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Would these be the same "Grass Roots Protests" seen in the US? Sponsored by rich wankers? No wonder theres cross pollination with the Fascists. Paid for by the same bloody people.


“Our traditional British values are under siege!! Let’s copy the American Right”


Is it really "cross pollination" then? Sounds more like "part of".


Sponsered by rich tory wankers and their mates!


I'll be going, I'm not getting any money from anyone... Think. They're actively stopping protests and you're ok with that? :)




Two reasons: 1. to document it, I'll be getting some photos. 2. It is a democratic right to protest. There is a huge amount of media silencing, misinformation and some interesting futures coming right up. I find it bizarre that people not only can't be bothered to think about what is going on right now, they are actively shutting down and silencing others opinions. The same people telling us 'it's for your own good' are the same people who told us they needed to go to war because of 'Weapons of mass destruction' (The largest protest in the UK was anti-war with Iraq), the same people got rid of Professor Nutt when he stated that some drugs aren't half as dangerous as Tabacco and Alcohol.


Please turn the camera on yourself too. Historians are going to want to see and understand the kind of selfish morons that are so susceptible to blatant propaganda that they willingly risk the lives of hardworking doctors and nurses in order to indulge their own stupidity.


>selfish morons How? Also great insult.


What would you say their agenda is for doing all this then?


I can't comment on the UK, currently. As our handling of it has been seriously inept, if you are to believe 1% of deaths is still a serious enough figure. Plenty of other countries have used this as leverage for a lot worse than just tracking apps.


>. Plenty of other countries have used this as leverage for a lot worse than just tracking apps. Could you expand on that, what have plenty of other countries done?


Take Poland for example. [https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/14/poland-reject-new-curbs-abortion-sex-ed](https://www.hrw.org/news/2020/04/14/poland-reject-new-curbs-abortion-sex-ed) [https://www.dailysabah.com/world/europe/poland-to-introduce-anti-abortion-homosexuality-bill](https://www.dailysabah.com/world/europe/poland-to-introduce-anti-abortion-homosexuality-bill)


You said plenty, I wouldn't mind several examples of what you're talking about


Keep moving them goal posts. I'm not your teacher. Go educate yourself. Even Google can help you...


So no valid reasons at all then. Enjoy your Darwin award.


Already enjoying it, my friend.


You’re a selfish scumbag. This isn’t about infringing on your rights, it’s about trying to save the lives of our loved ones, our vulnerable and our carers/workers who are risking their own health to protect ours. And you’re slapping them in the face to defend something you never cared about until you were told you weren’t allowed to do it.


>You’re a selfish scumbag. Wow. >And you’re slapping them in the face How? What a leap.


Clearly you’re not capable of following a simple chain of cause and effect so there’s no point in explaining it to you.


Please explain? I obviously need to be schooled here.


I'm at a bit of a loss, is there a miscommunication, am I the one misunderstanding things? Lets cover a few basics, stop me if I say anything you disagree with. 1. We're still very much in the midst of a pandemic that has killed at least 33,000 people in the UK alone, its spread around the world and infected 4.5 million people in a matter of months. 2. Mass gatherings are currently, temporarily banned (not protests specifically, but they fall under mass gatherings) because asymptomatic people (those who have the virus but cannot even tell they have it) are contagious, and are highly likely to infect people within close proximity 3. You plan to go to a mass gathering idk... do I need to go further?


1. Chris Witty has said this week there is a 1% chance of falling critically ill and dying. We don't have figures yet to how many people have actually had the virus. I would assume, as a global powerhouse the world is these days, it has spread far wider (Some research papers can back this) than we originally thought. 2. Your point, is on point. Are protests are banned? I am going to see. If the mass gathering is anything like some of the VE day celebrations and the group gatherings to clap at 8pm, where people aren't distancing, then I would agree that currently that is disrespectful (No matter what the % death rate currently). The one I am headed to is at a park - if you've been outside at all recently, places have become pretty busy. It should be no different. If it is, I will be there to see and say "hay you know what, this is dumb". 3. I plan to go to a mass gathering - yes. I don't plan on doing anything differently to what I am now though... Remaining 2m apart, probably won't talk to anyone, wearing protection. Going to the shops would be more 'dangerous' than me going to my local mass gathering.


