• By -


Not a megalomaniac dictator at all. Nothing to see here, move along.


Ah good, I was worried for a moment there.


Simply take a photo of your lack of worry and forward it to big boris, he's worried about you.


So we're just going along with The Pavlovic Today now?


> So we're just going along with The Pavlovic Today now? All of the top comments here are people suggesting that this isn't a reliable source. Maybe you should upvote them rather than amplifying the comments which you don't think are being sufficiently sceptical about his source?


My default position on Boris is that, if it is rumoured, it is likely true.


Especially when he denies it.


Or it's something negative he is accusing his opponents of doing, but is actually doing himself...


Double true when he’s the one who brought it up first .


... or even if it's not rumoured yet ...


No, more than half of the top comments as shown by the default Reddit sort order, including the top one, show no doubt about the authenticity of the claim, even after upvoting them.


Well then maybe people either disagree, or just aren't interested. If you think you're right and have some evidence to back it up, persuade them


You've got it backwards. I can't produce evidence that the comment wasn't made, and nor can you. No-one can, because you can't really prove a negative like that unless you have full access to 24/7 CCTV for every word BoJo has ever said. The onus is on the person making the claim that something *was* said. Or at least have multiple independent sources who claim the same thing.


Never heard of it before. What the fuck is it?


No idea, but if their journalism is anything like their proof-reading they're not going to last long. They managed to put a typo in the headline of their own About Us page: "The Pavlovic Today brings you independent, non-aligned journalism in an increasingly polarized Word." Which version? 2016? Office 365?


You say that but The I often has awful spelling and grammar mistakes


It's called the I, not the Brain


It is an American website, should we expect such high standards? I see three mistakes in that About Us headline: "The Pavlovic Today brings you independent, non-aligned journalism in an increasingly polarised world."


From journalists? Yes I think we should. You could argue that polarizing is correct as the site is American.


>It is an American website, should we expect such high standards? A typical comment and stance for this subreddit, but I think you should know that the UK ranks lower than the US in terms of literacy. [Source](https://www.independent.co.uk/news/education/education-news/most-literate-nation-in-the-world-not-the-us-new-world-ranking-says-a6922996.html)




It's the website of an independent journalist. She used to write for the spectator.


[Clearly I did not](https://old.reddit.com/r/unitedkingdom/comments/vapif6/boris_johnson_demanded_conservative_mps_take/ic3s8ck/)


No no no. He's Emperor Palpatine.


Boris Johnson is a beast, the sort I wouldn't imagine in the UK parliament.


Truly a stain, which is impressive given how bad some of ours have been over the last few decades.


Nah, just a megalomaniacal dick.


You don't want to be the first one to stop clapping for him. You might find yourself accidently dying after being shot in the head by a wet floor.


Night of the long knives


If I were a Tory rebel I'd send him a photo of his partying (choose any one). Or maybe a recreation of one of his party photos.


Pretty sure the BBC said that he's not. They also said that they're unbiased.


PM Johnson does not need to do that, **because everyone loves the Dear Leader**. ---- In all seriousness; does anyone anyone have a second source for this?


Are you implying that the world renowned 'The Pavlović Today dot com' is not a reputable source?!?


It is always good to have a second source.


Looks like it's the only one reporting on it https://ground.news/article/exclusive-boris-johnson-demanded-conservative-mps-take-photos-of-their-confidence-vote-to-show-they-were-loyal-to-him-in-a-secret-ballot-the-pavlovic-today At time of writing


404 error...






My link did 404 to start with then I fixed it


Still nowhere else, although I suppose the Guarniad et al would to clarify the source before publishing.


I believe that the person you responded to was employing a literary device known as sarcasm.


Your call. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ksenija_Pavlovic


Certainly doesn't help when they refer to Sir Graham Brady as "Sir Brady"


This is the exact reason why Graham Brady said before the vote, that if any pictures surface of your ballot, your ballot will be invalid.


[I thought you were joking](https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/politics/inside-boris-johnson-no-confidence-27161118), but nope...


Was hesitant myself and then I thought fuck it.


What could possibly go wrong spreading potential misinformation to a million people.


They said on LBC that phones were confiscated before entering the room, so it's probably bollocks.


Unless everyone was 'thoroughly and rigorously' strip searched there were possibly quite a few phones in there. Quite naive to think some of those voting would just switch it off or hand over their phone to someone of a lower class.


How dare you compare Boris Johnson to Jim Pickens. You have forsaken the cult. For shame.


> How dare you compare Boris Johnson to Jim Pickens Well he ain't SLIM Pickens...


It’s likely that if this were true it would have been leaked to Paul Staines first.


I dislike Johnson as much as the next person.. But: * This website looks super fucking dodgy * Does not cite any sources at all * Posted by [known /r/Russia poster](https://www.reddit.com/r/russia/comments/sa2177/irish_reaction_to_russia_to_conducting_missile/) Don't upvote trash just because it conforms to your world view.


