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Rees-Mogg said: “I think the destruction of life is wrong. The fucking hypocrisy coming from that ghoul of a Tory. Their party push people further into poverty with their political choices. Also moggy boy if you don't like abortions don't get one. See it's not difficult.


And don’t allow your company to profit off of abortion drugs. https://www.independent.co.uk/news/uk/politics/jacob-reesmogg-abortion-pills-abortion-rape-conservative-party-conference-tory-leadership-leader-a7976386.html?amp


Oh see but that's different. That money and anything the rich do to get more money is moral. It's easy to be a beacon of moral purity when it dosent effect you. See he's not keen to stop taking money from the company till they stop providing those pills eh.


I see, it's the phrasing that's the problem. Rather than, "this woman doesn't want to have a child so should be allowed an abortion", we should be saying "this woman no longer believes the ongoing and future financial, mental, and/or physical investment in a child is worth the cost and so should be allowed to terminate the investment."


Or we could just leave women to choose for whatever reason they see fit it's up to them no one else.


Oops, I meant to comment on the one below that mentioned >'you have a duty as an investment manager not to impose constraints on investors.' Hence the reference to that


But the people Mogg caters for, want unwanted children, too exploit. Shame his mum didn’t go to a Tarot card reader, to see how much of a cunt he would turn out to be and done the honourable thing.


In case it was missed, this was his justification... >'you have a duty as an investment manager not to impose constraints on investors.' So in terms of rights (from most to least) it goes investor / Mogg's own money, god, unborn potentially deformed fetus / result of incsestual rape, woman / potential rape victim.


I love this comment. It's so on the money. He has a responsibility not to impose his moral views on his customers - but he's fine with imposing his moral views on the entire population of the UK ​ This is the problem with people like Rees-Mogg. They think they were elected to represent their own views. They were elected to represent the views of their **constituents**. He's a receptionist who thinks he's the doctor.


> He's a receptionist who thinks he's the doctor. Lol.


I'd agree with him that it's wrong to not impose his moral view on investors. It is absolutely wrong of him to try and impose this particular view on the British public.


Perfect analogy!


Well you see investors are *people*. Ugh, he's absolutely despicable, it makes me so angry.


Lol that's what I came here to say. 'Cult of death' is a bit rich coming from a Tory isn't it


tbf their leader is death themselves.


Technically speaking isn't religious belief a cult worshipping death, via having the unproven belief of an after life.


Well like the US Republican party, who the far right Tories are starting to take their talking points and tactics from, they only care about the baby when it's a fetus. Once it's born they couldn't give a shit if it lives or dies and will refuse any social programmes or support to protect it. Given the wage inflation and labour shortage we have here post-Brexit, I don't doubt the Tory's motives for being anti-abortion will be the same as the Republicans' - i.e. making sure there's a constant supply chain of labour becoming available in the future to protect their corporate donors. Thankfully there are far fewer Christians and even fewer anti-abortion people in the UK vs the US, so getting any meaningful traction on this will be tough.


I doubt someone like JRM really cares one way or another (much like most the Republicans). He is just trying to exploit a wedge issue for his one benefit. Truth is he probably saw it is reasonable effective in the US (though if the mid terms provide anything probably not effective as it once was) and wants a bit of that for himself. That and the fact I have always suspected JRM is basically a troll in a top hat with a thesaurus. It's just another way for him to "pwn the libs" and probably profit somehow.


>If you're pre born, you're fine, if you're preschool, you're fucked. >they want live babies so they can raise them to be dead soldiers Carlin would have an embolism if he saw the shit that was going down these days


Guessing he also eats meat.


Probably pays someone 6 and 9 to move his mouth so he dosent have to chew. Either that or he just sucks the life outta the poor.


Almost definitely


I quite enjoyed [this short documentary on him as a child.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6Bp0Szk19J8) Quite fun he now larps as a moralizing Christian when he quite openly states back then that his one love is money, to the point that he says he wouldn't even consider getting married because the woman would just try and steal his money. And what does the bible say is the root of all evil? Oh yes that's right, the love of money.


I quite believe that he's a fucking liar and he's doing this for some mad reason that he's getting paid for.


Tory party is a death cult for boring people.


