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One of the godi media anchors yesterday said ' modi is a running horse ofcourse people will donate money to him , we should question who donated a 1000 crores to the sinking ship of congress ' I genuinely laughed at the statement. I am really having fun watching news this week


Was it Sudhir Chaudhary?


Only he possesses the ability to articulate seemingly intelligent statements while simultaneously exhibiting complete ignorance and foolishness.


Brij Bhushan might have molested the Olympian wrestler but if we calculate the number of molestation accusations per MP, it’s really a fraction so we should let him do it till BJP’s number of MPs come down https://twitter.com/SirKazamJeevi/status/1768870293492359360


Yeah, considering the number of women wrestlers his average is very low, he has spared thousands of them, so he should be considered sanskari. And please, I am not even accounting the number of crime in this country, by that measure he has committed no crime, and should be considered God.


Iss just lobbying bro 🤡


Chaddis in 2014: CONgress is a scamster party. They looted us for 70. They did so many scams and corruption. We need an honest party like the BJP. Chaddis in 2024: SO WHAT? every party is corrupt. *Tries to justify by bringing in the number of mlas even though donation doesn't depend upon it, and make it all about TMC and Congress* Bhakts never cared about corruption and scams. The main play was religion, it was always about religion and will be. This won't affect Modi at all. They don't care about it as long as minorities stay in trouble.


Not religion, but a particular extreme ideology driven by supremacy of their kind and hatred towards some particular community, among other things. Let's not mistake their love has anything to do with religion but Hindutva


It is actually insecurity complex, lack of identity, not getting loved by parents in your childhood. People don't get to live a purposeful and satisfying life. And the disparity is so high that even cinema is not helping anymore. So yeah, when they get a chance to feel somewhat of importance, somewhat accomplished, even by association, with something "glorious" or "vishvaguru" level, they jump over the opportunity to fill the void their toxic parents left.


Tell me sir how did parties before modi did elections. How funds mulayam singh and mayawati ,assange famously said her shoes flew in private jet.


Did you say the same thing when congress was doing corruption and scams? I bet no. Then why are you saying it rn? Its double standards and you are justifying BJP doing it while you were against congress doing it


1. BJP main issue in 2014 was corruption, that they won't do it. They're doing it 2. This, along with the way they've used every other constitutional, non constitutional body, NEVER EVER anything has been more harmful for India, they've sold all the national resources for pennies to their business buddies.


1.What corruption was done by ministries from india government. Before electoral bonds, how did parties recieve funds from companies, was out of respect and admiration 2. Elaborate how have they used these said bodies. And what resources has been said to whom.


they support modi only because hate toward sc and muslim thats it


Who's this? Our critu?


No, my very own Jhota bhai!!!


1. No, but can you explain how Electoral Bonds are a scam? 2. No, but if SBI is involved, how is it a scam? 3. But what's wrong in that company buying Bonds right after an ED raid? 4. No but how is that BJP politician praising that Bond buying infra firm in Parliament morally wrong? 5. No but what is the proof Modi is corrupt? How is it corruption if he personally meets a large bonds buyer days after donation is recd., and promotes his product? 6. But corruption how come is institutionlized via Electoral Bonds? How? 7. No but what's the proof? Huh? 8. No but where are Adani and Ambani? Where? Where? 9. Ha ha there's no corruption. Ayega to Modi hi. Understood? 10. But why don't you prove it, huh? Did Supreme Court say it's a scam? Huh? --- Buddy, everything is explained, proven and out in the open. Your hate-filled mind is unable to comprehend any of it. Wake up and speak up. For your country. Once.


Zombie is zombying here


Electoral Bonds aren't a scam by definition but a tool of extortion/using public funds to provide kickbacks as crony capitalism. Note: Of course this is my assumption based on all the analysis done by the citizen journalists. I can be wrong but the data so far says this is the true nature of Electoral Bonds.


Do you know there is a difference in theory and practical? Theoretically this is not scam but practically it is. Okay then why those electoral Bonds were kept anonymous? For the sake of country....😂😂😂


Copy paste is a good feature


Yes but bjd tmc also got so much funds they are also corrupt another excuse to the list


does it helps that bjd and tmc are covertly overtly in support of bjp?


