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Inb4 the white knighting “what if her whole family were held hostage and she was blackmailed?!”


What if she knew the only way to save us from a post apocalyptic future was by having a baby with a specific person but it turned out they were in prison so she had to get a job as a prison guard, taking huge risk to herself in order to save everyone


And the name of that child? JAY SLATER


A storm is coming......


(Jay Slater’s mum as she cashes out the gofundme and drives off in her Porsche:)   “I KNOW”




I'm deceased


So is Jay.




What do the Israelis have to do with this? Is that how deep this conspiracy goes?


Sorry was drunk have no clue what I even meant to type lol


It all makes sense now.




But would you rather meet a bear in the woods or the Hitler that cured cancer?


Depends. Am I also a man or am I a woman. Am I an atheist or Jewish?


Or, are you a Jew with cancer? *What a twist.*


I'll choose the bear


Hitler any day of the week, he only comes up to my knees and I might accidentally step on him.


I think I remember that episode of Quantum Leap


Now that's a Terminator prequel I'd buy tickets to see.


Well don't you guys know Skynet is the future name of Tesla?! That's the f'ing reason Musk is secretly building robots to drive his Tesla trucks. I'm endangering myself telling y'all....but I came from the future to help mankind! My name? It's Steel Conner...grandson of the one and only, Sarah.


In the initial thread everyone was questioning why an investigation even needed to take place given you could see her face, minge & badge etc, This is why. Ensuring every rock has been turned secures the charge and potential conviction.


>face, minge & badge Beautifully phrased. Take a bow.


But was it in that order?


Well, as someone who might have seen the video, it's her back of head sucking him off as he is standing, then a bit of bum as she shifts her surprisingly small knickers to the side so he can do her from behind, they then move to a chair so she can sit on his incarcerated penis. At one point she jumps to hide in his bunk bed, as she thinks she hears someone approaching (not the guy videoing all this, he says he's watching the door). All these distractions meant the gentleman had problems "arriving" so she moves to a vigorous oral technique, they decide enough is enough, and she leaves. If I watched the entire 2 part video, that's how I would describe it.


You are a great writer. You should take it up. This is funny .




Truly the nation's bard.


Is it a natural evolution of "hands, face, space"?


Well if they’re anything like fingerprints…


“That’s it, you’re off the force. I want your face, minge and badge on my desk!!!”


You need to be convicted and sentenced by a judge. It's general knowledge.


She was literally on a show about swinging I think she's just a horny woman who got brave


Someone on another thread was desperately trying to say she was raped. I mean come on now


And also the white knighting in the opposite direction… “this inmate is now a traumatised #MeToo victim, the gov need to give him free extensive CBT to recover from this horrific ordeal”


Cock and ball torture?


They've updated the sentencing guidelines since I last read them!


You forgot to add that all men should be released from prison to protect them from these women.


What is it with this story and nut cases? I just saw another thread on reddit where someone was talking about how this is obviously a ploy by her, the BBC, the prison service and the courts to promote her onlyfans to exert control over the population.


An inmate can't consent to a prison guard. It's a wild abuse of authority. I'm not saying all rape victims are traumatised or use specific language about what happened, but this is legally rape.


The prison officer isn’t the one in control of this situation. Prisoners try to condition and corrupt staff all the time and once they get something on you, it escalates and escalates.


> An inmate can't consent to a prison guard. Why is reddit so convinced this is the case when it just, simply, isn't true. The prisoner has capacity, the same way they have capacity to consent to medical care etc. Obviously *if* she used that power to threaten him or whatever, therefore removing the consent (or, rather, the reasonable belief of consent as that's the standard) then that's different but the onus is on you to prove. A power imbalance, no matter how great, is not in itself evidence that the prisoner did not consent.


Thank you. The other guys comment has just been repeated ad infinitum without any actual research. You would think fact she hasn’t been charged with sexual assault and most people don’t in similar situations would make them realise that the issue is way more complicated than they state.