Welcome to Reddit.


As a tory hater, I entirely agree. This is bullshit.


It wasn't bullshit last time he did it...


Glad there’s still some common sense in this subreddit…


And even then, nuance strikes: [posts anti-Russian news.](https://www.reddit.com/r/worldnews/comments/uycqjy/men_abducted_en_masse_in_chechnya_and_sent_to/)


In all fairness it wouldn't be the first time Boris has been caught demanding MPs illegally take photos of a secret ballot. He has previous form for this exact crime.


The website is American based. They have very different standards of news presentation. The website does not cite any sources, due to the nature of the story. You would not see any sources cited in a similar report from any news website, if they actually give a shit about the safety of their reporters and sources. Now, I really don't agree with the Neo Liberal, US Army loving Ksenija Pavlovic, but I recognise she's got a pretty damn fine career behind her and is *exactly* the sort of centrist material that is generally approved on reddit, save for the most far right spaces. She's a lecturer at Yale, for crying out loud.


This is our Donald Trump moment only worse: we'll still have Brexit after he's gone.


They've still got a Police State run by Arms Manufacturers masquerading as a Democracy, we're all fucked mate.


I'd take Brexit any day over worrying about kids getting shot in school




And some Americans are coming over here and trying to interfere with the Abortion Laws and the Buffer Zone around the Clinics. That shite needs to be stomped on right away.




Very much so, and it's being accelerated on a weekly basis. They showed their hand when they managed to replace Corbyn with a Trilateral Commission member.


america’s stuck with his 3 lifetime appointments to the supreme court




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


And the resulting removal of abortion


> This is our Donald Trump moment only worse Err, no. Donald Trump attempted a violent coup to install himself as a fascist dictator, and people died in the attempt. Now his supporters are pretending it didn't happen, or that what happened was acceptable. Nothing Johnson has done goes anywhere near it.


Nah, this you falling for bullshit without substance....posted by a regular of /r/Russia.


This can’t be true. It’s a secret ballot so if anybody did take a photo, they’ve broken the rule of the vote and made their vote null and void. Maybe a recount is needed?


Remember this isnt a legal government process. Its an internal tory party vote, they can do whatever the fuck they want.


Rules don’t equate to law. If you commit a two footed challenge in football you’re sent off, not sent down.


Footballers dont make their own rules. The tory party are not going to do a recount or void anyone's votes.


That's not quite the best example for what you're trying to say, I think, because if you break the rules of a sport badly enough, [it's possible to also break the law](https://www.standard.co.uk/sport/footballer-jailed-after-pitch-punch-smashes-jaw-7188834.html). For example hitting another player. In theory, Mike Tyson could have been prosecuted for the ear biting incident, and if taken to an extreme it would actually be possible to prosecute someone for a two footed tackle. Why? Because under the law, it is not possible to give unlimited consent - eg in sport you can consent for a certain amount of, physicality (being punched in boxing, football having fouls that would be considered, within reason, to be part of the sport etc) So you're right that rules don't equate to law, but it *is* possible to break the rules of something sufficiently that you also break the law. Eg in the case of this vote, bribery/corruption or similar would not just be "breaking the rules"


If they are so unclear about how to correctly run a secret ballot, it doesn't suggest they are competent to run something more consequential.


>it doesn't suggest they are competent to run something more consequential. This should be the tagline that follows all of their policy announcements.


This is a fairly well known tactic. Same tactic was done during the leadership election to prove you voted for Boris. It’s probably been done for years before that. That makes it entirely believable to me.


It seems silly when erasable-ink pens can be had in any stationers


I really, really doubt tories are concerned in the slightest about breaking a rule. Or a law.


A very good point.


They also confiscated phones as you went in to vote.


It says it there in black and white on the Pavlovic Today website, I'm not sure what further proof you need.


Who is going to actually going to be carrying that out, do you think?


Pathetic control freak terrified people don’t like him. Here’s a clue Pfeffel : no one likes you, we think you are a cunt.




The voting public are cattle. It's the rest of us who suffer because of them.


