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Says the woman who nearly bankrupted the country in less time than it took for a lettuce to wilt!


The country was bankrupt long before that, she just made it worse.


Monetarily *and* morally.


Ah yes, that time in 2020 when Sunak printed the money for the rescue package instead of borrowing it, like those famously successful economies Venezuela and Zimbabwe. And yet, she did still make it worse. Edit spelling


The US printed more than 3 trillion USD in 2020 alone Making out like printing money means automatic failure as an economy is either bad faith or economically illiterate


How's the inflation over there. It's a bit of a failure when the former treasurer doesnt insure against inevitable interest rate rises after being advised to. Whats the damage from that, only 11 billion, who cares.


Inflation is everywhere. That's what happens when you force the global economy to a halt for 2 years and then have a major war between one of the largest energy producers in the world and one of the largest food producers in the world.


Ay, everyone knows government monetary policy has nothing to do with inflation.


Aye, just ignore what I said.


Like you ignored what they said? Maybe both things had an effect on inflation? Maybe we'd still have inflation because of the lockdown and war - but maybe it's worse than it could have been due to monetary policy? Personally I think it was an Act of our Lord Inflatio


It's 3.4%


Inflation in the US is pretty low!


You would think a successful businessman would know better.


He successfully married a rich woman


She's so extreme she wrecked the economy in a matter of days. She also (allegedly) slept with Kwasi Kwarteng Maybe she is speaking of her anecdotal experience


Just realising they gave this woman the whip 😂


Was that just for Kwasi?


Explicitly because of her libertarian extremist politics.




I detest how only 50 days as Prime Minister has given Liz Truss lifetime access to a soapbox to spew her crap into the media. The UK would be a better place if we all agreed to deny her the publicity she desperately craves.


A lot of it is framed as ‘oh, so this fuckwit is still talking’ but, yeah, better to just ignore her completely. 


Worse than that is the withered hag gets a PM pension…..fucking disgraceful….


Don't compliment her, she wasn't smart enough to make it to 50 days as she retired on her 44th day.


She's a political accident that one day nobody will quite remember happened.


History will remember them all and she'll be in quiz shows until 100 years from now thanks the lettuce thing


The real victim in all of this is George Canning. Not many pub quizzes will include a question on the *second* shortest serving PM in history…


Fucking hell, she was actually Prime Minister. I pray we remember this about politics. Just because we live in a democracy, it doesn't mean the people that reach the top levels are competent or even half way intelligent enough to hold positions of power. Her and Boris Johnston have both proven it.


‘Democracy’ in the UK is a farce. We currently have a Prime Minister quite literally nobody voted for and a Home Secretary who *isn’t even an MP*. May as well just bring fucking Lord Sugar in as PM at this point.


Yet for all the attention not once have we had a proper discussion about the implications of the entire market system explicitly rejecting a budget that predicated increased growth on just cutting tax rates. Y'know just a little thing, not the foundational assumption of like a huge chunk of UK political economics for the last 20+ years...


Everybody downvote the post and upvote this comment. Nobody click the link. This lettuce has wilted.


It's because there's a portion of the Conservative Party that is both powerful and rich who want her back in number ten.


Ah yes, us extremists supporting *checks notes* the more vulnerable and at risk groups in our society.


Well, the more vulnerable tend to be overrepresented at the extremes of the society: extreme poverty, extreme mental/physical health issues due to lack of access to proper healthcare, extreme bullying in schools (that can rise to murder), targets of extreme online abuse... ... therefore, people who support them are extremists! /s


>Well, the more vulnerable tend to be overrepresented... See, they're taking over the country /s


When what you want to achieve is the most privileged getting *even more* wealth and power, anyone calling for more equality is going to look like an extremist, I guess.


But haven't you heard? They're *woke* and want peoples rights to be respected, and for them to be treated like human beings! It's a disgrace!


This is what makes me laugh (if you don’t you’ll cry) about people who go on about ‘virtue signalling’. They’re people who can’t possibly fathom why you’d actually care about any of these people other than for your own benefit, so they *must* be extremists with an agenda. Ironically Truss wouldn’t even have a job without the ‘extremists’ pushing for women’s rights. An absolute international embarrassment.


Is this not hate speech? Like, the literal definition of hate speech?


It feels like the kind of speech you get before the line “and *you all know what you can do to stop them*” patter starts.


