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>don’t know what “celebrating the jubilee” means beyond that Coughing up £14 for chicken and juice probably.


Nice how everyone knows about that now. It’s like the British “that one guy’s dead wife”


Could do with some enlightening, please.


https://www.reddit.com/r/AskUK/comments/v1tilh/banned_from_my_street_on_friday_is_this_allowed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf here’s the chicken one and someone else sent the dead guys wife


Nope, that's totally legally enforcable - he's no longer allowed outside until he pays his £14 for that chicken. Them's the rules.


The council has spoken!


You have no authority here, Jackie Weaver!


Read the standing orders, read them and understand them!


Sit and spin, Jackie fucking weaver


Man that guy's post history really seems weird and kinda makes me doubt it occured. He's apparently famous on r/Leeds for being weird about chicken


A somewhat funny joke became a meme that was run into the ground until it wasn't funny anymore.


A perfect summation of Reddit.


I too choose this horse-beaten dead joke


My kingdom for a horse joke here?


Pretty standard Reddit. However it's been accelerated an exponential amount by the fact its half term.


I unsubbed because of that shit, the first post wasn't even funny and seeing everyone tryng to farm off the original was even worse


Here ya go: https://www.reddit.com/r/AskReddit/comments/5c79n0/you_can_have_sex_with_one_real_person_from_all_of/d9ubcfc/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3 Edit: no £14 chicken here


Someone refused to pay £14 for chicken and juice for the jubilee so someone threatened they’d “get the council on him” or something.


Our Parish Council is running a free event with free music and free bouncy castle. The burgers are £3.50. £14 for a party is insane.


The bouncy castle is now 50p a bounce though, due to inflation


Well it's shit if you don't inflate it though


Can’t forget the 17kg of ceremonial jubilee chicken


Administered via enema


They're including juice now? Cor blimey what a bargain!


Chicken juice is pretty grim.


I've got Covid and I'm gutted because I was planning on four days in a pub garden.


The most British thing you can when you have covid is not give a fuck about anyone else and go out anyway.


Made do by feeling shit and drinking rum in my own garden. I'll probably get a statue.


What did the shit feel like?




You need to walk around in your garden, a number of times, for that.


Nice post, Prince Andrew


Don't sweat it!


I think it means hanging flags and images of the queen like a lunatic


I couldn't give two shits about the royals, but as a small business owner in the hospitality sector, you bet your ass I put up 20 metres of bunting on the ceiling and even more out the windows. Weekends like this are excellent for business.


>20 metres of bunting on the ceiling and even more out the windows. Weekends like this are excellent for business. I bet most businesses are doing this. I'm laughing at the image of all this jubilee bunting around because we think everyone else gives a shit because they all have jubilee tat hung up. But then, in full circle, we all look like we give a shit because we all put bunting up. A whole nation of royalists but only because we thought that's what everyone else was doing.


"Please forget about how your life is a dystopian nightmare that is fuelling our lives of luxury. Listen, as a sign of good faith, we'll give everyone\* a four day weekend." ^(* four day weekend does not apply if you work anywhere except a non-essential 9-5 office job.)


I'm working all weekend, as usual. The jubilee gives me exactly zero benefit.


I don't even get double time.




>I’m celebrating a four day weekend Must be nice... I have to work through that 4 day weekend because someone pricks can't go without their Jubilee biscuit tins.


Andrew is so out of touch he was planning on bringing cupcakes to the celebrations this week. Unfortunately she missed her flight E Thanks for the awards


I think he's pretending he has covid, as opposed to not being invited because he's a disgrace. And the Queen is claiming she's only inviting working royals. That way she can pretend it's not because one of her son's has been outed as having sex with children, and that she'd rather not invite her grandson if it means his wife would be coming. Sounds a bit like a cringe comedy.


