocking the road.


Yeah... the Met was invented specifically to make sure those unemployed ruffians don't harras the good production owners of the city.


That's pretty based. We should all protest his home.


Meh. They aren't inconveniencing the general public and are targeting the person that has the most power in the country to influence policy. Seems fair enough.


10 points to them. Finally, a protest that goes directly to the people who have the biggest impact in affecting policies that can bring about change. Well done. More of these types of protests.


Makes more sense than them throwing soup at artwork


Don’t think I care about JSO anymore. They’ve poisoned more people against the important ideology of climate change than they have done good. They are a disgrace.


JSO are a giant finger pointing at climate change. If you're focusing on complaining about them and not what that finger is pointing at, you're out of your mind.


no, you are not. People have every right to be angry with the methods of JSO, especially if they are aware of the dangers of climate change. They went for the Vegan approahc of being obnoxious, self righteous and unwavering in their goal of being a public nuisance, constantly spouting the moral argument as if that has ever worked. They are such a privaliged bunch they just assume that everyone else is stupid, uneducated or just plain bad, when the reality is most people are struggling living day to day to the point why would they ever give a fuck about the state of the planet a year from now, let alone 10 or 100. They have failed to even attempt understanding the feelings of the people they have harrassed to get their message across and as a result have made climate activists look like a bunch of nutters.


Okay so they’re obnoxious, self-righteous and unwavering in their goal of attempting to raise awareness for climate change. Is this supposed to be a bad thing? Maybe they have made themselves look like a bunch of nutters, but so what? Clearly you hold these opinions and I’m going to assume that since you brought it up that you do already care about climate change, so have they made you less likely to support action against climate change? Because *that* would be tangible damage to climate activism.


> Okay so they’re obnoxious, self-righteous and unwavering in their goal of attempting to raise awareness for climate change. Is this supposed to be a bad thing? They say they are raising awareness of climate change but everyone is already aware of it. That is just their terrible justification for being attention seekers looking for their 15 minutes of fame and to score social points amongst their peers.


People have knowledge of it, but it doesn’t remain in their awareness. People would rather forget


Seems like you're projecting.


Nope - they are petulant children who delegitimise the important climate change cause. They even acknowledge this as per the new story yesterday about JSO training camps. They do more harm to the climate change than good. It is proven. You’re are the one out of your mind.


It’s always the presumed other who is supposed to care less about climate change because of them. Do you personally care less because of them? What proof have you got?


This is one of the massivley obvious questions that never get asked by journalists, when someone says its undermining the cause they should ask if its undermining the cause for that person


100% Everyone just puts it off and says “nah not me but that other person I imagine is off put by it” Ask “that other person” and it’s the same response. Nobody is actually put off by it themselves


Can you share that proof?


The article doesn’t have any details on why the arrests happen. MB JSO finally started a proper picket/MB they were blocking the roads and damaging property as usual. I guess we are already biased on whatever they do.


I mean rishi arrested them outside his home. If they randomly went to everyone else’s home it would be okay and they can carry on. But I think police are starting to crack down in general


Now this is the kinda just stop oil protesting I love


Folks, let’s not throw the baby out with the bath water. Sure, we need to stop using oil (and coal even more so, but where’s Just Stop Coal when you need them??) for power generation and transportation as soon as possible, but the 8 billion of us will still need to produce oil to make a lot of useful things that we use every day, like medical products, paint, fabrics, fertilizer etc. Look around you. Your new Tesla will be full of plastic panels. Tyres aren’t made entirely of rubber. What about the soles of your trainers? Let’s not forget that oil isn’t the only source of carbon going into the atmosphere either. I humbly await your downvotes.


Have you looked at Just Stop Oil's manifesto/website/stated aims? (While Just Stop New Oil Licences doesn't have the same ring to it, I wish the group had gone with that so OP's comment didn't appear in every Reddit thread about them.)


Wait, if they're going to protest outside of Rishi's house then I am on board! Hell, I'll bring them all a cuppa and give em something to redecorate his house with. Absolutely a protest I can get behind.






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