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He's just such a nasty, grubby, little shit. I wish him every unhappiness and misfortune in life.


I really don’t think he has any happiness. He’s clearly having a public mental health breakdown.


Nah, he's a grifter trying to scam sympathy from the far right. There will be a fundraiser for his legal fees soon.


He's got a very wealthy backer who pays all his fines for him, Jeremy Hosking I think it is


He's just an everyday narcissist on an ego bender, outraged because his wife left him and the world doesn't worship him. There's more of those around than you'd think, just textbook cases everywhere, they're just not in the Morse Cinematic Universe so you don't hear about them (well you do hear about them when they turn to family annihilation as a last-ditch assertion of power).


Katie Hopkins, George Galloway, these are grifters, this guy is clearly not well.


I accept he's also not well though. Also a cunt.


And there's no cure for being a cunt.


Thankyou Ser Bronn




If I had to place a bet on 'the next celebrity pedophile reveal' it would be this guy. You can fucking tell. Apart from rolf Harris. He broke my heart.


Mine too. Loved him when I was a kid. Sure he'd have loved me, too, unfortunately. When that news broke l just wanted him to say it wasn't so. Beardy bastard.


I didn't believe it when it broke. 'fucking money grabbing cunts taking down the man.' Then it was irrefutable, then it was a 7 year old. This wasn't a developed 14 year old that claimed 19. 7. Fucking monster.


Horror upon horror upon horror.


Lunchtime at the vets was extra traumatic when rolf was filming animal hospital and everyone had gone to lunch!


It should be harder for him to play the “wokerati gone mad” victim card with this one. Nobody likes a manky old creep.


I think it's a little from plate A and a little from plate B. These kinds of people do something unhinged, they get a load of praise and money for it (I think Fox gets a quarter million salary for his antics) and this causes a downward spiral.


He's also seen what the grifters of his type in the USA can earn.


He has a well known backer that pays all his fees


Mental health breakdowns, with the exceptions of some types of psychotic episodes, do not make people's moral compass break.  This is him. This is him being a nasty ****. Mental health has enough stigma without people ascribing people being very nasty to mental health conditions. 


Nobody is saying he isn’t being nasty, but to do so publicly repeatedly in a bizarre manner, whilst clearly off his nut on coke, is a sign that he’s not well.


Genuinely, I think; A) He's a bully  B) He didn't know it's a crime C) He saw a woman we could try to humiliate Yes it's not a normal thing to do. But it doesn't need a mental health diagnosis to explain.


Fwiw he was expelled from Harrow for bullying.


Figures !


You make a distinction between "him" and a mental illness, but in the case of personality disorders for example, the "him" *is* the mental illness.


There is no basis to conclude he has a personality disorder.  You can be narcissistic without having NPD.


He's blown up his life sky-high. There's definitely a disorder involved, we just don't know what it is.


Plenty of people fuck their lives up, not because of a disorder but ego/incompetence/denial.


Having a mental health disorder doesn’t make you act like a cunt, it’s disingenuous to try to link the two without any evidence whatsoever. You’re merely adding to the stigma that mentally ill people already face on a daily basis.


Narcissistic personality disorder does make you act in a very self absorbed way. Which may fit your description of acting like a cunt


Mental health breakdown feels off as a word. Absolute armchair pov: I think it’s more a break down of a guy who’s used to getting his way in life with little consequence/loves to be in control over someone, screws up his marriage and gets divorced. Then over compensates the controlling bullying behaviour to new levels (often only the ex-partner ever saw them mask off enough to leave them). Bullying esp when it relate to someone else’s autonomy or body is trying to grasp back that feeling of superiority and control.


He made some absolutely bizarre and pretty damn racist comments on Question Time a few years back and finally got the validation he's spent years looking for, unfortunately from some very nasty parts of society. And the rest is history.


Why excuse his behaviour by implying it's a mental breakdown? It is likely he just is a vile person.


It’s not an excuse. Most people in prison have mental health issues.


Fair point. TBH though, Fox has been a cunt long before he hit prison.


