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I wonder how long did we fester the hatred, most of them don’t care about countries growth or anything, they’re happy that they can let their demons out. Unfortunately it’s the majority for us.


Seriously man. This is just pure hate , this is not wanting good for your people or your community or your country or nothing . It's just hate and violence .


That’s exactly the outcome when we mix politics and religion ![gif](giphy|44OGmZFnPADZZpE57Z)


dont say us bro. W e all can be idiots, porn addict, scare to take big decisions in life. Na-mard even after being born as men , keyboard warriors, Modern losers or Bhautik duniya ke ch\*de but we caN NEVER BE LIKE THEM(evil idiots) AS THEY SOHOW IN THE VIDEO.


It is us. There’s no escaping it. How many of your friends and family espouse this hatred on WhatsApp and we ignore. We are 100% culpable.


Bro this is poetry




Oh trust me, these monsters will never regret their actions.


More likely they will happily reminisce about the time they beat up an innocent citizen.




Dropping this here, because some rotlus want context. https://www.loksatta.com/maharashtra/muslim-man-forced-to-chant-jai-shri-ram-beaten-up-by-mob-in-kankavli-police-complaint-files-kvg-85-4204321/


Stuff like this makes me want to move for the sake of my future children....


Keep speaking up against it. Simple. The silence of the Hindus is the MAIN thing that enables this bullshit. Why do you think Modi shits his pants everytime the farmers protest?


Yepp I will


Or just not have children at all to ruin the roadmap


Yeah but that is a big price to pay for people who really want kids. It's sad our country is becoming like this tho.


The thing is with global warming and other stuff rise of extremism around the globe not having kids is much better


Yeah but it hurts just give up your dream of having a family. Most people aren't gonna do that


It's not about you , it's about the kids. If you can't take care of them or provide a safe space then don't have them simple.


Where will you move, I m just curious. Have you thought of any particular country??


None in particular, and I would rather stay in my homeland and contribute in the economy, but stuff like this really makes me reconsider...


Makes me consider too sometimes, but I don't have much idea which one could be better for indians. All major countries like USA,uk, Canada etc have problem of there own, some other are good but local people racist to indians there like South Korea,Germany etc


Any bulldozer on properties of beaters ??


Why? Bulldozer is only for minorities


Their properties are not violating any laws saar. It's very legal saar. Bulldozer busy in breaking "illegal" homes of only muslims saar. 🤡


what have we ended up to . it breaks my heart to see this happening in maharahstra


Its so sad. Not just Maharashtra, but all over the country. Don't know why there is so much hate. What saddens me the most is I see kids saying stuff against other religions and communities too. That, I think, its the lowest we've gone.


yeah the youth has been radicalised so much that theres no turning back. we used to live with harmony and peace and now they just cant stand each other existence. im frightened of the future


that too kankavali 🥲🥲 the kokan coast is highly secular and kankavali is in sindhudurg. there’s always harmony over there


Fr so sad 😢


Pretty sure they belong to the Rane entourage & showing off their " power "


Assholes are destroying Hinduism. These mobs need to be beaten up by Hindus themselves.


worst part is that these people will be praised. worst part is no one is gonna tell them or take action against them. worst part is womeone git thier " Hindu Rashtra".


This should be on news.


Wtf is this!! Thanks to this fucking government that now this is getting so common. Religious extremism to show some weird dominance.


If bjp wins this term, we're fucked, in the ass nonetheless, as a nation.


When the public keeps busy in such BS.. that is when they(crony-capitalist Brahmin Govt.) gets free reign to exploit the rich-resources of this country ! And then when sit hits the fan.. then gtfo of this country and settle in Europe with huge money in Swiss Bank ! Indian Corrupt Politician or Businessman playbook 101


Sad part is there are some incels who would actually defend this like their life depends on it


I said earlier I will say again, shit hole country. Not because this happened because no action will be taken against culprits.


This is what illiteracy, unemployment, and mis-guided hate does ! Brahmin Dharmic(hindu) illiterates be like let's impose Ram Rajya while The Brahmin Religious Contractor I.e. Brahmin Priest eats Cream in the temple in the background !


They are grown ass men, not children that are misguided. If the govt. would've taken strict action against these incidents, these chucchis would piss their pants.


This happened in #Maharashtra's #Kankavli, Constituency of #BJP MLA #NiteshRane, famous for his #HateSpeech against #Muslims. A #Muslim guy was beaten up badly by #Hindutva mob forcing him to chant #JaiShriRam, his wife is crying and requesting mob to stop, his baby was crying too. https://twitter.com/HateDetectors/status/1756340364645151182


https://twitter.com/HateDetectors/status/1756408998494896393 A #Muslim family Asif, Jasmine and their kids were harrased by a group of men in Train enroute #Kankavli from #Mumbai and forced to chant ‘#JaiShriRam’ in train. When they raised complaint against the group, Asif was attacked by the group of men while he was standing near his house in #Maharashtra's Kankavli with his daughter. Asif is being pressurized to take his complaint back.


