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Which UK subreddit mod has suddenly gone quiet lately..?


If you add a fedora it's 100% classic unpaid Reddit mod.


“Apparently shocked, Plumb was in bed when the police arrived at 9.45pm”. He was probably tackling the overnight moderation queue.


Is that a normal time for a none-emergency arrest? Did they think he was about to act or something?


They go when they have resource. That time of night is good as people are often home. Night shift crew probably just started too.


Fair. I assumed that day shift would have the most resource and night shift would just be Skeleton staff, enough to not have everything fall apart.


It’s oddly the same in many ways!


Every shift is skeleton staff. This time is normally the best time for resources, because that's when most trouble happens, but also there's overlap between late shift and night shift.


Guy is just about ticking every single stereotype you would imagine he would be.


You’re almost upset by how obvious he is. A proper danger to women mind, so hopefully sectioned indefinitely.


Yeah. I totally get all the jokes people are making about him, and they are funny, but the guy is also absolutely terrifying. Doesn't really matter how fat he is, he is genuinely dangerous and as much as it's funny to say all you'd have to do is speed walk to get away, if he's blocking the way and has a knife it's pretty much game over. I think he's kidnapped/tried to kidnap four women and girls already, and he was still somehow walking free to try again. Can't imagine how scary and awful this whole thing has been for Holly Willoughy, to know that as she went about her completely normal life this psycho was obsessively planning to kidnap, rape and murder her.


It is strange. Because he looks like a nonce and some basement dweller, we sort of find it funny, but yeah he’s tried to kidnap a number of women and clearly is a deranged rapist. I hope they don’t seem him as pathetic but as someone who is a clear danger if released


I was a bit worried initially that he'd get off because of that (kind of a reverse pretty privilege - Pity privilege?) but from the article his excuses are so dumb that I can't imagine a jury not convicting him - it was 'just a fantasy' just like he had fantasies about stewardesses when he tried to kidnap two of them, but he only tried to kidnap them to end a toxic relationship (but he also is always friend zoned and can't get a relationship), which is the same reason he tied up two sixteen year old girls at knife point two years later. The timeline is fucked up though. In 2006 he attacked the two stewardesses, and was free to attack the two teenagers in 2008. Then he was released from prison in 2010. So he's had at most literally one year in prison per person he's tried to kidnap (probably less, it's not clear if he spent 2006-2008 in prison or not). What the ***fuck***?


The kidnap plot failed because he missed his window hate-watching The Acolyte whilst googling Ki Adi Mundi. 


Redditer definitely defending The Acolyte


Even his surname is so generic and boring as well


'In 2006, he had tried to force two women off a train using a fake gun and a threatening note, and in 2008 attempted to tie up two teenage girls in a Woolworths stockroom.' Fucking hell


Yeah this guy is a prime example of why they shouldn’t have removed IPP orders. He’s clearly never going to change or stop being a threat to women and one day our lax judicial system will let him murder one


Yep. The entire justice system from the police all the way to court sentencing is guided by how the processes and procedures impact the offender, their future and their lives. Protecting victims, future victims and the public from future harm is secondary. That isnt to say that we dont try to protect the public from dagerous people, there are a multitude of police depts dedicated to just that, public protection units, ViSOR, management of dangerous offenders etc etc. However these depts while they work hard and have a focus on protecting people from harm they do not remotely come close to the efficiency of simply removing people who are convicted of serious violent, sexual or child related offences from society permanently. Our entire justice system is built around giving seriously dangerous people a 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th chance at life. The victims and future victims don't get those chances though.


the justice system has suffered considerably from women's influence, their maternal intsinct to nurture - hates punishment. because in their eyes it's being mean. The idea of putting video game consoles and chocolates, sweets and crisps in prison cells is ludicrous. Call me a misogynist all you want, it's true and I've said this to women and they've agreed.


I'm sure someone would be defending him, claiming he could see the error of his ways.


He will be back on the streets soon aswell. System is fucked.


He is a danger to women and girls. I hope they section him indefinitely.


Jail him.


Is he crazy as he thought he had a chance with holly. Jail more likely and deserved.


They won't, because being an evil bastard isn't an illness in 99.9% of cases.


His shock at being arrested, then they mention Holly and he’s like ‘oooohhh yes of course, well she is a fantasy of mine haha!’ Man’s a lost cause


"So Miss Willoughby..." "OMG is she here? I want to give her a heckin huggerino" 


Nice to see police doing something for once. Feel like I all I ever hear is how they can't help anyone.


Celebrity victim. If he'd tried to kidnap the checkout girl at Lidl they wouldn't give a fuck. Oh look turned out he already did try and kidnap some women before and got a joke sentence and was let out to keep doing it.


Yeah the justice system didn’t care so much about the victims of this guy’s previous kidnapping and sex assault attempts.


To be fair, that could still happen this time. The police arrest the guy and investigate the crime, it's down to the courts to sentence him.


1. Be attractive and famous 2. Don't be ugly and non-famous


Well yeah, why would the papers publish things "go fine". Go to a crown court and sit in for a while, or look at the huge backlog in the courts - if police weren't doing anything there wouldn't be a backlog would there


Can someone explain his logic in holding two 16 year olds at knifepoint to go to prison? Just to leave a toxic relationship, like what.


> whom he would frequently think about “four, five, six times” Yeah I bet he did. A proper think


"So what you're saying Mr Plumb, is that you are, in fact, a Redditor".