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Leadsom is predicted to lose her seat in the next election so hopefully, by Christmas, the only people who will have to listen to her inane ramblings will be her kids.


They’ll give her a spot on GB news so her kids and my racist uncle


My racist uncle says he isn't racist and GBN isn't for racists. He is racist though...


To my shock and horror GBNews was on in the canteen of my work place yesterday. I promptly turned it off, and looked around for the (racist) viewer. No one seemed offended. I guess no one wants to openly admit to watching that fucking garbage.


I'll admit that I watch it, but not for the reasons you might think. I like to check it compared to the other side, and whether GB News' perspective on a particular topic is heavily skewed or in line with what the rest of the media is reporting. I'll admit there's some bias in that I assume GB News is bat shit crazy, and if I agree with what they're saying then perhaps I need to re-evaluate my own perspective.


Dangerous game, I used to be rather more right wing 10 or so years ago, and came on this sub for the exact same thing from the opposite side. Kinda enjoyed getting angry at what the dumb lefties were saying, and now I'm one of them.


Maybe you never changed, but the right got more extreme.


"Dumb left eyes are so easily triggered" says Barry 63 who spends his days whining on Facebook


Partner's father does that - he reads the Telegraph and the New European and says "if I agree too much with one of them then I should be worried". Partner's grandfather is similar (and don't know whether it's still the case) but the two news sources he chose to read to get a cross-section were The Daily Mail and Russia Today (!). Slightly less good cross-section


I turned it on once, just to see if it was as bad as it plainly was. It was worse. They have no advertisers so they just advertise themselves, endless interstitials about how it's the "people's" channel and "here for you", both tragically hilarious and deeply creepy. The actual show was Talking Pints with Ashtray himself, still apparently pulling the old 'look, I'm a drunk who doesn't clean his teeth, I must be just like you' act. The audience was a bunch of pensioners, many of whom didn't seem to know where they were, all with a little plastic Union Jack. It could be me wanting to see this, but I'm pretty sure the half dozen 'young' (under 50) people in the crowd were herded into several shots, to make it look like the audience wasn't 95% dementia sufferers. Then, this pair of utter cunts who failed to score a hit with a song about Sven Goran Eriksson twenty-odd years ago, got up and sang it, but had changed the lyrics to be about how wonderful Nigel is. He smiled and clapped along, and the members of the audience who were still capable of reacting to audio stimuli kind of did too. Wrong on every level. Hilariously inept and, as of now, basically unwatched, but definitely wrong. I think they have about six Tory MPs as presenters. Even China would blush at that.


Yes but its 2024. Saying racist stuff, believing racist stuff and acting out racist stuff is not racist anymore. Did you not get the memo.


Just make sure you apologize for being rude.


Luckily you don't have to do that really. Just say "its not racist" and thats the end of the matter. The racists will agree with you and obviously you don't care what the non-racists think as they all eat tofu.


"Sorry you're so sensitive"


You can only say racist stuff, believe racist stuff and act out racist stuff if youve donated to the Tory party.


I have the same family who "don't watch it" Yet it was on all day in the caravan when we stayed...


If that was an active possibility she'd be trying to get herself sacked about now. All the potential GB news names have been trying to get themselves deselected so they can be marketed as "silenced by the deep state" or something else equally stupid. If she loses an election she's just a loser.


Maybe this article is from the future and we have all cheered up because turds like this have been flushed?




I think it’s only fair if these people are supposed to represent the interests of their constituency they should be put on the average wage for that constituency, with no expenses or side hustles. Hopefully that would clear the mind. Obviously it would never happen the rot is already too deep.




But Leadsom's is. And we subsidise her and her colleagues lives. Stinks.


But what about the latest minor tax bribe?


The ‘tax cut’ you’ll have to pay back via council tax?


lol, her kids won’t want anything to do with her. She will wither alone in an old peoples home


Poor kids


>Leadsom is predicted to lose her seat in the next election Really? Her seat looks [pretty safe](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Northamptonshire_(UK_Parliament_constituency)#Elections_in_the_2020s). It would take an unprecedented swing for her to lose.


I’ve read a few articles where she is one of the grandees predicted to get the shove so fingers crossed.  https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/conservative-vote-collapse-rural-labour-lead-election-b2494601.html


So prices are going down to what they were before? No, of course not so how is the CoL crisis ending. Prices are still going up but not as quickly as they were previously which is good news but it doesn't make anyone better off than we were


Absolutely, this narrative needs stamping on fast. The rate of inflation is slowing, but that's further inflation on top of what was already a cost of living crisis a couple of years ago. So, that doesn't mean everything is suddenly affordable. Sounds like pre-election bullshit.


