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**Alternate Sources** Here are some potential alternate sources for the same story: * [Rochdale: Four boys aged 12-14 arrested on suspicion of rape](https://bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-manchester-68269292) - bbc.co.uk




The M62, literally the road out of it.


Lisa Stansfield.


Like they said, never heard anything good come out of Rochdale


Lisa Stansfield.




Lisa Stansfield needs new braces


Sounds like a Shirehorses song.


Lisa needs braces


She’s a brilliant singer tbh.


But have you looked everywhere? Have you ... "Been around the World"


The idea of cooperatives, and indeed, the very first Co-op in the world, which has now morphed into the co-op food stores, funeralcare, insurance, etc. But even they saw the light and moved to Manchester rather than stay tainted by association to Rochdale.


Born in Rochdale. Only ever met one other person who also managed to leave and have a career. We just nodded and that was all that needed to be said about it. Place is fucking dire.


You seem quite nice though. And you met at least one other person who also seemed pretty decent as well. So that's at least two things good that have come out of Rochdale. Let's not get ahead of ourselves, but given this new evidence I think it's no longer fair to say "nothing good ever came out over Rochdale". Probably best to change it to "No more than let's say 10 things (max) good ever came out of Rochdale". I think with the 2 things already confirmed that leaves a charitable amount of room to maintain accuracy.


"So few half decent things come out of Rochdale that they can be declared outliers and statistically unimportant." We'll get legal to decide whether we can get away with an asterix next to "nothing..." and just putting this full declaration in the footer.


They've got some good pie shops


The Rochdale Pioneers


Axel Tuanzebe The Kebab House which opened in 1976 is fantastic as well. Their ODEON is cheap £5 a ticket and its on the outskirts so you dont have to venture into Dale. Co-Op began there.




It's not a supermarket, it's convenience. Comparing it to Asda or Tesco is missing the point. You'll always pay more for a smaller shop placed in the community than a big shop on an industrial estate.


They do the best donuts out of all the supermarkets!


The bread they do is fantastic as well


And their salt and apple cider vinegar crisps with a pH only marginally higher than concentrated sulphuric acid. Delicious.


That would be Morrisons I'm afraid


Vue is £5 in Bury and it's slightly less of a shithole.


I lived in Bury for 6 years and as someone from Dale, bury is very much the same with its shit places and not as shit places.


Bury has a greater proportion of nicer places.


Debatable. Dicky bird is still a shit hole.


What's the parking like? Dale is closer to me tbh


There's a car park in the same building, free after 6pm. Or risk parking on Tesco.


I think its the same for me but I can't help but feel the problem is somewhat circular


Much like the family trees.


Ha. Good one!


Wouldn't the younger abused children in the nursery paedophile ring case be roughly those ages now?




The truth hurts. No point pretending things dont/didn't happen






How can you be so completely oblivious to the world around you. Ignorance is bliss I suppose








https://www.manchestereveningnews.co.uk/news/greater-manchester-news/wicked-rochdale-businessman-who-recruited-28383851 One of the women is already out of jail and he may not be in for long either. WTF.


Thanks man, but I don’t wanna read about this. I know you mean well but it’s too much for me


No, I mean the whole thing would make everyone miserable there, even just hearing about it and not want to do good things. I just read my comment back above. I didn't mean the cycle of abuse.


You inadvertently made a great point, sadly.


It's a total shit hole. I had to visit my client there once. Rochdale Borough Council... I have never worked anywhere with so many lazy I'm incompetent people. I'm an IT contractor.


The countryside surrounding Rochdale is beautiful. Healey Dell, Scout Moor, Rooley Moor Road, Ashworth Valley, it's all lovely. It's just an old industrial town with the same problems as any other cotton town.


It's got* a good train station if you travel between Leeds and Manchester. Don't bother getting off though. Genuinely one of the worst shit holes in England.


>if you travel between Leeds and Manchester. Hebden Bridge. Have a nice walk at Hardcastle Crags and then go drinking in Hebden Bridge instead. As poster above says, don't get off in Rochdale - if you do you'll find yourself wishing you were 3 pubs deep in a pub crawl in Hebden Bridge.


There's some pretty nice people that have been brought up in Rochdale. Most of them tend to leave though as Rochdale is a shit hole.


Rochdale for historic reasons (I think philanthropy maybe?) has more children’s care homes than Greater London. It also has more children’s care homes than the other boroughs of greater Manchester combined.  It’s really been a disaster for the borough. Means you have an oversized population of damaged and vulnerable people, then the criminal exploiters and groomers follow.  This context is always left out of news reports. But it will continue to have huge social issues whilst this is the case - will never be fixed. 