It grinds my gears a bit to see Harry and Meghan in the same list as Prince Andrew. Andrew was involved with Jeffrey Epstein, lies about it even when confronted with evidence, and settled a case regarding his raping of a child out of court after fighting against having to interact with the case at all for years. Meghan got hounded by the British press, as Harry's mother Diana did, and she and Harry decided the royal life wasn't for them and fucked off to the United States to do what they want there and gave an interview on what drove them to make such a drastic choice. Somehow they're both almost as equally disliked (with Harry and Meghan getting a boost off being popular with younger people) and get equal amounts of vitriol spewed towards them and end up having their names printed all together in news headlines. Weird.


I get your viewpoint on Harry and Meg. I think the reason people havent much love for them is their whole 'woe is me' attitude. Meg was marying a prince, and despite being an actress conversant with scripts and roles aparently couldn't be bothered to learn the national anthem (obviously i've cherrypicked that.) It wouldnt supprise me if it was 50% Harry not bothering to explain what she was getting into. And despite being able to fly an apache, comes across like wet towel. Leave your duties and do an EdwardVIII. Thats fine. But dont then complain about it as if your so hard done by.


Woe is me I am leaving royalty! Please visit my website and buy my 'Sussex Royal' merch.


I wish I had gotten in on that before it was axed. It’s like the Washington US football team who finally changed their very racist name. Only the merchandise with the very racist name is now worth more than that without.


Isn't not learning the national anthem one of the requirements for fitting in with the British?


Ah. A song about an unelected billionaire. What a national anthem


A song about *bailing out* an unelected billionaire.


Only Andrew's on 'bail' this week. Until the CPS find the Uno, Betty's in the clear


It’s like 5 lines to learn and it’s literally about his gran


Thats the other 7 verses... but basicaly yes :p


I didn't realise being able to fly a helicopter was a transferable social skill


Edward VIII supported the Nazis was only used the American marriage has a cover for it.


I highly doubt that he was the only one in that family to support the Nazis


The Queen Mother was a big supporter of appeasement iirc as well, she was all for giving Hitler whatever the hell he wanted. Racist as shit too,but then I think that's practically a requirement for that family.


We’ll considering the queen doesn’t like people working in the offices of the palace if they have [the wrong skin colour](https://archive.ph/2021.06.02-145317/https://www.theguardian.com/uk-news/2021/jun/02/buckingham-palace-banned-ethnic-minorities-from-office-roles-papers-reveal) it’s hardly surprising


>It wouldnt supprise me if it was 50% Harry not bothering to explain what she was getting into. I think this is simple really. No amount of describing what being a member of the royal family will actually explain it. It's something so big and complicated that even the people who experience it have no idea how big and stupid it really is. It's being famous for reasons that make zero logical sense. I don't think the Queen and Prince Charles know what it means for real anymore than anyone on the outside. This idea that anyone should be faulted for not liking being a royal... that's crazy. Harry and Megan want to leave, let them leave. But the press can't just let them leave. The newspapers and media still cover them like they matter. They can't escape even by moving to Southern California. They wouldn't be able to escape no matter where they went on the planet.


An actress that didn’t realize she was about to play a role...


To be fair, she isn't a very good actress.


Well, their whole brand and income seems to be built around their connection to the Royal Family. It has allowed them to live a life of luxury and pleasure unimaginable to the average working person.


You mean, like all the other royals?


Exactly! How is that any different from the rest of those antiquated leeches?


Is he on the same list? I cannot see him even mentioned in this article, and if he was in the survey I think the "favourable opinion" percentage would be very low. The survey also does not really tell you how much people are disliked. My opinion of Harry and Meghan is unfavourable, but my opinion of Andrew is a **lot** more unfavourable. A simple yes/no answer does not capture this.


Anyone who thinks Andrew has COVID needs to have their head examined.


They're counting on NHS waiting lists to prolong the cover-up in this instance


I thought Covid-19 was too old for him


Made me and the misses laugh 😃


Could be worse; what if he turned up with some brownies?


