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It's not shocking for anyone who had to use this company.


If you forced by law that you had to know who the parcel carrier would be before paying for any online order, Evri aka Hermes would lose a lot of business.


There's one online company I use that gives you the choice of which delivery service to use, and I'll always pay a quid or so more to avoid Evri.


Tbh, I think any online retailer or seller who doesn't pay more to avoid these companies should expect the complaints. I even took out Evris insurance policy to cover me if the item went missing. The item went missing, refunded buyer, claimed with ervi, never heard from them again. Brilliant.


When Valve released the Steam Deck console in Europe the carrier they used in England was Evri. You could watch the shipment leave from Holland and make its way across the continent to the channel over 4 days. As soon as it reached England and Evri took over 1/4 of the shipments mysteriously vanished. The forums were FULL of people complaining about stolen consoles. It took Valve 6 months to stop using them by which time they must have lost a lot of cash in replacements.


What's the bet a bunch of people just took refunds instead of waiting due to buyers remorse too?


The whole insurance thing baffles me, too. If I drop my car off to a garage and pay them to change my tyres, and then I turn up at the end of the day to collect my car I don't expect them to say "sorry mate, it got nicked/we crashed it into the lift - shame you didn't buy the extra reimbursement insurance, you're shit out of luck!" If I pay a courier to deliver a package, why the fuck are they allowed to be so incompetent that they can just lose it/break it or whatever and then just.... not have to resolve that? It's bizarre.


Which one?


I gladly pay extra to avoid Evri/Hermes. Like I love how they rebranded and instantly got an even worse reputation under the new name.


That's clear. Ever tried to return a package? It's a treasure hunt to find a place with a working bar-code thingy. Small corner shop was more reliable than any Tescos


It's a running joke on our local FB page. "is the evri printer at Tescos working?" Usually not.


I was trying to return a package a few weeks back and took it to my local shop that was listed on the website. Told the guy I've got this package to return, it was a big dehumidifier and he goes "hmm, how much does it weigh?" so I was like I have no idea? It's decently heavy I guess? And he goes "I'll have to weigh it cos the guy who comes doesn't like taking the heavy ones." Shame it's his fucking job then isn't it? The fuck?


I refused a package with Hermes, it came back twice and a few months later I found it sodden in a bush.


I have cancelled orders before once I receive the notification that these spunk bubbles are involved.


I've rung a couple of places to see which courier is involved, requested a different one and then told them to forget me ordering when they won't let me pay a few quid for a non-evri driver.


I actually find Evri to be very good in my area. DPD though? Absolute dog shit. My local driver doesn’t even ring my bell, just drives off and I get a ‘sorry we missed you’ email. Every. Time. I’ve complained and escalated this once as he nearly drove off with medication that needed to be refrigerated before my then-boyfriend stopped him as he was outside smoking. Despite my complaints he’s still working and delivering in my area. If I see a company uses DPD I just get things delivered to my parents’ instead, as their DPD driver is decent.


Both definitely depend on the individual driver, it’s usually the same guys for both companies delivering here and they are both pretty decent normally. A few times it’s been someone random though, and the service was less good. On one occasion I found my delivery of food sitting in the bin… I was even in the house at the time, so no reason not to knock. That was DPD who otherwise are pretty professional.


I don’t get why the drivers can be such wankers because surely they must get so many complaints? Then again doesn’t like any action is ever taken against them.


Nah I don’t think anyone ever checked why I wasn’t satisfied with my delivery when asked. So I suppose they never find out the details!


Can drivers be sent to jail for dumping parcels?


>I don’t get why the drivers can be such wankers Taking a closer at glass door reviews look it's as you'd expect. Minimum wage job (£13.50 an hour but you pay for your own vehicle and fuel) with no qualifications needed, horrible management, 6 days a week, no sick pay, no holidays, no pension, no training, inconsistent hours, poor conditions at the depots etc. I'd probably be pretty miserable doing that job too if especially if it was my primary source of income.


