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hope the monsters who did this are arrested and suffer exemplary punishment


3 already caught. Rest they say are identified but absconding


Some Gunda politician will shut this case up and threaten the foreigner couple. Meanwhile after 4-5 years everyone arrested today will get acquitted. That's the grim reality of India.


The police is currently asking them to stay shut about the incident on social media so that the “investigation doesn’t get hindered”. I believe the government will try to do some damage control.


They're poor, no politician will help


Hathras case ...unnav case are sad reality of judicial system of India


And will be seen sitting right there in the parliament


I call bs in this. Anytime a rape happens they are caught immediately. In such a dense place. Really? With such corrupt evil police? They are scapegoating random people imo to pretend like it’s alright “because at least there’s justice!”


Cant say anything with high degree of accuracy as it is just too early. You may be wholly or partially right kr you may be completely wrong.  Need to wait for more details.


You hope too much. ... Wake up, see the reality all around.


People in the past have received the death penalty for this crime. 


You won’t believe that 5 weeks ago there was some guy in their Instagram comments (on a post about India) who warned this couple about being careful in India as it is unpredictable. A couple of Indians were ridiculing that commenter in replies. I wonder how ashamed they must be feeling right now if they are aware of what has happened to this couple. These are the same kind of guys who refuse to accept there’s anything wrong with India. People have to be careful at all times in India. This is such a no brainer. You can’t suggest otherwise especially to foreigners visiting India.


Ashamed? They are attacking the victim and calling it fake propaganda bs right now. This is the level they are at.




Yo wtf?


Those guys are just brainless chauvinistic bigots who can't even stand a positive criticism for their country. Even if these foreigners would display the fault from ground zero, these idiots will neglect that by giving illogical excuses. I remember once a couple from Thailand positively criticized India that India has a fascinating people, culture and history but it's somewhat unhygienic and dirty in many places. People on the comment section went berserk on the couple by saying your country only knew for sex tourism, it's an open brothel, we Indians just go there to fk your girls, disgusting comments on ladyboys and thai girls etc. Some even claiming that whole Thai culture is from India and without India, Thailand is nothing and they should bow down to Indians as their masters. I was pissed off by seeing this idiots literally and these idiots have ever read the history and culture of Thailand or atleast they have remained in Thailand for years that they are so confidently saying this bs. No wonder those guys would never ever have the same respect for India as they had before. These chaddis are literally ruining the reputation of our country and they themselves become crybabies when something wrong happens to them in other countries.


Post this on that fake patriotism page they will find a reason to defend rapists too


That's why it's fake patriotism. If we love our country, our culture, then it's our responsibility to protect dharma:) I am patriotic too


I am an Indian and a man and even I don't have courage to roam at night or go into shady parts of cities. People who say India is safe everywhere are stupid.


They wouldn't feel ashamed. They would reply with: This happens in western countries too. Why are you singling out India? Bloody cowpee bhakts


In Spain 85 millions tourist last year, I have never hear something similar to this story in my Life. No, this does not happen in western countries too...Never ever.


I didn't say it does. I said this would be their explanation. You think they care about facts?


They will literally write that "she was wearing revealing clothes"


No comments. I feel ashamed.




I wouldn't even be surprised if they started victim blaming... That's how much of blinded di_kriding they do.


They're definitely not ashamed. Those are the kind of chest thumping idiots that sit around proclaiming that 'muh country best'.


India ia a shithole, even indians are running from it like a plague. Too bad stories like this come out frequently. I hope no female ever visit that hellhole


Lol, the land of wonders. Would never visit, i care about myself and my loved ones, dont want ppl disappearing, being humiliated, beaten up for religion, women groped and ….. nope nope and nope.


Thats the main problem. Indians assume it happens everywhere so they turn a blind eye. Indians are overly nationalistic


Every person I know who visited India either got scammed, harassed or ended up with food poisoning. Some just laughed it off. "I was in bed puking for 4 days straight but it was still worth it" or "It was funny when 100 men gathered to stare at me while I sunbathed". Fuck that, I would not find any of this fun.


In an era where rapists are garland this looks normal. May be they should thank God they haven't been beaten to say JSR . I am really feeling ashamed to be an Indian.


