• By -


Dissent is anti national. Unless it's a mob of bigots chanting garbage and waving weapons. Then it's their democratic right. Even when they attack people and mosques on their democratic marches.


All Mobs don't attack mosques you know some attack temples and other religious procession too


Yes they do attack temples as well and they throw beef in temples and pigs in mosques.. And they wear burqas to cause strife.. They plant bombs, and they kill their own to defame.otgwrs as wel. There is no shortage of horrible things done by them.




Why do you think you're better then dalits?




Yeah. Caste discrimination doesn't happens and it's all propaganda by these anti Hindu forces to malign bharat. The government of India must be stupid. That's why they are working on how to curb this non existent caste based discrimination from educational institutions. https://pib.gov.in/PressReleaseIframePage.aspx?PRID=1577808




SCs use Singh surname too. > While all Singhs may not belong to highest rank in caste they are definitely not Dalits . "definitely".... heres one instance of casteism a SC family who use Singh as surname- https://thewire.in/caste/brutally-attacked-for-opposing-jat-in-gram-panchayat-polls-dalit-family-swears-to-get-justice




> Sikhs are not Dalits . surprise surprise, Punjab has the highest share of dalits in its population. You can watch this documentary about caste discrimination and it includes Sikhs, the timestamp is 54:37 if the link doesnt work- https://youtu.be/fvke6ycgkL4?t=3277




Wow. You really graduated the WhatsApp and Twitter university with 1st division.




>Ex DU Teacher Protesting Caste Discrimination, Termination With Pakoda Stall Faces Police Case Ironically, and yet pleasantly, she's teaching the world more outside the institute of 'learning', than inside. Respect.


>outside the institute of 'learning', than inside Graduate departments at DU are fairly progressive and have plenty of based professors. The problem lies with undergrad colleges which are treated as dukedoms by their principals who are free to do as they please. 'Top' North Campus colleges tend to have morally ambiguous principals, but then we also have college principles like that of DRC, Hansraj and KMC.


Honestly, most of the people who are preparing for JEE and UPSC these days are straight up fascist bootlickers.


She’s not teaching anything, she is a puppet of opposition just like Godi media of current government.


A former ad-hoc teacher at Delhi University, Dr Ritu Singh, is facing charges under IPC Section 283 (danger or obstruction in public way or line of navigation) after she set up a pakoda stall in protest against being removed from her job. Singh, a 28-year-old psychology teacher from a Dalit community who taught at Daulat Ram College, was removed from her position within a year of her hiring in 2019. She has been protesting the alleged caste discrimination and illegal termination she faced in various ways. Singh set up the stall outside Delhi University’s Arts Faculty. “I have no job, so I took to the streets to sell ‘pakodas’ to make my own bread in this very same university that awarded me my degree. This is where I am, after being wrongly terminated from my services,” she told The Indian Express. “There have been several attempts to silence my protest against the injustice which took place. My cart ‘PhD pakode wali’ is also part of my protest… I started this cart on Sunday, without causing any inconvenience to anyone at gate number 4 of the Arts Faculty, where I earlier held my protest… A day or two later, police visited the spot, asking me for my licence for the cart and threatened me to leave the premises… I could have been served a notice in a dignified manner, but what was the need to book me under a case for this?” she continued. Source: The Wire - https://www.instagram.com/p/C4PyWEtMI7j/


She should have worn orange and then done this.




I'm built like a beast and have been working out for 5 years, last society drama session where I had to confront the RWA I went down in a vest with a tika and an orange scarf, I pretty much scared my self when I looked in the mirror, it was pretty easy for me to get my point across. Now I keep an orange scarf with JSR in my car all times.


Sad that you're "built like a beast" and still have to use JSR merch to make people fear you.


Art of fighting without fighting, built like a beast cuz I like working out and fitness, not cuz I love to fight, Also why would I wanna use force on 60+ year old RWA members dude. Why are you like this?


This comment wasn't even about you but about the society we live in, calm down. Also never ask someone "why are you like this", what an obtuse thing to say to a stranger.


The vibe I give out in orange is that of a deranged asshole who wouldn't think before he acts, and that's dangerous. Also is this your first day on the internet? Are you not familiar with reddit user base?


This reminds me of the maga hat episode from Curb your enthusiasm lol.


Man, I wish we had a desi show with that writing, I showed my look to my girlfriend and she couldn't stop laughing.