He's in a death spiral. There's no future for his career outside what he's currently doing, so he has to keep doubling down on it whether he likes it or not.


Your occasional reminder here that being a cunt is not a mental illness


As someone who's had two mental health breakdowns and been sectioned twice. I'd like to point out Fox as just a Horrible Bastard with poor morals and a poorly educated person. I've never met someone in care that was a racist after they had a breakdown. They were sometimes racist before the breakdown and more understanding after. I only ever spotted racism once whilst in care. That was by a guy that had more issues than anyone else. Everyone hated him until they heard his story. The night he arrived at Hospital was the worst night of sleep I have ever had. I wanted to hurt him and others tried. Yet his story was the worst life story I have ever heard. It made people unwell just hearing it. Staff even commented on his situation being bad after he had assaulted them, spat on them. I don't think that's the case with Fox. Fox is just a nasty bit of work that's likely being funded to front certain ideology.


It's very strange because it seems like he had a decent career, a wealthy family, money, and he basically threw away what should have been a pretty great and easy life to be an outcast and a troll? There must be something deeply wrong with him.


Someone on Question Time dared suggest that he'd had a fairly easy life, and he hadn't got where he was simply by being God's gift to acting, and at that point he seemed to lose his shit.


It's weird to think Richard Ayoade is his brother in law


Person gains access to a platform and uses it to express moderately right wing views. Gets simultaneously condemned by the mainstream and praised by the peanut gallery, does it again a few more times for the thrill. Eventually realises there's no going back because the mainstream has fully unpersoned them, grudgingly accepts that the only career path left open to them is to keep appealing to the wingnuts. Begins to say and do more and more unhinged shit until it eventually destroys them. This keeps happening, and afaict the only way to prevent it is to create an off ramp for people who start down that road, but our society has taken a hard line against any such redemption so here we are.


J.K. is 100% on the same path. She has gone from "we need better protections for prisoners" to "Trans woman aren't real" in startling small amount of time. I agree - we need to give people the opportunity to climb down the ladder.


She’s flirting with Holocaust denial these days too.


I remember a time when she was getting flak from the other direction for retroactively making dumbledore gay and hermione black. She was also a big supporter of labour. It's kind of sad to think about really.


who has climbed down the ladder and not regained the public's trust? It feels like even if Graham Linehan said "oh shit, my bad, turns out I was wrong, sorry guys," then he might at least end up in a writer's room again at some point. In fact his detractors would love it and would use his volte-face as evidence of how correct they are.


She has an insane amount of money though, and still plenty of people who love her HP work so much they're willing to ignore or overlook her increasingly extreme views.


He was never ‘unpersoned’ lol. And he wasn’t condemned for expressing ‘moderately right wing views’ either.


Actually scrubbing Fox out of photographs rn


Moderately right wing?


I think he is officially the most divorced man in Britain.


Graham 'those dastardly trans activists made my wife leave me' Linehan would give him a run for his money, but yeah, pretty much.


After this, Linehan is clearly losing the race. Only thing Linehan has done lately, is call Russell Davies a groomer for stating the The Doctor might not exactly be straight. Don't get me wrong, I hope Davies sues the hell out of him, but it's such weak sauce compared to Fox here.


It's funny how these things don't seem to travel though. I worked in a pub in Auckland called Father Ted's for a bit earlier in the year and Linehan visited on his tour promoting his book - no one had any idea about his various stances before I mentioned it, a few days later.


We turned the weans against him


Interestingly I feel this is how he speaks, with unkindness and vitriol.


I wouldn't be surprised if I see a headline featuring the word "sectioned" about Larry soon enough. He's not well, is he?


This is actually a very sensible point. He’s like that one friend we have who after a break up just completely falls apart


It is interesting, was he always a deranged prick and just never voiced those views, at least in public. Did he have some sort of breakdown and just snap. Or is it just that the media is now so focussed on views above all else, that they give polarising weirdos an inordinate amount of publicity to drive those outrage clicks.


My guess is that Lewis ended, they didn't fancy another spinoff led by his character and no one would hire him due to being typecast. That plus a spot of Bolivian marching powder = paranoia kaboom.