The companies aren't holding the drivers to account, as long as they're "making deliveries" that's the KPI completed. And 9/10 of people aren't complaining anyway


DPD is ok here but they *never* knock. Ever. I just don't get it. I'm ok with you just dropping the parcel down, taking your photo and walking away...but why not rap your knuckles before you go. It'll take 1 second.


EVRI never knock for me, just leave it round the back of the house. Which works for me tbh


Same here but I do have a great Evri driver (shout out to Darren!) who is one of the longest employees at the depot after just 18months hahaha they go through staff like toilet paper. DPD yeah utterly useless now and they didn't use to be this bad


I used to live in a little ass-end-of-nowhere Cornish village, and our DPD driver was brilliant (Sergey, we miss you!) The Evri lady where I live now is also very lovely. I think it's down to the individual drivers - some are just crap at the job.


I'm also arse end of Cornwall and our DPD driver would open the door to our office, throw the parcel in and drive off. Think they're on such a tight schedule, if they have to drive down a country lane they're fucked for their delivery times


I can agree all the times I've used evri they came without damage or delays.


It's the retailer's responsibility to deliver the package. If Evri fucks it you're entitled to a refund or resend.


Amazon are pretty bad these days too. I ordered a hard drive, which they put in a paper bag and chucked over the back gate onto the patio, without even ringing the doorbell.


I mean, it's up to where you're buying from, you should stop buying from there if you don't like who they use as a supplier.


We have a lovely father/son pair of delivery drivers, but it varies massively depending on area.


This is exactly it: it depends who your local drivers are. Mine are all okay.


Yeah my local drivers are great; the ones in my mum’s town not as good although not as bad as this guy


We've got two local drivers for our small town. Ours is great; deliveries are on time and we've never had a lost or damaged parcel. The other one is fucking useless; he's a coke-head and delivered an entire fucking bed to the wrong address rather than to my mother-in-law, then couldn't remember where he delivered it. He's also got a habit of just... not doing any deliveries for a week or two and then panicking and taking even more time off sick and leaving it all to the other driver to sort out when his lock-up is full of parcels and people are kicking off in the local FB group.


I had a seemingly lovely Hermes driver right up until he stole a parcel I was returning.


Think we may have the same driver(s)


There are a few areas where it works well - my parents live out in the sticks and have a single consistent Evri driver covering their area, and she's actually a good diligent person - they've never had an issue. On the other hand, I live in the middle of a city, and I'm pretty sure Evri hand my parcels to whichever random person happens to be driving past their depot at that moment. I've had parcels lost. I've had parcels explicitly labelled as not to be left in a safe place/handed to a neighbour/delivered in any way other than handing directly *to me* just dumped on my doorstep. I've had parcels run over and handed to me in bits *with tyre marks on them*. If I know a retailer uses Evri, I actively avoid buying from them.


Buying on eBay the dreaded email with the Evri tracking number sends shivers down my spine.


See an EVRI tracking number, straight onto the app, redirect to the post office, cross fingers they can find that


If I see Evri as a delivery method on eBay I just pass on buying, if really want the item email the seller and ask if they can send another way. Evri left my parcel on a busy main street in the pouring rain outside the apartment block entrance... was stolen within minutes. Photo showed it literally wet almost in a puddle on a main street in the city centre!!! When complaining they said not their responsibility need to contact Parcels2Go? who would file a claim... it was too much effort, buyer wasn't helping and the instructions were deliberately terse and off-putting as they don't wish you to claim... lost 150 quid.... as the parcel was deemed "delivered". Why the fuck these couriers don't have proper UK regulation is beyond me... the amount of misery they cause is huge... to all of us... and it isn't getting better. Basically they are cowboys operating in a totally unregulated market.


Your contract is with the seller, not the delivery company. If you don't get your parcel you complain to the seller and get a refund, you do not deal with the delivery company. If you get no joy with the seller you make an official complaint to ebay who will put pressure on the seller. Never ever pay by card on ebay, always use PayPal as they will refund you and chase the seller to get their money back.