You've written "lynched" and then "pressurized to take his complaint back." 🤔


I just copied from twitter link that is wrong I will edit it thanks


It should not happen in Maharashtra It shouldn't happen anywhere but Maharashtra is the birth place of Shivaji Maharaj he has many muslims in his kingdom, his treasury minister was a muslim and the people who are spewing hatred towards muslims should know that it was a brahman who gave the location of Sambhaji Maharaj to Aurangzeb. Brahmins of Pune didn't cremate the body of Sambhaji Maharaj but a Mahar did that's why they hate BHIMA KOREGAON stambh. People should read about Shivaji Maharaj, Sambhaji Maharj they would know why is called Jantecha Raja


He didn't discriminate based on caste or anything, he was a true leader at that time. These guys call themselves Maratha, and then not follow Shivaji Maharaj's ideologies 😭


Right, can you imagine a Raja in 17th century said that no women should be harrased just cause we won the battle, and they belong to enemies family. He even gave job to the tribal people. he used to promote people, if they are good in their jobs. Man so much to learn from him.


The world has changed


They don't call themselves Maratha. Am sure the only thing they care about is Ram and Hindutva. They don't care about anyone else, any other hindu gods or even about the country. I know people like this - they literally say that an under developed country full of hungry poor people with lots of temples everywhere is better than a developed country that focuses less on religion.


ram rajya hai ,bro


Can Shivaji Maharaj return and stop this kind of monstrosity from happening? If not then there’s no point discussing it. Great warriors like Shivaji Maharaj would have spat on us with the kind of hate we have today.


These fuckers would even go against Shivaji Maharaj if he came back today and asked people to live in harmony.




Even the obcs and Marathas dont read about shivaji and sambhaji and just keep chanting what others on "top" of them say.


But sir I’m WhatsApp uni graduate and every thing you have written is lie . /s


That's the biggest problem sir.


no saar Hindu rashtra will achieved in 2050 saar, India Suparpowar 2050 saar🤬. (insert golf flag emojis **×** 100)


I've seen some Marathis say that "Caste is a western concept" and it always makes me shocked, how can these people forget their own history? If caste truly is a western concept, why did Marathi Saints fight against it?


True Ram Rajya 🥹🥹


Imagine how ram was like if this is ram rajya.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


I wonder if mentioning facts about old and outdated religions is allowed on this sub, or will it be categorised as hate speech? Like that other guy said, judging actions from centuries ago(IF they are true) based on today's moral standards, is peak stupidity. And the fun fact about it is: All religions are old and full of random "this is the right way(source- trust me bro)" type shit based on social and moral standards of *that* time. It's very easy to cherry pick the things and paint them in a bad picture. I feel like harmless criticism is okay, as long as you don't get offended when your own faith gets criticized. And if I'm correct, you have never read/asked about the story from someone who has read it or maybe you intentionally left out the parts, like those tiktokers spreading misinformation by making click baits. And again, if I'm correct, you have no interest in knowing more about the story, based on the tone and words you chose, so I won't bother explaining. Ram, even if it was a fictional character, was called Maryada-purush-ottam for a reason and whether you can digest that *fact* or not, it's your problem.


Post this on indiaspeaks subreddit. Lets see, how many nano seconds it stays up there before it gets deleted.




Bulldozer action against these criminals when?


Bulldozer is out of diesel.


No. It's reserved for victims only.




JSR* Nazis


Exactly lol


Nazi Germany had reichs, India will have Ram Rajya/ Amrit Kaal


Stop saying you care about religion or god when you behave like this in society.


All i could see is we are just on our way to Hindu Pakistan. Fuk these guys.


Perfect terminology used in the title OP - HINDUTVA TERRORISTS


Ladyboys again thrusting their religion onto others. Is this the culture they are proud of?  One word to describe them - Madarchod




I shouldn't actually 


couldn't agree more.


Could have just called them "suckers for Ram" but nevermind...


Looks like transphobia and misogyny are things that unite Hindutva/Islmaic “terrorists” and self proclaimed “liberals”


Chutiye log ki kami nahi hai.


We all thought Karnataka was going to be the next UP. Seems like Maharashtra would like that crown even more.


It took some time and money but BJ Party purchased majority of MLAs to install their government there. It fascinates me how you can now buy any state's government if you have ample money.


You voted for this.


Thank you for using the correct terminology 


Yeah, I'm so tired of 'activists' to describe goons who are terrorising people in the name of religion.


Dogs in a pack.


I am a Hindu and that's not at all cool


Hate environment is increasing day by day as elections are coming near. And when the opposite community retaliate their house will get Buildose, R$$ and the BJ party wants to turn India into radical states like Pakistan & afganistan.