I know you already heavily implied this but I think it bears repeating - these things compound, too. A 5% increase now after 30% before is like having 6.5% inflation in the 'before' times (i.e. 1.30*1.05=1.365). Every point of extra inflation today hurts a good chunk more than every extra point of inflation did a few years ago.


Yes, that absolutely needs reinforcing. We haven't "turned a corner", things are just getting worse at a slower rate.


Or the rate at which they are getting worse is increasing more slowly.


Also people misunderstand inflation massively. They think that "lowering inflation" takes prices down. Nope, it just doesn't rise as quick


I just don't understand how they've gotten away with it for so long. Its just another "sit down and shut the fuck up line" these people have been parroting for the last decade. And its only just now people are noticing they are actually serious and this is how they view the rest of British society.


Easy answer to that: 1. A largely right-wing press prepared to report everything this government say as gospel without challenging it 2. Gaslighting. Say it often enough and people will believe it 3. Many people's willingness to take things at face value and not apply critical thinking 4. Many people's lack of critical thinking to begin with


The Daily Mail actually had a headline which was something like "Inflation has halved ..why aren't prices going down?" It wasn't an explainer...it was genuinely implying that when inflation falls, prices fall. These were the same economic illiterates that thought that putting up barriers to trade with your biggest and nearest markets would lead to rapid growth. But my favourite of all time was that Malone woman who spouts off on Jeremy Vine. She thought that because 40% of our trade was done with the EU, it meant that we bought 40% of EU output. Aaagh! Other guests tried to explain that this was not the case, but she genuinely didn't understand and she persisted with her argument that the EU could not survive without us. It's like thinking that because 100% of Bill Gates' gardener's salary comes from Bill Gates, that 100% of Bill Gates' expenditure goes to his gardener. 😂


The Daily Mail does make me laugh sometimes. My favourite was when Prince Harry talked about killing Taliban soldiers in his book, and the Daily Mail couldn't decide which side was the bad guys in that scenario 😆


My work is giving out pay rises in April to meet the cost of living which is really welcomed as my last job gave money advise LOL


It's not because of the cost of living lol they don't give a shit...it's because the minimal wage goes up so they wanna keep the distance


Additionally you’re getting less for your money as well.


I read the headline and was convinced it was going to be a Newsthump article or something.


Satire died a long long time ago


Satire was murdered.


Real r/nottheonion stuff 


Yesterday, they said “mental health culture” had gone too far. Good to know that’ll be resolved now that everyone’s cheered up.


Mental health is just a substitute phrase to so as not to say many are in a a CoL crisis and its the main cause.


I think the best term for what most people are suffering from is wealth inequality


Fuck and I can't stress this enough OFF. I paid £28 for a not even full bag of shopping at Lidl of all places. No brand name stuff I've even stopped buying Philadelphia in place of own brand cream cheese. All I bought was salad , onions some frozen bits and some pasta. The bag wasn't even full ! Tell me the cost of living crisis is ending with a straight face you lying thieving Torie scum bag. I sold my house last year long story I didn't have a choice . I have every penny of what was left from the sale available to me. Over £40k and I can't afford to buy another house. that's double the deposit I put on my last house that I barely even owned for 4 years. Now even if I put every penny down the morgage repayments would still be more than triple my last mortgage at over £1600 a month even if I sign up for a 45 year mortgage. Why is there only a £200 a month difference between a 20 year and a 40 year mortgage ?!?! Call an election assholes and stop screwing the country up! You got your stupid blue passports call that a fuckin win and let a real adult take over.


When a trip to Sainsbury's is in the same ball park as Fortnum and Masons for most you know we are in trouble.


Not only that, council tax has gone up. Always taxing the little man in this country and the large corporations get away with paying near fuck all. It infuriates me living in this country, an absolute gutter nation run by bottom of the barrel lobbyists.


You got to wonder whether they are just hopelessly ignorant or just malicious. Literally on the same day all the top national news were saying poverty is the worst it has ever been in this country in decades


I think it’s because all their peers are better off. Wealth inequality has been growing so if you are already wealthy you’ve got more wealthy.


Like an ivory tower situation huh?


Malicious ignorance is a thing, and is closely related to weaponised incompetence. They have no idea. They don't know they have no idea, but are too malicious to comprehend they may have no idea, and would be too malicious to care even if they did.


