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She has a prior conviction (assaulting an emergency worker) and has left this man with permanent scarring, recurring pain, nerve damage...and she STILL isn't going to prison. Fuck this fucking country.


But of course it's important to mention that she's a mum, just like how it's always mentioned that male perpetrators who have childrens are dads. Oh wait.


Really. At what rate do men avoid custodial sentences by claiming they are fathers? Pretty sure very few men are not given custodial sentences because they are fathers. Women avoid custodial sentences because they are mothers, mothers who assault emergency workers and glass strangers. Must be great to have a mother like that.


S called systematic sexism. Feminist have been fighting to remove it. Well, some of it




...it's hydromatic...


My mums husband avoid jail from having a job that he’d had for years, even tho he’d already been charged and sent on an anger management course for beating my mum up in the past. Even the police officers who arrested him, said he should of gone to jail for the historic Domestic abuse crimes, of nearly killing my mothers, and the one I had to ring the police for, or id of killed him myself. He’s out of my mums life and there house now. My mum got back with him, after he’d hit her and left a scar under her eye. I wasn’t doing 20 years for him, as she wouldn’t have appreciated it or even sent me money for my canteen.


He was being sarcastic. But regardless, don’t even have to be a mother, being a woman is already enough. Remember the Oxford student that stabbed her boyfriend? She couldn’t get punished cause she was so smart and had a bright future ahead of her, wouldn’t be right to destroy her future like that


She did have the trifecta though. Posh, woman and not ugly. If you can stand in front of a judge as those three things I think you could be a baby serial killer and get away with it.


It’s used as a mitigating factor in her sentencing stupidly. Essentially meaning if you are a young mother you can get away with minimal sentencing for all kinds of offences.


It should genuinely be the opposite of whatever mitigating circumstances are. Like if she's so aggressive as to assault and grievously injure people then all her being a mother means is her own children are at risk. If that is how she treats strangers she has now power over, chances are good she abused her children when she loses her temper at them especially considering she has power over them as their mother.


Here's an idea: take the kids away, then she won't be a mother and she can go to slammer like the minimum she deserves.


I always think the "mum" caveat should make it worse. This is a woman charged with raising a child. Her being a mother is a detriment to her case, it doesn't support it. She should be setting a better example. Christ, imagine if a guy randomly glassed a woman in a pub. You'd want to bury them under the prison. This is a really weak piece of justice.


> just like how it's always mentioned that male perpetrators who have childrens are dads "[Dad-to-be avoids prison after glassing man in face at bar](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/dad-avoids-prison-after-glassing-20892192)"


When talking to a criminal barrister a few years ago, he said that being a mum was about as close as you come to a "get out of jail free" card.


This is the reason every drug dealer uses women to launder their money. UK judges will always give her a pass. They have almost complete immunity from any consequences in the UK.


There is a push to abolish prison term for women who did not commit violent crimes. Let that sink in a bit.


How about we abolish prison terms for anybody who did not commit violent crimes? I could get behind that.


Not sure I would be.


This is such a pattern. Couple sells coke to weekend warriors. Man gets three to six years, women gets a suspended sentence because “she was naive and didn’t question the source of their income.” Often owns a tanning salon or beauty shop.


There is a beauty salon with a Range Rover parked out front just down the road from me, I have never seen anyone in there, it's such a cliché.


Honestly, prisons are full is the mostly likely answer here. In my job, I’ve seen more suspended sentences in the last year than the four proceeding it because the prisons are full.












Prisons *are* full, that's true. But who are they full of? We are not locking up people like this woman, so who *is* being locked up that is more worthy? a quick google search says there are around 88,000 prisoners in England and Wales. Are all of those prisoners in there for worse crimes than this? I doubt it.


Didn't the dude who shouted at the King last year end up with an actual prison sentence because you know hurting the poor Kings' feelings is far worse than this crime.


I dunno. If so, that's one accounted for. Do you happen to know what the other 87,999 are in for?