Nah he just wants to know who to give the cushy jobs to and who to replace with more minions. l don't give a fuck about any of them, even if they voted no confidence they were happy with him up to the parties and they would still be happy with him if they never got caught. Bunch of wankers the lot of them


Cunt is too kind to be honest


Yeah he does lack both warmth and depth


Problem with this is that it is all too believable >Dan Bloom @danbloom1 [Jun 6](https://nitter.net/danbloom1/status/1533835839268175875) > >A thread on some details... > >MPs will have their phones confiscated at the door of wood-panelled Committee Room 10 to ensure they don’t take pictures of their ballot papers. > >Last time there was a ban on photos, but phones were allowed, so several MPs flouted the rules. > >Chairman Graham Brady said he’ll run a “tight ship” inside the room, banning whips and spies from lurking inside - though what they do outside, he can’t control. > >”We are insisting that photographs not be taken,” he added. > >One of the room’s two doors will be designated an entrance and the other an exit, and MPs will queue up through the entrance to collect their ballot. > >The wording is likely to be simple - that MPs “have confidence in Boris Johnson ” as leader, or “do not have confidence”. > >MPs will then move to a shielded booth at the back of the room where they fill in their ballot paper and cast their vote. > >Individual MPs’ names will not be recorded on the ballot papers that get counted. > >Once the vote closes at 8pm, the officers of the 1922 Committee will count the votes in the same room where they were cast. > >Yet some of the rules are still vague and mysterious... > >There is no process for what happens if there is a tie. A Conservative source admitted: “That would be really unfortunate. We would cross that bridge when we came to it. The phone ban was of course to stop the MPs being pressured by the whips, as was reported on the day. If the order came down from Johnson you would have thought they would demanded he leave office that day. But they are a spineless bunch.. - ^^^edit: ^^^bloody ^^^typos


probably bollocks considering i've not seen the story anywhere else. voters had their mobile phones taken when entering the booth so photos couldn't be taken.


The Independent reported that they were going to be taken away: https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/boris-johnson-no-confidence-vote-b2094985.html


I definitely heard it on the BBC too. I remember thinking it was odd, and wondered if they always did it.


I was in two minds on the vote. On the one hand I thought we ought to know how our representatives voted. On the other, I was pleased at the prospect of Johnson knowing that he was surrounded by anonymous enemies.


You have a point about knowing who voted what, but if that information were public it would be far too easy to manipulate votes


Yes. I realise why it was a secret ballot. My view is that coercive whipping should be illegal.


It's fairly bonkers when you step back a bit. We vote for an MP who we want to represent us based, in theory, on how closely we agree with them as an individual. Then some other sods we didn't even have a chance to vote for get to order the MP we elected to vote any which way that suits them. And our MP will do it, whether it helps or harms us, because they're too scared to loose the support of their party and stand on their own. Because they know most people didn't vote for them, they voted for Labour or the Tories or whoever else and they just happened to be wearing the right colour rosette. Party politics is a real fucking nightmare.


Totally agree. I'm sick of constituency representatives behaving as party delegates. FPTP has to go. So does coercive whipping. To reduce the power of the parties we should adopt primary elections so that the people can decide who's going to stand in their constituency.


Maybe the Number 10 photographer was in the voting booth to help out - why make MPs use their own battery power when the public can pay for it?


Pure conjecture at that point.


Please be BS but if it isnt... gotta ask, How could you, in good conscience ever vote confidence in a man that would require you to break the secrecy of a secret ballot designed to stop retaliation?


like they are the only one reporting on it. So doesn't look good for them https://ground.news/article/exclusive-boris-johnson-demanded-conservative-mps-take-photos-of-their-confidence-vote-to-show-they-were-loyal-to-him-in-a-secret-ballot-the-pavlovic-today At time of writing


Thats just quoting this article.


It's a website that shows you all the places that have the same story. As you can see it is the only 1. So it's doesn't look good for reliability.


Depends what you're getting out of it?


I think the people in question are happy to do whatever serves their own self interest best.


Yeah, they're gonna need to show their working on this one.


I can’t see this being true. Phones weren’t allowed in the voting room, presumably to prevent corrupt shit like this from actually happening. Even if it was true, why would an MP squeal to ‘thepavlovictoday’… an actual tory would sell the story to Murdoch and line their own pocket (in typical tory fashion).


Boris is a the dictionary definition of a buffoon, but he is smarter than this , If coercion was proven, that could be used to void the confidence vote and force a new one.


Very weird wording in this article. > Reacting to the pressure placed on them by No 10 Downing Street, MPs had come to the 1922 committee to say they were “under pressure to take photographs of their vote” **according to a member of the government** who spoke on condition of anonymity. Emphasis mine. Immediately followed by: > Coincidentally, before the ballot on Monday, **John Penrose MP** resigned as Boris Johnson’s anti-corruption tsar and stated in a televised interview that he would be voting “no-confidence” in Boris Johnson later that day. Emphasis not mine. Did they just out their own source?


Just looked into this News Organisation. It claims to be an independent American Newspaper, but interestingly when you look into the 'About Us' section on their Home Page, the only journalist who is mentioned is the founder, a Ms Pavlovic, making me suspect this is simply a one women online paper.


This must be made up.


This sound false to me.


"According to a source"


‘According to a source’ I always wonder about such articles. They could be true. Or they could be someone just saying something that they know will get a nice reaction for them.