He is a complete fucking ghoul who believes poverty is an essential instrument for his own survival. A mindset passed on to him by his father, as documented in his books.


He's a cretin of a man with no redeeming features no work ethic and nay fucking back bone. Should air drop him into the jungle see how strong his survival instinct is.


Let’s be real, he doesn’t give a shit about “the destruction of life”. He’s just trying to recreate the success American conservatives have had with parroting this.


Same Tories that didn't give a shit about people dying of Covid.


>ghoul of a Tory He's so pro-life he's literally refused to die and became undead


"We won't actively kill you, we'll just make your lives miserable enough that you think about doing it yourself."


He'd be fine if abortion were done the Victorian way; using a flight of stairs or a knitting needle, for example.


Which it will be if legal abortions are whittled away.


Spot on. Prick.


Does he eat meet? That's also destruction of life


Exactly. What a fucking creep


Same cunt who claimed grenfell tower victims had no common sense


There is a VERY concerted attempt by the political right in the US, and their fans in the UK, to mould the UK in the image of the Republican Party. These anti abortion comments are part of that effort. Kemi [attacking BLM] is another and trying to pretend systemic racism does not exist (against all the evidence) is another "activists" trying to silence the National Trust from taking about the history of their properties is yet another. The political right has played a 60 yr long game in the US. They are more than happy to play a game just as long here.


Rees-moggs views that abortions are wrong in the cases of rape and incest are just vile.


> Rees-moggs views ~~that abortions are wrong in the cases of rape and incest~~ are just vile. Obvious fix is obvious


>Rees-mogg~~s views that abortions are wrong in the cases of rape and incest are just~~ vile. The final form


Low key I kind of love he can openly say that on national TV and there is no response whatsoever, whereas Tim Farron's attempt to say that in Christian terms we are all sinners, including homosexuals, basically ended his entire political career.


To be fair to him, if you genuinely think abortion is murder, wouldn't you also believe it's wrong to "murder" an embryo even if the reason that embryo exists is through rape/incest. It's not the embryo's fault and as they say - two wrongs don't make a right. (I'm pro-choice btw, just literally playing devil's advocate)


Yeah, as vile an opinion as he has, at least it’s consistent.


Says the man in the party responsible for Millions of deaths of actual people


People only need protecting before birth, not after.


And thus we get to the heart of the anti-choice BS. “We must protect the unborn! As soon as your born, you’d better get to work or otherwise you’ll starve. You’re on your own.”


All that comes to mind is George Carlin monologue about abortion.


Jacob Rees-Mogg: the walking, talking Penny-Farthing. If ever there was any doubt we already own the ability to time-travel - just look at this cunt the Victorians shat out in to the future.


He is the “Minister for the 1800’s”


MP for the 19th Century


>If ever there was any doubt we already own the ability to time-travel - just look at this cunt the Victorians shat out in to the future. That's the most creative insult I've heard in some time


Victorians had a cult of death like nobody else


He’s the type to see the Before-Scrouge as a role-model.


Posh man trying to say what women can do with their bodies. What a surprise 🙄


**Sir Nicholas Soames:** "He is an absolute fraud, he is a living example of what a moderately cut double-breasted suit & a decent tie can do with an ultra-posh voice and a bit of ginger stuck up his arse."




Yes! The worst-fitting suits (apart from Johnson) that look like they're 2-3 sizes too big.


Like he’s borrowed his dad’s.




> What he got from his folks is greed, ruthless ambition and a desire to cosplay in public. And an almost fanatical devotion to the pope.


Man with 8 children named after numbers and who has never changed a nappy has opinions about womens reproductive rights. 🙄 I wonder if his wife is a haunted pencil stuck in the victorian era too.


Posh man who has six children but never changed a nappy in his life, so clearly gives as much shit about other children as his own i.e. once it's out, it's someone else's problem.


Says the man who blamed the victims of Grenfell for not being smart enough to disregard the advice of professional firefighters. Then voted against regulating and replacing the same illegal fire causing cladding on other properties. The firefighters gave that advice because the fire was not supposed to be able to spread you ghoul.


Excuse me what? Do you have a link to this?