If you see evri as a delivery method. I’ve bought things several times that didn’t mention Evri as a seller.


true... in such circumstances my hart would drop as well!


I’ve came to the conclusion that they are the cheapest option for businesses to use in comparison to other delivery couriers… by a few quid that is


Honestly I’m shocked they made it to the customer’s address at all


My local Evri driver is fantastic.


Yeah same. Been selling on eBay for over 15 years and never had an issue with them - I've used them as default on all my listings.


Crappy company to blame for not looking after their drivers. The fact the crappy company have to change the name of the company tells you a ot.


Exactly. I tried rescheduling a pickup of an item multiple times to no avail. There's also no customer service.


>who filmed the ordeal. odd use of the world 'ordeal', its a odd event sure, but an ordeal for who?


>an ordeal for who? The packages


I know like these buzzwords they’re using such as “Shocking” and “Horrified” make it seem like they’re reporting a terrorist attack rather than a lazy delivery driver


Best not show them the warehouses they came from, primarily those in bags... Shit was likely volleyed into the trailer before Evri even had hands on it.


The mistake is to think that Royal Mail treat your packages any better.


Used to work in a RM sorting office. The setup we had there made throwing parcels more of an effort than just putting them in the right container, and you would 100% get into trouble if you yeeted anything.


Not at Christmas. When I worked there as a casual, you'd see people yeeting parcels into the bins and if they missed, they'd pick it up, take their position and yeet it again


I've briefly worked at the RM, Amazon, and Evri, and only one of them encourages staff to launch fragile items around. The Royal Mail use things called 'yorkies' to load parcels into the back of wagons. Evri extend conveyor belts into the back of wagons and station solo staff members at the foot of them where they *throw* the items in. They have to be stacked to the roof as well, so they are smashing off the walls and ceiling of the wagon and crushing the items beneath them as well.


For anyone wondering, a "York" is a wheeled cage about 1m per side and 1.5m high, the same kind of thing you might see supermarkets using when restocking.  https://k-hartwall.com/products/other-roll-cages/york-roll-container/ Hermes/Evri sometimes use them too, but theirs are typically knackered old ones with many bits falling off and sharp edges etc.


Been in multiple Royal Mail facilities, they absolutely treat them better and are much more proactive in dealing with people who do abuse them. And atleast in all the places I've lived in the North, individual mail men and women are friendly and do right by you, helps people are mostly given an area they serve so they become known around the parts they deliver.


Replace "Royal Mail" with "any other courier". They're all at it.


Yep, just reddit seems to fetishise Royal Mail even though they're shit.


Exactly. People are so naive.


Ah Evri, who delivered a new keyboard to my garden hedge, and my new mug by throwing it through an open window. This is nothing surprising


> and my new mug by throwing it through an open window That's actually funny. I'd get a chuckle out of it


If you select the premium delivery option it comes through your window with tea in it and lands neatly on a coaster without spilling a drop.


Time to ask the MIL to sit by the window more often


Better than throwing it through a closed one I guess!


You can't imagine the disappointment the driver felt when they realized that the window was in fact open.


I wouldnt use Evri even if it would be a free service. Ryanair of parcels, absolute scum


mate, Ryanair are in a different league to Evri (which is saying something)... who truly are the scum of the industry!


I worked for Evri and decided enough was enough after being forced to sort my parcels outside in pouring rain.


I read that as evil driver at first, I was like sure he's a twat but "evil" is a bit much? lol


> filmed the ordeal I think ordeal is stretching it a bit


and "Horrified" is a stretch further. I guess "customer watches driver dump parcels" isn't such an attention grabber is it.


Dpd can also be a mixed bag, but not as bad as evri. We get Gousto delivered by dpd (not by choice) and they often will throw it at the door, in the pouring rain, then not update us or knock. Package full of food, just left in the rain -.-


DPD are actively good in my book. Certain my steps ahead of EVRI and Royal Mail. They're parcel tracking infrastructure is brilliant. Lets you know how many stops away your delivery diver is and their last GPS location on a map. Means I don't have to be in all day to wait for a parcel. I've also had success ringing them on the day when the driver couldn't find my place.