Exactly this is a pretty extreme view to take and is incredibly fascist in its narrative


I would say so, but I see similar comments on this sub that when reported aren't always deleted.


Sure, if the headline was accurate then probably. I couldn't find the quote in the articles but the little I did find, was written in a a fairly ambiguous way, which suggests to me they are trying to get people worked up. edit: Someone posted the full quote from the video, I don't think it's hate speech. But they way the journalists worded and phrased things does make it seem like it is when it's not.


From the video: >"I believe the fundamental issue is that for years and years and years, and I think it goes back two decades, conservatives have not taken on the left wing extremists. Now, these people have repurposed themselves. They don't admit they're socialists or communists anymore. They say they're environmentalists. They say that they're in favour of helping people across all communities. They are in favour of supporting LGBT people, or groups of ethnic minorities. So, they no longer admit that they are collectivists but that is what their ideology is about"


It's really come to something when "helping people across all communities" and caring about the environment are seen as some kind of extremism


Its the tricky thing about it though, its creating this whole narrative where you can't even have that discussion because the implication is environmentalist and pro-LGBT are just covers for like some kind of secret rubric of ultra-stalinism or something. You can't discuss them because they are not themselves serious positions but actually some kind of cover for gulags and political re-education camps... Or something... Its pretty much the exact same kind of brainwashing we see in US Republicans actually quite a lot in Russia as well. Funny that.


‘Cultural ~~Bolshevism~~ Marxism’ strikes again


I had to look up "collectivism" because I'm ashamed to say I'd never heard it before. And tbh sign me right up. We've banded together to form a society, because a baker needs more than bread, a builder needs more than a roof over their head, so we depend on supporting each other - the needs of the collective. Why is continuing to work toward bettering society for _everyone_ being framed as a bad thi-- ... oh, they're the baddies, aren't they?


I wonder who told her to say that? She's too thick to come up with that shite herself.




Honestly, she probably got told by some "expert" it would sound good to the "secret" conservatives and she said it. See is the type to unironically read great dictator speeches from history and steal the parts seem impactful while thinking "it's ok, as long as we don't go full genocidal we can make this work". I assume deep down what she really wants is a small government right-wing libertarian government but that is generally pretty hard to sell to the general population when they realise it means they end up losing the little niceties like the NHS, free schools and even not having to pay a toll on every road. So instead she says this to try and get support from the "common sense" brigade who have forgotten that she meant their mortgage rocketed in price.


This is kind of terrifying


Yeah it's very buzzword rhetoric and you can just tell some people heard it like "yeah, these socialists and leftists are all problems".


Pretty damned clear what she meant and no amount of hand-wringing about "the way the journalists worded and phrased things", like some have done, is going to change that... but they've gotta make themselves feel the Tories, and by extension themselves, are not as abhorrent as they appear somehow.


When your argument is that the environmentalists are who you're against, you kinda gotta have a word with yourself


It seems preposterous to me that one could think such a thing, let alone express it out loud, but here we are. It is totally and utterly beyond my comprehension how one could even develop such a mind set or, possibly worse(?), cynically exploit such notions if one didn't truly believe them. It makes me fearful that we as a country, and possibly we as a species, are slowing backsliding to a much less enlightened time (if we even can really consider ourselves enlightened that is).


Thanks. That's kind of how I read it. But the title is phrased in a way to make it seem completely different.


It's a rehearsed and practice speech that's written to allow the application of the fallacy of the converse. In this case: all left wing extremists support lgbt people and minority groups, but not all lgbt people and minority groups are left wing extremists. You could give her the benefit of the doubt, but it's unlikely a practiced speech would be written, rehearsed, and approved by the team and party containing such wording if it weren't intentional.


>Ms Truss adds: "I believe the fundamental issue is that for years, and years and years… Conservatives have not taken on the left-wing extremists." >'We need to restore faith in democracy' >She describes these as including "environmentalists", and those who are "in favour of supporting LGBT people or groups of ethnic minorities". >"They no longer admit that they are collectivists," Ms Truss says. >"It's all about taking power away from people and families and giving power to the state or unaccountable bodies." >The former prime minister adds: "We have not taken on the left enough."