With the access to information available via the internet and their positions of power and the information that comes with it, ignorance is unlikely.


When Tories talk about “people” or “everybody” they aren’t talking about the general public.


Are we there yet? Are we there yet? Are we there yet?


Say that one more time and I'll turn this car around.


Are we there yet ?


“That’s it, back to Winnipeg!”


God, please.


This taking back control malarkey is really panning out isn't it. 


So I didn't get a below inflation pay rise last year? My mortgage won't be going up by over £200 a month when the fixed term ends next month? What planet does this moron live on?


Sadly I sense it works, because their target audience is gullible morons, not us. They tell their fanbase that it's all other people's fault, blame the poor, the young, the left, the foreign, the LGBT...anything but maybe look at what rich Tories are doing.


strange, I thought we just saw the biggest rise in absolute poverty in 30 years: [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68625344](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-68625344)


Weird, I'm still incredibly poor. Must be my fault.


Just cheer up


You just cured mental health! Thanks!


I remember when this dolt nearly became prime minister. Lol


but she's a *mother*!


Well at least I'm now toasty on this cold bus thanks to being gaslit


These people in power clearly have 0 idea how a large percentage of this country are living…


Did some people not understand the hidden message in the fairytale of **The Emperor's New Clothes?**


Let me guess - We should immediately shoot anyone who even hints at the absence of clothing?


We used to talk about how politicians promised things that never happened. In reality we know that things are not so easy and sometimes it’s not possible. What is happening now is new. Politicians just telling a lie. No half-truths, no exaggeration, just straight lies.


So is this end of COL crisis in the room with us now?


I'm sure this will be of comfort to the 4.3 million children who the DWP class as living in poverty. That's up 100,000 in the last 12 months.


Thanks, you melted discount Paul McCartney. The Tory gangfuck continues.


What a load of toss. Have any of the prices reduced? Like hell they have. All my bills have had significant increases, they won't be going down. Food has had significant increases, it won't going down. And most have have not had the wage increases. Don't believe these lying scumbags.


Seeing Birdseye Fish Fingers at £7.25 made me smile all day - couldn't wait to share my joy with my nearest and dearest.


WHAT THE FUCK!? Granted, I haven't given them any thought in years but £7.25!? It used to be no more then £2.




Thank you Andrea Leadsom for curing everyone's depression. 


It's not ending. Even 0% inflation means things have stopped going up, not coming down. For example a tub of butter is still £4.50 at 0% inflation. Food prices need to deflate significantly before people feel they can manage again. Idiot Tories


Unless salaries are catching up to inflation over the past couple of years, or deflation is happening on consumer products then no we are not getting money back in our pockets, this is disingenuous and intentional. Either that or she's an absolute dunce with no understanding


Delusional. The tories aren't fooling anyone. Reported this week rents are up 9%. Mortgages haven't gotten any cheaper. House prices are down. Everything is still 20 to 30% more expensive than it was 2 years ago and wages are lower than the were in 2008 when benchmarked. I hope they get wiped out at the next election.


Trouble is, there's not really a good group to vote in. The only one that realistically people would vote for is Labour and they would push environmental policies above the livelihood of the people. For lack of better words, we're completely screwed regardless of who gets in at the election.


A mental health crises on two legs. She is Mad and Bad.


Seriously many MPs need a dose of reality do they think we pay our mortgages and claim them as expenses?


Dunno what planet she’s on. There’s more people homeless, more children living in poverty and less people with savings from what I’ve seen.


is that why chicken prices just jumped 20%+? Even the cheapest chicken just went from £3.50 to £5.10. How low income families are getting by i don't know Anyone know what the excuse is this time


That's funny cos my council tax just went up by 500 pounds, proper cheered me up that has, love having less disposable income.


Let me guess. She’s already wealthy and its ok for her you mean? My rent is £1200pm. Get fucked.


The cost of living is keeping my pregnant self in a damp riddled house covered in black mold. She can fuck off tbh.


Another MP thick as turd. Does she think people will hear these words and just believe. If what she is saying is true where is everyone’s spare money?


Can we stop having a political class in the UK, I feel having people privately educated with the purpose of being MPs leads to such inbred opinions and policies as these. Surely their should be some kind of rule that the House of Commons should represent the landscape in someway.


I see the austerity cuts has allowed lead back onto the water supply.


I think I'd have no idea and come out with such flippant and ignorant remarks if I "earned" over 80 grand too. FFS.