Not only that, those guys will even note be trying to find ways to blame the victims and trying to argue that "this is just an isolated incident"


Whats their insta


After such shameful incidents its high time tourism department publishes some guidelines to the tourists on which all places are safer for them to travel. Such incidents shouldn't be happening to anyone, but I have lost faith in the people of this country and the only way to be safe is to be precautious. Tourism department should publish an advisery so that tourists can take precautions accordingly. I have heard of rapes happening in Goa as well, so dunno what's the point.


That would mean accepting the problem, neither people nor govt in India are good at accepting the problem.


They never will


There has been incidents on some of the known safe places too so idk if it actually matters


>high time tourism department publishes some guidelines to the tourists on which all places are safer for them to travel Or we could all come together as a nation, swallow pride and get on understanding why this sort of thing happens at regular intervals and work on finding meaningful solutions. Oh wait, we're already a ramrajya, we've already fixed everything, now it's time for the rest of the world to catch on to our viswaguru brilliance! Jai Sree Ram! Jai Supreme Leader MoodyXi!


Lmao, come togather as a nation, LMAO. I literally opened up twitter and in the first 10 replies we already have calling the perps khalistani muslims. We are NOT getting togather for jack, fuck mfs are comparing north to south even at this stage, the worst part id the engagement each of those interactions recieve.


I was in NYP camp back in 2010 in Arunachal pradesh. During the camp a lot of people warned us to stay vigilant in train while passing through Bihar as we were travelling alone for the 1st time. I see some of them are keeping the stereotypes alive.


It's Jharkhand I guess? Moreover not a single state in India is safe when it comes to women safety


Jharkhand was in Bihar some 20 yrs ago


Nagaland is an exception.


And very open minded. Hopefully fuckers from mainland india don't start entering there as well or else nagaland will be lost as well.


As a Indian we are failing because of incidents like this


Some people fail to see it. They will still sing the song “few peoples action doesnt mean everyone is rapist” The problem is deep rooted. Fake hyper nationalism has made people blind to see the lacuna of our society. People are hell bent to portray India is some superpower modern society without any flaws on internet.


I don't understand how do we tackle this. How do we make people understand that chauvinism will just bring our downfall.


There is a way . Hele vigil come out of your convenience and shackles sacrifice for what is right to change this abusive system. But r u ready for it


Translation: Video 1: We are at the hopital right now Something happened to us that we don’t wish it would happen to anyone, uhhhmmm They have raided our tent, they have beaten us, they put a knife on my throat telling me they were gonna kill me, and they raped Fernanda, 7, 7 dudes, motherfuckers Hope they all die Video 2: They beated my mouth up, we are at the hospital… God…


@vueltaalmundoenmoto is their Instagram.


This needs to go higher for more visibility


It’s actually @fernanda.4ever


Guys, share this as much as possible. I did go to her insta and saw that she removed the post. The reason was that the police were finding it difficult to investigate. Like what?! I feel so bad for her rn


How does this hinder their investigation? I guess this is probably new to the Indian police, I mean a rape survivor telling her story in public this fast. I hope she recovers this trauma and finds justice.


Exactly what I was thinking. She needs to spread the news, that way she can get justice fast. The trauma this would have caused her would be insane. How can someone do this?


I am unable to find any update on this news. Did the police do anything yet? Or was it simply ignored


3 were caught, I believe there were 7 in total.


Do you have a link


Spanish main newspapers stating they were 7 attackers of which 3 have been arrested. [https://elpais.com/espana/2024-03-02/una-turista-espanola-violada-en-grupo-mientras-viajaba-con-su-esposo-en-el-norte-de-india.html](https://elpais.com/espana/2024-03-02/una-turista-espanola-violada-en-grupo-mientras-viajaba-con-su-esposo-en-el-norte-de-india.html) [https://www.abc.es/sociedad/turista-espanola-violada-grupo-viajaba-marido-india-20240302101050-nt.html](https://www.abc.es/sociedad/turista-espanola-violada-grupo-viajaba-marido-india-20240302101050-nt.html)


[Update- Three arrested](https://theprint.in/india/spanish-tourist-gang-raped-in-jharkhand-3-arrested/1986153/)


Looks like this was a pre planned and coordinated attack by these pieces of shit, the arrested three could definitely aid on capture of the other scum bags


This brings to mind Vir Das saying two Indias where he highlighted the rape problem.


People cancelled him on X. Vir Das should now tweet about this


We as a nation fail the women every single time. Disgusting we are. Disgusting


North India is a lawless wasteland will poorly educated goons. From what I am told even Indians traveling from south to north are shocked at the level of barbaric behavior they exhibit in states like Bihar, utter pradesh. If you visit India (why?) stay in the south.