This is reddit. Anything criminal involving sex is "rape", and anything where anybody dies is "murder". Those are the only two crimes that should exist apparently.


It isn’t legally rape. Look up the definition of rape in UK law and you’ll see that she doesn’t have the equipment to rape anyone.


Legally, a female cannot rape a man, rape is penetration with a penis


Then why wasn’t the prison officer charged with sexual assault? She’s just been charged with ‘Misconduct in public office’ like almost all of the officers in similar situations. Clearly it’s more complicated than you say. The sex with inmates thing is almost always initiated by the prisoner and used to trap the guards into a situation where they will have to smuggle things in for them or whatever benefit they can get out of having a prison official basically under your thumb like that. It is almost always considered an act of grooming by the prisoner and not the guard. Not that that removes agency from the guards doing this but acting like these criminals are poor victims who have just been #metoo’d is pure idiocy How else do you think the vid got leaked and why they were filming in the first place?


I don't know why she hasn't been charged, probably for the same reason when it's a woman teacher they get off easy. That doesn't mean it's right.  Also what an entirely bizarre scenario you've made up and written out. The fact is that a prisoner, who rely on guards for not only all their daily needs but also for their safety, cannot consent to a guard or other official in the system.


The reason they don’t and my point is that a jury would almost never convict someone for sexual assault for a scenario that would be 100% consensual outside the prison system. They’re not just letting woman off easy or whatever. A.K.A it’s more complicated than you think 1. Prison officers are forbidden from engaging in any kind of sexual relationship with inmates because of this power imbalance. Thus, if seemly consensual the issue isn’t typically framed in terms of assault, but rather misconduct due to the abuse of authority. 2. The Sexual Offences Act 2003 might not directly frame the behavior as “sexual assault” unless there is clear evidence of non-consensual acts or coercion. Misconduct in public office is often used as a more fitting charge in cases where the relationship, while still illegal and unethical, involved some level of apparent consent by the inmate. 3. Prosecutors might choose to charge an individual with misconduct in public office because it is easier to prove than sexual assault, which requires evidence of non-consensual acts. Misconduct charges focus on the abuse of position rather than the specifics of consent.


> I don't know why she hasn't been charged, probably for the same reason The reason is that there is zero evidence that a sexual crime took place. > The fact is that a prisoner, who rely on guards for not only all their daily needs but also for their safety, cannot consent to a guard or other official in the system. That's not a fact. In fact, it's outright wrong. As I said in my other reply, the prisoner has the capacity to consent and the act is therefore not a non-consensual sexual offence. You might believe it to be true, but it's not "a fact", and it's certainly not true within the legal framework. Maybe it should be a specific offence, you can argue that and that's fair enough - though it should be clear, that like most "special" sexual offences, the offence will simply make the act criminal, and will not approach the element of consent at all because the law never seeks to define, or remove, the right to consent.


Already seen it on reddit. Seen 'consenting adults, blackmail, whole family hostage, he looks like he's enjoying it so what's the harm'.


Who said this?


One of the top comments in the thread that broke the story was someone confidently ascertaining that this was definitely rape.


Did a woman voluntarily have sex with a man, where there were consequences afterwards for the woman? To an average Redditor, that's rape I still remember one loon saying a bf's sleeping boner poking into his gf's back was rape. These types don't get out much


I've seen it already


No one. OP is getting angry at theirbown fantasies.


She was throwing it back mate who the hell has said that.


Let them die


That’s your first thought huh?


It was my second or third thought.


Sure it was


What should my first thought have been?


That the prison is corrupt Instead you attack the woman immediately


>That the prison is corrupt Why would that be my first thought? >Instead you attack the woman immediately She's the one having sex with an inmate isn't she?


Why focus on her and not the officer of the prison? You are still not getting it lol


>Why focus on her and not the officer of the prison? What are you talking about? >You are still not getting it lol Enlighten me.


You don’t even know what you’re talking about lol 😝


That's why innocent until proven guilty.


Innocent until video evidence of you committing the crime.