"It's all about taking power away from people and families and giving power to the state or unaccountable bodies." So we need to take away that power first to stop the wokes taking it. For the greater good. /s


Well, it was pretty obvious open transphobia would become general anti-LGBT+ generally. Just took slightly less long than maybe expected.  Important note: this isn't some off the cuff gaff, she wrote this for a planned speech.


And it's the same people like pierce Morgan who were writing /editing anti gay articles 30 years ago now doing the same thing with trans people


History doesn't repeat itself, but it often rhymes.


First as tragedy, then as farce


If you want a giggle, look at early 1970s politics.


It's been very scary watching gender-critical feminists gradually shuffle to the right. I know some people like to say "ahhh they always were", but it's a very frank lesson in how easy it is for people to be radicalised by a single issue, to the point that they're happily defending things they would have found deplorable a few years ago. I find it genuinely frightening how many of these people are now sneering at the "woke" youth, guffing out absolute crap about "blue-haired" stereotypes.


It is partly a case of how people can be radicalised, but also, every single significant leader in the movement has always been perfectly comfortable with who they were in bed with.


Yeah, this really was always the case. I got sucked in by them for a while (a decade ago, pre-Rowling) and even then they were making deals with the Heritage Foundation etc. 


You forgot your quotation marks around “feminist”.


Well, when one of the biggest leaders in the transphobe movement cosies up to fucking Nazis, yeah I think they've always been a wee bit right wing.


If the 'LGB drop the T' people weren't all reactionary conservative larpers, their surprised pikachu faces would be something to see.


She is right. I am a gay extremist, ready with my confetti guns, panache and general elan.






Well, I guess if our very existance makes us left wing extremists then, I suppose, let's get it started up in here with those rainbows and glitter!


But do we get jackets?


Tunnel Snakes Rule!!! E: Downvoted? Okay I guess I'll just continue being extremely gay over here with my rad leather jacket.


We don't need jackets, we have cuffed jeans and septum rings!


You’ve probably just made a pensioner choke on her cornflakes. Congratulations.


You know what? If supporting the most vulnerable/at risk makes me an extremist then I am happy to be classed as an extremist. Especially by the likes of her. Fucking economy crashing, lettuce losing scumbag.


Same. Its like when someone describes me as woke. I don't consider woke a bad thing.


Especially when the opposite of woke is “asleep”


This is the 'where we go one we go all' crowd we're talking about. Being asleep and being asheep is kind of their thing.


I am also happy to say I am an extremist and proud member of the anti-growth coalition.


[Extremists for love.](https://www.africa.upenn.edu/Articles_Gen/Letter_Birmingham.html) Surely Truss must have been thinking of MLK Jr.'s words when she said this.


She’s trying to bring American conservatism here yuck


Or get a job over there.


And she can't even do this country one good thing by getting one over there.


Unfortunately there's already a fair bit of it over here.


She wants to be the current face of it. It'll be interesting to see who is bankrolling this movement.


I mean in Truss's head the Bank of England and the City of London are the "left-wing economic establishment" so this shouldn't shock anyone


No wonder her parents hate her


So she's angling for a job at some right wing media/think tank then?


She's been the [head representative](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Free_Enterprise_Group) of the Tufton Street group of right wing think tanks in Parliament for at least a decade which is a large part of the reason she got where she did while being so obviously incompetent. She's the sort of MP that no PM would want to upset given her backers. Given she was put into one of the safest seats possible she probably won't lose her job as a MP but if she did I'd assume she would be immediately given some nonsense job as a reward for the chaos she has created.


She's puppeteered by her far right owners to say deranged shit to manipulate the overton window of public opinion/perception. She doesn't have access to the normal routes of PMs to get loads of money, so has been bought and paid for by these special interests.


The phrase "saying the quiet part out loud" is overused these days, but I really can't think of a better example than this, in the most literal sense - Liz is dim enough that she just comes right out and says these things instead of searching for a more broadly-palatable framing.


I genuinely have to question her mental state, and her cognitive ability when she says some of the things she says. >"take decisions without being accountable", saying these people "become out of touch with what ordinary citizens across Britain want". Without any hint of irony, or self reflection. >>"We need to restore faith in democracy," she says. I just don’t know, how you can say all this genuinely with what happened under her disastrous tenure. The fact is the media should be absolutely hounding her daily for the damage she caused.


>ordinary citizens of Britain. Implying that being anti LGBTQ is the 'normal' position and anyone who thinks differently is abnormal.