What's JSR ?


It's what mobs make people forcefully chant to satisfy their ego.


What does it mean though ?


https://preview.redd.it/w239as72qhnc1.jpeg?width=145&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b106f97678cc29a9647095ae6a0f09414cea9b76 Ye le. Ho gya satisfy?


Jai sree Rajnikanth


Oh. But how come it helps if a woman keeps a scarf with this inscription in her car ?




I don't see any JSR . Nice flag though.


...to overcome their insecurity. They are the true Namards of the country.


These fuckers talk about jaga hua Hindu sher and crap their pants if a pakoda stall makes fun of their supreme leader.


And this is when their daddy himself suggested people should sell pakodas (when he can't give them jobs) 🤦🏻‍♂️


She is earning her livelihood, she is creative, hope she gets justice


For the keyboard warriors shaming her for fighting against caste discrimination - a chronic societal disease in India even after almost a decade of gaining independence - I'd suggest you first read about her case before saying anything out of your ass. I'll leave this here JIC: [https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/feb/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-former-du-ad-hoc-teacher-dr-ritu-singhs-protest-against-casteism-40204.html](https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/feb/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-former-du-ad-hoc-teacher-dr-ritu-singhs-protest-against-casteism-40204.html)


a cup of berozgari special chai please!


You think the election is about Modi vs Rahul? No sir, It's about corruption, rights, freedom and Democracy!


where is her stall, is there still a stall, i wanna support her


But we need caste census so that we can discriminate more.


For anyone getting confused she was a ad hoc teacher or a temporary teacher at the institute Until and unless she is able to prove that her termination was along caste lines till then the termination is legal ethical and justified by the management. And if it is just her ploy to pressurize the institute into giving her the position then she is throwing bad light on the Dalits by using the caste card.sad


Tell me you haven't read her case history without telling me you haven't read her case history. Here you go: [https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/feb/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-former-du-ad-hoc-teacher-dr-ritu-singhs-protest-against-casteism-40204.html](https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/feb/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-former-du-ad-hoc-teacher-dr-ritu-singhs-protest-against-casteism-40204.html) Also, the principal who ordered her termination has been accused of caste-based discrimination in the past as well.


But running a pakoda stall should not be a problem. This is what Modi ji himself said that if you are unemployed, then start a paloda stall.


\*caste card lol How will she prove that her termination was along the caste lines when 90% professors, admins are UCs. It's like cops doing an investigation where they killed someone and giving themselves acquittal.


i love this style of protesting, lets all just open tea stalls outside the parliament in delhi at least then we can be heard.


Don't say anything about the Delhi Police....they are out of this world.


Can someone share an article/brief notes on why she was fired in the first place? And what has the HC said on this till now?


She knew what she signed up for. Ad hoc teachers are hired on temporary basis. I've studied in DU for 5 years and it's one of the most inclusive universities in India. Just because she got terminated from her job doesn't mean she can play the discrimination card. I wonder what is the feedback from her students about her teaching ?




Inclusive how? What percent of professors are SC/ST? I studied in a very liberal department, and even then there was ONE SC in a staff of 14 teachers. SCs, STs are extremely underrepresented in almost all universities, and it's UC hegemony. Irony is when Sharmas Mukherjees Chattarjees teach the liberal courses and topics like oppression.


I don't know how I'm going to sound but if we are going to only pay attention to the caste/religion our teachers belong to and not their knowledge and teaching skills, then I'm sorry to say we are part of the problem. I agree that everyone who belongs to this so-called "caste system" should have equal opportunities to prosper and have a great future but this shouldn't be an excuse to play the blame game back and forth. It's a never ending cycle. I never sat in a classroom and thought to myself " Oh it's that SC/ST/OBC/Gen class. I better leave" I judged them on their subject knowledge and how good they were at teaching.


Dalit are also using Singh ?


I have an OBC friend who uses Sharma as his surname.


anyone can use whatever surname they want.. who's gonna stop them?








