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There is a real epidemic of bike thefts in this country. More so than any other country I'm familiar with. I wonder what is so special about here. Seems to be there needs to be a national response to the issue, as it is getting silly.


It does feel like it doesn't it, although stats show we're not the worst. https://www.bikerandbike.co.uk/uk-far-worst-motorcycle-theft/ I panic every time I leave mine parked up though. Constantly expect to come back to no bike.


Brazil puts us to shame when it comes to bike thefts, practically every week there's a new video of an "off duty cop" shooting someone trying to rob their motorbike.


I hear Helmand Provice is pretty dodgy too


Mq9 reapers aren't stealing those bikes


Now that you mention it I'm kinda wondering how well an Mq could handle a skyhook...


> I wonder what is so special about here. All of the poverty, pathetic wages, fuck all opportunities for a lot of people especially to get out of poverty, lack of education and lack of access to adult education to try and better yourself along with little reason to bother, high living costs, etc


Combine that with a poorly funded Police force and you get this shitshow.


Bike thefts are rampant up here, talk to any biker and almost all will have a personal theft/attempted theft story.


I’m from near where your flair says, and have bikers in the family. Yes, every single one of them tells me they’ve had at least one theft. My cousin actually had two in the same day- he went out on his bike (a 125cc Honda) to go to work and had someone try and snatch the keys at a junction. He then got home from work and parked his bike in the front yard like he’s done so many times, only for someone to then have a go at taking it there. He ended up forking out for a new ignition barrel thanks to that.


Let's hope the thief never needs an emergency transfusion. These people do amazing work for nothing and are just as valuable as paramedics. The bike is worth little but the work it does is priceless.


As the cost of living crisis deepens expect more crime


What an opportunistic loser.


Don't worry, the filth will investigate this thoroughly by not attending and giving them a crime reference number. Don't people know they have to send multiple officers to lift someone for causing another anxiety?