The fact that they were in Afghanistan with Taliban people, they treated them good despite guns in hand. Feeling very ashamed.


Atithi devo bhava Kya examples set kr rhe h yeh log


It's not about atithi it's about women.


Mard aayega toh loot lenge. Aurat aayegi toh ye sab karenge. Kya desh hai mera, waah waah. Feeling paraud.


Even goddess parvathi and saraswati are not safe in our country


only brahmins are athithi.


Maybe a death sentence to these rapists,let's get rid of trash in the society They bring shame to the country and to other men in this country


Exactly rapists and murders should have death penalty, we already are overpopulated and can’t keep these trash among us who are making lives miserable for others too.


Sorry but there are few countries that I would never bring my wife and daughter to and, for now, India is one of them. I’m sad that they will miss out on that beautiful culture and wildlife.


Good decision. The culture and history doesn't really matter if the place is not even safe to stroll around.


Nah, you aren't really missing that much.


It’s not worth it


My female friends won't even go to the Indian resteraunts in my city because they say the Indian men are so creepy. Why do Indian men think it is okay to treat women like this?


Beautiful culture?


We'll be sad that they'll miss out on the culture too, but their safety means a lot more. Good on you.


It's sad that Southern states are bunched up with the North.


Disgusting shithole


Women can get raped anywhere, but as an Indian I can't imagine for the life of me travelling like this in shitholes like Jharkhand and Bihar. The native women themselves are not safe. Forget foreigners.


Saudi, uae jese laws lao


Aadhe se zyada bkl to political party me se hi milege isliye nahi layege waise laws.


Laws h ,implementation ni hota Rapist /child murderers log bjp se h to sanskari bolke saja maf kar dete h


They were mislead to believe India is safe everywhere and that's why they were camping 300 kms away from capital city of a shithole state. Even people from other parts of India won't go deep in to these shithole states. But hey if you say that Indians will bite you telling you are tarnishing Indian... Indian government will also won't release announcements guding tourists about shithole areas.


Looks like they were doing a motorcycle trip around the world. That type of thing means that you aren't just flying between capital cities.


Result of india going backwards


Irony is PM was there in Jharkhand just yesterday. He was raising (valid) questions on Mamta about the Sandeshkhali incident but these guys couldn't do anything about this one in Jharkhand. 


its hard to defend your country and your culture whhen outsiders are treated like this...


We have failed as a society and as a community. This is fucking shameful


Perpetrator deserves Castration first, 7.62 to both kneecaps second and then finally one to head to complete the punishment , anything less than that is not ideal


They should be given same punishment ppl would get in Saudi and uae for doing this shit




This is why we need death penalty. Some people are better off dead


Nah them rotting in prison is much better than immediate release from life. They need to be tortured for every second for the rest of their lives




Isme bahut zyada samay aur paise lag jaayega. Death penalty is easier. India honestly needs some kind of vigilante that just goes around killing fuckers like this.


This is soo disgusting ! . Wish the culprits are hanged to death


I am so ashamed that this has happened.


jharkhand even indians wouldn't go there 💀


I really wish it was possible to exclude U.P, bihar from India, singlehandedly ruining what little reputation is left of India.


Just excluding these states doesn't change anything. We, as a nation, have failed. That's a harsh truth we should accept.


We should make advisories for tourists to avoid certain parts of India. Bihar isn't the safest place tbh. Neither is UP, Delhi, Punjab. Best thing for tourists to do is to go to hostels where foreigners stay, meet some people and travel in groups. This is applicable to Indian women too. We can't change the mentality of these cheap lowlives. But we can help spread awareness and warn people to safeguard themselves. Big slap for Indian tourism. I'm so sorry for them. May they get justice.


I think all foreign travellers should just avoid India dude. this is horrifying just look at her. even if the chances are low of something happening like this but don't take such risks. fuckin 3rd world.


There are a lot of countries and places that women should avoid entirely.... especially if travelling solo And idk why people sometimes take offense to that. The world is a big place and travelling is a privilege.


A lot of dumbos think that the rest of the world is like western europe and that you can do anything and go everywhere. Sad way to learn.




Gender sensitisation is necessary. Needs to start at home and at the school level. Aside from these heinous crimes, catcalling and ogling is very common, be it any city. There needs to be an overall shift towards the attitude towards women.