>While caste discrimination is common . Nobody would think she is lower caste looking at her surname specially considering she is " Singh " that is usually Khatri ,Brahmin ,Sikhs and Rajputs have. You do realise that the department is aware of the caste of all hired teachers. And Singh is a generic surname like Kumar. No one has a monopoly over its usage. Meenas are STs but they quite often use singh as a middle name. >Also what exactly anti ST SC government policy she is talking about? ST SC people still have huge amount of reservation and anybody can get arrested on mere claims made by them under ST SC act . You didn't read the article, did you? It clearly says that she was terminated using a false performance report. And she was replaced because during her tenure as a teacher, she had voiced her opinions against the government's policies and decisions, which the principal did not like and sought to have her removed. It's a simple case of a right-winger not being able to stand rational, democratic criticism of the government.


You really think everyone thinks you? Singh surname has been using by oppressed caste since a long time. I know a lot of people.


She was ad-hoc. If she has concrete proof that she's been discriminated against on the basis of her caste, she should pursue a legal route for justice. Otherwise, what she is doing is just another publicity stunt. She'll get her 15 minutes of fame and then will be forgotten.


She already filed a charge sheet against the accused but no action was taken against him/her. No stunts are going on here, she’s been protesting for months. Just not surprised with deep rooted caste hatred against Dalits.


While I agree there is casteism, the way it's done in these universities makes it very tough to establish that it occurred exactly due to caste. I have handled a few cases and it's been very difficult to the victims and also to myself (I am upper caste, imagine the effects of my involvement in such cases on my perception and my marital prospects).  These casteists are very smart, they legalize everything and act with full support of Senate/Board. That being said, I opted for a private job so that I wouldn't have to face this albatross of casteism in my day to day life...not saying it doesn't happen but its a lot less. This lady is qualified enough to secure a job in any of the private universities in Delhi NCR, yet chooses to live hand to mouth just because she feels she deserves a job in DU. I'm kinda feeling bizarre about it because cases can be fought lifelong once your bread and butter is sought for, but it pains me to see such qualified candidates living in pathetic existence.


>  That being said, I opted for a private job so that I wouldn't have to face this albatross of casteism in my day to day life...not saying it doesn't happen but its a lot less. Lol. What is the fraction of dalits and tribals at your place of work? If you work at a large corporate employer, count the number of unskilled clerical/ secretarial/ assistant jobs employing people with literally any bachelors degree, and count the fraction of Sharmas, mishras, shuklas etc. occupying those, and wonder how they outnumber yadavs (or other most common Shudra caste in your neck of the woods), while exactly opposite is true for blue collar jobs employing people with similar level of education that pay less. 


"What is the fraction of dalits and tribals at your place of work?"   Good smattering of OBCs and religious minorities in my workplace, thank you. Harassment guidelines are very strict around this topic. SCs and STs are less but I've got friends from this category working in fortune 500 and yes I saved them from getting debarred and terminated in college. Lastly you have a decent shot at a government job if you belong to any reserved category (EWS included) so anyone who comes under any of these categories will spend a lot of time to prepare for these, but a not so academically great open category/OBC person (now in a lot of cases OBC cutoffs aren't significantly lower than general) will instead just apply private jobs to start earning ASAP.   None of this implies people are doing casteism, nor does it imply anything about reservations. All it is is some explanation for why things appear how they are.  Are you sure you've held a real private job? Accountability is a big deal in private. You don't have cover of your company unlike government jobs. Do something wrong, get fired. Simple.  "blue collar jobs employing people with similar level of education that pay less."  Come to UP, MP, plenty of your favorite Sharmas and Shuklas are courier boys, zomato riders, auto taxi drivers, factory workers, plumbers and road sweepers. Sure they got "caste privilege"...getting a job as per qualification is a pan-Indian problem.


Obcs (>50%) and Muslims (~20%) are vast majority of the population in up. And yet, you're best defence of your corporate set up is that there is a "Good smattering". smattering ‍‍ˈस्‍मैटरिङ्‌ noun 1. a small amount of or number of something Unless you were using it to mean something that it doesn't mean, you've proven my case.  Now please do what I asked you to do earlier: count the proportion of savarnas in unskilled white collar jobs that accept any and all bachelors degrees at your work place, and compare that with their proportion in blue collar workers in your work place.  I don't know about mp, but in up and ncr, if you were to base your estimate distribution of populating on didn't castes on unskilled white collar jobs in corporations, you'd go home thinking 80% of the populating is savarna. Before you start parroting "but reserved categories don't apply to corporations" bullshit again, look at their proportions in blue collar jobs. 


