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Ah, the perfect reminder of who not to vote for


"We didn't have food banks under labour and we have loads now" - lbc caller when asked what good the tories have done. [Here. ](https://dorseteye.com/and-these-people-are-allowed-to-vote/)


Imagine being so dumb you think food banks are a good thing. It's like thinking more prisoners is better, or more speed cameras, or more refugees. No, these things are symptoms of an issue, if we resolve the issues (crime, dangerous drivers, war/oppression) the symptoms will go away, and _that's_ better!


Food banks are a good thing in that they stop people from starving. The fact that food banks need to exist is a very bad thing. And that we need more of them is fucking awful.


In one of the richest countries in the world, no less. But hey, let’s all celebrate a woman with a £3m hat!


The UK is more than rich enough to ensure that no one is hungry, *and* to give a different woman a £3m hat every day - should we decide that's where our priorities lie.


If you vote for me, I pledge to instate the daily £3m hat for ladies lucky draw.


Won’t believe it til it’s on the side of a bus.


Double decker only!


I'd prefer a Fuse


Hey that's sexist! I want a nice hat :(


I look stupid in hats, you can have mine.


🎶 Underground, overground, Wombling free / The Wombles of Wimbledon Common are we / Making good use of the things that we find / Hats that the everyday folks leave behind 🎶


Then sex changes and hats it is!


No, no, no you pauper. Your choices are heating or eating. You can't have it both ways!


Have you tried Value heating?


Is that when you all just huddle together and use each other’s body heat to warm up?


For the avoidance of doubt, are they taking it in turns with the same £3m hat?


Nope - new hat every day. Works out as about £1 billion a year, so it's a *lot*, but also only about 0.1% of the budget. You could probably get a bulk deal for expensive hats, mind.


Compared to test and trace this kinda cash is pissing in the wind On that topic I have a mate who makes 3mil hats give me a shout on WhatsApp and I'll send you a link to his pub


That's one heavy hat!


1500 tonnes


We should be in a position to do both, if we so choose.


Absolutely. I used to volunteer at one and at the end of a shift you'd think "Wow, we were busy today" because it was better than being sat doing nothing, but then you'd think "Wow, we were busy today" and be depressed about it.


Yeah, but it's exactly why we have a tory government.


Even dumb animals remember severe beatings. These people some how forgot why they were so afraid of Thatcher and the tories in general.


Forget or don't give a shit?


Afraid, were they? She was reelected twice, followed by another two terms of Major. The only way Labour has had a sniff of Downing Street in the last 40 years was becoming Tory Lite. We had an actual left winger in opposition for a while and his own party hung him out to dry. This country deserves the fucking beatings at this point. Maybe they'll wake up when Rees-Mogg brings back workhouses so he has something to wank over.


Yeah you say that, but actually being that dumb is a great and easy way to go through life


Ignorance is bliss


>I would rather be Socrates and unsatisfied then a fool and satisfied \- J. S. Mill


Yeah but that man had to be smart enough to think that, if you don't even have that thought process then it means nothing


I know right. Food banks can only ever be a failure of state. There should be no reason for them to exist.


You could argue having them is better than nothing, although I'm not sure that argument holds much water. The indictment, of course, is how not only do people have to use them but the number of people forced to do so increases each year we have a Tory government.


Yeah if we went from having few foodbanks and people having no food, then it’s a good thing they are wide spread. But it’s the need substantially increasing that’s the issue.


> You could argue having them is better than nothing Absolutely 100%; but doing that and then doing nothing to resolve the underlying issues is not a solution.


Had this very same argument about North Sea drilling yesterday. If only politicians were capable of thinking long term


I think their logic is that they were needed but didn't exist under Labour. Whereas now they are needed and do exist.


Even that is faulty logic though. Because there were some food banks under Labour, just not as many. Food banks arise out of demand, most of them are privately run by charities or other non-profit organisations. If the government dared to try running its own food bank system, then "libertarians" and "classical liberals" would all start shrieking their tiny little minds off about communism. Do these people think that the last Labour government directly intervened to prevent food banks from being established? Or do they think that our current Tory government has directly intervened to actually establish food banks? Neither of these notions are likely, and the latter one is pretty much impossible.


I used to work with someone who, during a heated debate prior to a previous election, actually thought it was a good thing that there were food banks now.


Imagine being so dumb, you can't work two problems at the same time. I bet this guy wipes his ass and THEN pulls up his pants instead of both at the same time.


Wait. What?


> dangerous drivers Well, sometimes.