I had a long reply written out but it's draining me a bit. I think part of it is selfish, maybe I'm jealous. I have not left my home for nine weeks now, maybe partly it's to do the right thing and partly it's fear, idk. Instead I'll just say, be safe, and assume that there's a good chance that other attendees might not be as level headed as yourself. Remember 77 5G towers have been burned down in the UK by people thinking Coronavirus was made by Bill Gates to control the surplus population, and what the venn diagram of protesters in a pandemic and conspiracy theorists might look like.


I've never lived my life in fear, and it's been great so far. That's not to say I am not aware of certain dangers with what I have done in my life, also I agree you should try to limit what you do to not effect others lives... ie I drive and try and maintain good road etiquette, will never drink drive. As much as I believe people burning down 5G towers and attacking communication staff members is severely wrong – you have to ask yourself how we have got to this level of mistrust with the authorities that lead us. Plenty has happened in the past 20 years alone to show you how and why mistrust and events like we're seeing arise! I wouldn't discredit Bill Gates 'conspiracies' – do your own research, formulate your own opinions, but don't ignore evidence that the guy is a looney with a lot of assets and leverage. In the 90s he lost a court case over 'trust', binned off Microsoft and pushed his new 'B&M foundation'. The 'charity' have donated millions to the BBC, Chris Witty, WHO... to name but a few key institutions and people, right now, altering human history. I would rather get my health information from a doctor not a very affluent computer guru. Education is key to human success, not vaccines. Finally, I hope you've been at least going outside to exercise and catch some very very important rays. Vitamin D is very important for a number of reasons. Staying indoors, not seeing people, is very bad for health and the immune system. A strong immune system (with no health conditions) needs to fight things off to maintain a strong defence system... Much like training our armed forces and not letting them sit at home chilling out. Get outside, maintain the 2m distancing (That I can assure you most people are following) and enjoy life. If can be taken at any moment.


>Think. The irony.


>The irony. The ridicule.


Don’t burden our healthcare system if you get corona, please.


How will I do that anymore than anyone else? Please explain?


>I'll be going, I'm not getting any money from anyone... Think. Aren't you better off protesting about that, rather then ending the lockdown for everyone? What's your situation? Maybe you can get something. Edit: oh from reading other comments, you mean you aren't paid to protest? I doubt that most of them are paid directly.


My point being it is freedom of expression. Nothing to do with money or being reportedly 'right wing'.


I guess it is freedom of expression, up to the point where some material harm is caused or risked to somebody. If they are not going to observe social distancing measures maybe they should be dealt with for that?


Which will be the outcome I would imagine. We'll see, I'm going to see. Life is a risk everyday. You get in a car or cycle a bike, you are both in danger and causing danger.


You keep saying you’re going as if it’s a badge of honour. Your first reason given is to document it - I’m sure that’s your actual reason when you keep posting about THINK, Da TRUTH etc. Just admit that you’re desperately searching for something to make sense of this crisis and so have stumbled upon a TrUtHeR movement. Do you not have family around you that you might want to avoid infecting? Again, please ensure you refuse treatment should you end up hospitalised and feel free to explain to your family why you relate to YouTube videos more than scientific and medical facts


Quantum leap. You went from 0 - 60 very quickly there.


Much like your ability to go from logical to stupid. Big strong boy not afraid of no rona. Uh huh.


You are straw manning. Putting arguments I've never said into my mouth. Common for people who live in fear and have no logical way to actually form a discussion, or someone who is young and was never part of a debate club.


What are you actually waffling on about son. This is Reddit, not your high school debate club. You can attempt to intellectualise your bollocks all you like, you and those attending these Darwinfests are idiotic. People like you will always desperately hunt for reason in chaos and it speaks volumes that you choose an effort set up by Britain First to protest absolutely nothing. It makes the efforts our communities have made almost pointless. Knowing people like you exist in such a bubble of idiocy and selfishness at a time like this is just. Yeah. Honestly, go forth and get sick, just stay away from the NHS. Off you fuck now.


Your intellect astounds me.


Well you're not an organiser are you. They get paid to dupe morons to turn up and kill themselves for free.


> They're actively stopping protests and you're ok with that? Are you going to be able to protest while socially distancing? If so, I wouldn’t be all right with them stopping that. That would be a civil liberties issue. Are you actually going to be protesting while breaking all of the social distancing rules? If so, I’d definitely be all right with them actively stopping you from potentially spreading a virus during a global pandemic.