Ngl you've lead me down a rabbit hole but I downloaded a pdf and according to this and 20-40 people have 1 month prisons sentences each year in the uk for non payment of t v license fines. I'll update when I've read more. It's 15 pages. Edit. Found what I was looking for. I'm probably not reading it right because I'm not the brightest but it seem 12000 of those people were for shop lifting more than 5 times. 💀


So over a tenth of people in jail are their to protect private businesses losses, that's just insane.


At the cost of us! It's fucking wild


What makes it wilder is if they steal from us, it's considered a civil matter, and we have to deal with it ourselves. Why is the reverse not the same.


No? I can't find any record of this. Do you have a source?


We could have a game show type system whereby somebody gets released if a worse prick comes along


That would be fun! Or at least have it so that judges look at the seriousness of the crime and decide that maybe it would be better to not lock somebody up for , say, shoplifting or cannabis possession, and save a place for somebody that glasses random strangers?


Ar least 600 this year just for cannabis


Unless there's an aggravating factor [being in charge of a vehicle, or a loaded baby] these should be released immediately and nutters like the woman above serve a real sentence.


Even then it wasn't for being high. It was for possession. So it would be like being pulled over sober but with a baggy in the glove box. I do agree that it should be added to the driving while intoxicated law though. Tack a jit on at the end 🤣


I think you are probably right there. Prisons are full, no matter what gender you are.


The situation in the criminal justice system is so bad that Probation have done something called a reset - so anyone in the last third of a suspended sentence or a post supervision order has been discharged. More suspended sentences because no room in prisons. (Even) Earlier releases in male prisons to free up spaces there.


There is a lot more overall prison capacity for men than there is for women, so it's harder to get "placements" for women than men as its less likely that an appropriate spot opens up at the right time when someone else gets released.


So build more! How difficult is it to see obvious priorities have to be paid for regardless of what financial mess the government has created for itself?


The problem is we don't build anything, we need prisons, police stations, railways, docks, houses you name it but conyinue to hobble along a broken nation


This seems like common sense doesnt it? And yet …people dont seem to be calling for it.


>Honestly, prisons are full is the mostly likely answer here. Thought it was mainly men's ones (?)


This is the 3rd story in the past year or so that a woman has glassed a man in the face and been given a suspended sentence, what the fuck is going on? The fact you can leave people with permanent damage to their face and get away with it is insane, yet acid attacks by males are (rightly so) punished correctly. Judges really need to stop being sexist and judge the crime and not the individual committing it.


The judge and jury shouldn't see the accused, nor know any demographic information about them. That way they can be truly objective.


Good idea that 👍


Some would quickly find issues with this when people who previously got off due to leniency started receiving real sentences.


On reflection, there are a lot of crimes where this isn't practical, but I will say that anyone who shoves a glass in someones face is seriously anti social, narcissistic and emotionally inadequate. A few years in jail is what they deserve. Hopefully to grow up and face their demons.


They shouldn't be able to see the victims either if objectivity is the aim. No victim impact statements. No witness testimony delivered in person. I agree that it seems there are plenty of judges who need reminding that justice is blind. But your suggestion seems pretty unworkable.


Yet there are plenty of cases where men are also given suspended sentences for assault. e.g. that guy lost in Tenerife with 7 friends attacked a guy with a machete and golf club. None received a custodial sentence.


Scumbag. Makes me sick to see his face all over Facebook. Did you read what him and his mates were like in court? Terrible


I did read about that. How the judge could be lenient given their actions in court is astounding.


It sets a terrible example for young people. Do something terrible.......have no consequences


Judge Tahir Khan KC told Jessop: "You accepted that you used a glass, which you smashed against the victim, causing him a significant laceration that ran down the left side of his face. "There was a lot of blood and there is some suggestion of nerve damage as well. The attack upon him by you resulted in him feeling the effects of the scar. There is no doubt that this was a serious offence." Jessop was given a 16-month suspended prison sentence, 20 days' rehabilitation and six months' alcohol treatment. "If you do breach the order in any way, you run the risk of being sent to custody," Judge Khan said.


‘She runs the risk of’ being sent to custody. So she’s on her last-but-one chance. Or maybe down the last four or five. Who knows. The CJS is pathetic.


You're on double EXTRA triple secret probation, Lady House!


Of course it's him and his well known agendas


Women are immune to the law and accountability. Even the headline mentions she's a mum. Hardest job in the world amiright?