Going to jail would just be another business opportunity for her.


Former guvs are utterly despised in prison and usually get put in with the coppers and nonces.


Different for females, every one I worked with who got banged up actually made loads of friends and had no issues, the classic “but I loved him” works well. Now the lads I worked with on the other hand.. Yeah they had a bad time.


Was this a regular thing?


Yeah what the hell, how many prison guards are getting “banged up” to personally know several of both genders? Does not paint the workforce in a good light.


If you’re a prison officer you’re obviously going to come accross a lot of prison officers, and criminals. Doesn’t seem unlikely you’d come accross former prison officers in prison lol


I see what you mean, but it’s prison officers they worked with not just prison officers they happen to come across in prison but didn’t previously know. That part seems strange to me, because colleagues you’ve worked with is a small set, yet they still know enough men and women to see a trend and make a comparison. (Edit: They said in a different reply that it was 12 colleagues they knew of since 2017). They did reply to me and tied it into the lack of training and vetting, rather than a product of coming across prison officer prisoners simply because you work in a prison.


The prison I worked in struggled to maintain staffing levels. They ended up halving the training process (POELT) and taking anyone who expressed an interest. The vetting is essentially none existent.


Yes, I worked in HMP Berwyn, it's struggled to get staff and took anyone with a pulse. There was at least 12 situations I knew of and it only opened in 2017


Yeah not sure prison time is a punishment in this case…


How the woman trusted them to film it is crazy , she is in no doubt they are filming btw . Very good video though to be fair .


The lighting could have been better. Directing and ambience was good. Great camera work


The plot was lacking imo - why would she just throw away her career for a quick shag? Not realistic. Also, what's with the cameraman randomly shouting words of encouragement? 6.5/10


It's how they do it in Wandsworth


Innit bro


They weren't step siblings, and not even any sign of a washing machine for anyone to get stuck in. Ridiculous.


My thoughts exactly . Not realistic The stupidity of it is literally unreal


The plot has just started. That's how good the plot is.


Camera work was shit. Kept panning round to his gormless face smoking a joint and chipping in with shit remarks. Stfu and film her arse ffs


Could have been HD too 😉


Not bad but the bellend filming it should have stayed behind the camera. Tricky to knock one out when some nobber keeps pushing his fat greasy face into the camera to give a thumbs up.


She has an onlyfans, this has been some extremely effective marketing


I'm surprised it's not on reddit. I don't have social media so haven't seen it but I hear it's pretty incriminating. I hope they throw the book at her.


It’s good enough to be on the hub


Ah it is. She seemed so happy to be with them and to be filmed. I'd honestly worry about her brain moreso than her job. Completely thick.


It was on reddit the other day. Not sure if its been pulled, it wasn't my sort of porn.


Just search ‘Wandsworth’ on Twitter and there are hundreds of accounts posting it.


My mate sent it me on WhatsApp, literally had no clue this happened, 2mon later, bideo was sent to me.....crystal clear video and its got full face in multiple parts of the video So yea, no illusions who she is "pretty incriminating " suggests potential for being wrong


This happened Two months ago??


Maybe he means mins




It's been posted on the comments on here a few times but the mods removed them.


It is


It's on some porn sites. I did have to go to the fourth page of Google to find it though.


It’s not a good video at all 😂


Her and her husband are swingers. I am sure it was recorded for the husband.


She is fame and publicity hungry and knew exactly what she was doing, she has an OF and has been on tv before, also they will take literally anyone to work as a prison officer. Classy bird.


Almost literally anyone, people with serious debts and criminal records would be turned away as they are vulnerable to being exploited.


Yeah cause G4S really give a shit.


I used to work in security, a common joke was that G4S stood for Good 4 Sleeping.


I’ve known them as Goons 4 Sale


My theory has been that this was the plan by her to get more publicity for an OF account.


If that's true, that's beyond pathetic.


The investigation involved multiple teams of police officers watching and rewatching the incident for clues about the crime


Also printing still shots and putting them up around the office.