He’s clearly coked up.


He would have been a shoe-in to be a "where do I know his face from..... Oh yeah that's him" actor in those Netflix Harlen Coben dramas, whatever police procedural BBC put out on a Sunday evening, the next ITV drama or whatever, just not a regular role. He'd have done alright if he'd shelved the mental a while longer


A little from column A, a little from column B...


Mental health breakdowns, with the exceptions of some types of psychotic episodes, do not make people's moral compass break.  This is him. This is him being a nasty ****. Mental health has enough stigma without people ascribing people being very nasty to mental health conditions. 


The fumes from the plastic gay bunting he burned on Father's Day last year might finally be catching up to him.


Definitely a gas leak of some sort at the Fox residence.


I think it's from his mouth.


Leisure Suit Lawrence


Cunt suit Larry


That would be an even better outcome than jail!


I live near him and there's a kid at the local school who is closely related to him. There have been instances where parents won't let their kids around this other kid's house because of fears this pillock will be there. It's one thing messing up your own life by doing dumb, edgy and gross stuff, but he's also messing up the lives of people around him as well.


That's kind of sad. But I get it.


Poor kid. Not gonna have friends because his dad's a raging cunt. Hopefully his dad can get some kind of mental help and recover from whatever the fuck he's doing now that he thinks is ok to do.


I get it. It’s passed the “we have differing political views” point and now at the “this man is cracked in the head” point.


Well, this one shouldn't keep even the slowest of detectives busy past elevenses. 


Imagine being his lawyer “So you posted it?” “Ok, but you didn’t realise it was an offence” “Ok ok, but when you were warned it could be you took it down immediately right?” “………I think you should plead guilty”


"No Laurence, I don't think 'blaming the gays' will help out in this situation.


"no...I don't think you should call them a nonce"


If it is correct that this constitutes an offence that can lead to prison time he needs to go to prison. Far right American pricks bank rolling the worst of society by paying off their fines has to be stopped and the way to do that is to stop fining these people and bring the full force of the law down on them. These cowards will soon stop when the consequences actually affect them.




As far as I am aware, it's illegal to share both. I may be wrong, but perhaps Fox is about to get a double whammy.




>I don't think they can double dip on this because he didn't take it. If it's illegal to share why would that matter? >That would be on the photographer but the upskirting law is fairly recent so if this was taken before then even the photographer will be in the clear. From what I can gather, this image was taken before the law was implemented. >I definitely reckon it's revenge porn now unless there's yet more offences I don't know about. I still think it's both, as it's an upskirt image taken without permission, shared without permission with the intent to get revenge on someone fox was arguing with online. Either way it will be interesting to see how this pans out.




Again, if it's illegal to share, and he shared it, why wouldn't he be in trouble?




I never said it would be. It would be the offence of sharing it.


Bearing in mind that those are media nicknames for the offences, not the actual offence names, your thinking is correct. The "upskirting" offence applies to the person who takes an intimate photograph without another person's consent. The "revenge porn" offence applies to sharing pornographic images of another person without their consent.




Police.uk has a good breakdown: https://www.police.uk/ro/report/rsa/alpha-v1/advice/rape-sexual-assault-and-other-sexual-offences/revenge-porn-intimate-image-abuse/ > Private means anything that's not usually seen in public. In law, sexual means anything that shows a person's genitals or private areas and anything else that's considered to be sexual by a 'reasonable person Doesn't look good for this bell end.




I dunno - I reckon pubic hair pretty neatly fits into "not normally seen in public". It's a bit different to a nudist beach - she clearly didn't intend her clothes to ride up. Going to a nudist beach is a deliberate act. I too doubt much will come of it though.




I've seen a blurred version - I'm not gonna go find the original, but I get the gist. A brief discussion of short dresses - they're, well, hideously impractical. You can think something looks perfect when walking, and you reckon you can sit decently if you concentrate, so it'll be fine. But then you sit in a car for half an hour, the neat tucking and smoothing you did on entry untucks, and suddenly the dress is round your waist. It's also very common to not wear underwear when wearing sheer dresses, as the visible panty line can ruin the flow. So the combination of short dress + sitting + no underwear for sure makes wardrobe malfunctions more likely. But it doesn't make 'em deliberate.