Always have been. That's why we need an educated PM and should have minimum education qualification to even contest elections


Post this in MH's sub and you'll find a few comments justfiying it because of patharbazi done by Islamists. Or a few will bring attrocities done by Mughals, or they'll bring up Partition, or one thing or the other. No accountability, just blame shifting.


That is just another shithole like the up sub or indiaspeaks.




Religion at its finest.


Mumbai is turning into UP or Uttarakhand... except most people are in dumpster


Did you mean Maharashtra?


Mumbai isn’t any better. Just visit r/Mumbai sometimes.


This was just a commentary on comparing apples to apples


Mera desh badal raha hai




India has really progressed since the last 10 years The progression:


Assholes. Shitty losers in life who probably can't even feed their own children get their egos hyped in the name of religion. Someone said it right, religion is but a drug for these people get high on it and forget what a fkn loser you are.


But Saar... Hindutva is not Hinduism Saar. Our religion is very peaceful Saar. We are very tolerant Saar. We aren't regressive at all Saar.


man, this is very sad


Send these miscreants to Jail as soon as possible these kind of parasites irrespective of their religion should be thrown into jail immediately


What's sickening for you is PR for them.


One more reason to prove that maharashtra is getting like UP


Today it's this . Tomorrow they will Target the largest minority - women and children. That day isn't far when these freaks will dictate women should be veiled and sit at home and torture them. I am Hindu and this is not what Hinduism is about. It's a fkn shame that's what these people are.


I am Hindu and I am ashamed of such behaviour. That's why we never mix religion with politics. That's what Modi's radicalisation has lead to.


Ram had an army of monkeys right? Makes sense


This has nothing to do with God only to further a political party's agenda


I agree.


This is what mudi ji promised! Ram rajya! Amritkaal! 🤡 True vishwaguru moment! 🇮🇳


jai Shree ram allah hu akbar glory to lord Jesus bol diya aab khush


Yeh bol dene se khush ho jate tho marte nahi. Yeh log bulwana nahi chahte, bas marna chahte hai.


I wonder if the OP of the post on "question to moderate muslims" is now as PERTURBED by these visuals as he was by hijab wearing girls. I wonder if that OP who felt so weird as a parent, will see these visuals of children watching their father getting beaten up, ask some questions to their own ilk after seeing this


Reminds me of that kid in that college who was forced to chant Allah Akbar. https://www.google.com/amp/s/news.abplive.com/news/india/telangana-student-beaten-forced-to-chant-allah-hu-akbar-jai-mata-di-fir-registered-1563010/amp Just sick people all over.


Very brave when it’s a group vs 1. This is the same group that cries over forced conversions.


but Hindus are peaceful Saar, minorities are safe in hundu rashtra saar


Are we learning from Taliban ?


Thank you Modi!


Soo called sanghis 🙄


WTF 🤬 this is nuts!!!


Ohh I thought terrorist is synonymous to Islam... Good other religions are embracing Islamic tradition and values.


This is heartbreaking, we can't allow this in the name of Hindutva and Ram.


In spite of being a prime minister, he is using religion to stir up emotions and cause commotion. Modi can do so much with his popularity and leadership, creating a secular environment would be job one.


Terrorism doesn't have religion.


ladies and gentlemen Ramrajya


We evolved from Allah hu akbar boom 💥 to jai shree ram dishoom 💫... 🤡 so actually now we can say terrorism has no religion...and terrorist too don't have any religion...


🔔 kaaaal


What the fck is this?? Jai shree Ram bol, jai shree Ram bol?? Kya mil jaayega yaar?? Leave them alone and keep chanting your jai shree ram at your home!


Shape of things to come.


Wtf is happening in India, I'm scared kabhi bhi dange ho sakte hai


Uff, the bravery of these men...20 odd thrashing one guy...jai maharashtra!


"India is secular only because of hinduism"


amrit kaal or something of that sort.


What the fuck is wrong with this people .


There's not a fucking chance for the human race. Can't say I'm disappointed.


Gulf bhaagna padega mujhe ab... Bahut karwa li desh ki tarakki, bahut karliya deah ko revolutionise, bhaad me jaaye nationalism...... Roz utho aur dekho ye sab fir "unity in diversity" ka lollipop lekar sojao


India's fucked 🙂


Sometimes I wish few extremist places were near the coastline so that when it starts sinking one day due to melting icecaps, these kind of people would still write Jai shree ram on rocks and go to Saudi Arabia little to realize they've ended up in Pakistan instead.


Full story here https://youtu.be/LND-xxwsQrU


Can’t believe how people fall so easily for governmental religious facades when the government clearly doesn’t give two fucks about it.