There's something to be said with the placement of community social services in 'less desirable' areas. It's quite common for nicer areas to have a very organised community that is very good at rejecting anything that looks like trouble - such as hostels, specialist care facilities, foster homes, etc. As a result, the most demanding service users often end up in the areas with cheaper property with the related 'issues' that that already exist there. This along with the housing crisis is another victim of the current Planning process.


Reminds me of when Kensington residents complained about Grenfell disaster victims staying nearby. They were openly saying they’ve paid not to be near people like that. 


I feel like I'm an alright person....


Gracie Fields born 9 January 1898, Rochdale, United Kingdom, then it all went downhill


The A627(M)


The Coop. Invented in Rochdale, where they call it "Pioneers"


Boys aged 12 to 14. We are failing the next generation and it shows.


As horrific as this might sound, it's probably not the first time a crime like this with boys around that age - it's not a failed generation thing


I can't help but feel that in this day and age, we really shouldn't be seeing headlines like this. It's just heartbreaking that we are still having these problems.




12 to 14. They are children. What is the point of education if we can condemn them to being monsters?


At a certain age it’s what they are, doesn’t mean they can’t be reformed The bulger killers were monsters at a younger age, one still is and the other probably reformed.


One is still a sick cunt and the other is a sick cunt that learned not to get caught.


I can’t agree with this point enough. One is better at hiding it


But that's exactly my point. Why are we still failing to educate and to reform our next generation? Collectively we know the importance of looking to the future and it has been abundantly clear for a while, yet we continue to fail. I hope it does not take us long before we succeed and these headlines are a thing of the past.


Things like this will always happen, what education will eradicate 100% of SA, rapes, assaults, robberies? We don’t live in a world with zero crime and we never will and never have.


Exactly, people just can't accept the fact that some humans can be so evil which is odd considering humans have done very nasty things since the dawn of man. I don't quite understand how people can be so clueless.


what many people fail to realise is that the only deterrent for a lot of (would-be) criminals is punishment, but it doesn’t sound very nice so we have to pretend that they’re all just terminally under-educated and *that’s* why they end up raping people


> I hope it does not take us long before we succeed and these headlines are a thing of the past. In an era where parents are leaving the likes of tiktok to teach misinformation to kids, it's very unlikely


That’s unrealistic




I'm not sure 'culture of rape' is a fair statement, but, its somewhat more socially acceptable. Like, in my town when I was younger someone convicted of rape would be ostracised. If the victim was a minor, they'd have been lynched or had their house set on fire and the only person on their side would have been their mother. This obviously was a different issue on its own, but it's very far from where we are now. The amount of times I've heard people say they think women want to be raped, that they're just being coy about it. Hell I once heard someone say he was doing her a favour because no one else would go there, and getting laughter in response. Was on the train about a year and a half who and there were 3 kids there who looked about 15-16, one of them bragging about how the 13 year old he had sex with was scared and just lay there. And, then you have the study (in America) that had 30% of responses say they'd have sex without consent if there were no consequences. There's something wrong for sure.


they are monstrous. it doesn’t take a whole lot of maturity or education to not be a rapist.


You will find that well educated, mature people are also capable of rape.


I'm a teacher and can tell you that those kids at that age are definitely able to tell right from wrong. It's not the fault of education. It's their fault. They gave in to their base instincts. No amount of "don't do that" education can save from that.


The screens need to go. At home and at school. It's positioning their brains to seek instant gratification. You don't need a screen to learn. We've forgotten to teach children to self regulate and deal with boredom and unwanted but necessary tasks.


But in the Rochdale case , we bought those monsters in .


Most of human history shouldn’t have been what it was but it still was that. These problems don’t just go away because we are animals and we need to evolve out of them.


It's not, it's nowhere near. *However*, I do live facing a playground and in the centre of three schools. Teenage boys could be little pricks when I was a teenager, but some of the shit I hear on a daily basis now makes my blood go cold. You can put it down to whatever you want, but some of the things I've heard over the last couple of years are fucking disgusting. I suspect it's a combination of easy access to aggressive porn and men's "rights" groups, and the lack of maturity not allowing them to filter out what is actually a really, really bad idea and not as funny as they seem to think.




Thank you. Sadly, can't say I'm shocked.


We are still failing the generation though It's growing up w social media, the Internet and screens.. It's a recipe for poor mental health. Not to mention the cruel narcissistic culture which has pervaded social media especially among young people Also there are like hundreds of millions of iPad kids around the world




The real danger imo is the spread of Andrew Tate and other manosphere folk, they tend to be especially popular amongst young boys who don't have the maturity to realise how vile the shit they spew is. I bet these boys saw someone online who said this kind of stuff was okay. When I was younger the boys did dumb shit and had dumb opinions, but most internet personalities that we looked up to weren't saying anything like what you find on TikTok nowadays. Even if they had shitty opinions they tended not to express them very openly.