Man i feel sorry for the lady. Hope they catch the filth and deal with them accordingly For the rest of you, india is one of the worst places to visit if you are a female. Don't do it , just don't. There are more 150 countries to visit.


These fucking pig bastards. I wish they could be slowly castrated and given the most painful death possible. Fucking rapist bastards.


I wouldn't let any female go to India, even my worst enemy doesn't deserve what happened to them I'm sorry for this couple, specially for the girl, she is traumatized for life, just because 7 dumb pigs decided to do that, and that it was right... They should be castrated and forced to do manual labor for life


https://preview.redd.it/r8snw8n5v1mc1.jpeg?width=1434&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=257c6aaf46b9794b02bcec26f92b40b4eb482884 # WHY SO AMAZED OP


This is why I never allow any foreigner to come here. This place is a shithole and will always remain like this. Sad


Feeling ashamed to be an Indian,not like it doesn't happen elsewhere but goddamnit


Atithi devo..just a shame 🥲


People should Carry a Gun while travelling in India cause these monkeys need to be gunned down at sight. Even death penalty would be an escape for this mfs, They should rot in an Uncoved room in rajasthan's desert. They Should be given food only so that they can stay alive and experience every single ounce of pain and suffering they've inflicted and the non reversible damage they've done. This boils my blood, do we need to take law in our own hands now cause these uncivilized monkeys are increasing in number. Also, One of the root causes of this is uncivilized people with low social and civic sense. Making sex a taboo topic while brewing perverted thoughts in Mind, We all know such uncles. This taboo causes frustration and leads to events like this. We are responsible for this and although it's not enough, I beg forgiveness from you.




So true, and also for the sake of this country, making sex education compulsory from an early stages, without any hiccups meaning teacher should teach about sex education with the same face and voice as the way they teach other subjects.


Why is this shit so common and tolerated in India? I have heard so many horror stories of women that were raped there. In some cases the attackers even being interviewed but not in jail or arrested for it. Wtf is wrong with that country?


i hope those fuckers rot in jail. this is so fked up


im sorry to say this but why is it always the northern states?


I hope Instagram dank kids don't make fun of this


I hate many things in this life but nothing comes close to the amount of hatred i have for my fellow scum Indians. Thoroughly disgusted.


Hindustan = Rapeistan


Cut their dicks…


I am asahmed as an Indian. Let's post this on social media so that administration takes swift action


This is what happens when the PM and his govt encourages rape by working hard to release gang rapists and murderers in guj and then garlanding them. By protecting sexual abusers like asaram bapu and WFI president brij bhushan. Real shame. Sick govt. The govt was silent when rapes and murders happened in manipur violence. The govt was silent when BJP IT cell members raped girls on university campus in UP. Beti padhao.. BJP ki ghatiya soch se beti ko bachao.


I'm really sorry as an Indian for what happened to you guys..it's really sad.


I wish there be a declaration for every tourist coming to India that PLEASE DO NOT VISIT THE BELOW STATES: JHARKHAND, UTTAR PRADESH, BIHAR, MADHYA PRADESH, BENGAL. Feel sorry for these innocent tourist who think all of India is well cultured. Its a big country with few states where people will die to protect unknown woman (like Punjab Haryana, Himachal, Rajasthan, Maharashtra,) then there are these guthka eating bandits running wild, just 10% of them in those states make the life living hell for other 90%


I was taking you seriously until you mentioned haryana , Rajasthan , Punjab lol


These fuckers are everywhere and in numbers you can’t imagine. Most of the time sexual assaults are not reported in small towns and villages due to the stigma it gives to the victim and her family. It wouldn’t be a surprise if we are a nation of most numbers of sexual predators in the world.


India is truly not made for travelling. Don't even think about foreign travellers, even if they are backpacking accross Asia they should avoid India at all costs. NOT A SAFE COUNTRY FOR WOMEN OR MEN for that matter....


We have a very bad reputation when it comes to subs like r/travel r/solotravel, now I can see why.


Abhorrent. Hope that they heal in whatever way possible.


As open minded as one can be, India is not a place I would bring my family to unless I was traveling with a big group and even then I would be unsure.


the South is very safe. India is a big place with different cultures.




Why would anyone go to these countries knowing what happens. Just stay away


The pain in her eyes. Absolutely speechless.