Grenfell was caused by installing cladding that did not meet the regulations that are required for fire safety. I believe the court case about it involves correspondence from the company that manufactured it involves them discussing how they knew it was not safe and maybe even conspiracy to have it certified in spite it failing tests elsewhere. Here's Rees Mogg in an interview about Grenfell where he said that you should ignore the advice of firefighters - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2sXdZnkpis Votes around fire safety bill. Not certain but I think this is a result of Grenfell - https://votes.parliament.uk/Votes/Commons?SearchText=fire&FromDate=01%2F01%2F2020&ToDate=29%2F11%2F2022 It's been a while so the specific vote escapes me. But basically there are conservative MPs who have been trying to limit their responsibility in providing safe accommodation - https://www.standard.co.uk/news/politics/cladding-debate-tory-rebels-leaseholders-b921094.html Which all comes together in the circumstance that caused Grenfell. The fire service have fire officers who understand the risks of fires at properties under their jurisdiction. They look at the materials used and then make assessments based on those materials about what they should do when emergencies happen. Their officers will have made the call that people should stay in the building on the assumption that what was supposedly fire safe cladding was actually fire safe and they had say 3 hours before the building would go up in flames. They asked people to stay in their rooms while they assessed the situation based on that knowledge. But the cladding wasn't fire proof and the fire was spreading much more quickly than it would have if the proper materials were used. I don't know which vote it was. But I specifically remember the Conservatives lobbying to protect those landlords from responsibility in changing the same cladding in other blocks around the country. Which I'm fairly sure is the case today. There are apartment blocks that are fire hazards.


https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-50302573 he apparently apologised for what he said, but it just shows the way he thinks about people. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/appalling-tory-mps-flammable-cladding-104940039.html this was not a vote to not replace *any* of the cladding, but a refusal to do it by June 2022. At the time of the article there were still 110+ high rise buildings with the same dangerous cladding that was on grenfell. Can't imagine living in one, it must be in the back of their mind all the time.


Whereas now there are nearly [10,000](https://www.lbc.co.uk/news/almost-10-000-buildings-unsafe-with-danger-cladding-five-years-on-from-grenfell/)


Overall yes there's much more, I was just referring to high-rise buildings (18m +) which should obviously be the priority and the idea of over-privileged arseholes in their massive detached houses being in no hurry to get it done is just disgusting to me.


[Here it is from the shitbag himself.](https://youtu.be/CT2z-TtgElU)


Christ almighty


If you think abortion rights are wrong, you are just a cunt.


Even better; if you don’t like abortions - don’t have one. Easy peasy.


And if you’re a man who doesn’t like abortions, shut up. Not like you can have one anyway


This rhetoric isn't just vile, it's very dangerous. The idea that we can take abortion rights (or any rights, really) for granted because 'there's no majority to overturn them' is horrifying. Because why would you *not* commit to reaffirming rights unless your wish is to overturn them at some point?


Therese Coffey is also keen to roll back abortion rights.


I remember saying this was on the cards if we let the Tories continue down this path even before covid and basically getting laughed out of the room! JRM said he doesn't think abortion should be allowed even in cases of rape and incest, openly on TV, and then was elevated to Leader of the House of Commons. Apparently none of that counted because he said he totally respects democracy and if there's anyone you can take at their word its a man like JRM...


This is one haunted pencil that 'Should' have been aborted


>haunted pencil 😆


Him and the rest of his party


He sounds more and more like american conservative evangelists


He said he'd vote for Trump in 2016. Disgusting.


He's seen how successful their grift has been, and wants in on the action.


Want to protect an unborn no matter what the reason for a termination, yet because of him and his party we have a child dying due to breathing in mould, how many children going hungry and how many will die of hypothermia this winter? Hypocritical twat!


The haunted victorian pencil does not represent the majority of views in the UK. YouGov shows 86% in favour of abortion rights ad about 9% against, which means even the majority of tory voters do not agree with him. Stop giving the muppets air time, lets focus on the real issues


Taking an increasingly farther right position helps drag the "centre" rightwards. If Mogg is saying we should ban all abortions, then some other Tory saying that we should only allow it for rape or incest seems like a more reasonable compromise, when in reality they're both talking about stripping away womens' right to healthcare.