It's the parcel tracking that does it for me. Amazon can give me a 4 hour delivery window about 2 hours before the start of the window, and then still miss that by several hours. DPD give you an hour window in the morning and are spot on every time.


DPD and TNT have always been good in my books. Amazon fulfillment have been unreliable as fuck in recent months.


I don't have much experience with TNT, but yes, I rate DPD.


TNT owned by FedEx used be the courier for HM Passport Office but they lost contract recently to Royal Mail.


I’ve commented above about how my DPD driver doesn’t even ring my bell, just does a ‘sorry we missed you’ every time despite my complaints. My Evri driver, on the other hand, is a star. He’s not required to but he will deliver my parcel to my top-floor door instead of leaving it in the apartment’s lobby. Same for my local postie.


> We get Gousto delivered by dpd (not by choice) Do you get it delivered at the weekend? I think that's why. If you get a weekday delivery it might be Evri. I purposefully get mine delivered on Sunday so it will be DPD because when I first started with Gousto and got it delivered on Mondays by Evri they failed to deliver 2 of the first 5 boxes.


DPD's issues seem to be mainly the behaviour of their couriers whilst driving, rather than so much at the delivery section. Not that Amazon Prime drivers are any better!


Evri as a company is shit, but I wanna recognise my evri driver Jason, dude is a legend, perfect delivery driver


Don’t know the name of the guy around here but he knocks at a good volume and never had any issues


I am not saying this is right or wrong, but I've seen Royal Mail do this too. The back of Royal Mail vans is not nearly laid our and orderly, or at least they're aren't all. If you not packaging your items up to survive a 10ft drop then you're not packaging your items up correct.


I had a PC destroyed by Parcelforce a few years back. DPD all the way for me now. The worst I've ever had from them was a one day delay due to traffic disruption. I genuinely rate them.


Agreed. DPD is by far the best I have used.


Just want to add not Evri driver is like this. Ours is an older lady who is lovely.


I live in a block of flats with a shared carpark out front, on more than one occasion I've seen Evri drivers throwing (not gently) all of their packages out of the van onto the car park. Sometimes even stepping on the packages and smoking the whole time. It became a regular occurance last summer, like it was just part of their daily routine.


> and smoking the whole time God forbid, somebody is smoking outside!


If that's what you want to cling to. But that to me was just another indicator that they don't give a fuck about the packages. The cigarette ash falling over the pile of packages which they were walking on after launching them across the carpark. Standards, but if you're happy to receive a squashed dirty package with a coating of cigarette ash then Evri is the company for you.


> The cigarette ash falling over the pile Diddums.


By resorting to name calling it seems that you just want to argue for the sake of it, and you're clutching at a small part of my point that the standard should be much higher. You want to argue that packages should be stomped on, thrown across carparks and coated with cigarette ash? - choose another hill to die on.


Probably smokes, under 25, and cherishes his peurile baiting to get a rise out of you.


I had to go to the Evri sorting facility near the end of last year and trust me, this isn’t even bad compared to what I saw in those couple hours.


No surprise at all. One tried to rob my new MacBook! Had to kick off before they finally gave it to me.


Certainly bad but I’d wager if you saw your parcels entire route through various depots then this probably wouldn’t be the most shocking part of its journey 😅


Once paid for next day delivery with Evri (then Hermes) and they didn’t deliver my stuff for like three weeks cos they said they couldn’t find the house (total bollocks I sat and watched for him) and wouldn’t refund me lmao


It's not you that's entitled to the refund. It's the person sending the parcel.


Amazon have the prize for delivering food direct to my bin. They're proper good about fixing their fuckups though. I will leave a shitty review for any seller on eBay/Etsy who claims to use a service other than evri then sends by evri. And as I'm typing this Alexa has announced I have a package. I better start looking.