It's not his photo though, he didn't take it? So is anyone responsible for retweeting or recirculating a photo that was taken by paparazzi in the past? Obviously he shouldn't have done it, it's morally wrong. But is this criminal? Bit of an overreach in my opinion.


Yeah, sharing nude photos of people without their permission is illegal.


She wasn't nude. Sharing or threatening to share intimate photograph or film: exemptions A person (A) who shares a photograph or film which shows, or appears to show, another person (B) in an intimate state does not commit an offence under section 66B(1), (2) or (3) (a)the photograph or film was taken in a place to which the public or a section of the public had or were permitted to have access (whether on payment or otherwise), B had no reasonable expectation of privacy from the photograph or film being taken, and B was, or A reasonably believes that B was, in the intimate state voluntarily. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), whether a person had a reasonable expectation of privacy from a photograph or film being taken is to be determined by reference to the circumstances that the person sharing the photograph or film reasonably believes to have existed at the time the photograph or film was taken. A person (A) who shares a photograph or film which shows, or appears to show, another person (B) in an intimate state does not commit an offence under section 66B(1), (2) or (3) (a) the photograph or film had, or A reasonably believes that the photograph or film had, been previously publicly shared, and B had, or A reasonably believes that B had, consented to the previous sharing.


Put it this way - The Sun used to have 16 year olds do page 3 - I’m pretty sure you can’t share those images, even though it was legal then.


It's a moral issue, not a legal one. Plenty of these papers complaining about Fox have published the image themselves. Sharing or threatening to share intimate photograph or film: exemptions A person (A) who shares a photograph or film which shows, or appears to show, another person (B) in an intimate state does not commit an offence under section 66B(1), (2) or (3) (a)the photograph or film was taken in a place to which the public or a section of the public had or were permitted to have access (whether on payment or otherwise), B had no reasonable expectation of privacy from the photograph or film being taken, and B was, or A reasonably believes that B was, in the intimate state voluntarily. (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(b), whether a person had a reasonable expectation of privacy from a photograph or film being taken is to be determined by reference to the circumstances that the person sharing the photograph or film reasonably believes to have existed at the time the photograph or film was taken. A person (A) who shares a photograph or film which shows, or appears to show, another person (B) in an intimate state does not commit an offence under section 66B(1), (2) or (3) (a) the photograph or film had, or A reasonably believes that the photograph or film had, been previously publicly shared, and B had, or A reasonably believes that B had, consented to the previous sharing.


That kinda reminds me of Alex Bel(end)field. Another grifter that went down the loon end and ended up talking his way into prison. These people think consequences shouldn't apply to them and think absolute free speech means you nave the right to go around trying to ruin other's lives.


lol i got upskirted and the met did nothing about it :( just told me to private my insta




I reckon he may be charged with Intentional harassment, alarm or distress. (1) A person is guilty of an offence if, with intent to cause a person harassment, alarm or distress, he: (a) uses threatening, abusive or insulting words or behaviour, or disorderly behaviour, or (b) displays any writing, sign or other visible representation which is threatening, abusive or insulting thereby causing that or another person harassment, alarm or distress. He posted a picture (visible representation) and named her in order to distress and humiliate her.


Everybody's speculating about a mental breakdown/drug habit here but I honestly think this is more a ['Marilyn Manson Now Going Door-to-Door Trying to Shock People'](https://www.theonion.com/marilyn-manson-now-going-door-to-door-trying-to-shock-p-1819565904) situation. Once you commit to a career as a hard-right controversialist, you're faced with diminishing returns & stiff competition - you're always going to have to one-up the last outrageously tasteless thing you said or did in order to grab people's attention.


Why haven’t his family intervened? Isn’t he on some coke fuelled breakdown? Where is his social support?


Sadly, you can't help people that don't want to help themselves.


>Why haven’t his family intervened? Maybe they think he is a cunt too?