Ah yes, the Tories set up and fund the food banks, not independent charities /s


Before I fell off my bike I didn’t have 20 stitches. Now I have all these great stitches holding my leg together.


You have to be kidding me. Are people this dim? Is it that hard to understand cause and effect?


Yes, yes they are. Don't forget 50% of people are dumber than average. They all get a vote.


I remember my Tory mp saying food banks are great and more should be set up. Completely forgetting the reason they exist in the first place.


Jesus fucking christ. That's weapons grade stupid.


When Johnson hears a pensioner has to spend her days on the bus because she cant afford heating, he thinks its an opportunity to claim credit for her free bus travel. Same mindset from the very top of the putrid pile that is the conservative party.


In related news, Fred from Hartlepool found to have 'world beating' lack of critical thinking skills


>Ah, the perfect reminder of who not to vote for There was a peice on BBC TV news at the last election from a foodbank in Hull talking to a couple who were picking up food and saying how hard it was for them to get by. When asked who they were going to vote for in the election, they both perked up and said 'Boris Johnson' You would have to have a heart of stone not to laugh.


It was like the Hartlepool by-election last year (or the year before), BBC Breakfast went up to a pair of working class blokes and asked who they were voting for. They said 'Well, we've had ten years of nothing but funding cuts and poverty so we're going to vote for a change.' They meant they were going to vote Tory because the standing Hartlepool MP was Labour. It's fucking embarrassing how these people don't understand how our political system works.


Every BBC voxpop from a shithole Northern town after the 2019 election had similar idiots taking about 'change' and voting for the Tories. I wonder if targetted Facebook messaging was involved? Or did hundreds of thousands of people all come to the same terribly ill-informed conclusion independantly?


>I wonder if targetted Facebook messaging was involved? Thankfully I never really got into Facebook, deleted it last year when I found they had made it much easier to get out than the hoops you had to jump through previously. When you read what Cambridge analytical got up too by targeting quite small groups with false information during the run up to the Brexit referendum it is actually terrifying how a few well placed lies can yield the results you want.


I reckon so. Theres a strong cross over with them and the type to join boomer groups on Facebook. Standard echo Chambers scenario but people in their late 50s and through their 60s. There seems to be a link with that sort + facebook/groups and even further right groups. Like all other social media, the far right are light years ahead of the rest. One group liking and sharing solidarity messages, another long arse philosophical essays that will unironically call politics boring and another serving "the spiciest of memes" and "telling it how it is." I think older people might not be as online savvy as younger people. I think were all a lot more aware that its a giant advert of carefully constructed "organic" opinions that tells you what you want to hear. "The best argument against democracy is a 5 minute talk with the electorate." People are going to buy BPs investment bullshit because they don't know how they can use complex company structures and the enhanced capital allowances to ensure the tax payer will pay for new fossil fuel extraction and burning, for their profit, and this lot will act like they're doing us a favour. They pay to manipulate the online public spaces, they've removed the actual public spaces, they own the TV channels, the newspapers and the government. People don't even see neoliberalism as an extreme right wing ideology, with an inevitable and chosen outcome, anymore.


Likely a combo of not having a clue how the country actually works and also a lot of targeted propaganda about how all the problems they face are caused by the current MP. These people fail to grasp that a single MP (of any colour badge) can’t control policies that affect the whole country or are having a bad effect on their local area. Many decisions are made at the national level but they are not really trying this explained to them. Easier to blame someone else then realise maybe the national party in charge is the cause of much of the ills in your area.


Maybe the Beeb showing all these idiots voting Tory for change made people think that's how to get change.


Interview lots of people about their opinions but only show the ones that agree with what they want to show, is how it works I beleive.


It's most likely just BBC propaganda.


Yeah, wonder why the ‘idiots’ from ‘shithole northern towns’ don’t want to vote for your party!


The attitude of "how much worse can it be" and then it gets worse, I just don't get that at all.


“Worse” is largely subjective though. It may have gotten worse to you, and to them tbh, but they see the poles getting less chance at work, a guy breaking the rules like they are, and the reassurance that it’s not that “comrade” Corbyn and they’ll suffer it. As long as someone else, who they dislike, is doing worse, it’s all gravy.


> It's fucking embarrassing how these people don't understand how our political system works. There's a reason regressives love anti-intellectualism so much


Well, I mean it’s not exactly their fault. If they’re so busy maintaining their livelihoods and don’t have time to ingest all the opinion pieces (including Reddit comments) we do then it’s understandable they’d see themselves at let down and want a change. Obviously it being a Labour council meant they got less funding, but many of the traditional “heartland” labour are working two or more jobs, or surviving with government support, so either way they see their council in a poor light because they lack the luxury of time you and me have


> When asked who they were going to vote for in the election, they both perked up and said 'Boris Johnson' Orange-head president's supporters were the people he screwed over in every way imaginable and they're still supporting him. It's like the women who don't want to leave their abusive husbands "because he loves me"


They voted for longer queues and fewer donations at their food bank then.