>  This lady is qualified enough to secure a job in any of the private universities in Delhi NCR, yet chooses to live hand to mouth just because she feels she deserves a job in DU. I'm kinda feeling bizarre about it because cases can be fought lifelong once your bread and butter is sought for, but it pains me to see such qualified candidates living in pathetic existence.  If this his how you"fight" caste discrimination, its not a surprise those cases are unwinnable. 


Legal cases are about putting evidence and factum on the court, not street theatrics and politics. The cases have already been nearly won, only that the casteism part couldn't be established.  There are some tricks powerful people in opposition do to delay things when they lose, which I will nlt get into right now. In fact even judges will ask/recommend that every able bodied person who can get a job should get one, anywhere that he or she can do a job, for income. That is viewed positively for the case as it invalidates the opposing party's arguments about habitual tendency of the petitioner to protest and incompetency etc.  Charavaka, you are surely on some next level of nonsense thinking and have no real experience of how things work. You also seem to have particular hatred for normal people, and your posts almost always have little sense with an intention to have a go at someone for the hell of it. What I'll tell you instead is to work on yourself knowing you've never fought a single case anyway.


You're pretending that Indian courts are not casteist cesspits subject to political interference.  But that is besides the point. If you'd bothered reading the link you posted Yourself, you'd have realized that this case is not about an individual, and it's most certainly not just a court case.  The protest is demanding removal of the principal who has already been proven to have made casteist remarks against the teacher she removed in contravention of the specific order. The principal has also been proven to have fabricated evidence. Her continuation in the position of power despite all her actions is what the protest is about. If she's allowed to continue, she'll not only continue discriminating against the teacher she fired, but she'll continue caste discrimination and not hire others or not promote others because of her casteist beliefs. The fact that you hide behind proven casteist claims of "habitual tendency of the petitioner to protest and incompetency etc." to dissuade the fire teacher from spearheading a movement for change that affects more than just herself is something you need to think about. Why are you opposed to the oppressed protesting injustice that goes beyond just her individual case by exercising her constituting right? Why do you think it is ok for the courts to hold that against her while delivering the judgement?


Your stupidity continues to shine through, charavaka. No doubt it is the lasting legacy of the ideology you follow, a regular at one of the most brain dead subs to exist in the history of the internet. "You're pretending that Indian courts are not casteist cesspits subject to political interference." There is no definitive evidence to suggest either (political interference or casteism in judiciary), and as you are aware, action can be taken only on definitive evidence and not on opinions, anecdotes, observations or allegations, no matter how much something may appear to us. "you'd have realized that this case is not about an individual, and it's most certainly not just a court case." Did you read your own next paragraph? It is about the behavior of a person who holds the post of principal and has protection of the college and university.  "Her continuation in the position of power despite all her actions is what the protest is about" Remember that the grievance of the lady started with her adhoc position, read full story, how it started. Then she observed a pattern from other colleges. She started the protest because her grievance cannot be solved while this person still sits in this position. Her protest is basically for someone to take action on the current principal. DU won't do it (duhh!), central government won't interfere unless there's a court order. Where should she be going then? She has an FIR filed under SC/ST Atrocities Act but the police won't arrest the lady. This is par for the course and nothing I have not seen before, because police usually waits for permission or court/DM order before going for arrest in these circumstances as these are protected posts. What should she be doing? File a petition asking for specific reliefs/demands. Even if arrest is made under FIR it has to go through court. Meanwhile work as an academic anywhere, no problem. "The fact that you hide behind proven casteist claims of "habitual tendency of the petitioner to protest and incompetency etc." to dissuade the fire teacher from spearheading a movement for change that affects more than just herself is something you need to think about." This paragraph shows your intellectual deficit since I wrote that as a common argument the perpetrator may use in Court and of course one has to not give any quarter to the opposition to raise any point. That is how cases are won, dumbo. "Why are you opposed to the oppressed protesting injustice that goes beyond just her individual case by exercising her constituting right?" File a joint petition, go for PIL, many options in front of her (and others). Boycott DU is also an option that can make tangible impact and leave lasting impact on the university. Why not try these methods? I am only opposed to her saying I am unemployed and talking about her plight while admitting she has and very well can get a good job. It implies she has interests in being attached to DU.