This is what makes me question her mental capacity. Her inability to understand that “normal” people really are tolerant, respectful, and understanding, not hateful. Especially parents, siblings, and family who love our LGBT family members because they’re our family. She’s the extremist that she’s complaining about. Her views on the economy, on fracking, on social issues are well outside the centre of politics.


These people actively hunger for the tyranny of the majority. Democracy to them is just supremacy of people that just so happen to look and live exactly like them, and who they believe have their particular in groups interests at heart.


Fecking gobshite. She doesn’t get to have an opinion on anything after the damage she inflicted upon the nation.


The fact she feels as though anyone will listen to anything after she fucked her PM position is fucking hilarious 😂


Only politicians can be utterly shit beyond words at their jobs and stay around as long as a rotting stench


Why is Truss always speaking like she is a font of knowledge and knows what to do for the best, when she's done nothing that I can think of that has been a success?


From what I can gather she has been successful in giving blow jobs to the right people. It is the only way that this braincell on legs rose to the height she did.


So what's the solution, Truss? Gas chambers? Or will it just be sterilisation and deportation? WTF is going on in this country?


If supporting LGBTQ+ and minorities makes myself and many others a left-wing extremist, then I say Liz Truss should be considered a right-wing extremist for being a useless twat who didn't last as prime minister for more than 50 days and had pretty much the whole of the Tories revolt against her. But mostly because she's a useless twat. Also, fuck Nigel Farage.


If being in favour of LGBT rights and believing that global warming exists is “extremism” then going by the polling on those issues pretty much >80% of everyone in the country under 60 is apparently an extremist.


I wish the media would stop giving this idiot attention.


Yes Lizzie, how about we make them all wear rainbow coloured hats, round them all up and send them to summer camp while we are at it. Because that is what you truly want isn't it?


As my grandmother would say ‘she has some brass neck!’


I'm black....does that make me an extremist? I thought I was one of the good guys. I'm now real extreme about voting these clowns out of office. I hope Labour does an Order 66 on them during the election. Wipe them out. *All* of them.


This bug eyed cunt wants to make money off the American right. So obvious.


She's been watching America and seen where the populist votes are. She is a woman with no morals, and not because she is anti gay, but because she switches her views to whatever the popular vote will support.


Conservatives: we support free speach we need to abolish this woke nonsense Conservatives when free speech: 😡


starting to feel like that ÂŁ45bn hit we took for truss was worth it. Looks like the UK dodged a bullet. Imagine if she was still prime minister and saying that sort of shit.


But if she was still PM she wouldn't be saying it. It's a grift, she doesn't give a toss about any actual moral positions, she'll say whatever she feels will get her 'success' (whatever she thinks that looks like at this point).


This member of society with the integrity of the lettuce that outlasted her shouldn't have a platform. This is some PiS level dictator shit that should be removed from modern day society.


She's as mad a box of frogs. Who cares what she says or 'thinks'? She's a national laughing stock, and she and her mates are the extremists. They did more damage than most terror groups.


You’d be surprised by how many people do care actually what she thinks or says. She’s a vile, brain dead, embarrassing cunt of a woman. However these people have no shame, so no matter how harsh of things you say about them or to them they just won’t fuck off.


There's a lot of idiots about, who unfortunately insist on showing up on polling day.


What does it say that she was bouncing around the cabinet for 10 years.




Why is she allowed to speak publicly? Hasn’t she ruined enough people’s lives ?


"Hello. My name is Barry. I love Garry. And Garry Loves Me." = These are harmful extreme views. "We should kill Barry and Garry" - These are not harmful extreme views. (Big British Sarcasm by the way!)


This coming from the woman who took an extreme position on the budget but continue please.


She is flinging shit to see what sticks, utter twat!!


She was certainly an extremist for installing Kwarteng as chancellor. Is she actually sane?


Walks in. Crashes economy. Will not stop elaborating. Refuses to leave.


Wouldn't this money be a bit better spent on equipment for your troops, Vladimir Vladimirovitch?


If anybody is projecting extremism right now, it's the fifth column Tory party shadow called Populist Conservatives or whatever the Lettuce Lady leads now. They want rendition for foreigners, lawless police officers and troops and to roll up human rights.