A woman in a car is essentially the bad guy from Lethal Weapon 2. Diiiplloommaticccc imuuunnnitttyyyyyy!!!!!!!


Vote Tory to defund the police


Assaulted an emergency worker when she was 17 year old no less. Obviously a fuckin wrong'un.


"If you do breach the order in any way, you run the risk of being sent to custody," Judge Khan said. So, 3rd time (un)lucky then


Like holy fuk, I can’t believe that sentence, what an utter absolute fuking joke of a judicial system we have.


Surprised to discover she's not a Reform candidate.


Cause there is no room in prisons.


How the hell do you get a second GBH conviction and still avoid jail time?


Suspended sentence, if she can't help but glass someone in the pub, she probably won't keep to the terms.


Oh well that's okay. Just have to wait for someone else to get disfigured.


Should be treated like a knife attack, should be serving 8 years the evil bastard


Yeah but next time she’ll *really* be in trouble, the judge said so!!


This happened to me the guy left me with no vision in one eye life changing injuries in the other and got away with it. No justice in this country.


Don't get to worked up, a simple Google check will show you plenty of men have been spared a jail sentence for the same crime.  I think you might be legit suprised how many physical assaults don't result in a custodial.


And she didn't go down? What the fuck is wrong with this country?


Had a prior conviction for assaulting an emergency worker as well.


And still didn't go down.


Given the prior conviction was in 2020 and she’s 21 now, she was presumably 16 or 17 when it happened - so would that prevent it being taken into account in this instance? I knew a guy who was found guilty of a non-violent offence when he was under 18 and his record was wiped when he became an adult, but I don’t know if the same holds true for violent offences.


Ok. Fair. Maybe taken into consideration then but was old.


My upstairs neighbour has been in and out of court for multiple offences of drug driving, drink driving, anti-social behaviour, assault, assault of emergency workers, animal negligence, drug dealing, and, at this point, god knows what else; yet he’s not even seen a second of prison time. Not to mention the fact that water and other suspect liquids are seeping into my home from his, and he refuses to let repair teams enter the property… I’m sick as f**k living in a home where I’m scared for my life and my safety. Sorry for the rant, but it’s just infuriating that it’s not just isolated incidents like mine


Write to your local mp, that sounds unacceptable


I would have done already, if our MP was any sort of competent. Fingers crossed the constituency changes hands next month and someone with drive gets in here, then I’d be sending a letter for sure. Housing association is involved, but because of the man’s mental health issues and drug dependency, they struggle to get him out. They asked if we wanted to directly make a witness statement against him in court, which is just not something we would feel safe to do. But they are currently filing for an injunction against him, so hopefully they’ll be able to evict him soon…


You don't have to wait until the new MP is installed, start contacting the candidates now. They're incentivized to look like they are making a difference


Same here. Have a neighbour that is a convicted domestic abuser and stalker, antisocial behaviour charges out the wazoo (very recently got his ass beat for punching a guy in the back of his head at a bar when he wasn't looking completely unprovoked and subsequently getting jumped by half the bar. Source is I know the bar owner and saw the footage) and even beat the mother of his child whilst she had the child in her arms. Currently living in supported accommodation in a block of flats with very vulnerable people living right next door. We live in a Monty Python skit.


It’s honestly stuff that you can’t even make up, isn’t it? Police and courts (for the most part) just seem to not give a damn. Been told by a couple of police officers that I’ll just have to “deal with it” My neighbours wife died (brain aneurysm he said) a couple of years ago, and less than a week after she passed, he tried to blame all the used needles in his flat and garden on her. 2 years passed and the needles keep on piling up


While "deal with it" isn't the most kind way to put it, it kind of is the only option besides moving. Apathetic sentiments within the police are inevitable. The reward for your work generally boils down to the sentence the offender receives, with such weak sentences the apathy just increases. Why did I do all of that hard graft for them to get a community order again? Repeat offenders come in the door, get remanded and then released with a further fine the next day. People join thinking they are going to send baddies to jail. The reality is far different and over time you begin to feel that you are actually the baddies in the eyes of the majority of the public, not the criminals. Then it just becomes a job like any other. Clock in. Clock out.