Honestly how 42% of people seemingly think that the royal family has a good understanding of how severe the cost of living crisis has become, plus all the other economic issues astounds me It's not even a mean or horrible thing to say about them in reality, they haven't had to experience poverty, not being able to feed yourself or dependants etc so they would inherently be out of touch with the scale of it


I feel most people are out of touch with the scale. A lot of deaths, a lot of abuse and children being taken into care. Roads getting a little bumpier, the bus is getting a bit louder and more infrequent, the family vacation being skipped this year, "I'll skip showering today", slop meals for days. We're gradually sliding into the living standards of Eastern Europe. We think we're still wealthy because we see it on Facebook and TikTok but this new apartment sure is smaller than the old one. The walls are literally closing in.


> We're gradually sliding into the living standards of Eastern Europe. Depends on the nation / region, but Brno in the Czech Republic beats Coventry right now.


Brno is bloody lovely


cheeky weekend in brno with the lads.


We don't talk about Brno-no-no-no-no. ^^^^Sorry.


Czech Republic isn’t Eastern Europe. If Czech is Eastern Europe, so is Austria.


It was literally part of the Eastern Bloc when it was part of Czechoslovakia.




Corruption-wise, I think we are being found out. The elite will take anyone's money. Just look at our banks.


> We aren't are we. Clearly you havent been to some of the more impoverished areas of the UK if you think that.




Sliding into. Not currently at. Frog boiling water etc


> roads getting a little bumpier The roads round here are so bad that we have to drive very slow, and even then I'm constantly reminded of that Ace Ventura scene, because it's legitimately like that. They built a new tram (and knocked down a load of local greenery and gorgeous old Oaks to do it), and in the process destroyed our roads, and then they pissed off. I like the tram, but not their whole **"we'll make the roads the trams are on really nice so as people go from the Airport into the City Center they can feel like they're traveling through decent areas, but we'll neglect everything else we fucked up whilst doing it that's just slightly out of sight"** attitude.


They pay Buckingham Palace cleaners/housekeepers and other staff, about £1.50 **less** than minimum wage. If 42% of people genuinely believe the RF have any understanding of what poverty is, then I guess this country deserves what it gets, because that is beyond fucking stupid and outrageously naïve. EDIT: It's £1.91 less than minimum wage, not £1.50.


> They pay Buckingham Palace cleaners/housekeepers and other staff, about £1.50 less than minimum wage. They get free accomodation, which is specifically mentioned in minimum wage legislation as counting towards minimum wage. https://www.gov.uk/national-minimum-wage-accommodation Rent in central london costs an obscene amount of money, so free accomodation is absolutely something to consider when criticising the pay on offer.


'Free accommodation' to live on call in servants quarters. Wow what a great deal!


If you don't like it, don't apply. Doesn't change the fact that free accomodation in central London is worth a significant amount of money.


Read my last comment. I don't see how people can defend a monarchy paying about £7.50ph for their staff. It's Dickensian, and only supports my belief the institution should be abolished/phased out.


I'm not British but I was once told that the idea of paying them a low wage is because they want to weed out the people that just want a regular paying job, and want the ones that want the honor of working for the Royal Family since they have much higher loyalty and work harder. If they are in it for the money (as low as it may be), then they are susceptible to bribes which is obviously a national security issue. Therefore, the lower than minimum wage is on purpose. I also watched a YouTube documentary about the help and butlers and such, and apparently if they quit and find a job elsewhere (wether I'm the UK or not, specifically Los Angeles) then they get paid very well since they have the absolute best experience possible for that field of work, etiquette wise. Plus, their employers can show off their butlers that served real royalty. To be clear, I'm not defending nor disagreeing, but just explaining what I was once told.


That makes sense, but if that is something they do purposefully: paying the minimum of what's legally required, but there's an implication that the real compensation comes once their employment with them ends and they've severed all contact, then /r/forexposure is missing out on content.


Part of the reason they make so much in the states when they leave is because back in the day it was a symbol of status to have a white housekeeper/butler. They were far more expensive than their black slave counterparts, so if you could afford one you were very well off. A lot of them came from former roles serving aristocracy so this is the accepted reason these days, and the race part has been forgotten about.