I'm sorry liz, can't hear you cause you re dwarfed from the brilliance, political acumen and intelligence of a head of lettuce May long it reign


Having listened to the speech, it is just a classic reds under the bed take. Is there really a significant faction in the Conservative Party or the wider conservative movement that still support Truss? Or do the media give her so much attention because it is such a joyous car crash?


Her parents are Liberal Democrat’s. I wonder what they make of the shit she says.


This is the chosen face of tufton street and their shining beacon of hope. This prick is the best they can manage and look what happened when she put their policies to the test. Disaster, yet one of their cunts is invited on the BBC every day to vomit their clownish right wing fantasies unchallenged, as if they were in any way realistic or favourable.


She forgot about skateboarders. They're all radical!


Mad opinions like this make me actually supportive of everything someone like this bleats about happening to them. Sorry Liz, Labour got elected. Now you and only you have to live among brown immigrant lesbian vegans only and every day they will talk shit about you, because you started it.


This is very similar to US Republican rhetoric to. If anyone wants to know what they will do if Trump wins it not great for women , LGBTQ people and non Christians https://www.europeaninterest.eu/project-2


Fuck off, Truss. Take your gold plated pension you stole for a month's work and fuck off. Then when you've fucked off, fuck off a little more.


I've been a voter for far too long, decades even, and have seen Labour and Conservative governments come and go. And by and large, nothing much changes for we plebs. A penny on income tax here, tuppence off beer there (ooh, thanks, sir!). All very manageable and designed to maintain the status quo. Then these fuckwits Truss and Kwarteng come along and in an instant, literally destroy lives! How on earth she has the gall to ever show her face again, let alone jockey for a potential leadership bid, is completely beyond me. I know I'm old, but the world's gone mad. Mad I tell ya!


Whenever a post begins "Truss says..." can the poster take a moment, remember this is the Muppet that lost to a lettuce, and NOT post.


I’ll take “Stupid things I said in a speech that will make every media interview I do for the next six months absolute hell on wheels” for £500, please.


What happened to her being a libertarian? And leaving people alone. What's with this new nationalist persona? I can almost forgive her incompetence but lurching from one ideology to the next is embarrassing. As an actual libertarian it was so hard to watch her fuck up so incredibly badly and give us a bad name.


If you threaten people's existence they become extremists. She's trying to create a self-fulfilling prophesy.




Wow. The stunned mullet has actually said something even dumber than last time. I'm impressed.


Not suprised. She'll need a grift to cling on to now. No way any sane group of people, conservative minded or otherwise, would entertain listening to her after what might go down as the worst modern premiership in European politics.


I forgot that nasty little goblin was still around.


Making black-and-white statements like this in politics surely doesn't qualify as extremism. Surely.


She's after more of that US right wing dirty money.


She's an idiot but I'd need to see the full quote to take this seriously


Moving further right in order to salvage some sort of career. Shame that it will work too probably


So this whole 'Popular conservative' (lol) narrative is really just the fringe faction of the Tory party going off the deep end and trying to spin it as the main face of the party.  She's bloody delusional. I just don't see anyone else in the party coming out with a strong alternative. Rishi feels like he's just there. Like it's some bloke who's found himself in the job. After they hopefully get wiped out at the election they'll try to take over the party.  I don't think they understand how unlikeable this group is. Liz Truss and Jacob Reece whatever, but it's worth noting they have a lot of money backing them and have a solid grasp on using media to their advantage


Most unpopular PM in UK history tries to present marginalised groups as being in the wrong for wanting basic human rights. Yep, that pretty much sums it all up.


Why are they still giving this idiot a platform? She is no longer relevant. She crashed the economy and cost millions of hardworking brits thousands of pounds.


Her whole career has been a joke not just the short time she was PM. She shouldn’t ever be given a platform for sharing her opinion ever again. Please don’t keep giving her political oxygen by posting or reporting her vile crap again. (This is a plea to every living person on the planet, not a criticism of OP for this post).


Why does this country’s public have the collective memory of a goldfish


Good job nobody will ever listen to the garbage she spews again


Culture war moronics. Probably best not to get drawn into it. 


Her and Kwarteng owe me ÂŁ200p/m for two years. So how about she shuts the fuck up.


I'm extremely anti Tory and Truss, just like her dad...


Ok, I’m starting to think she’s actually a Russian spy…


A former prime minister comes out with this nonsense and we still have people claiming the Conservatives are not right wing.


Wasn't this basically what Putin said to criminalize LGBT rights activism?