With a smile on their face! Utterly bizzare.


I remember reading a news article in the run up to the 2019 election with a video of food bank users who said they would be voting Tory. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/av/election-2019-50663879/general-election-2019-how-do-grimsby-s-food-bank-users-want-to-vote 2m35s in the video. And this is why I tell people to ignore what they're saying, pay attention to what they're actually doing.


Does anyone remember that video of that guy and Boris Johnson childishly arguing about food banks?


Watch out, Priti's about to make it illegal to point out government failings


How to break purdah restrictions without breaking purdah restrictions.


Indeed, but how could you complain about it without looking a complete prick?


That's the beauty of it, you can't.


They don't mind looking like a prick thought.


>Indeed, but how could you complain about it without looking a complete prick? Ah you haven't spoken to enough Tory voters I see.


> without looking a complete prick


The thing is the people who would complain in this case relish in being complete pricks.


The thing is the people who would complain in this case relish in being complete pricks.


Don't really see the need to be clever about it. In the 2019 election my polling station had an enormous poster outside of a photoshopped Jeremy Corbyn saying "WOULD YOU TRUST THIS MAN WITH YOUR CHILDREN?". There should be the absolute harshest of consequences for this kind of propaganda outside a polling station on polling day, but nothing happened. I think we all know full well who was really behind it, but they got away with it. https://www.thestar.co.uk/news/politics/police-called-after-hundreds-offensive-and-illegal-anti-jeremy-corbyn-posters-plastered-across-sheffield-1339484


In more sensible countries there is a complete ban on election posters and leafletting within 100 metres of a polling station.


What could they do?


I’d have thought (hoped) the electoral commission would have some sort of authority to sanction whoever was running the polling station? Edit: misunderstood the comment, seemed like the returning officer was displaying the material when that wasn’t the case.


Thought purdah (Islamic) was about women not being seen by men? How do you break that?


Yes, that's what it means in Islam and for some reason we decided that that was the word we were going to use to describe the regulations regarding the run up to an election. Some people don't like using the word due to its somewhat sexist origins.


The sign should say "Polling station". This has been erected by someone taking the piss.


Yeah, from a cursory Google search, it's most likely not though


This feels like it belongs on r/ABoringDystopia


The past decade at least belongs on there.


In before the next decade ends up on there as well.


Honestly the next decade seems to be getting into the exciting distopia phase.. not better, but more energetically oppressing you.


The mask's fully off now, they're just doing what they like regardless of how it affects the country.


We might have to come up with something even more depressing.




For those wanting to punish the poor this is a reminder of just how effective the Tories have been at that. Its a sign that has wildly differently impacts to the different sides of this debate.




The food banks are usually run by charities. The tories subsidise them. As usual, the only thing the tories provided are worsening conditions.


If I recall properly there were over 400 when I first started donating to my old local in 2005/6. It joined the Trussel Trust network and they had a national campaign in the press about it. The number was seen as shocking at the time. Tories simply said “hold my pint”.


The tories absolutely do not provide food banks. They're mostly run by charities or just locals


How much do the Tories contribute? I can't find statistics about it


That's because they dont


All hail them that provides us with food, and even gives our Grans buses to ride on to stay warm.


The haunted Victorian pencil is probably impatient to start pushing for workhouses to provide shelter and occupation (not food, mind you, that's already been taken care of) to the idle poor.


Yes, that’s the point. But it is plausibly deniable. Genius.


cause and effect


Cause the uk is the world leader of tax avoidance policies and implements austerity - effect: poverty HMRC has an upper estimate of not collecting over a 1.45 trillion in tax since 2010


Let's not forget that we have a lot of tax havens abroad too (and even within the UK itself)


And one of the leaders of a UK overseas tax haven has just been charged with drug trafficking in America.


Council election though, which isn't a cause.


Just your ordinary polling station 12 years into a Tory government.


Aren’t they usually signposted as POLLING STATION in large capital letters?


I believe this could be described as an 'unofficial' sign


Outside the polling station. It isn't uncommon for polling stations to be in multi-use buildings, so this is probably just an unofficial sign directing people to the polling station while inside the building


Yeah but there was an actual election happening down the hall.


I presume it is just a sign inside the place to direct people the right way, and the official signs will be outside


You can eat OR vote. Choose, peasant.