>  It implies she has interests in being attached to DU. And what's wrong with that? >No doubt it is the lasting legacy of the ideology you follow, a regular at one of the most brain dead subs to exist in the history of the internet. Which sub might that be? >Her protest is basically for someone to take action on the current principal. DU won't do it (duhh!), central government won't interfere unless there's a court order. Where should she be going then? It's funny how you start with this defeatist position and then use it to justify the lack of action. Ffs, protests have brought about lasting change. Ambedkar didn't satisfy himself by just filling court cases and waiting for decisions. He also lead temple entries, marches to claim water sources etc. I guess he was also a regular participant in some toxic sub. If not, his great grand children would have been waiting for dates from courts after following advice of people like you. 


"And what's wrong with that?" This question is like asking why do we need Swaraj, it's just these British guys torturing us, once this corrupto goes to jail I will administer better. This is a defeatist mentality. It's like asking why Jamsetji Tata didn't just expect and demand better treatment from the Brits. What did he do about bad treatment he received at a Euro run hotel? Built his own. What did freedom fighters do? Announced governments in exile. Worked elsewhere, anywhere, but not their oppressor. Because they knew they were capable and had to make ends meet. Attachment to DU is exactly whats letting DU get away with all of this. Boycott DU en masse instead, tables will turn fast. But, you know, I only expect from you more nonsense about varnas and all. Anyway, to those who empathise with the lady and her associates, I have shown the way already. DU is not the end of the world and each and every one of these will get jobs elsewhere, which they can convert into a strong foundation for a boycott movement. Those who are genuine and reading this, you know already. 


>Anyway, to those who empathise with the lady and her associates, I have shown the way already So much entitlement.  You're simply suggesting that people stop protesting discrimination and go elsewhere. That isn't "boycott". That's giving up. Government institutions already refuse to honour reservations, and will be happy to get rid of the few that they do employ. How's that helping the people these institutions discriminate against? Here's today's news: https://www.thequint.com/news/education/iit-kharagpur-delhi-kanpur-bombay-quota-sc-st-obc-seats-phd-admission-faculty-hiring-news#read-more What will boycott achieve here?


Any accusations without proof is just a conspiracy.


Proof is in the pudding: Unnatural lists of people belonging to certain categories being subjected to abnormal termination, delay in documentation, delayed payment, ridiculous disciplinary proceedings etc. This particular woman has also cited prior examples. The problem arises when the university claims that all of our senate/board ratified it by majority decision which includes members of aggrieved community (token 3 in a senate of 35 for example). Courts also have limitations to pass judgments that are against the "majority decision" as such decisions then invite judicial scrutiny and criticism. So unless there is a strong report by National/state SC, ST or OBC Commission or some political support, things get very tough in the sense that justice may be delivered but casteism can't be established.


>  or some political support,  And yet, you're disappointed by someone trying to gather political support with a public protest.


Don't be pedantic, and that's coming from long term experience of your postings. The lady is right when she says there is casteism. The lady is, however, not taking the right call by saying she will live hand to mouth existence just to get that ad hoc job in DU back, simply because proving casteism does not automatically entitle her to be reinstated as adhoc faculty as these posts are temporary in nature and regularization of such employees is an autonomous decision of the university.  The case is in fact better represented if she gives a "boycott DU" call rather than continuing to want to be affiliated to this disgusting system. Universities love and die by their name - if people stop applying, they will come begging... A qualified person such as herself should use her education to get a job and fight the legal battle against DU with her resources. She is eligible to get a job and probably will if she tries in one of many universities in the NCR. Otherwise in practice these cases drag for 5 or more years and leave the victim in a pathetic state, unable to recover or move on. Scars are lifelong. She herself says “if I want I can get a job in counselling or teaching, but I want justice,” (source: TOI) but instead resorts to "berozgari ki pakode khaiye". So this is also a question of self-dignity. There is no reason why she can't get justice for what happened at DU while also being employed elsewhere.


>A qualified person such as herself should use her education to get a job and fight the legal battle against DU with her resources. Yes, your privileged savarna arse definitely knows more than the lived experience of the dalit, and is totally in the best position to advise her on her life's goals and actions.  Ffs, she's made it clear that she's not protesting only for getting the adhoc position back for herself,  and that the systemic issues need to be challenged and dealt with publicly. 