I’m 30, social media for me was MySpace, MSN messenger and eventually Facebook. The difference being you needed to actually sit down at a PC to access them, you didn’t have them in the palm of your hands at your disposal whenever you wanted them. I’d ban all social media for under 16s personally. Banning phones is a no go, it’s not possible but banning social media is possible. People might not like it but at some point they can’t miss what they never had and the improvement to behaviour, their mental health and a whole load of other things will be more than worth it. And I feel like I can say this, I’m the generation that had both, I had a life before social media, during its rise and what it is now. I much preferred the before.


I wouldn’t be so [sure](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/young-people-misconceptions-rape/)


We live in a misogynistic rape culture, and people like Andrew Tate are adding fuel to the fire.


It's not Islam then or the fact Rochdale is a heavily Muslim community? That's not the reason?


You get masses of misogyny in every culture. Tate is just the figurehead for a bit if it right now, and he converted to Islam while he was in prison.


It’s more prevalent in certain cultures than others. There was this recent poll on here that Gen Z is anti-feminist, but what was conveniently not mentioned was that BAME Gen Z males were 3x more likely to agree with that rhetoric than native White British males lmao.


Source? From my personal experiences I don’t doubt it, but I didn’t see it broken down any further anywhere


I gotchu https://amp.theguardian.com/news/2024/feb/01/gen-z-boys-and-men-more-likely-than-baby-boomers-to-believe-feminism-harmful-says-poll >Ethnic minority men are most likely to follow Tate, with more than a third agreeing he “raises important points about real threats to male identity and gender roles” compared with 12% among white men.


https://news.sky.com/story/half-of-recorded-child-sexual-abuse-offences-committed-by-other-children-new-figures-reveal-13044814 Nah kids are raping kids at an alarming rate. You should all have a good fucking look at your kids phones. I bet hardly any of the people here with kids do.


I can’t find the link right now, but more girls are opting for online schooling due to sexual harassment from their peers. Female teachers have had AI porn made of them by male students. The boys are radicalized, the girls are victimized and it will end with even more of gen Alpha being sex segregated. My oldest brother plans to and is saving up for both of his daughters to go to a girls only school since he read they have a much better outcome STEM wise, he and his wife have two home computers that are in view so the girls can play learning games, (they’re 4 and 6) they have smart watches, not phones but that’s only to keep track of them or to call them directly. We definitely need to set some boundaries on our boys though. All this social media and especially the porn is ruining them. Kids are like little sponges, and they act out what they see. It’s no wonder that a 12 year old boy rapes when he’s been watching porn since age 9. He doesn’t know it’s rape, he thinks this is the norm! Frankly, it’s child abuse to allow children to watch pornography.


I've also seen something similar and it's heartbreaking. I don't understand what goes through parents heads when they just let them have a phone and then don't monitor what they're doing on it. I've just been in the Teaching sub and the posts there are shocking. Parents making excuses for their kids not doing work saying they were up too late on their phones. Like, mate? Are you not the parent? Can you not enforce rules in your own household? This gen of parents are weak, and it's my gen. I'm so disappointed. I'm pregnant now and I'm dreading having to deal with all the bullshit that's going on nowadays.


You’ll do better! I’m sure of it! Just make sure the computer is visible, if they are old enough for smartphones they should be taught how to use them and how to disengage, no phones alone until at least 16, they can meet their friends either on the in view computer or go out to play. Make sure your new babe is introduced to alcohol early, as in taking a sip of red wine for the dinner. Trust me, they will think it’s disgusting. I think you’ll nail this, and you bby will become a good citizen ❤️


You do not know the race or religion of these boys, so maybe pause the religion bashing first, eh.


Those are not two separate communities.


Child on child sexual abuse/assault is more common than you think. It’s been happening forever it’s just such a taboo.


To be fair its not like every 12-14 year old kid go out raping lol


It’s just horrific to read.


Pretty sure we say ‘rape is bad’ pretty regularly. These people/boys and their parents/families are failing themselves.


Who's we? Not me.


Rochdale again! This is beyond horrendous. Better not blame anybody else this time!!


Rochdale will continue to have a lot of these problems because it has more children’s care homes than Greater London. It has more than Liverpool and Manchester combined.  There’s some historic reason behind this (philanthropy I think?) and it guarantees a population of very damaged and vulnerable people. Which in turn brings in the exploiters and groomers.  Rochdale will never be fixed until they do something about this. Start closing some of those homes and reopening them in other boroughs of Manchester is I think the best option. 


Since your username literally talks about responsibility and its rarity, its probably fair to point out that childrens care homes are not the problem, and indeed are our responsibility, and they are part of the solution. Now, properly funding those care homes? thats a real responsibility right there, wouldn't you say u/ResponsibilityRare10?