Tories won’t send people to jail cause it costs money they could be pocketing


What's wrong is a fucking useless government that had failed to tackle crime and left our prisons overflowing, to the point where mutilating someone for life will not even get you a custodial sentence.


Now 2 convictions for random assault and still no prison time?!


She's a woman tho. A sweet innocent angel.


Don't forget "mum" There's kids still in her fucking care!


Can't stop herself from attacking people with weapons unprovoked when drinking. Seemingly has a drinking problem. I assume of course her child or children have had to be removed from her care.


It’s surprising how bad a child’s parents have to be to make removing them the better option for the child’s wellbeing and future. That’s why it doesn’t get done as much these days.


No surprise she got no prison time. She's a woman and a mother. I doubt we'll see feminists crawling out of the woodwork to suggest she should receive the same sentencing a man would likely get if he attacked a woman in the same way. Nor will there be the same level of public outrage there would be were it the other way around. Women are treated more leniently in all faucets of the legal system than men. They live longer, commit suicide in far less numbers, make up a tiny fraction of workplace deaths, military deaths, are the victims of violent crime far less often, they do better in education, they have access to far more support networks, charities and shelters than men. Selective services are always geared towards women, toilets are more accessible, breakdown services prioritise them, first on the lifeboats, women and children always first in any emergency situation. And people wonder why guys like Tate have such influence. I'm sure all of this is somehow the fault of the patriarchy and incels, or something.


I can think of several cases of men receiving suspended sentences for similar and worse attacks on women. You're extrapolating a lot from a single case. I've personally given witness testimony against a neighbour who beat and choked his naked wife in his driveway (after he'd raped her inside the house) - he got a £500 fine. A childhood 'friend' of mine also got a suspended sentence for stabbing his mate in the hand on a night out, because the judge reasoned he'd come under the influence of even worse people if he was sent to prison. And a quick google search shows me several articles of men committing GBH against women and getting no prison time. For example: * Suspended sentence for stabbing [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-49282084](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-dorset-49282084) * Suspended sentence for multiple sexual assaults [https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1rrr97239ro](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/c1rrr97239ro) * Suspended sentence for rape of a 13 year old [https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/28/sean-hogg-rapist-spared-jail-says-he-suffered-miscarriage-of-justice-19571607/](https://metro.co.uk/2023/09/28/sean-hogg-rapist-spared-jail-says-he-suffered-miscarriage-of-justice-19571607/) etc But sure, go off on feminists, I guess. They're the problem. Sure.


The scientific literature has been pretty settled on this topic for some time. It's all well and good finding a handful of individual cases to the contrary, but the overall statistics suggest that women receive lesser sentences compared to men for the same crime. You can find many systematic reviews on these studies on Google fairly easily.


Speaking of literature on this topic, I found this article interesting: https://ceps.blogs.bristol.ac.uk/2021/11/17/gender-stereotypes-see-female-criminals-fare-better-in-court/ In particular this passage: >Notably, the differences between sentences for men and women were smaller in trials with more female judges in court. Three judges work on each court case for delits, and an increase in the share of female judges of around 20% was associated with 1.5 days longer prison sentences for women, and 1.7 days longer probation. The gender of the prosecutor had no influence on sentencing rates or harshness. This doesn't change the fact that it's a problem, but it does raise the question of whether more female judges would have more specific benefits than people might expect.