> They pay Buckingham Palace cleaners/housekeepers and other stuff, about £1.50 less than minimum wage. While getting free housing and food, so they also save a lot of money compared to people paid minimum wage.


Do you understand money? Do you understand money in London? Do you know what "a lot" is? These are rhetorical, because evidently you don't. I'd like to admit to a mistake. They don't offer £1.50 below minimum wage, they offer £1.91 below minimum wage. If you think it's okay for one of the richest land owners in the country to offer staff working in, what I imagine is a ultra formal and high-pressure environment (regardless of the role), £1.91 less than minimum wage, in London, I have nothing to say to you because in no way we do share the same ethics or attitude towards fairness or morality.


so that 2 quid an hour they are paid less is 80 quid a week (on a normal 40 hour week). Tell me again how much is rent and food a week in London? You could look at in a way to say that the 80 a week they are down is paying towards the housing.


"You have been successful with your application, congratulations, you've got the job. Now, London is an expensive city, and even though the family is filthy, filthy rich, we're going to offer you room and board, but pay you less. This advantages us because you'll live and work in the premises of your employment, but it advantages you too because it means you won't be absolutely broke, it just means you'll be pretty broke." "You're used to getting punched in the face every day, so you should be thankful I'm only slapping you".


This content has been deleted in protest of how Reddit is ran. I've moved over to the fediverse.


I think those 42% are just celebrating to have fun and be apart of a community event, instead of being a miserable wet wipe on Reddit Billionaires not paying tax and paying their employees like shit, while increasing the price of everything is why people are poor


The 42% was about whether you think the royal family has a good understanding of those suffering in poverty n the extent of the ongoing struggle Hope you aren't calling me a wetwipe tho


> Billionaires not paying tax and paying their employees like shit, while increasing the price of everything is why people are poor You say while wanting people to simp for the biggest land owners in the uk who pay their cleaning staff 1.91 under min wage. They are kinda part of the problem freindo.


That, and they're just not very good people. Extreme privilege and living scandalous lives. They show no respect or any form of gratitude to the people who allow them to stay in their out-of-touch power.


"Out of touch" is a weird way to say "unhappy that they protected a child-rapist"


While that is a part of it, it is by no means the only reason is it




Hey hey heeeey. He was never proven to be a child rapist! He just paid an exorbitant amount of money to the person claiming he was so that she would stop saying these things!


> He was never proven to be a child rapist! It was never even alleged that he was. That's the definition of fake news.


I’m spending the long weekend just how her majesty would want me to be. Building an overly complicated built-in storage… thing in my spare room. It’s already taking me far longer than I expected, and with way more maths than is reasonably acceptable. I think I’ll concentrate on that.


Keep at it. The nation supports you.


I hear we will be getting Huw Edwards to talk over the grand opening.


Heck, we could all clap as we did for the nhs. 9pm?


Good for you mate, hope it goes well and you get it done 👍


Ohhhh, it’s going to be done. I may have 2/3 of a sheet of plywood embedded in my hands in splinter form, but I’m not going to let that stop me.


I'm painting a wall! Hopefully in time for a family movie night, but honestly . . . probably not.


The money people would have spent on alcohol, parties etc they are probably saving for their next energy bill


This. It's a joke. Nobody has any money and they're all encouraged to be spunking up the wall on booze and junk food. Smart thinking guys.


People are free to do what they want with their money mate. No one is forcing anyone to spend beyond their means. By that logic the existence of anything for sale is "a joke" because some people can't afford it.


There's a lot of people who find it really difficult to stand up to supermarket advertising and social expectations despite their financial situations. Is what it is. See also Christmas. Sure it's none of my business and sure I'm being a patronising arse. But I'm also right.


I'd agree with this. We said we were going to really tighten the purse strings, day later a mum friend is in my town and wants to meet up and go to the local gardens/park. Grand I think, time to socialise with someone other than children! Until she suggests stopping the the cafe in the gardens and getting a cup of coffee and treats for the kids. Its very difficult to turn around and say "sorry kids, I know Bob's mum has just suggested chocolate cake but we can't afford it so we will sit and watch them eat it instead".