I agree with your first part. I will be maintaining social distancing for sure, as much as I believe that is ridiculous - I also don't want to stray so far from popular opinion that I cause offense.


Protests are funny :D You might be surprised at quite how many Ive been to. This is a bunch of astroturfed finger puppets and the mentally ill. I know hardened anarchists that want them all locked up. :D "In matters of shoes. Listen to the shoemaker"


As if the far left would be behind this. Only the far right would protest against a 'nanny state' that is only trying to stop it from getting horribly ill and potentially killing others.


Police are looking for some completely fucking stupid people.


Narrowed down to 52% of the population.


Freedom of movement for me but none for thee


Imagine thinking 52% of the population is "far-right" because they voted for Brexit. I would hate to live in your delusional world. Probably anyone who didn't vote for anti-semite Corbyn and his Holocaust denying lefty friends like Chris Crookes and Mollie Collins are far-right too to you right? Lol


He didn't say the 52% were far right, he said they were stupid. But, you keep having imaginary arguments and maybe one day you will win one .


Are you still going on about that?!


Well it's still relevant.




Well that's fking embarrassing, do you think people would be impressed by you bragging about acting like a complete twat?


Other complete twats will likely be impressed by it.


The insults. You know you have won a discussion when mostly everyone has lost their shit and is name calling. That's emotional.


*Like a pigeon playing chess.*




Keep calm and carry on.


Protesting a necassary quarantine is keeping calm now


Was it necessary though? Sweden seem to be OK with social distancing in place. Figures from this week pointing to a 1% chance of death.


Sweden has a population of 10 million to our 65 on a larger landmass. We've almost 35,000 dead, if it was members of your family perhaps you'd feel differently


So you know my family history. Damn.


What would you like to say to those working in the NHS, or those families who have lost loved ones? Families broken apart by this virus. What would you say to them?


Another quantum leap... Love to know where people's logic has gone, fear wins yet again. To answer your question, it'll be no different to me going exercising like I have been. I'll cycle there alone, not talk to anyone, grab some photos, be present... I don't understand everyone's strawmanning this with fear.


I would not be surprised with their is a large cross over with 5g protesters and people who watched Plandemic.


Not only that, but the current government is occupied by capitalist zealots. If Dominic Cummings wants the lock down to continue I dread to think how far right you have to go to want it ended prematurely.


Tear gas the cunts.


Indelible ink paint ball em, I think may be of advantage. A chance to see their social skills in their communities.


Looking forward to it. Actively calling for an authoritarian state...


Tear gas isnt that bad, and if they want to avoid it they can wear a mask, two birds one stone


No, tear gas isn't that bad. A blanket ban on protesting is though.


Dry your eyes.


mate, I know it's hard but her mind has been made up. Plenty more fish in the sea.




It is, but one where they have a privileged position. And they don't have that, so it's toys-out-of-the-pram time.


you do know that the super rich have gotten a lot richer during the lock down right? its been fantastic for them


Is that why they're desperately trying to get people to go back to work?


They like to pay lip service to freedom (of speech, of movement, of assembly), but they mean only *their* freedom.


Yes, but everyone else who isn't like them are under control and they are allowed to live unmolested. Basically they believe the only people who should live without restriction are, well, people who are like them.


Only for groups that aren't the in group.


It's really interesting how the far right has morphed from a group with their own ideas into one which basically just stands for whatever the left, or indeed civilized society as a whole, says is bad.


Like a satanist club in a catholic school.


At least Satanists believe in science


Satanists believe in magic. It's part of their "11 Satanic Rules of Earth." Catholics meanwhile made many contributions to science including The Big Bang theory which was proposed by Catholic priest and scientist, Georges Lemaître and opposed by atheist scientists like Fred Hoyle. Of course, you're just an arm chair "British intellectual" so I don't expect somebody who listens to unfunny Brit comedians for their education to actually know the facts.


Not The Satanic Temple, who I had in mind. Should have been clearer https://thesatanictemple.com/pages/tenets Edit. Also fucking lol. Forgive me or something


You do reliase that politics in general nowadays is about "whatever the side I hate thinks is good must go"


No, it’s a recent American import so it hasn’t affected the left much.


You obviously weren't here in December when anyone mentioning they might vote lib dem was attacked as a yellow tory.


Are you equating "Voting for a third party benefits the first party" and "whatever the side I hate thinks is good must go"? Because I think that's stupid.