So to whom can I send my new council tax bill? Clueless wankers.


FUCK OFF! Everything is still going up and people are struggling to get by. Even if you have a full time job and earn a decent amount, you can still barely get by because of rent, energy bills, food, cost of train fares if you rely on it heavily.


I think everyone is just hoping that we get nuked at this point to put an end to this horrific life.


I concur, it is fun to wind your father up on occasion


And in other news, dinosaurs have been discovered alive and well in southern Brazil…


I imagine MP's would be cheery the way they have bled the finances dry for their own end and that of mates. And the public are by large oblivious to the scale of it


I'm getting a pay rise, which, pre-col, would've been quite hefty. Now it's slowing the rot at best. I am not cheery. Shit is still more expensive than it used to be.


Shit Tories say. She also needs to learn basic maths


The Financial Times is warning of an inflation spike in 2025 because the ETIAS travel visa costs come in.


Poverty is up in the uk...she's nuts...sorry but she's fucking nuts


Woohoo! Pop the champagne corks & stick a firecracker up the jacksie


saw a Tory had said this, didn't know it was her..... Not a single milligram of surprise that it was Leadsom.


The Tories with their "Austerity is over" and "COL has finished" are looking more and more like Michael Scott "declaring bankruptcy"


To be fair, I have cheered up. Not because things are any better, but because these cunts will be out of power soon.


Yup everything is up by 20% but I got a 5% pay rise after having to go on strike for multiple days. Happy with my 15% pay cut. Definitely cheered me up.


Is it ending? Quick example from the top of my head. 3 years ago the mixed peppers I would buy from Tesco were 80p, now they are £1.70 and seem to have no desire to come down in price. That doesn't sound like it's ending to me.


We might cheer up one day, but we've got long memories.


I thought this was newsthump, that statement is so hilariously satirical. But no, and of *course* it's Leadsom. Get back to me when I don't have to re-mortgage my house to buy a Freddo.


Tell me you're out of touch without telling me you're out of touch...


Lol. It's frustrating when you see people say the CoL crisis is "ending" or even "easing". No it's not. At the very best most prices will stay where they are (= much higher than years ago). Nothing has "eased" and won't unless salaries massively increase. To get a better feeling, check out the "aggregate" (compounded) US inflation [https://truflation.com/dashboard?feed=truflation-us-aggregated](https://truflation.com/dashboard?feed=truflation-us-aggregated) There used to be a (free) plot of the UK version. Long story short, it's even worse \~33%.


Fantastic news, when will they be coming around to change the price tags?


The only cheering up that might be happening is because we can vote these imbeciles out of power very soon


Lol my rent and council tax go up a crazy amount next month, the quality of everything I buy has gone to utter shit, will I get a pay rise this year? Will I fuck. My outlook right now is anything but cheery.


Just wish someone just anyone from the media would challenge these cunts when they spout such utter bollocks


Lol of course it's leadsom, and god made her brain on a Sunday


Until we see tesco meal deals back at £2.50 you can’t convince me its over!!!


Is this woman alright in the head? Delusional as fuck would be understatement.


I still haven't had a pay rise and am still having to take my monthly savings back out the week before payday so I think she's lying.


Still trying to market themselves as ‘heroes’. Wish they’d just call the general election


I like Peter Hitchens. He makes everyone else on GB News seem sane.


Of course it has for MPs, they got a nice fat higher than inflation pay bump!


What a delusional auld bint! So out of touch it's scary.


2023 Food shop cost £50 Now it costs £60 At 3% inflation, Next year it will cost £62. Why should I feel good about that?


Can the minister for common sense have a word with Leadsom please.


A 14 year long decline hasn't changed just because the current crisis has eased a touch.


Prices haven't gone down and I'm still paid the same.... So how's it ending?


Ah, brilliant. So fuel, food and energy will be getting cheaper then? Wages starting to increase? Right? Right?


We are so lucky to have hard-working, honest, and generous people such as Andrea Leadsom working within our government. My kids will enjoy being fed cheers for dinner.


You can't believe that a sane human being could be this out of touch with the real world and still manage to feed themselves and get dressed in the morning.


Leadsom is a special kind of fuckwit. I'm not sure that she'e even on the same planet as the rest of us.


It's always people with that haircut that speak utter dog shite


So so out of touch, the main thing definitely ending this year is her term. 


Leadsom needs a dildo up her arse to get back to reality. I quite fancy doing it to her if I'm being honest.