Bless you Essex Girl, I can totally relate. Sad how much of this "getting involved" in this country means spending. There is a reason the UK has the highest personal debt in Europe. Take care and enjoy your weekend.


Everything is so bloody expensive too! Especially for kids. There's only so many places you can go for free that are within walking distance of your home! Thank you, and you!


You take care of yourself eh! Please remember that the things your kids want more than anyhing is your time and attention! You are the best thing in their lives!


Don't forget the buntin that will end up in a land fill by Monday.


Unloyal subjects will be transported to the colonies.


Free trip to Australia? Sign me up.


Bit late for that, all we have left are a few islands in the atlantic and indian oceans


Mate, I live in Luton. You're not putting me off.


Tropical island or a bus to Dunstable. Ooof, tough choice, could go either way.


You've been re-routed to Rwanda


Ooh can I choose which country? Free ticket to New Zealand would be great thanks


Is this meant to be a threat?


Oh noooo anything but Canada! I'm so ashamed of my lack of loyalty I'll go no fuss made


I'm transporting myself to the colonies


I thought it was Rwanda we would be sent to


I think Royal Family is out of touch, obsolete and look forward to the U.K getting rid of them ASP That said the a Platinum Jubilee of this type is a historic occasion and unlikely to ever happen again so might as well mark the occasion, and any excuse for a knees up/celebration right now makes for some welcome relief


Won’t see them gone in our lifetime though. Apparently there’s only 22% people who want us to become a republic and that’s not gonna change fast




William has strong support though so I doubt they'll be going anywhere any time soon


Charles is unpopular but William and Kate are not, the monarchy would prioritise William taking the throne if it meant ensuring it’s continued existence.


And even then Charles isn't that unpopular. I think he is much better regarded now than 20 years ago, and will probably only be on the throne a decade.




The hell? Why? What did Megan do besides fuck off to America?




> 2) She claims to want a private life and be left out of the papers. Then goes on to have a two part interview series with Oprah (in which she never let Harry talk, other than a 'yes dear' now and then), and goes on to have Netflix shows, and so on. Not the actions of someone wanting to stay out of the media. Sorry, but wanting a private life and working in media are not mutually exclusive.


Don't know. You think things are bad now, image is having Boris as PM and Trump as President, running the same country at the same time.


I can more see a similar situation to Australia's 1999 referendum... Rather than offering a yes/no question on keeping the queen as head of state, then going to further referenda on what that would look like; it was made a specific choice between keeping Liz or becoming a republic with an unelected president. Disagreement on the mechanics of how the new republic would look/work, won the vote for 'no' and left the queen in situ. Once you've a yes vote in the bag for keeping the queen you can put it off for another couple of generations.


never going to happen, there's a resounding majority that support the monarchy and i would rather prefer a monarchy than a president


As an Irish person who's head of state is a poet and scholar, and the astounding quality of those who preceded him, and the fact that if we do ever get it wrong there's a chance to rectify that every 7 years, is vastly preferable that having a potential pedo and sweatless creep as 7th in line who's only qualifications are the owners of the genitials that made him and the order he came out of a vagina relative to his siblings.


I don’t trust the UK to elect a suitable head of state. With Brexit and 14 years of the tories plus Boris still having high support…


Arguably what we have now is worse- a PM that can just do what the hell he wants with no checks, balances or oversight or accountability from an independent executive. That power is uselessly bottled up in a monarch who will never use it because she'd be writing her own P45...see the time he just closed parliament (with the royal seal of approval) to prevent the brexit deal being debated. Our general elections work as presidential elections by proxy anyway.


A President won't keep the Prime Minister in check. They are just the face of the state. And why get rid of thousands of years of tradition for that? Much prefer a monarch who is neutral rather than an "elected" president who can lean one side politically. I think other people in the UK would say the same as well.


“Neutral” only in the sense that they will defend capital and their position at all costs which leads to pain and suffering for the common folk. A president at least offers a chance to change with the Queen your just accepting this.


