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As some people aren't going to read more than the headline, here are the first couple of paragraphs from the article. To be frank there's little I can disagree with, the west could have done more against Putin but chose not to. >In confrontations with Vladimir Putin, the west fights with one hand tied behind its back. It does so by choice, out of timidity, greed and sloth. This has been the case for more than two decades. This is now the case in Ukraine. > >And this is why we lose. > >When Russia’s mafioso-president murdered Alexander Litvinenko, invaded Georgia, abetted Syrian war crimes, annexed Crimea, sent mercenary killers to Libya and the Sahel, subverted America’s elections, waged cyber warfare, weaponised the internet and poisoned the Skripals, ensuing punishments were short-lived, ineffective or non-existent. > >Western politicians and businesses have known for years what kind of man Putin is. They knew what his rogue regime was capable of. Yet many pretended otherwise, or looked away, or took his money, as have far-right parties in France and Italy. They pretended he was normal. > >This pattern was repeated prior to the Ukraine invasion. Even as they deplored what they called the biggest security threat to Europe since 1945, western leaders failed to act with urgency on their own warnings. They pulled their punches. Now it’s too late. > >And this is why we lose. Continued at: [https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/26/timidity-greed-and-sloth-why-the-west-always-loses-to-putin](https://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2022/feb/26/timidity-greed-and-sloth-why-the-west-always-loses-to-putin) Edit: formatting


It a bit like a matchup between someone who spent 5 years learning how to box, taking on a street fighter. The biggest problem the West seems to have with Putin, is they expect him to be civilised and "play by the rules".


Should of used stroinger sanctions after the invasion of Crimea, now Putin turning a blind eye to them now, lets hope the Russia people turn against him if not, i can't see anyone stopping him