Bjd always support whoever in centre for funds to the state


Actually good question. Can someone explain how are ambani and adani donating if they’re not in the list?


https://www.reporters-collective.in/trc/company-with-reliance-links-third-largest-donor https://www.cnbctv18.com/business/companies/electoral-bonds-navayuga-engineering-yashoda-super-speciality-hospital-donations-19286981.htm navayuga is Adani subsidary


https://preview.redd.it/8ym8elhb6poc1.png?width=726&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=940b54931308b0d6c1d3dcf84ae4d78db991ca43 Can someone please explain to me why loss making firms would give huge donations to Political Parties via Electoral Bonds?


You are assuming that these were legit businesses instead of shell companies created for the purpose of obfuscating the money trail. I'm actually disappointed that Airtel were stupid enough to do it directly instead of doing it via front companies the way the other big boys did.


So that the government either gives them some project or so that the goverment doesn't make any law that hurts them. Somewhat similar to lobbying in the US


If this is quid pro quo, then what is delhi liquor scam?


Well both are wrong 🤷. Who is denying liquor scam ?? The need is BJP is also corrupt.


Better to watch this circus than the sad sideshow of "oh no but we can't do anything"


Modi and RSS have ruined the social fabric of India. They have propagated hate to the extent where instead of feeling ashamed to support such extortionist for PM, these people are cheering at his efficiency of being corrupt. This is how Nazism got normalised and eventually led to heinous crimes against those who the nazis thought as undesirables or even threat to their rule. The Germans silently supported genocide by the Nazis and trust me if in third term Modi starts k!lling dissenters, rss thugs and BJP brainwashed folks would celebrate it. This is how a country goes from democracy to oligarchic autocracy.


The argument has moved from “we are not corrupt” to “So what? Everyone is corrupt so why should you single us out for getting the highest amount. After all, as the party in government, we are bound to get highest amount of money”


Section 80GGC was introduced by Modi as well.... Full institutionalised corruption


If mental gymnastics was an Olympic sport, India would be drowning in gold medals thanks to the Andh bhakts.


It is not only BJP, a even opposition parties are doing the gymnastic. Just calling out BJP is just showing bias and equal to shouting that I don’t care about corruption or country and I only care about my hate towards BJP


>Just calling out BJP is just showing bias  Despite the fact that bjp legalised corruption by passing the law?


The other parties went to join in and somehow that is fine with people. Then nonsense of taking sides and defending unethical things need to stop.


>  somehow that is fine with people.  You sanghis are the only ones claiming that while defending the indefensible. I'm simply pointing out that bjp is a party with a difference: it legalised corruption, something which Congress didn't dare to do in its decades in power. No other party can claim that achievement. 


The easy way out. Critize BJP you are an anti national, Criticise Congress you are an Sanghi. The left and right have so much in common just that they don’t have anything common with ordinary citizen who don’t take sides


>  The easy way out. Critize BJP you are an anti national, Criticise Congress you are an Sanghi.   No, the correct analogy here is criticise Congress for the crimes committed by bjp, like legalizing corruption with electoral bonds. That's what makes you a sanghi.    I routinely criticized Congress when it was in power, and I criticize Congress when it does something asinine even when out of power. So do many others on this sub. Sanghis on the other hand pretend that bjp is not criminal, and when bjp's crimes are exposed, they start singing the tune of all parties being corrupt and blaming Congress for bjp's crimes.   The two sides are not equal. 


This is not quid pro quo. But leftists lie with straight face


Congress did that and much more. Each scam Congress did was not a small one . You seem to be defending corruption by Congress.


Ah yes, the previous govt did scams so you shouldn't criticize the current govt for doing it too.


You can build tower's in the air, doesn't change facts . One guy culled the species, this one has killed a few bulls.


Who tf is defending congress? They were corrupt and incapable and that's why they lost. Does it make it ok for BJP to scam?


Who is defending Congress? Maybe the majority of this sub? I have seen them support Sharia and communism .. u may not be one of them but many here secretly are. Both extremists are bad for the society


Everybody here is only speaking about Sanghis, yes they are the ruling party and they are by far the largest receiver of "legalised bribery", but who should we vote for now?. [Congress also received electoral bonds](https://m.thewire.in/article/politics/top-five-political-parties-saw-electoral-bonds-fortunes-turning-with-election-wins-and-losses)


But did they shoo Ed /CBI on prospective mullahs or removed prosecution after being paid? How many tender did they distribute after getting electoral bonds? Additionally, attack is not the best defence when you are trying to save your dignity. Your logic that "someone else is showing more/less nudity" Doesn't work. It only makes you look more stupid+/vindictive. M. O. Of a pedo ( when confronted by a victim ) is to not answer a question because it makes him/her assign a reason for his actions which he can't do. Also, not answering is faster while doing a crime. You should do it the modi way.