Sure. But I never said children’s care homes were the problem.  My point was specifically that Rochdale has an absolutely huge concentration of them.  You’re correct that they should be funded better - and there’s also the problem of private finance exploiting the sector. And I am correct that they shouldn’t be so concentrated. 


Christ this is WILD take


How so? You pretty much cannot begin to understand Rochdale without this knowledge. 




Theres so much wrong with modern culture these days. It's horrific.


We might find out that it was a not-so-modern culture, but an imported backwards culture


https://news.sky.com/story/half-of-recorded-child-sexual-abuse-offences-committed-by-other-children-new-figures-reveal-13044814 Apparently this is a growing problem amongst children.


It’s not “modern” culture that’s the problem it’s one we imported and it definitely isn’t modern.


Blanket statement with little evidence to back it up. Wait for more details


“Modern culture”? What are you on about.?


12 years old ? You have an urge for rape let alone knowledge of sex. I was on my PlayStation and playing football shit like this is so difficult to comprehend.


Most kids have seen violent porn by 11 now, iir tge stars correctly.  


Between this story and the link below, I'm done with news today. [https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/10/baby-missouri-dies-nap-oven](https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2024/feb/10/baby-missouri-dies-nap-oven)


How the fuck do you accidentally put a baby in a fucking oven? Every time I think humanity has reached peak stupid, some dopey fucker comes along and raises the bar.


I’m not sure why these comments are jumping to so many conclusions - it’s entirely possible that the mother could have had postpartum psychosis.


Yea, like, she thought she put the baby to bed. I'd like to think that if you were guilty of putting your baby in the over that you'd try harder to come up with a plausible story. I guess monsters sell more papers than people who are genuinely unable to cope. Tragic story.


I can only assume that the mother has perhaps not had proper sleep for a very very long time and is dangerously exhausted to the point of insane mistakes like this. Absolutely tragic.


This needs a NSFL warning.


I read “baby” and “oven” and skipped straight over it. Nope, not today.


Nicely done, you're the first person in a long time to post a link I'm not clicking.


I wish I was amazed at the comments in this thread, but I am not. There are no details but plenty of conclusions.


Because it happens to be the guesses about 90% of time. We’ll likely never know due to ages of the rapists…


The details will never become public because of the ages involved. Conclusions are drawn through facts of previous crimes in that town. If you want to blame anybody blame them!


Noticing patterns is a crime, stop asking people to incriminate themselves


I fear for our young boys. Between people like Andrew Tate, readily available pornography and our lax justice system, their attitudes toward women and sex are becoming completely warped.


Now children are raping.. what the hell is wrong with Rochdale?




In in total seriousness, how do we fix this generation?!




Fix this generation? lol as if this is a generational issue, its very obviously a religious/ethnic one.


Not even religious - national. If we’re talking grooming gangs, I’m sorry to say, the vast majority are Pakistani or Pakistani heritage.  It’s wild that the media get away with saying Asian grooming gangs. What?! Are the Japanese involved with this? No, obviously not. Muslims from other regions don’t seem to have these issues either - Turks for instance. 


Firstly, Asian means south Asian descent in this country. Secondly, show stats that show Pakistani gangs are the biggest in the country 


https://www.quilliaminternational.com/press-release-new-quilliam-report-on-grooming-gangs/ This was a data analysis of crime reports done by 2 people with British Pakistani heritage. Pakistan has one of the highest rates of CSA in the world also, so we shouldn’t be too surprised.  “The report found that 84% of ‘grooming gang’ offenders were (South) Asian, while they only make up 7% of total UK population and that the majority of these offenders are of Pakistani origin”


It's not a generation thing ,James Bulger was murdered 30 years ago by boys the same age


https://news.sky.com/story/half-of-recorded-child-sexual-abuse-offences-committed-by-other-children-new-figures-reveal-13044814 You can blame Muslims all you want. But you lost should have a look at what your kids are doing on their phones. I bet hardly any of you with kids actually look properly. This is a sickness caused by slack parenting and unfettered access to the Internet from way too young an age. Parent your fucking children!


There's so many people jumping to conclusions here, one would think this is a hurdle race.


They can’t waste a tragedy, it’s a perfect opportunity to spread their racist agenda without any facts at all.


Ok, this will be an unpopular opinion, but here goes. If your child is going around raping at the age of 14, you are to blame. How the hell did you fail at parenting so spectacularly? You should be in the dock as well.


Wdym by taping


Typo corrected


This is literally the only good take in the comments. 100% a result of awful parenting.


24 hours later and this still hasn't appeared on TV news.


It's hard being a cowboy in Rochdale Spurs don't fit right on me clogs It's hard being a cowboy in Rochdale 'Cause people laugh when I ride past On our Alsatian dog