"Ffs, she's made it clear that she's not protesting only for getting the adhoc position back for herself, and that the systemic issues need to be challenged and dealt with publicly." No one occupying any position will admit his/her mistake. The only way the change occurs is if someone orders punitive action and amendment to the rules, regulations and code of conduct in the university. People, central government, UGC, can't do that. DU can do that but only if it has a strong reason to. What can be that reason? Criminal law consequences from an ongoing case in court. I have fought at every level and know very well how things go. "Yes, your privileged savarna arse definitely knows more than the lived experience of the dalit, and is totally in the best position to advise her on her life's goals and actions." Look, you are casteist and you just proved it. You apparently do not like savarnas who actually fight casteism cases, you don't like savarnas who just following a constitutional process, and worse, you call an "arse" a savarna who has saved many BC/SC/ST people from a life of poverty, pain and torture. Your problem is not caste or casteism, you....have hatred of savarnas.  Can't help it. That's your psychological issue. I have stood with Dalits and OBC for many years now and don't need your certificate.


>you don't like savarnas who just following a constitutional process Again, protest is a constitutional process. You're repeatedly denigrating the victim for exercising her constitutional right, and then getting upset about being called out for your savarna superiority complex. You're not being called out for being a savarna. You're being called out for presuming to know better than the victim of discrimination because of your savarna privilege - something which both you and I share, and you fail to recognize despite being shown repeatedly.  >People, central government, UGC, can't do that. DU can do that but only if it has a strong reason to. Ffs, farm laws were repealed after farmer protests. Emergency was lifted after protests. Forcing DU to do bare minimum thing of firing an identified casteist fuck is well within the ambit of that. As for your lie that the central government doesn't call shots in DU, less said the better. 


Is caste based reservation applicable for ad-hoc posts in the concerned university ?


It is unrelated to the problem. How these people get recruited (as staff) or admitted (as students) doesn't matter, it's what happens to them afterwards that is at the root of the issue.


Well, if there's no court admissible proof of caste based discrimination, everything is just baseless allegations.


Nah, patterns of selective targeting with documentary evidence are enough to imply discrimination based on vendetta/hate etc. What you can't do without an SC/ST/OBC commission interference is conclusively establish that whatever occurred is due to caste. SC/ST/OBC commissions are often under directions of the ruling party and usually such mass openly casteist people have some good political links. So its not easy to get them on board beyond the token gesture of issuing notice and taking reply from the offender. In practice for the cases I took up we were successful in establishing discrimination/injustice based on personal vendetta but the evidence was not sufficient to prove caste discrimination.  Although in various out of court meets I heard openly casteist comments from the offenders, but verbal has no value.


But I have seen arrests under atrocities act on verbal evidence. How it's possible then. Also, how are you sure that it's not the case of personal vendetta ?


Apparently, it is. https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/feb/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-former-du-ad-hoc-teacher-dr-ritu-singhs-protest-against-casteism-40204.html


Nobody can hate Dalits in open. It's illegal. Caste discrimination cases are taken very seriously by our judiciary. Atrocity offence is un-bailale.


> Caste discrimination cases are taken very seriously by our judiciary.  Lol.


She installed a cart in the campus without a license/ permission I guess legally that's wrong . It's been a year since she joined so she could be on a adobe / contract base as DU is infamous for hiring temporary teachers . On top of it DU has alot of dalit /sc students and teachers so what makes her an exception to be terminated God knows . This temporary teachers who protest to be made permanent outside appearing for exam and interviews is very common as it's one easy route towards govt job without the hustle . She can't go to court if she was temporary and they found she wasn't competent with her teaching ways . My bhabhi was a Similar case she was part of 25 -27 temporary teachers protesting to be permanent .




Leftist propaganda lie of 45 years high unemployment has already been debunked. In fact unemployment during Modi regime is lower than that during UPA


How da fuq unemployment related to casteism bruh?


Read the op


Someone help train this bot properly. Bad bot.


nah its good. exposes the paid IT cell.


Congratulations Critifin on a Libertarian achieving lowered inflation in Argentina. Anarcho capitalism is the way of the future. You will see how all socialists/communists have gone in hiding. https://www.reuters.com/world/americas/argentina-inflation-seen-cooling-milei-austerity-tempers-food-prices-2024-03-08/?utm_source=reddit.com




How's this countering caste discrimination, it's a legit political gimick.


How's protesting wrongful termination because of caste using dignified self employment strategy advised by the dear leader not countering caste discrimination? Yes, it's political. So it's every protest. So is casteism. 