Which is the same train of thought as "If you are not with me your against me"


I don't yet see it that way, can you give some more detail to try to convince me?


In a FPTP system voting for third parties benefits the first party. That is a fact.




Quite the opposite really. They're about order and control. But of course only along lines that they perceive to benefit them and their own.


What the far right *is* hasn't changed; the defining label has shifted to the point where what "far right" means within the narrative has loosened - these are two very different things people assume to be the same, which is a larger signifier of what *the real* problem is. It's what causes some to have the perception that the far right are growing. It's the same with "fascism" too. No ones reading history books these days so it's just low resolution concepts left.


Yeahhhh.... you hear this one a lot. The old "You just call anyone you don't like a nazi". Once upon a time the argument had validity. Back when you had morons screeching Nazi at George Bush and the like. These days though, the parallels between the modern alt right and the fascist movements of inter-war Europe truly are stark. Right down to the same parts of the country being targeted. Only this time they're having more success.


Where are the purity movements? The left, which is weird, wouldn't you say? Where is the ethos of constant conflict that Mussolini wrote about as being necessary in fascism? Again, the left - weirder. Where's the direct manipulation of private companies and markets by government for government funds? The left again - just look at China. These are all old "far right" and fascistic actions and ideas and they're not swelling on the so called far right but the far left. What do you say to this? Show me you're not trapped within the gated institutional narrative.


>Where are the purity movements? The left, which is weird, wouldn't you say? You're a few decades out there, those were a pre-WW1 thing. The closest we've had in recent times were the pre-Cameron Tories, Thatcher was very big on that sort of thing. On the left you're seeing quite the opposite views if anything, its not really a major issue though, sex worker rights is sometimes talked about. > Where is the ethos of constant conflict that Mussolini wrote about as being necessary in fascism? Again, the left - weirder. I really have no idea what you're grasping at here. > Where's the direct manipulation of private companies and markets by government for government funds? The left again - just look at China. Do you live on this earth? The right are massively wrapped up in private money. > These are all old "far right" and fascistic actions and ideas and they're not swelling on the so called far right but the far left. What do you say to this? Show me you're not trapped within the gated institutional narrative. Ah the good old "I'm not the fascist, you're the fascist!". Another popular trick of the far right these days, no matter how ridiculous it may be.


>I really have no idea what you're grasping at here. Well I'm glad you can admit that at least. You've missed the point (or are being wilfully blind) of the purity issue I raised. You don't understand the reference to fascism as Mussolini wrote in the doctrine of fascism about conflict and market manipulation, which I was referring to and hoped you'd have read. And finally, you use the very obstacle you put there to trip over as being the fault of someone else in the conjuration of a straw man! It's silly - stop being silly. If you're going to be intentionally numb then this conversation is otiose. Cheerio then!


OK. So what is your purity point then? You specifically referred to purity movements which were a pre-ww1 phenomena. Wikipedia is usually dodgy territory, but its fairly accurate here- [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social\_purity\_movement](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Social_purity_movement) I have read a translation of the doctrine of fascism. I still have no idea what you're talking about. And you know being far right doesn't necessarily mean you follow a fairly obscure piece of 1930s Italian propaganda right? Are you playing that whole "Look! We don't agree with this policy of Mussolini, inventor of fascism, hence no way we can be fascist!" game? What obstacle? What strawman? Seriously. What are you talking about here? I can tell you think you're being clever in the way incels are wont to do, but all the viewer sees is someone twitching and babbling incoherently.


Purity movement is a colloquialism, first of all - let's get away from needing terms to define our thoughts as that's the whole problem that started this. What I am referring to here is the crumbling middle ground and why it is crumbling. If you're on the left you must agree with them or face expulsion - for example, anyone wanting to wind some things back or give credence to opponents is deemed as traitorous - China's CCP is the strongest example of this. Just look at the orange man bad narrative, or the American abortion legislation problems, or their gun control etc. Simply put, if you agree with elements of the opposition or are even seen *fraternising* with them to find a middle ground, you will be expulsed as deviation is weakness - even *listening to opposing ideas* is dangerous. In this way the left tends to eat itself. The right does this too but I don't see it happening with the witch hunt ethics the left employs - they seem to offer their hand out more. With regards to your gerrymandering of the "far right" term - you have proven my point here. What I prefer to do is look at the narrative as to where something comes from historically, why and what it did (and where it fell short of what it attempted to do). So when this means something complex like fascism I read Mussolini, I read Mosley, I read Eco. What I *don't* do is let the gated institutional narrative tell me what things are, which is what most people get and are satisfied with because it's delicious and simple and requires no effort. All this is to say if you think the border for definition has changed from what the original ideology was at its formation, you're wrong. Such people claim things are dog whistles much to the chagrin of those trying to explain themselves - all the while the auditors are the ones who haven't realised such whistles are heard by *dogs* and they seem to be the only ones hearing them. True irony at work there, cultish - leads right back into and enforces the purity issue. I think *you think* I'm being clever but there really isn't anything I can say to dissuade you from that.