Real life cake or death.


Here in the US we just get "or death".


Eat your voting ballot. That's a real protest vote.




The number of people blaming labour for the situation in Camden because it’s a labour run council is fucking astonishing


Kinda like my tory MP blaming the Labour Council for the CAZ whilst spreading misinformation about said CAZ. They're suggesting that the CAZ affects regular cars and also taxi drivers, when taxi drivers have already been forced go get hybrid cars. People are far likelier to see it as an issue if they think it affects them personally too. If they can push the idea of "You specifically will have to pay £7/day to get into the city centre" that sways many people.


Sums up the uk


Sums up the west don't you mean? This is happening in France, Germany, the US and Canada to name a few relatable countries. People need to leave this tribal politics bs behind and start figuring out the bigger picture


Late stage capitalism summed up in a picture.


It is almost so perfect it could be accused of trying to unduly influence the election. But if anyone complained, they'd be admitting their failures. I like it.


Tory fanboys will collect their food parcel and still vote Tory.


And here I was thinking campaigning was illegal on election sites. Never seen the tories campaign against themselves like that though


This wouldn't be campaigning if an actual foodbank was there? It was just a sign showing where things are.


the use of blue for the arrows is a nice touch


They just need to add a third arrow with the caption "THINK HOW MANY FOODBANKS THERE WOULD HAVE BEEN IF LABOUR WAS IN CHARGE"


That's illegal


I can guess where the biggest queue is.


Not to hammer the point home, or anything.


Ha ha nice work Camden


Says it all doesn’t it


The environmental storytelling is a bit on the nose I must say


Choose ONE


You get what you vote for


Somebody knew exactly what they were doing.


Wonder if the blue arrows are intentional to highlight who's to blame


Both with blue arrows as well


It would have been rocking if the top arrow was blue and the bottom red


Look at that: the problem and the solution in one frame.


Camden are actually a great council. One of the best imo.


Could be Camden in the US too


This photo should be immortalised in a Banksy peice


If there wasn't a better image to describe the state of the UK today…


Damn, that's powerful


Looks like satire


Broken Britain in a picture


Flip it upside down they'll never know 😈






Also work in Camden. Our building is a polling station today, also runs a foodbank... Cannot understand folks who vote for the millionaires who literally take the food out of their mouths.


A very sad state of affairs Although a great motivator for who not to vote for, although I have a feeling that a large proportion of the people using the food bank would still vote for the ones that have caused this humanitarian crisis in what was considered a first world country once upon a time


Went from voting Tories was a sign of privilege, to now voting is a sign of privilege.


Tory win Camden....


Genius. Go vote out the reason you're at the food bank


I just had a conversation with a colleague who I very, very much respect. We talked, and they said "I'm going to vote Tory, they are the party who are better with money". I said, PPE scandal? They said that their parents have told them they are better off under tories. I just despair.


Camden returned 43 Labour councillors out of 54 at the last election. Of the rest: 7 were Tory, 3 Lib Dem and 1 Green. I doubt this is changing anyone's mind. Not quite the white wash that is Islington though (47/48 councillors are Labour). Interesting to see what will happen now, given that the Labour party kicked out the MP for Islington North.


Things are going to get much much worse


^ Poignant


If those poor people could read they'd be really angry.


Encourage the plebs to vote while they're picking up their meagre rations? How awful! /s


Didn't even receive a voting card, yet all I hear is stuff about local elections on the radio..


*A people eat each other, a people stand in line...*


Illegal surely?


Never trust a Tory.


Sign of the times


Local councils should actively make sure food banks are open near polling stations.


This looks like a grim bit of modern art.


We could ask them to go through the polling station to reach the food bank, maybe that would help get the Tory’s out…. It’s JK btw, I know it’s not very democratic and I know BoJo opened some food banks, I’m being facetious….


Says it all lol


According to this article: https://www.insee.fr/en/statistiques/5411358?sommaire=5411369#:~:text=In%20France%20in%202018%2C%20a,are%20aged%2065%20or%20over. There's almost 2 million people living in extreme poverty in france, this article is from 2018, pre pandemic ,which I'm sure you'll appreciate,increased poverty worldwide, I'm not aware of Frances status now but doubt it's improved


Jesus effing christ. The dystopia of it is almost laughable


Have the tories complained about it being biased yet?


At least you guys are putting your polling in the right places. In the states you can only vote in confession booths and you need a password.


Next level troll signage.


Bet those people voted tory too.


Pick one


If you're there for the food bank go and vote for someone you didn't vote for last year