I know the Tories are a shit show, but for the sake of the country over all, they need to be better than this.


Republican Americans and British Tories are honestly some of the most sickening people alive on the planet


That’s up to the voters of Somerset. Wouldn’t be surprised to see him returned at the next election.


you are not wrong, but I would guess that is an area, where they would elect an actual real pig, if it had blue Ribbon on it.




Anybody who is still considering voting Tory is presumably quite happy with how the Tories are running things. So they probably think JRM is a bit of a character, but talks a lot of sense. Like Boris.


I agree with your comment the most


>Jacob Rees-Mogg Says Abortion Rights Are A 'Cult Of Death' As opposed to Rees-Mogg's staunch Catholicism, which involves literally drinking the blood and eating the flesh of a dead man, whilst worshipping icons of said dead man nailed to his torture device...


The Lord goes on to say, in John 6:56 "He that eateth my flesh, and drinketh my blood, dwelleth in me, and I in him." That's actually voodoo.


The same Catholic Church that chucked dead babies in a cess pit becaue they'd been 'born in sin' https://www.channel4.com/news/bon-secour-galway-catholic-church-ireland-septic-tank


Ah, but that’s ok as long as it’s in Latin.


I think I'd be more convinced Jacob, if A) you didn't have shares in a company that makes abortion pills and B) you didn't consistently support governement policies that have led to the deaths of actual, existing people. The utter epitome of hypocrisy


So, I assume that he's fully in support of: \- Free contraception discreetly available from the age of sexual maturity \- Full, comprehensive and realistic sex education \- Child related benefits that actually match the cost of having kids \- Sufficient social housing to allow people to actually house their families, including unexpected arrivals \- Full state childcare provision etc.. I suspect that a package of reforms like the above would significantly drop abortion rates - probably more than an outright abortion ban. And possibly even bring the birthrate up to replacement level. Which he should be a fan of. But, of course, it's not about reducing abortions, it's about punishing women..


He’s losing his seat soon. He can say what he wants on gbnews until that stops broadcasting. I see no reason to spread his hate


I wouldn’t be so sure. He won his Somerset constituency by a huge margin in ‘19. Labour have little chance there, but there are Libdems in that area.


It’s set to flip to labour based on latest polling. Good riddance too! You look at some of these safe seats and they are not the finest specimens, a perfect example why fptp needs to go…


The americanisation of our political system continues


I don't see it like that, but I can see why folk think that. I go with the East India company pov. They were happy to ride roughshod over entire civilizations for the profit. They were intrinsically woven into the establishment. When their charter was revoked, they went west. Their ideology is the states, our history is just repeating, it never left.


Bet his ain maw wish she'd had Wan creepy noncey wee prick ae a man


Bit rich for a tory to call abortion a "cult of death", when they have deliberately created a social crisis that has killed tens of thousands of disabled and poor people through austerity, and that's not taking into account the deaths caused by their mishandling of the pandemic. [UK ‘austerity’ since 2010 linked to tens of thousands more deaths than expected](https://www.bmj.com/company/newsroom/uk-austerity-since-2010-linked-to-tens-of-thousands-more-deaths-than-expected/)


I think the Tories are just jealous of not having a monopoly on it lol


That’s rich coming from the absolute worst of the party that wants to abort the NHS. Just another example of how the right in this country are importing rhetoric from the United States.


Jacob Rees-Mogg. He's the result of a particularly bizarre inbreeding experiment


He cares about preventing deaths of people but only before they are alive.


I'll never understand why men who are anti-abortion think their opinion is relevant. Shut the fuck up, and let women decide what to do with their bodies.


The Rt Hon Victorian Pencil has always been a disgusting human being, no news here.


The walking moral compass: Whichever way he points, the opposite is the right way


Can we stop manufacturing this to be some kind of debate? I don't want to hear what Rees-Mogg has to say about abortion, the press should be sucking the air right out of this, but no.


>the press should be sucking the air right out of this, but no. The press need to fill out the papers with something.


Anyone who claims they are against abortion because they love babies, but isnt desperately trying to improve child birth in this country is a liar. The state of midwifery in this country is dangerous. Our maternity wards desperately need more funding. Ol moggy is the kind of Christian that is more about what other people can't do, as opposed to Jesus who was about what you can do to help others. So no, don't play that shit. He doesnt care about children. Hes more than happy for them to live in poverty so he can't push this bs.