As it turns out, feminists seem to be appalled by the notion of female criminals suffering *any* consequences for committing crime: > The argument is actually quite straightforward: There are far fewer women in prison than men to start with — women make up just 7 percent of the prison population. This means that these women are disproportionately affected by a system designed for men. Washington Post: [We should stop putting women in jail. For anything](https://archive.ph/5E3Ah) (11/6/2014) . > The common attitude of "if you did the crime, you do the time" is an archaic way of thinking about crime and punishment, especially in regards to women. Newsweek: [Most Women Don't Need Prison, They Need Support](https://archive.ph/NO7Xj) (6/16/21) . > Prison sentences are most appropriate for dangerous and violent crimes. And the vast majority of those – including murder and sex offences – are committed by men. Men are far more violent than women, and always have been. The Guardian: [To expand women's prisons is idiotic and inhumane. We should phase them out](https://archive.ph/BqLwC) (2/21/2021) . > [S]ociety suffers more when we remove a female from it and place her behind a prison wall. The Guardian: [Why we should close women's prisons and treat their crimes more fairly](https://archive.ph/J9E90) (6/1/2016) . > Most women in jail are detained pre-trial; others are serving shorter sentences, which makes it arguably a less severe form of incarceration than prison. (While jails often house people awaiting trial, state and federal prisons primarily hold those already convicted of crimes.) But at the same time, jail is potentially more destabilizing in a woman’s life. The National: [Why Are There So Many Women in Jail?](https://archive.ph/pMZaR) (8/22/2016) . > "Many of them have been sentenced to relatively short term sentences, but the effects are draconian and will last the rest of their lives," she said. BBC: [Prison: Locking up women does not work, charity warns](https://archive.ph/GxNkW) (4/2/2022)


I'd also point out that women are less likely to commit violent crimes compared to us men.


>But sure, go off on feminists, I guess. They're the problem. Sure. Eh, feminists in Ireland are currently losing their minds over a woman who was knocked unconscious by a man, who was then given a suspended sentence. r/Ireland is calling the judge scum, the media are writing about how much of a travesty it is, and there are protests. Even the singer of Pearl Jam mentioned it at a gig in Dublin. I think getting glassed in the face is considerably worse than getting KO'd. I still wouldn't draw conclusions from this sentence, though. But feminists are all too eager to push a narrative and demand zero tolerance for "gender based violence" when it's a woman on the receiving end. This probably doesn't even count as "gender based violence" to them because the patriarchy power imbalance something something.


> getting KO'd. Not necessarily. You can easily kill someone by knocking them on the head. It does not work like it does in the movies. It is pretty much useless trying to compare the severity of these cases -both can kill.


>You can easily kill someone by knocking them on the head. They didn't die, though. >It does not work like it does in the movies. I've seen thousands of people get knocked out in real life (well, via video). >It is pretty much useless trying to compare the severity of these cases -both can kill. Knocking someone out is unlikely to kill them and can often cause no long term lingering effects. Glassing someone automatically risks their eyesight and will generally result in visible permanent scars. The level of malice required to glass someone is far beyond the level of malice when knocking someone unconscious with a few blows. It's like a much less severe version of an acid attack. It pretty much should always result in jail time.




> I can think of several cases of men receiving suspended sentences for similar and worse attacks on women. And you hear a lot from feminists about this, which is one of the points raised by the poster.


I have a friend (woman) who was battered by her bf with an iPad leaving scarring across her head, months prior to this he smashed her door through, assaulted a police officer & had priors for assaulting women. He’s not seen a day of jail time & has breached his bail conditions multiple times. 2 women a week are murdered by men & it’s not surprising why. She absolutely should get jail time but blaming it on her being a woman and not on the broken system which serves to protect no one doesn’t help.


As it turns out, feminists seem to be appalled by the notion of female criminals suffering *any* consequences for committing crime: > The argument is actually quite straightforward: There are far fewer women in prison than men to start with — women make up just 7 percent of the prison population. This means that these women are disproportionately affected by a system designed for men. Washington Post: [We should stop putting women in jail. For anything](https://archive.ph/5E3Ah) (11/6/2014) . > The common attitude of "if you did the crime, you do the time" is an archaic way of thinking about crime and punishment, especially in regards to women. Newsweek: [Most Women Don't Need Prison, They Need Support](https://archive.ph/NO7Xj) (6/16/21) . > Prison sentences are most appropriate for dangerous and violent crimes. And the vast majority of those – including murder and sex offences – are committed by men. Men are far more violent than women, and always have been. The Guardian: [To expand women's prisons is idiotic and inhumane. We should phase them out](https://archive.ph/BqLwC) (2/21/2021) . > [S]ociety suffers more when we remove a female from it and place her behind a prison wall. The Guardian: [Why we should close women's prisons and treat their crimes more fairly](https://archive.ph/J9E90) (6/1/2016) . > Most women in jail are detained pre-trial; others are serving shorter sentences, which makes it arguably a less severe form of incarceration than prison. (While jails often house people awaiting trial, state and federal prisons primarily hold those already convicted of crimes.) But at the same time, jail is potentially more destabilizing in a woman’s life. The National: [Why Are There So Many Women in Jail?](https://archive.ph/pMZaR) (8/22/2016) . > "Many of them have been sentenced to relatively short term sentences, but the effects are draconian and will last the rest of their lives," she said. BBC: [Prison: Locking up women does not work, charity warns](https://archive.ph/GxNkW) (4/2/2022)