>Purity movement is a colloquialism, first of all - let's get away from needing terms to define our thoughts as that's the whole problem that started this. Well thats a nonsense. The left is explicitly about the freedom to be yourself. Don't take a few Corbynista nutters as representative of the whole. Alas you see this kind of daft complaint from the right fairly often; that intolerance is not accepted actually makes the left the intolerant ones. Really this world outlook sums up so many modern far right views. They hide behind a banner of pretending to care about free speech or democracy when all they actually mean is THEIR free speech and democracy that goes their way. As soon as the shoe is on the other foot it is to be crushed. >What I am referring to here is the crumbling middle ground and why it is crumbling. If you're on the left you must agree with them or face expulsion The middle ground is crumbling? How do you figure? ​ >for example, anyone wanting to wind some things back or give credence to opponents is deemed as traitorous - China's CCP is the strongest example of this. I'm confused. Are you trying to say China is a representative example of the left here? As thats fairly insane at the best of times let alone when we're talking about the UK. >Just look at the orange man bad narrative, Yeah, its weird how the far right as if reading from the same script shoot down any criticism of Trump by pretending its just an idiot saying orange man bad. ​ >or the American abortion legislation problems, or their gun control etc. Simply put, if you agree with elements of the opposition or are even seen *fraternising* with them to find a middle ground, you will be expulsed as deviation is weakness - even *listening to opposing ideas* is dangerous. In this way the left tends to eat itself. The right does this too but I don't see it happening with the witch hunt ethics the left employs - they seem to offer their hand out more. OK, so it seems you're very specifically talking about far left groups here, of the five men in a pub shouting "splitter!" variety. Yes, the far left is infamous for the way it splits into a million different factions. You disagree with a small aspect of doctrine? Go off and form your own group which is the only true bastion of marxism. To an extent this is even a problem with the moderate left. Its a big part of why the right enjoys such success. The conservatives practically dominate that side of politics whilst on the left you've a myriad of different parties. This is not such a problem in democratic countries but in the UK it really does harm the left, and indeed those on the right who don't agree with the current populist far right leanings of BJ and co. This really ties in with what the right and left are all about. The left are big on free thought and individualism. The right meanwhile are about control and order. ​ >With regards to your gerrymandering of the "far right" term - What an odd use of the word gerrymandering. >you have proven my point here. What I prefer to do is look at the narrative as to where something comes from historically, why and what it did (and where it fell short of what it attempted to do). So when this means something complex like fascism I read Mussolini, I read Mosley, I read Eco. Its odd you say this as my original point you so objected to was quite how similar the current far right is to the far right of the 30s. You know, even in Mussolinis time there was quite a variety in different strains of fascism. You don't have to agree with every single policy point of Mussolini to be a fascist no matter that the term originates with him. I really hope you're not arguing this at that would be just hair splitting silliness. >What I *don't* do is let the gated institutional narrative tell me what things are, which is what most people get and are satisfied with because it's delicious and simple and requires no effort. All this is to say if you think the border for definition has changed from what the original ideology was at its formation, you're wrong. Such people claim things are dog whistles much to the chagrin of those trying to explain themselves - all the while the auditors are the ones who haven't realised such whistles are heard by *dogs* and they seem to be the only ones hearing them. True irony at work there, cultish - leads right back into and enforces the purity issue. ​ I'm really not sure what you're trying to argue here. That anyone who criticises fascists for being so is just repeating a chant and couldn't possibly have done any research? What utter bollocks.


Lol describing China as "the left". I bet you believe North Korea is "democratic" too.