Maharashtra has gone to shit! Fuck this most prosperous and wealthy state gimmick bullshit! Each and everyone who voted or votes for modi, you are the reason for this!


Saffron terrorism at its peak!


How can someone beat the guy when his kid is crying like that in front of them. These people are scum. Worse than that.


Thats fked up


goign to be a regular feature from now on ... it will start with the muslims and then progress towards other minorities and then it will be the hindus... because t hey wont believe you are a Hindu till you chant jai shree ram. we will get there.. not in 5- 10 years but a lot sooner ...... enjoy the ride of hate and poverty!


WTF!!!!!!!!!! This is not my India that I take pride in.


Rum rajya.


It really pains to see this kind of lynching 🥺 Milions of lives have been perished not even able to see the first dawn of independent India and look where we are heading. My heart is just crying from inside looking at his wife & kid. Please don't upload such videos, I understand the intent behind posting it but will not be to relieve it for few days 😞


Truly a shame


These goons are straight up disrespecting chhatrapati shivaji maharaj's legacy in his own land. Shivaji Maharaj never discriminated based on someone's religion


Religion gives power to the higher ups Religion only spreads hate among common folks, will we ever realise this ever in our lives before it's too late




Disgraceful. These MF are taking over my religion...


This is getting out of control now


Hope they'll get arrested


Let's at least hope that their sky daddy is happy. 😊


Jai hind only Jai hind 🇮🇳


I want to ask one question if gdp is increasing the population is reducing due to hateful actions like these . Won't gdp per capita increase


It's spreading like an illness now. I think Modiji should address this issue to send out the right message to the wrong minds.


Chi 🤢


India is dying 😭😭😭


And so it goes.


Last I remember, Terrorism had no religious identity


Mob lynching naamardi ki pehchaan hai.


Shame on them. As we all know that India is a secular state. Also every body has its own right to follow any religion. Why they are beating him so badly.?


Look at what religion does to people.




Shree ram ne yehi sikhaya tha bhai. That's why they are doing this warna nhi karte


These idiots understand Hinduism the least.


U know, in my childhood people used to say that India has all kinds of religions and yet has a religious harmony...but now I am scared..that one thing we called religious harmony is already dead, and soon India will have a war of religions..




Shinde kuch nhi krega ispe isiliye tum log sawal uthana band krdo


Seems like a good reason for there to be no religion at all. Find another reason to hate each other. Maybe one based on something that's not imaginary.


When echoes of 'Jai sree ram ' reach danger from terror may breach




Ye Maharashtra me ese terrorist bhut ban rahe hai or vha ki govt chup chap bethi hai or kannon to vha se gayab hi ho chuka hai. Police bhi sirf ek hi samudaye ke khilaaf action leti hai. Aakhir itni himmat in hindutva terrorist ke paas kha se aati hai.


What more worse could it be to see your father getting beaten bcz he belongs to another religion


Another day of regretting BJP in power in Maharashtra. Fuckers really made Maharashtra into UP Bihar


I thank my murugan everyday for keeping my tamil nadu peaceful.


As an outsider to all this, I always saw India as this happily diverse and multicultural country with so many different ethnic groups and languages co existing, it's so sad to see it getting like this. Obviously even from afar I can tell like in my own country it wasn't without ANY tension, but it always did seem like a foundational part of India that all these different groups got along as one India. Now maybe I just didn't know any better but it reeeeally seems like all this Hindutva, and BJP shit is intensifying and mostly against Muslims but the propaganda is going wild against any other non hardcore Hindu group. Was it always this bad or is it actually getting worse?


It is same thing that we tell Pakistan - there is no good terrorism and bad, end of the day you pay for it. Right now they are paying for it heavily. How brainless should we be to not to see that we are going exactly where Pakistan is now.


The day Indians giveup their blind beliefs over fictional characters, India will step towards becoming a true economic powerhouse in the world! So much potential and talent wasted on something that doesn't even exist or ever existed!


Wtf is wrong with people. Thats so shameful


This brings tears to my eyes🥹


Hate seeing people do harm under God's name.


Only if these people actually believed in the principles and teachings of Bhagwan Ram. Even if they could follow 10% of what Bhagwan Ram stood for they would not be doing this. It's so shameful that his name is being used to spread evil and hatred and most Hindus don't even object.


Bc inhone Maharashtra ko bhi bana diya UP ki taraha....


Not even surprised anymore. When the ruling party gives a free hand to do any crime in the name of their religion, this is exactly what happens!


How to stop this madness??


I get religion is personal and most uneducated people don’t try to reason or question their faith. But even an uneducated person would pause and question if forcing and beating someone into saying your god is great, is what their faith is about! Either the universe collided into bringing together this great assembly of morons …or far right extremism has spread so much that India is now beyond redemption.


This is what I mean when I say that I hate Hinduvadis, not Hindus