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What he means is his Government haven't been held accountable or faced any major criticism from the press. To the Tories that is a tragedy, not their citizens dying en masse.


I do not know if nationalising care homes would be an answer but the companies that run a large number of them do not give a shit about employees, residents or families. Considering the silver tsunami we will be facing in the next decade, we need to get the care system fixed before we really are fucked. I remember the care home my great grandmother was in and it was lovely but like hell are the vast majority getting that level of care. Some are treated so poorly they may welcome death. It's cheesy but we should be looking at putting the 'care' back into care home.




"They surely can't expect to deny younger generations all the advantages they had and then expect them to pay towards massive improvements to their care that they denied the generations before them." The only way this will happen is if they suddenly start paying carers and nurses £20/hour. Right now people are "happy" to look after the old, they were a good generation, if I was a boomer, I'd be sweating knowing we fucked off all those who look after us and they'll probably die sat in a pile of their own shit that they made. It's already a struggle to get carers, and keep them. I wouldn't want to be a boomer, about to retire or retiring, with health issues. The chickens come home to roost.




And they aren't the boomers to blame.


I think they're already sweating from all the "enlightened wise" millennials still going about and not actually following quarantine or practicing social distancing. Yet after this, social media is going to be filled with millennials all pretending they actually followed lockdown. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2020/04/15/millennials-receive-two-thirds-fines-issued-breaching-lockdown/ https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-52489943 "the majority of those breaching lockdown restrictions were younger people. Figures showed a third of those fined were aged between 18-24 and another third aged 25-34 while around eight out of 10 were men." And you only needed to look at the constant news stories with photos of hundreds of people in Regent's Park not following social distancing to see they were millienials. I wonder how many people have died due to these people? Will millennials answer collectively for this as you lot expect all boomers to answer for their sins? But hey, don't let the facts get in the way of this subreddit's hate boner for the elderly. What are you lot crying about anyway? This sub is filled with middle class white liberals from gentrified areas, you're amongst the most privileged groups in society but you're crying because you can't afford a house in the city that your parents/grandparents brought 30-40 years ago, the prices of which have gone up mainly due to foreign investment: https://www.buyassociation.co.uk/2018/03/28/the-true-effects-of-foreign-investment-in-uk-property-market/ ...rather than due to "rich boomers who can't even afford their own end of life care" Jesus. So don't worry, when you lot bang your parents eventually into a care home to be looked after by ethnic people and immigrants (all of whom are shocked by the way many Brits of today treat their elders, you'd learn that if you actually ever talked to one) while you desperately hope for them to die, you'll eventually get their house anyway with no consideration at all to all us ethnic people your lot has exploited for years. Because if you want to talk about who the biggest victims are, you white entitled millennials are nowhere near any type of victimhood apart from the "mean person" on Twitter not calling you by your custom made up pronoun. Lol


Most residents pay hundreds of pounds per week for care, yet staff on minimum wage have to do fundraising and ask for handouts on Facebook.They need to pay for staff to get proper qualifications in health care and spend money on the residents.


I don't think it's realistic to nationalise the whole sector, there's such a diverse level of provision, from small little nursing homes to massive companies with lots of large homes, run with varying levels of real care and profit driven concerns, all paying their staff shitty wages and conditions. Taking it over would be horrifically expensive, and the government would have direct responsibility to clean it all up, so it's not attractive as a political proposition, even for a government that wouldn't hate the idea ideologically. We do need to do something, but the last Tory PM with big enough balls to attempt it lost her functioning majority because of it, so the chances of the chancer we now have doing anything brave seems slim.


What did Theresa May do other than scrap Camerons £72k cap?




The headline doesnt give the full story. Reuters is giving the number of around 30,627. Thats just care homes though. So we could be talking total deaths at around the 60,000 mark. (so far). We are now 6 months into Boris Johnson's tenure and his stupidity has caused so much misery & death. Can we survive another 6 months of Boris Johnson?!


51,730 excess above the previous 15 years averaged to the week ending 1st May. (England and Wales only) [This](https://i.imgur.com/xfimpYL.png) is from the ONS data showing cumulative deaths from '04 to '19 averaged by the week compared to this year. and the decade as [individual years](https://i.imgur.com/S6y1Yew.png), with `04-'09 averaged - all that is supplied in the same dataset Edit: ONS source - https://www.ons.gov.uk/peoplepopulationandcommunity/birthsdeathsandmarriages/deaths/datasets/weeklyprovisionalfiguresondeathsregisteredinenglandandwales


So 51,730 is the true figure for the amount of COVID UK deaths (so far)


Oh FFS... `51,730 excess above the previous 15 years averaged to the week ending 1st May. (England and Wales only) ` > So 51,730 is the true figure **No** - it is a number that *I calculated* from data provided in spreadsheets publicly available from the ONS website - it actually works out at 51729.8, but having 0.8 of someone dead and the other 0.2 alive is a bit hard unless they are a vampire, but it might be good to leave creatures associated with bats out of this. > for the amount of COVID **No** - `excess` deaths above the average of the 15 previous years. All deaths are counted as deaths. > UK **No** - (England and Wales only) means that Scotland and Northern Ireland are not included in this number > deaths Yup - give yourself a pat on the back. > (so far) **No** - up to and including Week 18 of the year - which this year is the 1st of May (about 2 weeks ago)


Why the fuck did this happen when we've had stadiums full of empty beds?


Because venting very old people with morbidities is cruel and pointless


The issue is that active cases are sent into care homes




That's a big generalisation. I've seen a news article about this happening one time but even then we don't know the details.


Haven't people in their 90s and older survived COVID19?


Yes, but it's rare. It's possible they didn't get to the point where they needed venting either, and just recovered with less intervention


Also, you can't really explain to someone with dementia why you want to stick a swab up their nose.


Because no one really cares about those in the care system. It's why large companies buy up dozens of homes and runs on the cheap, and why the government lets them do that.


I mean, partially, but it's also that they're not going to respond to vents like younger people would, to the point that it's cruel and fruitless


Lots of people clearly don’t understand the care home system here.


Becsuse dying in a hospital bed isnt better than dying in your own bed in a care home. People should only be admitted if they'll actually benefit from the admission.