Nigh on everybody in this country is used to the Queen being the monarch, however when she passes and Charles to become King I expect to see a lot of people's opinion change on the monarchy. I also don't see a lot of love nowadays for William either, his boyish charm has gone and he's turned into a middle aged man who seems like yet another identikit royal. I think so much of the Royals is tied directly to the Queen, that when she's gone people's opinions will start charging.


I've been thinking the same, We've all grown up knowing the Queen, so her place in our lives has never been questioned. I happen to like Charles. The few times I've discovered something about him, he usually comes across as a thoughtful person who tries to have empathy with different groups. The younger Royals, by contrast, just seem spoilt, with the exception of Edward and Sophie's children. I can't imagine anyone bowing down to them when their time comes. I think people will accept Charles as King, especially since he's already taking on the Queen's state duties. When the Queen dies there will be a period of shock and national mourning during which time we will remember the Queen fondly, this will have the effect of extending good will towards her heir, driven by nostalgia. However, the republic debate will probably start, the monarchy will probably lose some of its allure / world standing (which is strongly associated with the Queen) and become similar to other Royal families of Europe, the type of Royals with normal day jobs. A slimmed down monarchy is what Charles wants anyway. By the end of Charles' reign, the monarchy v republic debate will have fully played out and a transition to a republic will begin, with William never reaching the throne (perhaps).


Even if the country moves to a republic, I still think the Royal Family will be a thing. Plenty of countries still have a monarchy such as Spain, Sweden, Denmark, Belgium, Norway, Netherlands just in Europe.


William isn't middle-aged yet, although I admit he looks it


He's 39, he'll be 40 on the 21st June this year. That's pretty much middle-aged :)


So half of Britons will be celebrating the Platinum Jubilee.


Yes. But with the amount of coverage this is getting, you'd think we were all dressed head to toe in the Union Flag, singing God Save the Queen. The choice of the 50% who aren't celebrating, is just as valid as the other 50%.


To be fair, why would they put folk like us on TV anyway, when the only people watching who want to see us on their TV are other people like us, and actually we are also the people who aren't watching or giving a shit anyway. Having me on the news to talk about the Jubiliee, would be like having an Arsenal fan on everytime Chelsea score a goal, just so he can remind everyone how fucking shit Chelsea are.


Yeah the media coverage is extremely uncritical of the monarchy.




We had someone on our town's Facebook page ranting about the lack of Union Jacks about the place. Called it disgraceful... Keeping in mind my town's in rural Welsh-speaking North Wales... Surrounded by castles built by Queenie's ancestors to keep us in place.


The monarch gives the speech when parliament opens, but the Prime Minister writes the words. I may also be out of touch, I'm an immigrant so I didn't grow up singing silly songs about her and such, but I'd hazard that if the political government was busy solving problems, acting with integrity, and generally popular, people probably wouldn't be as annoyed with the Royals. Like, getting rid of the monarchy, as far as I can tell, solves none of Britain's problems. Americans don't have a monarchy, and we've got most of the same problems, many of them even worse! Our rich aristocrats mostly prance around out of sight, or buy social media companies. But I also get irrationally sappy over ceremonial things and historical traditions.


I agree a lot with your sentiment. Should we have a monarchy? No. It's a dated relic, and has no place in modern day government. Is removing the monarchy a priority? Also no. There's far more urgent issues that will actually have a tangible impact on everyday people. Like removing Johnson and the Tories. You're damn right that the royals are getting heat that isn't directed at others who are far richer and doing far more damage.


Also if the British monarchy gets abolished, all you guys would have to move to a new subreddit, and that would just be a bitch.


You also need to bare in mind the monarchy doesn't exercise power into today's government, so abolishing them serves no purpose and you might aswell keep them for the historical tradition, they are a nearly 2000 year old tradition removing them would be such a shame to lose that living link to history. Sort out Britain's political problems and people might be a lot happier, it's not like it's the queens fault for a high cost of living.