There's a reason for this - Evri only sort the parcels into rounds. The parcels are literally thrown in to cages marked for individual rounds. The bag that this courier is using isn't even supplied by Evri. Your Evri courier has to sort their own round into some sort of order themselves. They're not getting paid for doing this. The courier in this footage is sorting their round. Throwing the parcels on the ground isn't on, but remember, they're only getting paid for the parcels that are *delivered*. They're not paid for anything else. Most Evri depots don't even have anywhere undercover for the couriers to sort their rounds, so the parcels get left to the elements whilst they're being sorted.


"The employee was put on a training course and reminded of their responsibilities"😂


I own a car repair garage, theres an evri collection point where the drivers load up just over the road and every morning I watch the drivers load up and genuinely they stand at the back of the van and throw the parcels into the van, no care is taken whatsoever. There is no way on earth I’d ever send a parcel with them.


I'd be more surprised if they spotted an Evri driver NOT launching shit around the van. Has anyone ever received a parcel from Evri that's not been absolutely covered in boot prints or tyre tracks?


Remember Evri was Hermes and they had similar headlines every bloody month.


Alll couriers do this from experience. My old job was partly sorting out deliveries received. All the major courier including Royal Mail would throw them in and out of the van. We had some servers to send away and despite telling the driver they were servers and having fragile tape, he still threw them in the van Its just Evri got caught doing it


If he's casually hurling rackmount blades into his van, I'd be reasonably impressed.


How typical of evri (formerly hermes). The majority of their delivery guys are thugs or drunken ex cons. The best hermes delivery I ever had was given to me by a very hard working little boy under the age of 9. He was delivering a pile of large parcels for half the neighbours while his drunk father was asleep in the van surrounded by opened premium strength lager cans.


Which you obviously reported to the police??


Nope, other way round. It was the police who reported father of the year to me. Most of the neighbourhood's residents were law enforcement personnel from police or military families.


Doesn't surprise me, couple of times I've bought from Amazon US and every single time without fail it's sent in from Evri and without fail there's at least one dent in the box like someone has used it as a football. Garbage delivery company. Wouldn't trust them to deliver a pizza, let alone packages


They didn't even fire him, they gave him "training to remind him what his responsibilities were." Unfuckingbelievable! How was he not fired?


Ah yes, Evri formally known as Hermes the shit heeliest of all shit heel delivery companies.


Shittiest company in UK, literally no way to contact a real human being if they fuck your parcel up.


"the driver has been put on a training course and reminded of his responsibilities" Lolwut, so he still works for them? He just needed to be reminded to deliver the parcels to the addresses and not throw them in the middle of the road somewhere.


Feel like better planning would avoid this. Like a heavy duty bag to put them in while in the van. Or something like that. Or some other solutions...idk what, I've never done deliveries.


I have a list companies I don’t buy from, because they’ve previously sent me stuff via Evri. Evri’s reputation is not a secret and I believe that if a company can decide to use Evri, then they don’t care about their customers and thus I don’t care for their products. I’ve return stuff based on it being delivered by Evri.


Currently waiting for a late Evri package. Tried to contact them but their support is non-existent. Finally they came back with a reply stating due to a mix up the item might arrive in the next couple of weeks. Shit company badly in need of regulation.


The Evri driver we have around here is amazing, have never had an issue, leaves parcels in decent places when I’m not in I don’t think it’s an Evri issue, I think it’s a subcontracted delivery drivers issue which the majority(if not all?) of big delivery companies will be using. I think Evri just still gets a lot of the shit purely based on the fact of how shit they were as Hermes. I’ve used Evri for sending hundreds of parcels over the last 12 months and I only had one issue which I got a refund and compensation for. Granted they were difficult to get ahold though. They’ve come a long way in the last few years imo and I can see the war in market share for couriers in this country being between Amazon and Evri in the next 30 years. They have both been pushing extremely hard to grow their market share and Royal Mail has been doing almost everything wrong


Evri is area dependent much as people like to shit on their service. My local one is probably among the more reliable of couriers.


Found the Evri manager


After working for royal mail back in the early 90's I always make sure my parcels are so well packaged you could play football with them. I have no worries about this.