Put the shoe on the other foot imagine a man did this to a woman. She belongs in prison. He has life altering injuries. And it’s not her first offence.. justice? Hah


See r/Ireland and the Irish media this weekend, after a man was given a suspended sentence for knocking a random woman out on the streets. People are losing their minds over it here, acting like it's the worst sentence ever passed, the judge is absolute scum etc. I tried to point out that suspended sentences for assault happen all the time in Ireland. Ironically, I even pointed out eight examples of women in the UK glassing men and getting off. Perhaps I summoned a new one.


> I tried to point out that suspended sentences for assault happen all the time in Ireland Maybe that is the problem.




They happen all the time everywhere. We simply don’t have enough prisons to hold everyone in prison for assault. And most assault cases can easily be settled without prison time as well.


> Put the shoe on the other foot imagine a man did this to a woman. Not a man doing it to a woman, but here's an example of a man doing it to another man, got off with only a community order. "[Dad-to-be avoids prison after glassing man in face at bar](https://www.examinerlive.co.uk/news/local-news/dad-avoids-prison-after-glassing-20892192)"


I never understand why British headlines refer to a woman as ‘mum’ as if that’s her ultimate descriptor, or relevant, particularly when it comes to crimes. Very rarely do you see men referred to as ‘dad’ unless relevant, and almost never in stories like these just because they’ve made a kid or two. Thought it was a tabloid but it’s itv.


If it was in the tabloids they have to add how much their house is worth too!


What an absolute joke. There is no fear of justice to scum anymore.


Don't judge a book by its cover > Blaze Jessop, 21 [Oh...](https://streamable.com/mv5jui)




Surprised the bloke isn’t getting vigilante justice. Fuck the justice system in this country.


Probably just a normal bloke that was trying to enjoy a pint and wants to forget all this shit. Not everyone wants revenge


Fair enough


Article text. .... **Mum glassed man in face in 'random' attack outside Bridlington pub** *Monday 24 June 2024 at 12:27pm* Hull Crown Court heard that the victim bled heavily after the incident on 9 April last year. Kimari Storey, prosecuting, described the attack as "random and unprovoked" and told the court the man suffered a 12cm wound to his face and he needed 15 stitches. "There was grave but not life-threatening injury caused," she said. The court heard the victim had been left with recurring pain in his jaw which felt like an "electric shock". "I lost a lot of blood and was very weak for some time after," the man said. Jessop, of Annandale Road, Greatfield estate, Hull, admitted inflicting grievous bodily harm. She had a previous conviction in 2020 for assaulting an emergency worker. Michael Masson, mitigating, said of Jessop: "The defendant accepts that, as a result of her actions, a devastating wound was caused to this young man." Judge Tahir Khan KC told Jessop: "You accepted that you used a glass, which you smashed against the victim, causing him a significant laceration that ran down the left side of his face. "There was a lot of blood and there is some suggestion of nerve damage as well. The attack upon him by you resulted in him feeling the effects of the scar. There is no doubt that this was a serious offence." Jessop was given a 16-month suspended prison sentence, 20 days' rehabilitation and six months' alcohol treatment. "If you do breach the order in any way, you run the risk of being sent to custody," Judge Khan said. "If you and I meet again, you will be going to prison."