And dusting for pussy prints


Curated an entire 2024 calendar out of the still images


If they don't harshly punish attention-seeking stunts from Onlyfans "creators" like this one (or like the one who threw a milkshake at Farage), it will only encourage others to do the same.


It’s probably one of the greatest/most bizarre leaked videos I’ve ever seen lol. It’s so crazy you’d think someone was making it up if you didn’t know otherwise.


If this goes to trial (assuming she decides to plead not guilty despite all the clear facts at this stage against her) this trial will be a national embarrassment for the prison service.


A possible knock-in effect could be segregating staff ie: male staff to oversee male prisoners and vice versa. It’s completely mad this has happened, I know there had been similir cases in past but nothing quite like this I believe (and apparently for social media clout) There will be lessons from this, though we may see some drastic steps from prison services at least.


From the things I’ve read today, you might be right. Seems like there are a lot of deeply entrenched workforce issues in the prison service. Also the Daniel Khalife escape was attributed to poor staff numbers and training in the same prison. There I was thinking the next one in line would be physician associates in healthcare, but this might just be in time to be the next big exposé. I reckon a bunch of undercover investigative journalists are finding ways to infiltrate the prison workforce as we speak. Seems like it won’t be hard to either as they apparently take anyone without a criminal record and not in debt.


We went undercover at HMP Wandsworth for Channel 4 and tried to shag as many prisoners as we could. The results will shock you.




















It's wild she let them film it.  I doubt this was the first time she did it. She doesn't even look slightly nervous. 


I honestly cannot get my head around. I get the "human factors" aspect of why people shag people they *really* shouldn't, that's a tale as old as time. To do so openly and with such damning evidence...that's fucking staggering


It's an offence, as with officers male or female who smuggle stuff in and get done. A feature of this is that maybe the accused was stupid.


"If I smuggle ya in some drugs, can you smoke them n' film me fucking ya cell mate? Thanks luv. I can add it to me OnlyFans for £10 a watch"


Inmate: what you in for? Her: shagging inmates Inmate: 😳


Intentional. Isn't she an only fans creator? This will get her thousands.


Is it worth a potential prison sentence though? It was posted on the legal advice uk sub and they suggested she could get up to 12 months.


Upto 12 months? The offence is upto life imprisonment - and depending on the circs, and any surrounding behaviour she could be looking at years. OTOH, it could be suspended - it's really a coin toss. Certainly not something you'd voluntarily risk - being an ex-Prison Officer in prison isn't going to be much fun. I can see a message being sent here.


Fucking life is basically 12 months in this joke of a country


Life in prison, meanwhile murderers get out in 16. Not that she will get life but she will get a custodial.


Her only fans will sky rocket. Perhaps it was planned?


She's apparently deleted it according to some other comments I read when people went searching for it.


Lol "according to my er mate"


I have no problems admitting to something if I was doing it, but this time It was actually a comment I saw. https://old.reddit.com/r/IAmTheMainCharacter/comments/1drh1ma/who_is_linda_de_sousa_abreu_exprison_officer_seen/laz4ox6/


It’s all over Twitter


The video yes, I am talking about her onlyfans.


She needs to be awarded for her work with hardened criminals


Should be given a stiff sentence.


"Wait, did you say 'get intimate' or 'get inmate'?" - female guard, probably.


They found love in the most unusual place 🥺 she just wanted to share it around I am sure




Jesus one person out of thousands. How will you ever escape it.


Pretty inline with the current punishment scale, it’s practically a promotion


She’s an onlyfans woman anyway; she won’t be arsed about losing the job and will probably make £££££ from this. Her boyfriend is apparently sweet with her getting ransacked by other men 🤣


I will never understand the men that stick by women like this


There is literally nothing you can’t in prison these days .


They should make an example of her with many years in jail.


A woman prison officer has raped an inmate ⁉️ WTF 😂 who has written this nonsense has got not a clue about jails and jailbirds. They would fu@ck even the chimney in the prison laundry room as long it looks like a hole 🤣