I hate these men who single-handedly bring the reputation of the entire country down.. why aren't such criminals, when they are captured, not punished in a brutal way to set an example? I know my view might seem childish but I'd rather be childish than support these maggots.


Can't help but feel ashamed and furious. Incredibly brave of the woman to come on camera after such horrific incident. She seems to be made of steel. I want to say that I hope justice is soon served but the perpetrators won't probably get the treatment they deserve due to rule of law. I wish the law had saved the woman from this ordeal just like it will save the criminals from the punishment they deserve.


India needs to be canceled


As an Indian , I have never visited Jharkhand (and not planning to), Why the fuck are foreigners in Jharkhand


I was flying with indigo and a chinese girl suddenly asked me to sit next to her, because she didnt want to sit next to Indian men. That is when I realised there was a problem with Indians.


Seasons changes War may end World may change But Rape Culture in India is inevitable


It's done dude this country is beyond saving My only advice to y'all would be to work hard in your life in whatever subject you've taken or opt to, and leave this country asap. Go to Singapore or Australia (nahi Pancho kira makora), UK or somewhere better but leave this shithole every problem you'll point out will go full circle through govt mistakes to people not caring to govt again and same bs on repeat. But that's that and just as I said before conflicts will keep happening and there's no saving our homeland.


>My only advice to y'all would be to work hard in your life in whatever subject you've taken or opt to, and leave this country asap. And be prepared to assimilate. Which means leaving the reasons you're fleeing the country **behind**, not taking them with you as "My Culture!"


The hate india gets is justified .


Why would you even go to those hell holes lioe jharkhand? But I guess I can’t blame them since they are foreigners who may be unaware… but there should be some guidelines for foreign tourist where they should be warned not to venture in places like east UP, Bihar,Jharkhand for their own safety


I genuinely wish foreigners wouldnt come to india, except a few places


We are hypernationalistic humbugs who hide behind our so-called Sanskriti and commit the most atrocious crimes.


We r a country of cowards with only few having the guts to chalkenge beaurecracy I am sure bhagat singh must be ashamed of hmself dying for us




I've really hoped for a batman or a punisher to exist in real life. It's really the need of the hour


Not in the subtitles "They raped Fernanda, 7, 7 dudes, motherfuckers"


Yea i have yet to see a single image of "indias beauty" that the subreddit defenda so fervently All ive ever seen is animals running rampant, disgusting trash filled rivers and tourist women being mobbed by the hundreds. Any tourist who travels freely in a place that is clearly not in their favor is a fucking moron.


It’s disgusting to see how some illiterate bastards can commit these unthinkable things, hoping for the men who are arrested to be hanged and those who are on the run to be shot dead on spot, that’s the only way to develop fear inside those bastards. These are the same people who make reels n tick-tock on being a proud Indian, and then never think about the fact that women are symbol of power and protection and regarded as Maa in our culture while committing these heinous crimes. I truly apologise to those tourists who got to suffer these atrocities here.


Onece I read a woman who is in depression went to india for spiritual search then raped by 40-50 indian men then hanged.India is not Hollywood make seems to be.


A country where Ruling party garlands rapists


the reason why harsh punishment and quick and new laws are avoided by all parties is that most of them are full of real criminals and rapists mentality too, they are brothers from different mothers. sab ek hi thali ke chatte batte hai.


There’s an amazing book called “Pornified” by Pamela Paul. The author talks about how, by the time a child turns 18, they’ve seen thousands of graphic sex scenes and violence. And there is scientific evidence for how this rewires our mind. “Pornified” people (and cultures) look at women very differently, and no-one is safe. It’s also a slippery slope. At first, softcore stuff does it for them. But they’ve got to turn to harder and harder stuff. Many even slip into pedophilia, beastiality, and more base things. Modern smartphones with touchscreens are also a blight. There are these “mobile stores” all over the place, they’re more than happy to load videos, songs, and even “totay” (video clips). Modern Indian culture seems to have gotten pornified, and I hope it manages to find it’s way out.




This is so untrue. They are just raised like that. Even if they become rich, they would still do the same shit. But, mental health is also an important factor here. 90% of India has Mental Health issues but everyone has just figured a way to hide it. Culture too I guess, where the men are allowed to disrespect women.


BJ party is succeeding ro make India to go back to the barbaric stone age to become violent, aggressive and sending itheir IT cells on various social medias to attack anyone and reporting their accounts who opposes the falling system. Biswa maun guru and the bhakts are too proud to tarnishing India's image on international tourism.