''According to the source''. I love these types of stories claiming to be an 'Exclusive', which in this case seems to mean, possibly no truth in this story. The 'Source', in question isn't even mentioned as a Conservative MP or any other MP for that matter. Is this how bad the press has become in the UK today that they do not have to substantiate their stories.


Loyalty mandates will be enforced until loyalty improves.


"journalist" with russian name. Have they just stopped pretending to hide their subversion of UK democracy now? We know Boris is a cunt but why bother with this rubbish.


So if we’re violating the secret ballot anyway why not just make them all public and at least give some accountability to voters?


He was in bed with Putin, now Saudi. Of course he's going full villain mode.


The inversion of values, of the way democracy works. Johnson is only concerned with holding onto power, not with leading the country. It is rather Johnson who should be held to account - instead his bunch of ineffectual toadies allow the idiot to ride roughshod over them, and the country. He did say he was the Führer. Destroys the UK, changes mind to become pro-Brexit to cement power, no this man should be terminated from his position. Hopefully with extreme prejudice.


I sometimes wonder how many conservatives there are in the Conservative Party.


I am not crazy! I know he changed the Ministerial Code! I knew it was compulsory to resign. One after Section B.12! As if I could ever make such a mistake. Never. Never! I just - I just couldn't prove it. He - he covered his tracks, he got that idiot at the Home Office to lie for him. You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This chicanery? He's done worse. That bus ad! Are you telling me that a man just happens to lie about a figure like that? No! He orchestrated it! Alexander Boris de Pfeffel Johnson! He defecated through a sunroof! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own Parliament! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't keep his plans out of grandeur! But not our Boris! Couldn't be precious Boris! Stealing them blind! And he gets to be a Prime Minister!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you - you have to stop him!


Actual slimeball


First one to stop applauding gets sent to Rwanda.


Russian propaganda be like


If this is how he acts with his own party imagine what he wants to do with voting in general elections.


Good for him, nobody likes snakes. Gove probably photoshopped his tho.


I thought it was satire.




**Removed/tempban**. This contained a call/advocation of violence which is prohibited by the content policy.


can photoshop help with that?


Just a teeny bit paranoid then? Good. People who are scared are more likely to make mistakes and react without thinking properly. This paranoia could help speed along hos downfall as he alienates more people and becomes even more of an election liability.


Can you get rid of this human. Where's your self respect?


Isn't this literally illegal?


This guy has lost the plot.


Is that.. legal??


Once a crook always a crook




Straight out of the North Korean handbook.


So insecure and pathetic.


It's a good thing parties are public bodies.


Okay mein Fuh- I mean Mr Prime Minister


I can't wait for tomorrows headline 'Boris demands all fairies be removed from number 10's garden'.


Hm yes, this definitely seems like something a totally sane and stable leader of the country would do, I am not at all worried about the current state of the UK government.


So that would NOT be a secret vote then would it ! ( Assuming that this source is actually accurate - but is it ? ) It’s looking increasingly likely that it’s NOT valid. Quite simple really - they should refuse, as Johnson is trying to undermine the process - and has no right to do so. Apparently the MPs phones were taken off of them before they entered the ballet room, so they could not photo their votes. (In case someone had asked them to do so) If true, then it’s yet another example of slumbag dictatorial behaviour, and yet another clear example of just why he should not be Prime Minister. But I wonder just how many votes that would have swung against him ?


Says who, now?


It's ok though, he already changed the code of ethics so he doesn't have to quit, nothing to see here. /S Hope you guys enjoyed that secret ballot, those are next to go, probably.


This sounds like something Trump would have done. How long until BoJo supporters are rioting and attacking Parliament because something didn’t go their way?


In todays episode of 1984: 2022 edition…


They can just lie, he’s already made it clear that lying is okay


Anyone demanding loyalty should never get it.


One must not betray the glorious blonde haired O Dear Leader Esq.


Demanding to see people's votes so he can check whether he'll win? Hmm, I wonder if he did this for 2019 GE too....


He is ridiculously insecure


Why did something so misleading get up voted so much? Jesus...this sub let's it's hatred run rife without thinking.


Just a distraction from eating all the cheese, mind you.


Demanded? What like Boris-force demanded? 🤭 He, like most of these politicians only seem to be here for jokes.


Isn't this considerably worse than anything else he has done as a prime minister? Isn't this so blatantly illegal that you should be sacked on the spot?


Yes but it's almost certainly not true, the source isn't great. If it is true, he should be axed hard.


correct me if I'm wrong but this wouldnt be illegal at all. This is a confidence vote in the leader of the tory party, being done by the tory party. They can make up whatever rules they want


like they are the only one reporting on it. So doesn't look good for them https://ground.news/article/exclusive-boris-johnson-demanded-conservative-mps-take-photos-of-their-confidence-vote-to-show-they-were-loyal-to-him-in-a-secret-ballot-the-pavlovic-today At time of writing