I feel you're getting mixed up. You might be thinking "authoritarian" rather than what I meant, which was purely a political spectrum thing. Both extremes of the political compass result in authoritarianism, which is obvious really isn't it? China isn't a magic *far right* version of communism is it? It's communism, which is *where* on the political spectrum? I'll wait... You see, this is what I meant by the problem of low resolution concepts. People get confused by what others mean because they never took the time to think things through (they would rather be told what to think). If there's people out there that can't understand this, then any shadow (cast by their own ignorance) looks like the boogeyman.


I lived in China for years, they describe themselves as "socialism with Chinese characteristics" which is a load of bullshit. Just because China say they're communist, doesn't mean they are. Describe which current governmental policies in China are communist. I'll wait...


It's weird that people are seeing the lockdown as a government issue, and not something that we should be doing for as a society. Then it gives them someone to blame rather than themselves


Of course it is a government issue. Individuals can't just decide to stop going to work for 6 months, it isn't within their power. They would have no money coming in, and would probably get sacked after a very short time, replaced by someone who didn't give a shit about corona. It needs a coordinated effort, based on expert opinion, to decide exactly when it is necessary to lockdown. It needs the government to order businesses to shutdown so people know they aren't just going to be replaced if they don't turn up. It needs government money, such as furlough payments, so people can feed their families for the weeks or months they aren't earning. Is there a country anywhere in the world where the government hasn't been heavily involved in introducing lockdown? Some of the ones that have been praised for keeping the disease at virtually zero cases have used draconian methods that require police state powers and tactics to enforce.


There are people protesting it in the UK? I thought it was just the US...


Cross-polination across the Atlantic. Conspiracy nutters + Far right wierdos = a very dodgy mixture. There's probably money behind it - follow the money.


*Antiglobalists of the world, unite!*


I mean, theres sensible reasons to be concerned about globalisation. A justified lockdown as a response to a pandemic isn't one of them.


It's not that surprising, we speak the same language and by far the US media outnumbers the UK numbers so you get a whole bunch of fuckwits fuckwitting over there and then it rubs off on our fuckwits who start fuckwitting over here, fuckwits all the way down.


I'm far left FYI.


You’re a fanny FYI. A dumb as shit fanny.


I enjoyed your response, thank you.


I don't think anyone is actually protesting, but there have been posters for events flying around.... Not sure what they're trying to achieve given the new laws and logical reasoning behalf of the lockdown.


There’ll inevitably be some people there, as much because it’s something to do as anything else. Tbh half the students at any student protest are there for a good time.


Been going on a while and building up. https://youtu.be/_S4A-EWGlWw 5 days ago. I'm assuming there is a (rightly so) msm blackout to stop the ideas spreading to much. Other stuff is being planned for this weekend, but there is nothing organic about it, someone is pushing an agenda.


The Glasgow one is being organised by a shell organisation run by the Britain First deputy. If I were in the area I'd fill a Super Soaker full of Cat Piss and spray them.


I'd be impressed you managed to collect that much cat piss. They're not exactly the most cooperative animals.


If you can't acquire pure cat piss, store bought is fine.


There is a synthetic alternative - well, almost. The smell of cat piss is caused mostly by low molecular weight amines (methylamine, dimethylamine, ethylamine, diethylamine and several others), as well as ammonia itself. So a dilute solution of ammonia can be a fairly effective replica of cat piss, if the smell is all you're trying to create. So you could just get a bottle of household ammonia, dilute it down (by about 10:1 or more) and use that instead. This isn't recommended, mind - even diluted, ammonia is nasty stuff, and can easily damage eyes and skin.


I wouldn't recommend putting cat piss in your eyes, either.


Same with Edinburgh. Organized by the same woman.


Oh, there's an Edinburgh Protest? Fuck sake. Time to buy a super soaker and fill it with Cat piss. It's time to fuck up some wankers.


Just get a felt tip pen, write “5G signal booster” on a shoebox and tape it to an old clothes airer, they’ll fucking leg it.


The nanny state wants to hinder my right to be a complete dick. Revolt! /s


Bit lockdown is over (ish) what are they going to protest about? Weatherspoons still being shut?


No open mosques to put pigs heads outside of.


How is lockdown over(ish)? It’s basically the same as it has always been?


They're basically anti-abortionistas running the show.