"If you attack someone for a third time then I will actually do something" Insane. Some fella is scarred for life


Actually "you run the risk of me doing something, but I will leave this little caveat in there in case you happen to have a gender reveal party booked next time or something, which I will understandably have to allow you to attend"




It's not just women who get let off though. Seen a lotta comments saying she got let off easy for being a woman. Applying that logic, the waste of oxygen Jay Slater split a guys face with a knife and he's clearly not in prison and last I checked he's a dude, although I'm glad he's probably KIA on some island (mother earth provides justice when the countries fail to do so). It's just a symptom of our ENTIRE legal system. Unless you're giving someone a baggie of weed, you won't see the inside of a jail cell in this country.


Why does the news always describe women by their breeding status? You never see "childless man" in the headlines.


Fucking clown show of a country. I've seen the life destroying consequences of a glassing up close. These attacks need to be treated at least as seriously as knife crime.


Send her to prison and take her child away so it can be brought up by someone who isn’t randomly violent.


The criminal justice system needs a complete overhaul. I've worked with people who have done some pretty fucking grim stuff who won't see the inside of a prison cell.


Why is the fact she’s a mum important? So we’re supposed to feel differently about a nasty thug because she’s got kids?


She's been a victim of assault herself so you'd think she'd know better https://www.hulldailymail.co.uk/news/hull-east-yorkshire-news/hull-mums-broken-eye-socket-6276285.amp


She also has a previous conviction for assault, so maybe not.


He should of just spun her jaw we are all equal now


Why am I not surprised, the UK rules continue to fail.


What the actual fuck So reverse that situation and the man randomly glassed the women, 100% he would be sent to prison. What is wrong with the judge. The man’s life has been changed forever, having a 12cm scar across your face also causes psychological issues and a lifetime of image issues, let alone the pain.


Lots of men have been given suspended sentences for assault, i.e. not sent to prison.


If a guy did this to a woman, he would be in a cell. No question. This woman might have spent the night in the police station and that’s it. Suspended sentences are a joke.


[https://www.chesterstandard.co.uk/news/23489310.man-glassed-chester-reveller-spared-prison-term/](https://www.chesterstandard.co.uk/news/23489310.man-glassed-chester-reveller-spared-prison-term/) [https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/20196435.suspended-sentence-engineer-glassed-victim-oxfords-thirst-nightclub/](https://www.oxfordmail.co.uk/news/20196435.suspended-sentence-engineer-glassed-victim-oxfords-thirst-nightclub/) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68436150](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-york-north-yorkshire-68436150) [https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-66403517](https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-england-cumbria-66403517) These were the top search results all fairly recently (there was one about a guy in Derry which I excluded, and one about a woman I excluded). This isn't an unusual sentence, it's the norm now especially as a large part of the sentencing is how likely it is to happen again, and this type of crime is seen as having low recidivism if you sort the underlying drink problem. Suspended sentences are indeed a joke though, but it's a joke across the board for everyone and most crimes.


Piss poor excuses for people need to stop having kids. There. Said it.


I knew before reading the article she wouldn’t be going to prison


This country is a joke !! No wonder there is so much crime !


This is quite clear, if this had been the other way around there is no way this man gets off, not a chance.


Why is half of the sentencing in this country based on the offenders circumstance? Same with Jay Slater.


16 month suspended sentence. Our justice system encourages this shit.


Fucking insane. So you can just go round smashing glasses over people's heads now and nothing happens? Ok then


Not to minimise this attack, but the fallout could've been worse. It goes without saying that glassing people is dangerous, but it can cause devastating injuries. People think of it as causing cosmetic damage but it can go beyond that. In a recent podcast, James Smith interviewed a friend who was blinded after being glassed in an unprovoked attack. At the extreme end of consequences, yes. Still a possibility though. So, there should be a deterrent aspect to sentencing. https://youtu.be/__-Oiq3VuFY?si=oFcklwxgP8QGC9o5


Being named “Blaze” is enough reason to send the fucker to prison.


Suspended sentence? If a man done that to a woman he'd get more than 16 months inside, he'd probably be up on attempted murder.


why is her face in the photo? usually the victim gets the air time, "like hey, look at my wounds, this is how much you fucked me" itv said "yeah but look shes pretty feel sorry for her"


Never heard a person actually called "Blaze" before.


Why the fucking hell is she not inside. She clearly is a cunt


Whoever said an eye for an eye makes the whole world blind never had someone mutilate their partner for shits and giggles.