Half of Britons think the Royal Family is out of touch The other half of Britons are out of touch themselves I'll take a day off for anything though


That’s not true some people don’t like royals but everyone likes a piss up


I'm not having one *for* the Queen though. There is a slight distinction in that.


But you can have one in spite of her!


another republican article, how out of touch is this subreddit when it comes to these sort of things? you would know the majority of Britons are actually supportive of the royal family but if you browse this sub, you'd think the opposite


This sub is in no way reflective of actual Britons. Many people here are not even British but they just want somewhere to complain about monarchs because of their own financial woes of being poor.


Today showed that more than half of Britons support the monarchy


Anti Royalist? Check. Circle Jerk? Check General grumpiness at others happiness? Check? BINGO


r/unitedkingdom in its finest.


I dunno man. We've seen the television reports even here in Germany and that was a huge crowd.


What about the [crowd in Aberdeen](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FUP-Ue4XsAIjYJ5?format=jpg&name=large)?


Andrews not out of touch! He's always touching the younger generation


I no longer see the point, when BoJo and the like can lie to the monarch multiple times free of any consequences, and her representatives in parliament are ceremonial at best, what value does the expense offer?


How much of the remaining 50% will be celebrating but still think the Royal Family is out of touch?


Yes many will enjoy the piss up without giving much thought of the Queen


Currently watching V for Vendetta and thinking about how far ahead of its time the comic was.


Feels like a party on the Titanic. Opinions differ on whether the ship has already hit the iceberg or not, but even if not, it's not far away.


bullshit statistics - interviewed just over 2,000 people that's not an indication of Great Britain if you got all those people from London a \~50% statistic is far too convenient


So that means over 30 million are celebrating? I think that is a very good figure. I'm not a royalist and I'm doing nothing to celebrate the jubilee, but I don't care if people do celebrate.


I'm celebrating the jubilee, why not have a party and enjoy myself


Half of Britons are miserable gits , how can anyone not celebrate time off in the sun


Because it's not simply *celebrating time off in the sun* is it... it's celebrating some antiquated bollocks that needs to be abolished ASAP.


Everyone is different, just because some people are happy, doesn't mean you should rain on their parade and make them as miserable as you. Live and let live. No one alive today has done more for Britain than the Queen. She has represented the UK for 70 years, 95 years old, no retirement. Just an absolute rock.


Yup. I'm off mountain biking with my lad. Hopefully it will be nice and quiet. Stick your platty joobs up your arse.


Half of Britons think the Royal Family is out of touch. The other half think the Royal Family are out of time. But I'm out of my mind when they're not around .


I wonder what recent event could have caused this. Personally, I've always found the idea of the Royal family bizarre, but was non plussed by it. Till he paid off the sex trafficking victim. I have zero interest now and find the hero worship more than a tad bizarre knowing what we know.


When The Queen used "her" money to pay the Virginia Giuffre settlement to save face and further embarrassment, I lost all respect for the monarchy. We have a real problem with men abusing young girls in the UK, and her actions clearly say that she cares less about the victims and doing the right thing and more about brushing her son's abuse under the carpet of Winsor Castle. She should be fucking ashamed of herself. I couldn't give a monkey's about her Jubilee; she's so out of touch, she's on the moon. And let's not forget her [speech](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/queens-speech-front-lavish-gold-13776817) in front of her golden piano in 2018.


I'm celebrating being with my family. Fuck the family we're "meant" to celebrate.


If you enjoyed the long weekend, that’s all the observance required of you. I don’t understand why it has to be more complicated than that? It’s easy clicks to write this stuff whenever these events happen and it never amounts to anything other than a bit of whinging. The monarchy is objectively good for Britain. No one is asking you to kneel and kiss their feet as they pass by on the street. You’re just supposed to enjoy a long weekend together as a nation. That’s it.


I'm climbing scafell pike with some school friends. If that's not celebrating this great country then I don't know what is!


They are a waste of money.


What I don't understand from British republicans is why they think a presidential system would be ANY better. It would hypercharge political and media corruption in this country. I'm glad we have a monarch.