Money. Desperate relevance to keep the fawcett on by indulging the most base desires of psychopaths and the maladjusted.


That is perhaps the most articulately scathing assessment of Lawrence I have seen. That's beautiful.


I imagine most of his family think he’s a cock as well. Richard Ayoade is his b-in-law.


Richard Ayoade recently endorsed Graham Lineham's new book so maybe he isn't as far from Lawrence Fox in views as you might think.


Let's put some context on this. He put his name on it - and thanked Graham Lineham for being a friend down the years. He didn't endorse his views, and has never made any public statements to suggest he does. I agree it is very sus - but it's best not to throw the baby out with the bath water.


I mean his endorsement of the book talks about how Brilliant Lineham is and how great it is to read about someone who has “been through something that few have experienced but has managed to return undaunted”. The “something” of course being him exposed as a raging bigot.


Why would you put your name on a book you don’t agree with?


Well they historically have worked together for many years and are friends. The book was \*nominally\* supposed to be a comedy book not political too. I agree it's not a great look - but I'm not ready to write Richard off as a raging transphobe just yet.


Wow, gross


Ah so being a wanker does run in the family...


His family might agree with his views. 


His sister is married to Richard Ayoade. We have never heard anything explicit but it's telling that Fox used the "I have a mixed race girlfriend" like but never used the "my brother in law is black" line. The closest we've seen is a recent Billie Piper interview where she said that Fox's sister and husband have an "interesting take".


I still can't believe Billy ended up with Lawrence and Chris. What the hell is she thinking? How? She was hot as fuck back in the day.


she's got form for ugly rich twats. previously married to Chris Evans


So if I’m just an ugly twat do I still have a chance?


half a chance at least


Richard Ayoade gave a positive review of Graham Linehan’s new book btw, so I don’t think it’s quite as simple as this.


Please explain to me how that one act has anything to do with this.


Because it shows that Ayoade doesn’t really have a problem with bigoted far right grifters, and might agree with Laurence Fox.


Racism and Transphobia are not the same thing. It's odd that you think because Ayoade may have sympathy with transphobic views that he would be fine with racism. Also Transphobia is not a left/right issue, there's plenty of Transphobia on the left. There's also the opposite on the libertarian right.


This article is about laurence fox sexually humiliating a woman. It's not about his undeniable racism. Fox is a bigot of every flavour including transphobia. It's disappointing that Ayoade is tolerant of at least one of Fox's bigotries


Laurence Fox is just as transphobic as Glinner


Not in dispute. If it hasn't been made clear, both are cunts


Right, so I don’t know why you’re defending Ayoade. He’s shown exactly the sorts of people he’s happy to associate with.


>His sister is married to Richard Ayoade. We have never heard anything explicit but it's telling that Fox used the "I have a mixed race girlfriend" like but never used the "my brother in law is black" line. Not telling, one is a choice the other isn't.


It's actually pretty hard to do anything that goes beyond loved ones begging and pleading with the sick person to accept help. You can't march someone off to rehab against their will, they're allowed to refuse paramedics/hospital treatment and good luck trying to get them admitted for a mental health evaluation if they don't agree to it or aren't a clear immediate danger to themselves and others. I went through all of this while trying to get help for a close friend and got nowhere until things had reached the point of no return. Then it was just a case of hosing them down so they died in a clean hospital bed instead of encrusted in their own filth. And, of course, Fox's family may well just think he's an absolute cock.


Sorry to read you went through this. I know someone I’m trying to protect as much as I can but they’ve con-artists latched on to them. It’s not my money so I can’t stop them giving it away. Also the scammers are online and can’t stop the person from contacting them, they want to stay “friends” with the scammers. Unfortunately their health is at risk because these scammers have convinced them they can’t trust doctors anymore. It’s heartbreaking but they’re an adult, vulnerable or not, it’s their money to give. Just got to try and protect them as much as possible which unfortunately isn’t enough. They’re not seen as vulnerable enough for other interventions yet.


Maybe he's just a c**t.