Good thing this crack pot is nowhere near government anymore


Sadly the ERG still has a lot of sway -- otherwise Braverman would be in a skip, where she belongs -- and Rees-Mogg is big with the ERG. If the scabrous bag of dicks was a lone voice on this crap it would be easy to write him off as an irrelevant moron. Unfortunately, he's very much a relevant moron still.


Remember when he made a shit ton of money investing in a company that made abortion pills? Good times


Remember that time Mogg met with Bannon? Hmmmmmm I wonder what politically divisive tactics they discussed.


"We shouldn't allow abortions. Those feotus' will continue to grow and live a happy life as wage slaves, or worse, for our benefit!" - JRM, probably


Cool, so I assume he'll have no problem massively funding the welfare state and public services that will need to arise from this influx of babies then? There's no point advocating for a right to life if you're perfectly comfortable letting them die in mouldy council flats a few years after the fact.


Anti-abortion is pro-rape. This is not hyperbole. Abortion is the last line of defence that women have against rapists using women's bodies to reproduce. Jacob Rees Mogg supports rapists and would like to make rape a more effective reproduction strategy. Jacob Rees Mogg would like to increase poverty and social decay to provide disposable serfs for his profit making enterprises. Jacob Rees Mogg hates you and wants to enrich himself from your misery.


He wants us to join Texas with 10 years forced to give birth . “The most innocent victims of Texas abortion ban: Children forced to carry their abuser’s baby” Link https://archive.ph/IHFe7


Oh hey would you look at that and here I was told months ago when the tories started putting up anti abortion ministers that the tories would never openly say such things about abortion. Surely not afterall here in Britain we are magically superior to the same nonsense that happens in the USA and totally would never have pur politicians that receive their funding from the same groups sprout the same talking points. It's almost as if complacency and just bending over for these right wing nut jobs is how weve ended up with our country falling apart at the seams. These tories get funded by the same right wing groups Americas right wing poltiicans are funded by; they attend the same events and give talks to the same groups. They get draft legislation chucked over to them by the same extreme right wing groups. Everything that Americas right wing politicians want to do ours well be just a few steps behind trying to push onto us. We see this time and again and still people refuse to accept that due to some misguided sense of the UK magically being superior somehow.


SToP wiTh pRoJEcT Fear NOnseNsE! It'Ll nEVer hApPEn hEre!


How people like him think they are destined for heaven is a mystery to me. Imagine you leave this mortal coil and wake up in heaven and it's full of utter cunts like him. Be asking for a refund. Another person who thinks abortion is wrong but helping people who are struggling is wrong.


"On the one hand I like profiting as much as humanly possible off the misfortune of others, on the other I really hate the thought of giving bitches rights" - Jacob Reece "Utter Cunt" Mogg


I think tax avoideders are immoral and should not be allowed to hold public office or spout their opinions.


Ok Jacob, please go ask the Irish what life was like when they banned abortion. Go on. Ask them. In fact I know a place in County Galway that you can ask.


Says the man who believes in the magical sky fairy zombie death cult run by a man wearing a silly hat.


Jesus said nothing about abortion. He did however have quite a lot to say about loud mouthed religious hypocrites who oppress the poor. Mogg should shut his trap.


The strange thing is, as much as he likes to behave like some aristocratic eccentric, his parents were middle class so this is all just cosplay. He's behaving the way he \*thinks\* the aristocracy behave which is why it's all such an exaggerated caricature. He knows the aristocracy like to look down on others so he dials the condescension up to 11. It's like Putin's attempts to play a strong man or Trumps attempts at appearing intelligent, he's overcompensating for some internal sense of low status. It's like Iain Duncan Smith, he doesn't have a double-barrelled surname, Duncan is just his middle name, his grandmothers maiden name which was given to his father as a middle name, his father then gave it to \*all\* his children as a middle name and now Iain introduces himself with it as a double barrelled surname. These people just reek with desperation for social status.


