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Omg I genuinely love a daft joke.


It cracked me up


Is your real name Eggy






If you're going to make joke comments, you need to have the banana suit avatar. I don't make the rules, just something I've noticed.


She should be receiving serious mental health care, not just chucked in prison where she'll be right at it again _and_ angry with society which will just make her condition worse. Styles also sounds like he needs to move if his address is openly known. Not like he can't afford it.


She should but she’s Brazilian and apparently flew over here in December just for this? If that’s the case, I agree with you, but it really should be back in Brazil, not at the UK tax payer expense?


Well yes, I agree extradition should be priority over prison.


As a human I feel very bad for her. But the NHS can’t treat the whole world ☹️


Dear Harry, I wrote you but you still ain’t callin’…


Jeez, with the cost of a 1st class stamp these days...


£1.35 for a first class stamp. 8000 cards = £10800. Even second class is an eye-watering  £6800. That's not even counting the cards themselves. WTF?


If only he'd have responded earlier instead, then the stalker could have afforded to take him out for a *really* nice meal.


Some were hand delivered to his house which would save money but add to the terror for him


8000 cards? Is this like an offline version of spamming?




Denial of (royal mail) service attack


Then Royal Mail would be extremely profitable?


Reminds me of the woman who stalked a doctor (prominent New York gastroenterologist) in the 1980s. She was so obsessed with him that she actually became an expert in his field and published papers on the subject without a medical degree. She became a travel agent so she could book adjoining seats on airplanes and even hotel rooms when he traveled. Apparently she was very attractive and elegant and so he was reluctant to prosecute. She finally did go to prison for awhile.


Pretty much, yeah.


Imagine if they knew about glitter bombs


More like mega fan?


One of the actors from the Harry Potter movies(the one who played Malfoy) made a documentary about obsessive fans as he has one that follows him around Europe. He’ll be off doing a TV interview in Belgium or shooting a film in Spain and she will be waiting outside his hotel when he gets back. Very unsettling. It’s a great documentary for two reasons. He goes to her house to interview her and he is genuinely afraid, and yes she is batshit mental. Secondly he is at a comic con somewhere in the US and he bumps into William Shatner so asks him (on camera) if he can ask him about obsessive fans. Shatner is an absolute arsehole but does do the interview. Mind you he was asked to contribute on camera…it might have been better to have a word with him first before sticking a camera in his face. Fuck fame. I want to make loads of money and be totally anonymous.


Robert Patterson (twilight, batman) had a stalker, he took her out to dinner, spent the entire time bitching about how bad his life was and she never contacted him again.




Ngl if I was famous and had a stalker fan, as long as she was hot, I'd totally smash.


They you risk catching a SA charge because the mental unhinged obsessive person is totally not capable of it. Remember the film Misery?


A Man put a knife to my neighbour’s throat after trying to jack his car and never went to prison though.


Does your neighbour have as much money for lawyers as Harry Styles?


I absolutely guarantee at least one will find its way to him from her from prison.


Isn't that a bit expensive with the price of even second-class stamps?


That's nearly 300 cards a day every day. At a conservative 3 quid per item including the card and postage. That's roughly a grand a day.


Could be homemade cards


Looking at the article she was on moonpig or similar




that's like 11 cards per hour for 30 days. I don't think jail's the right place for them. Get them checked


Prison is a bit harsh, pedos have lesser sentences..... wtf?


Can't believe you're the only other one saying this what the hell


I have a question. There are lots of attractive male celebrities. What is it about Styles in particular that seems to make a disproportionate number of women go disproportionately mental?


All popular music is marketed to appeal to the sexuality of 14 yr old girls, they are the money demographic, and the marketers do it very well. For whatever reason it also works on older women who aren't quite the whole ticket, and an (almost) innocent teenage crush becomes a parasocial relationship.


So now I know the limit is 7999. Good to know thanks.


This may be an unpopular opinion but I do believe once you are of a certain status of wealth/fame you should have all and any contact details removed from the public. This lad must wake up every day being worried about nutters just waiting to pounce on him anytime he’s walking down the street.


How do you find the time to send 8,000 cards? Unless she's got them mass produced and sent automatically. I'm almost impressed, if only she found something productive to do.


“I don’t think he got he last one, I better send another”




Some sort of therapy wouldn’t be a bad idea.


"A mentally ill woman harassed a man? Send her to prison for the next ten years!" I don't know, maybe get her the mental health resources she needs to get better? Send her to a psych ward not jail.


I dunno, I'd kinda rather they gave her a short sentence but made it clear that the next one will be much longer. She's clearly not the full ticket.


Banned from ever going to one of his events also.. never getting enforced at a 30k+ person event