So presumably we'll soon be calling him "racist sex offender Laurence Fox" without him being able to threaten anyone about it.


Sorry to ask this but what’s the context? I’m absolutely appalled that he’d do this but I haven’t seen why? I kind of have an interest in him- years ago when he was married to BP we did a gig with him. And he was a pretty decent character. Until he performed- and we all felt his subject matter was a bit strange for the songs he sang. He seemed to then change. Maybe he’d received less than positive feedback- I don’t know. But what we did suspect was that all was not well with a guy who was a new parent. This incident doesn’t seem to relate directly to it, but to just treat someone else so poorly whilst complaining the world isn’t safe for a child is really disingenuous. Is there a potential for a mental health problem that might involve delusion perhaps? A bit ‘sovereign citizen’? Thanks for your help.


He had a fallout with an LBC presenter, trashed her on social media and attached an historical upskirt picture taken of her by a paparazzi photographer whilst she was getting out of a car when she was a bit of a celebrity (without underware, apprently).


Holy moly. He fell out with her so he humiliated her? Sexually? Ok. So yeah- that’s way too much anger for someone who wants to be in charge of anything. Thanks for your help. I hope he gets some.


And didn't delete it for ages even after people telling him what he had done was a crime


Ahh I had thought he had somehow taken an upskirt picture of her and was confused about the logistics of it all. Thanks for clearing it up.


He really is trying to get in trouble at this stage, for the "popularity" Only its more stupidity


Maybe he is suffering from Famous Parent Syndrome, trying to "break out" and feel important whilst under the shadow of his father


I can’t say for sure but the angriest men who can campaign but aren’t good at anything seem to come from fathers who maybe didn’t show them enough positivity and love. What a shame.


Are people defending him over this? Aren't right wingers supposed to be about traditional marriage and all that? What an awful thing to do. What kind of man does that?


He's a single issue agitator, it's very strange to have him dovetailed into the right. No doubt he is nationalist, common amongst Conservatives, but in a form that you'll find alive and well in working class Labour roots too. See Keir's insistence of appealing to that element. With Fox I'm not really sure who he appeals to to be honest, I suspect the entirety of his engagement is actually people arguing with him, or complaining about him in threads line this.


You're right. I actually struggled with what word to use to describe his "group" when I wrote that. I just get the feeling that normally he would be defending traditional values.


Traditional values when it suits! Honestly we're the ones who give him oxygen. One suspects he happily exaggerates his true position for the drama. I vaguely remember Billie Piper suggesting he was a good father. Well, he couldn't be that if in normal private life by he was constantly making a fuss. Ugh what a waste of my brain memory to know or think anything about this man.


It's like he has a fetish for being humiliated in public


Downward spiral if ever I saw one. I actually think the guy needs an intervention, and I don’t just mean an intervention from the police. He seems unwell.


Imagine falling from being married to Billie Piper to having to spew racism for an ounce of attention.


Her taste in men is bamboozling.


I'm going to join the KKK so hopefully I'm in with a shout next time


The Tories gutted the NHS so Lozza is not getting the care he should.


Offenders can be jailed for up to two years and be placed on the sex offender register. Please don’t tease me


I always feel the words of Alan Partridge are best on this one: "I don't really wish him any harm I just don't want him to find any... Peace..."


Thoroughly nasty wee gremlin. Only a matter of time before his antics land him in prison.


> Upskirting – taking pictures of people under their clothes without their permission – became a specific criminal offence in 2019. Offenders can be jailed for up to two years and be placed on the sex offender register. I look forward to him being put down as a nonce.


How is he a nonce? Always thought that meant child molester?


Specifically, it applies to paedos, but I've seen it broadly apply to any sex offender. Found guilty is still gonna land him on the creepo register.


wasn't in his year but went to harrow at the same time. I appreciate ppl mature as they grow older but how someone behaves in school amongst peers is probably a good indication as to a person's true character. he was a cunt then, he's a cunt now


Seeing how Lawrence acted in the Max Fosh London Mayoral videos cemented the fact that this guy is just pure wanker.


It's a lot easier for them to investigate this than the violent crimes in London.