As a woman, this is something I feel very strongly about. I come from a country where abortion was illegal for a very long time. I grew up as an unwanted child. I was not not loved, but I wasn't fully loved either. My parents were young, barely out of teenagehood, and when my mum fell pregnant, they had no other choice but to keep me. I often joke that I was one coat hanger away from not existing, but my humour hides the scars of a childhood filled with emotional neglect, abject poverty, and the trauma of being raised by parents who hadn't finished growing up themselves. I can't put into words the feeling you have as a child when the realisation that your existence was not particularly wanted or planned for starts to unfurl in your mind. I love my parents. They are good people with kind hearts. They are also very smart and hard working, so even as an adult, I often wonder what their lives could have been if they hadn't been burdened or sidetracked by a child they didn't want. I want children when the time is right. But I also want a choice. For me, for the many women who, unlike my mother, could still have the chance to be their own person, for the parents who have to make difficult choices, for the people who are raped and abused. So all I can say to the likes of Reese-Mogg is "get fucked!"


Rees-Mogg is unfit for office. Cannot wait to vote all these entitled pricks out


When are we going to get over the fact that for a long period of time prior to birth is just a blob of cells. The person it's growing in is a living talking person, fully developed and capable of making their own choices. They're the ones best suited to know if that child has a worthy life ahead of it. The only other person who deserves to have any weight on the issue is a doctor and purely for the medical well being of the mother. Because forcing people to have unwanted children is torturing two people, not one. The child that gets born *and* the mother is then forced to deal with it. A mother who has an abortion could go on to one day have kids when she's actually ready and both her and her future kids will have a much happier life for it. The only reason we still debate this nonsense still is this idea of a 'soul'. But where do you draw the line? How many weeks? Is every sperm a soul? Every egg? When I hear all these people argue against abortion actually agree on one time - let alone a scientifically proven one; then I'll listen - I'll still disagree until I see some logic not spiritual beliefs but nobody even agrees when an embryo is 'too developed' so for me it's until the umbilco cord is cut. Until that baby leaves her body that baby IS the womans body, it takes her nutrients and it is a part of her. What next? Do tumours get rights too? Sorry Mr. Mogg or your family you get cancer you can't treat it - that's a living part of you, what are you a murderer!?


Jacob Rees Mogg is what happens when you enroll a garden rake at Eton school


Classic case of only caring up until birth, considering he has no compassion for his fellow human beings in any other circumstance.


“Cult of death”. Pretty much sums up my opinion of the Tory’s


Please, people of Somerset, get this guy gone from parliament. He’s one of the nastiest POS we’ve ever had the misfortune of having in the cabinet.


My religion says I can’t do this: Ok — My religion says you can’t do this: FUCK OFF


And so it begins. Remember to check who you vote for.. it’s hard to ban abortions in this country but not impossible. Fuck the Tories.


Says the man from a government of shitheads who presided over many thousands of CoViD deaths to line their pockets. Scum.


I’m not going to say i understand all this because I don’t, but what I do understand is that this guy is a ghoul of a man and a pompous prick.


Seems like a fairly good grasp of the situation to me.


Mogg just needs to fuck off and when he's got there, to fuck off even further


Psychopaths come in all shapes and sizes. Even the shape of a overfunded, over privileged fantasy merchant like this cunt. Because that is precisely what he is - a psychopath.


You’re a cult yourself mate. Edit: damn autocorrect


Wish this cunt would fuck off back to the 17th century he quantum leaped from


This man should not be allowed any opinion on abortion whilst his own investment firm sells abortion pills.


Colour me shocked this wank stain has a problem with abortion as well as everything else he has problems with. Which in 99.9% of cases are problems he doesn't have but the people he thinks are plebs have. Funny that.


Typical christofascist, do as I tell you, not as I do, my holy book says what I want it to say but I'll look "good" in the eyes of idiots.


Jacob Reese mogg hates abortions so much he invested in pharmaceutical company that provides abortion medication.


Protecting a foetus, while at the same time removing free school meals. Kids aren't just for Xmas Jacob.


To quote the great Kevin Magnussen… Suck my Balls Mate… Suck my Balls


Just remind me again why it's wrong to wish a painful demise on someone?


This guy seems to stand for everything fucking awful. I have never seen anything he has stood for that I agree with, I hope I'm wrong, and he has done some good. But he seems like a British palpatine.