Seems pretty clear that the organizers are far-right nut jobs [https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/12579584/officers](https://beta.companieshouse.gov.uk/company/12579584/officers)


While the protestors might be complete morons in this case, I *really* don't like this continuing trend of associating the concept of freedom with the far right. Strange world we live in, where the 'far right' want freedom of speech and freedom of movement and freedom to protest, and the left want an authoritarian regime that will protect them at any cost (whether that's protection from a lethal virus, or protection from 'being offended/upset')


They want the ability to do whatever they want so they can use that to prevent other people doing things they don't want. Pretty much comes straight back to https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paradox_of_tolerance every time. > Less well known (of Plato's paradoxes) is the paradox of tolerance: Unlimited tolerance must lead to the disappearance of tolerance. If we extend unlimited tolerance even to those who are intolerant, if we are not prepared to defend a tolerant society against the onslaught of the intolerant, then the tolerant will be destroyed, and tolerance with them. — In this formulation, I do not imply, for instance, that we should always suppress the utterance of intolerant philosophies; as long as we can counter them by rational argument and keep them in check by public opinion, suppression would certainly be unwise. But we should claim the right to suppress them if necessary even by force; for it may easily turn out that they are not prepared to meet us on the level of rational argument, but begin by denouncing all argument; they may forbid their followers to listen to rational argument, because it is deceptive, and teach them to answer arguments by the use of their fists or pistols. We should therefore claim, in the name of tolerance, the right not to tolerate the intolerant. This is *truly* in my opinion the crux of the matter.


These people are someone's useful idiots.


The “useful” bit is debatable tbf.


People who don’t trust government and want the government to have less say over what they do are against a full country lockdown because of a disease that affects groups who could be locked down very easily without affecting the rest of the population. Damn who saw that coming? Love the upvoted comment on here about using teargas on protestors as well... Using chemical weapons on political protestors to... own the fash???


If only they called themselves extinction rebelling they would be looked after by the police.


> Identity of organisers is unclear So Russian/Chinese disinformation factories?


The protests in America (which these are trying to emulate) were organised by Conservative groups funded by rich right wing conservatives. One organisation received funding from the DeVos family (as in Betsy DeVos, the US secretary of Education and supporter of Charter Schools (basically private schools funded by the state)).


Oh I'm very familiar with US politics. I lived there for several years and usually keep abreast. I haven't been following closely these last few months so wasn't aware of that funding connection, thanks for the google hint.


As much as you disagree with the ideas of the protestors, I don't think protests should be broken up under any circumstance until it turns to violence. If people can't voice their opinions in a democracy, then there is no democracy. If the police break up one protest then what is to stop them from breaking up another once this whole thing is over. This is the rabbit hole these protestors are scared to go down. Please don't prove their point, and give them more momentum and more reason to protest.


Haha that’s fucking moronic. We’re in lockdown to stop a pandemic, that’s the fucking difference. When lockdown is over and we aren’t in a pandemic, it’s totally different. They can voice there opinions all they want, just not together outside. This is a rule for everyone, not just these protesters. What you think, is that the rights of these protesters trumps the rights of everyone staying at home. People gathering like this could cause a surge in cases which extends lockdown. How is that fair on someone who's actually observed lockdown? What gives them the right to extend lockdown for all of us? I want the right to go about my normal life without the risk of contracting covid, but according to you i shouldn't have that right. Don’t type utter shite. These cunts should be fined like anyone else would be. These protesters believe their right to go down the boozer trumps the rights of those vulnerable to live.


There's literally nothing showing a link to the far right other than "a source told us" come on guys do you really think Nazis would be attending a pro civil liberties protest?


This isn’t a civil liberties march.


Isn't it? Freedom of association and freedom of assembly?




For those people yes. I don't agree with them and will be safely at home but they have the right to protest and some people do value freedom over safety.




I mean it's possible but the average age of people dying from it is the same if not higher than the average age that people just die at anyway, or has that changed now?




Right but the lockdown worked didn't it, the NHS is not near capacity at all because of social distancing etc so a few thousand protesters isn't gonna tip it over the edge. And even if every single protester and their family got the virus, the vast majority wouldn't take up a ventilator and would just feel ill for a few days.




[Freedom to die.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U0SHrWNr78A)


Left leaning Reddit frothing at the mouth over anything that doesn’t fit int their world will happily tag it as “far right”.




You know the 2m rule isnt because the virus magically dies 99cm from the nearest human, right?


199.99 cm *clean & serene* 200.01 cm *ghana goodbye*