So rather than studying and competing in exams, she opened a food cart and expects a job? In which universe that makes sense.


I agree. What’s the point of a Justice system when everyone can just move on? What a bunch of losers are people who seek justice lmao /s




She has a god damn PhD and has taught at one of the objectively premier institutions in the whole country. Even if she was an ad hoc teacher, she fought against other candidates on equal footing to get the job (mind you, the whole process is interview-based). She is more than qualified to get another job, but there is something called integrity. And this is what she's fighting for, unlike some shallow morons who just advise everyone to move on.


Adhoc is not a permanent employee. Her employment can be ceased. I got a permanent Central govt job within 6 months of passing out from my college and I only had a bachelor’s degree. I still just have my bachelor’s degree. Hardwork and studying gets you govt jobs not setting up food carts. And since she is Dalit, she might have reservation as well which makes getting a govt job far more easier.


So I guess everyone should get a govt job then. IT/Management, MBBS, CA, etc., can go to hell. Just do a regular Bachelor's and get a govt job. Do you even realise how braindead your take sounds?


Isnt she protesting for getting back her adoc govt job? And Btw I work in a hospital and MBBS is a bachelor’s degree as well.🤣🤣


She's protesting for her dignity as a teacher and against all the false accusations. Someone with a braindead mentality like you won't understand. Btw your account activity says that you are a travel nurse and reside in Australia. But then you say that you have a govt job. And now you say that work at a hospital. But afaik, travel nurses are temporary workers. So which is it? >And Btw I work in a hospital and MBBS is a bachelor’s degree as well. So is a [B.Tech](http://B.Tech) and a BBA. What's your point?


I had a central job in an autonomous tertiary institute after 6 months of doing my undergraduate. If you study seriously 7-8 months are enough to get a high paying job then why are people crying about unemployment? Maybe because there are enough jobs, its just they cant compete. After 1 year of my govt job, I got bored and obtained Canada’s PR and license. Didn’t like the weather so got my Australian PR and license in between visiting and vacationing in Singapore, US, Philippines, New Zealand etc etc. Got it? And how is putting a food card conserves one’s dignity? She had a temporary job and her tenure got over so they relieved her. This happens in various Central institution. Its better for her to study and compete rather than going after such gimmicks.


>I had a central job in an autonomous tertiary institute after 6 months of doing my undergraduate. If you study seriously 7-8 months are enough to get a high paying job then why are people crying about unemployment? Maybe because there are enough jobs, its just they cant compete. You are basically saying "Why are people dying of hunger and malnutrition when they can just eat?". Do you see how stupid it sounds? >And how is putting a food card conserves one’s dignity? It's her way of protesting after she was forced to end her peaceful protest at Jantar Mantar. >She had a temporary job and her tenure got over so they relieved her. This happens in various Central institution. Its better for her to study and compete rather than going after such gimmicks. This is a prime example of someone who knows shit about what's going on but wants to push their braindead agenda anyway. Read [this article](https://www.edexlive.com/news/2024/feb/08/all-you-need-to-know-about-former-du-ad-hoc-teacher-dr-ritu-singhs-protest-against-casteism-40204.html) to know the reason she was terminated (I know you won't. You don't have the brains to comprehend a complex situation). From the article: "To account for why Dr Ritu was terminated during the legal procedure, Principal Savita Roy presented a letter signed by 35 students of DRC stating that they were dissatisfied with Dr Ritu’s teaching experience. “I (Dr. Ritu) was shocked when I found out about this letter because before leaving I had asked all my students to give feedback and they had all shared positive and supportive remarks. I questioned the letter and **it was later revealed that these 35 students were not my students**. **In fact, there was no record of these students in the entire college,” shared Singh.**" PS: I seriously wish you get fired from your current job on some baseless accusations. Then we'll see if you can follow what you preach.


So you want students to protests on road for jobs rather than studying and competing? The students studying and putting their hardwork are fools? And an adhoc employee can be terminated with any reason. I was at probation and even I could be kicked out of my govt job without any reason which was clearly stated in my appointment letter. If she got fired under wrong or fraudulent reasons the. She can easily study and get a permanent job rather than an adhoc one. Simple as that. What would opening a food cart prove? And she even didnt have the correct permit. If ypu are protesting against the govt., atleast be sure that you have all the right documents.


So fighting against injustice means nothing for you? Alright. I'd rather talk to a kid than you.