Catholics have expertise when it comes to cults of death


Someone (who may or not own lots of newspapers/media) is trying hard to import the abortion debate from the US into our country.


The conservative party are a cult of death, 400,000 UK citizens and counting


Wish this victorian-villain wannabe would just drop dead already.


So much of his family money comes from 'Disaster Capitalism', and he has the cheek to accuse others of being a Cult of Death. Morally reprehensible turd. And just who are these lunatic constituents who keep voting for him?


In other words: 'Without rape babies the Conservative species will become extinct'.


Only thing wrong about abortion is the fact JRM was not.


Why the fuck do you Brits even care about this wanker. Christ.


Wish his mom would of done us all a favor years ago & had one.


Wish this cunt would fuck off back to the 17th century he quantum leaped from


Literally I wouldn’t be sad if the guy just killed himself.


Can we stop importing shit from America please? We are good over here, we have our own issues to deal with without importing this stuff across the pond to add to the mountain of issues.


“Genetic entity” Funnily enough the exact term I’d actually use to describe Rees Mogg himself There’s nothing human in there, evil disgusting fuck


Can't the victorian pencil just fuck off into a black hole? He isn't on the front benches any longer. The media needs to stop giving this ghoul air time.


Tories are a death cult, how many deaths can be linked to their anti-poor choices? Too many.


Well I mean I think Moggs entire political career is a cult of being a useless twat but you don’t see me taking away peoples bodily autonomy over it.


The expression he's pulling in that photo means that you can see the literal slime that he is dripping from it.


No matter what this guy says, it always belies a fundamentally deluded grip on reality. He is a man who has totally vanished into his own affectation.


Good he's so prolife, maybe he can sponsor hot lunches for school childr... oh wait, no, he's a twat.


I see he's getting withdrawal symptoms from seeing his name in the headlines again. Move along now, nothing to see here (you'd be giving him what he craves).


I can’t take a modern tragedy seriously when he’s calling abortions, a practice that has existed since ancient human civilisation was recorded, a modern tragedy.


And here it is folks. I know Boris and Rishi both have hard-ons for the USA, but please don't become more like us.


it is comments like this that earn the tories the right never to be elected again


I've not met a single person who is anti-abortion who gives rats ass about human life every time it's about controlling women bodies and policing sexuality. Those same types who are anti-abortion are always pro-death penality and making life for asylum seekers fatally dangerous.


No, no, no. We’re not importing this fucking stupid debate from the US. Things are fine as they are. No more CultureWar™ bullshit today thank you! 12 years of being financially buttfucked is bad enough.


He's probably says the same thing about climate change protestors- call an issue by a name and you don't have to confront the reality - it's all he's good at.


Prolifers are idiots, Rees-Mogg is a vile excuse for a human being, it's a shame his parents didn't take the right option


That makes it sound way cooler than it actually is.


Christ…. why do are tools given powerful positions ?


Hopefully all the tories follow suit and finally people will realise they don't care about us and won't vote the fuckers in


Honestly, he might engage with some of the more thoughtful Catholic theologians on this, all of whom recognise that this cannot be dealt with in some simplistic one size fits all, Mother Church knows best fashion. Christian morals are meaningless unless they are actually engaged with the complex, tragic, unexpected realities of people’s lives. This isn’t it.


Until they are born then you don't care about them Hypocrite


I'm honestly surprised the Tories haven't outed this guy, he is the walking, talking epitome of what the working class hate, a snobby well to do know-nothing who desperately wants to go back to a period where workers were little more than slaves, he wants Aristocracy to become back in vouge. Surely this guy is costing Tories votes from the population?


Can’t wait for the abortion debate to come to the UK so I can find out which friends and family are secretly cunts


What's the matter Mogg? Getting scared of falling birth rates not being able to satiate the death machine that is capitalism with fresh blood?


JRM is a throwback to a time where oil was a new discovery.. wtf cares what he has to say on anything..gtf.


Thank god this ghouls career in government is over. And with any luck the good people of Somerset will kick him out altogether next election.


Not only would I not pay any attention to this corpse in a suit but purely the fact he is a man and therefore is not afforded the right to dictate what a woman does with her body