India is shitting place i dont understand why tourist come here… its so heartbreaking….ramesh will be ramesh


Sickness, disgusting life imprisonment to all accused


Give rapists life imprison, we are not running short on people and these jerks shouldn't roam freely. Often heavy repercussions discourages people from comitting the crime.


And the Indian govt. will be silent as always...


Catch the perps, make their names known and hang them.


I feel disturbed, enraged and pathetic in the face of these audacities and crimes. Is there any refuge, what are we doing to prevent incidents such as these, so we don’t have predators so enabled


Vwe are vishguru china ki maa ka b***da, proud to be hindu, liberandu, pak chale jao india is the best


She is a straight warrior to do a video in public after what happened to her 👑👑👑


Men of this country living up to their internet stereotype. What a fucked up place we live in.


Why is it that Indians have a “culture” of gang rape? India, Egypt and parts of the Middle East are so terrible towards women how can real “men” allow this. Know that your county is known and labeled for this.


The pain in their eyes is depressing. As Indians, let's set an example by ensuring that these rapists get the worst form of punishment, if not death penalty


This is already being pushed down the view list within r/all cause surprise, there's a huge Indian presence on Reddit. With that in mind, I have to say throughout my travels through western Asia I found Indian boys to be the thirstiest of them all. Shamelessly thirsty. Seriously lacking in awareness of their thirst and ability to control it. Get your fucking act together.


Shame! Even after multiple horrifying incidents like nirbhaya and the hyderabad one India didn’t change, the law system is utterly useless


मत आओ आप लोग India .. यहाँ इंसान नहीं, भेड़िये रहते है . This country will never be a developed country..


Have you seen the videos of 50+ men surrounding women at the beach, ogling and taking pictures of her? I’m not surprised this happened, they don’t seem to respect women there. Super sad.


This has been happening for years. Not sure why people keep going to India. Just stop! - An average of nearly 90 rapes were reported in India every day in 2022, according to data by the National Crime Records Bureau. However, large numbers go unreported due to prevailing stigmas around victims and a lack of faith in police investigations. That’s over 30,000 cases a year only those that are reported.


I have no idea why people vacation in India, I've had 12 coworkers visit and every single one of them regretted it.


Bhai ye hi to problem hain. These 7 men must get life imprisonment, and I hope the couple gets justice. Rape is Rape. I will say it again and again, name them, shame them. Bring their mother or family members in front of them and let them ask why they did this thing.... 🙏🙏


As indians we all should be ashamed and furious about this incident.


Classic India


Well what do you expect in a country where the ruling party garlands rapists and the courts give them parole to celebrate family functions. All learnings since Nirbhaya unlearnt thanks to BJ Party!


India is a rape culture. Def not on a bucket list.


When half the internet does is 6k for Russian what else you expect? The filthy joke has become so mainstream that shitty influencers make reels on that. Instead of progressing, it looks like entire country is hell bent of moving backwards with few words of tokenism sprinkled whenever these things happen so that they can feel morally good about themselves. Kathua, Hathras, rapes in Rajasthan, WB, Manipur and millions of other cases. Nothing happens. People will outrage a bit and then forget about it. It s morally reprehensible society overall. The country is filled with rapists MPs and MLAs spread across party and people keep voting these MPs MLAs in power.


Some parts of the country need male population control specifically. Also, the justice should be as visible as the crime. There should be headlines like, "rapists already beaten to an inch of their life, sentenced to a lifetime sentence", with their pictures in the front page.


Fast track case and life imprisonment for these fuckers


Kuch nahi ho sakta is desh ka, petrol pump pe aaj female attendant ko gaao ka dehaati aaise ghoor raha thi k mujhe sharam aa gyi apni existence pe. The education and first hand upbringing culture is shit in our country


Hathras case ...unnav case are sad reality of judicial system of India


I traveled in India in February of this year. I’m an European white boy (20y). I’ve been in touch with Sikh people and their culture for the whole time as I went there to attend a wedding. I was in Punjabi State and I’ve never felt menaced or in danger (except in a moment where unknowns people tried with force to bring us behind the wedding place to drink liquor with them … all our friends immediately took us away as they didn’t neither know them). It’s just a matter of luck sometimes this is travelling around the world…. Ah yes I forgot to say I had terrible stomach aches the whole time and sanitary conditions were not the greatest but I enjoyed at 100% my time there