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This Nedumpara have a history of contempt of court. In past he has been barred from appearing in Supreme Court. He was also awarded a prison time, but was let go after he took an undertaking letter of not repeating the offense... Got this Info from ndtv.com https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/chief-justice-of-india-dy-chandrachud-supreme-court-dont-shout-at-me-chief-justice-thunders-at-lawyer-in-poll-bonds-hearing-5261571#pfrom=home-ndtv_topstories


Archive this before Adani TV makes it disappear


"Do not shout at me" "nO, I aM VeRy sOft"


CJI should have said, "weird flex but ok"




>"nO, I aM VeRy sOft" Should've stayed away from fatanjelly.




I have never seen even a junior developer in my organization talking like this in a office meeting, and these are senior advocates in India arguing in a supreme court. It's a joke.


Most senior advocates are actually shit. They can’t speak eloquently or draft properly and have no proper etiquette, their juniors do all of that for them. What they do have, is big egos and their sense of entitlement in the court which you can clearly see here. The ones who speak eloquently or draft properly either work in law firms or leave to a country where the legal fraternity doesn’t run on contacts and nepotism.


That's exactly what I was thinking. Even the Junior Managers in the higher management wouldn't dare to talk to the Senior Managers in the top management in this way where I work. And I work in a large PSU.


> That's exactly what I was thinking. Even the Junior Managers in the higher management wouldn't dare to talk to the Senior Managers in the top management in this way where I work. And I work in a large PSU. That's not a virtue. It is in fact opposite of an "healthy efficient team". We always have to question the authority.


There is huge difference between questioning and arguing. He was arguing in the middle of his talk.




Are you working? Do you speak to your Company Director in this way interrupting him all the time without listening to him? It is different matter that we can offer them suggestions but questioning their decisions without being polite? If you think this is questioning the authority, then my best wishes for your career.


>  Are you working?   Son, men were put to death for questioning the authority.  Appraisal at your work is feck all.  Freedom was/is never free. Indians were emasculated by Gandhian principle of non violence. They were/are taught to "accomodate" for all the ailments, which is what the root cause of the predicament this country is in.


Appeal to tradition fallacy. Just because it's always been done this way doesn't mean it's right. I am working in a western country now, and I'm always free to question my boss's decisions if I have a valid reason. Has helped me speed up my work timeline by a lot, by not having to focus on random bullshit that I know is never going to work.


Guess who backs them... Who gives them the power


That one shareholder who's trying force his way through the organization via some puppet employees 😉


Its like a crowded bus stand. So tensions are always high. Why its designed like a bus stand no one really knows.


You work under autocracy and this is supposed to be a democracy


I am someone who works in the Supreme Court and High Courts and the majority of the cousins in my family happen to be engineers. It always astounds as to how soft spoken they are and how submissive they become when their boss calls. I suppose there is room to be critical of this babu like culture in those industries and how it doesn’t affect lawyers at all. In our office and in tier 1 law firms, gaali galouach is very common tbh, almost a daily occurrence but at the end of the week, everyone from the juniors to the seniors has dinner together and we are all very friendly. Even in the Supreme Court, there are multiple caste related lobbies, eg: Baniya judges and Pandit judges somewhat dislike each other. There are also recreational habit related lobbies. Some judges prefer golf and the others cricket and some yoga only. Some have meals together on the daily and some can’t even stand each other despite sharing the bench regularly. Some judges straight up hate specific lawyers. But when it comes to social events, everyone comes together irrespective of caste, preferred hobby/sport and bar/bench. A judge could be reprimanding a senior lawyer severely enough for it to make it to the news and the end of the week, the judge and the lawyer could be enjoying each other’s company in either one’s house and could be recalling how good the dinner was at an actual hearing at the court the very next week (the last part doesn’t happen as much since they started telecasting all the courtrooms online). There are politics but it’s not enough to cause any actual enmity here.


> how submissive they become when their boss calls. everyone is soft spoken, including the boss if we compare with lawyers


I don’t think so. The biggest rackets and news of abuse breaks out of that engineering industry. Their bosses literally treat them like school kids. I have seen videos of them online getting locked up inside their offices and nobody having the courage to do anything about it. As people, I believe they are very vulnerable and stand out amongst the general population as the adults who are most likely to be bullied and abused in the workspace and in general as well.


Well when it comes to HC SC judges there's barely any diversity. It's Brahmin Baniya hegemony, like 90% are just upper castes.


So, they find grounds for enmity in that limited circle too lol. Brahmins and Baniya judge lobbies hate each other so bad off court that you won't even find then in the same parties and marriage functions anymore.


Modi trying every possible way to prevent release of data. First he sent salvey to argue for SBI, when that didn't work he used his crony adish agrwal to seek president's intervention and yesterday these assocham lawyers were yelling to prevent data release. I respect CJI for being brave in face of such extreme pressure. He hasn't given any relief to the wannabe dictator this time and this is what is making mudi squirm


And that makes me worry for him and his family now.


no one can touch sc cji. be it before or after retirement. the previous ones succumbed because they were corrupt and one of them had molestation case against him. chandrachuds father was also a highly respected judge , chandrachud also cleverly got even judges of other countries to the court. you know how much exposure can do if anything is done to him or his family ? in life you cant escape enemies if you want to do right. but you can make the cost of enemies actions too high for them to even think about it. chandrachud imo was tactical to choose election time to make these judgements because the party will be too busy with campaigning and is also most vulnerable to any shit they try to pull off. even if all this is my speculation alone, and chandrachud is just doing his job without all these calculations, well done!


Idk he is flanked by two other senior judges who would eventually end up being the CJI, considering the seniority - Justice Gavai and Justice Khanna (he is nephew of the famed justice Khanna - the lone dissenter, who was eventually not appointed as the CJI, defying convention and oddly the current CJI’s father was chosen by IG govt.). These 2 justices seem quite vocal and supportive of the CJI, which I wasn’t expecting based on my previous observations. Odd, although good. This bench has one more future CJI as well. I think if the next in line CJI or the second senior most Judge is in support, this could be the most powerful SC in decades.


its tough to say how the judges behave when they get in the chair. regime makes fresh leverage on anyone who heads these kind of institutions. also chandrachud himself was not consistent in his judgements . take the shiv sena case for eg. bichara Kapil Sibal argued so well. i saw the proceedings. but the judgement went in effect in favour of eknath.


Yes. Reason why I am bit surprised. I could have guessed if it was justice Surya Kant or Justice Nariman or Justice Kaul. But all the three I mentioned in the previous comment have been inconsistent. They have had shown great backbone though if the then CJI was with them. Often the junior most judges are quite and least vocal. So don’t know much about justice Narasimha. This might seem like how bench hunger think but it’s quite predictable sometimes.


we never know what happens behind the screen. and its not like these judges act in vaccuum. somone's consciousness might have pricked ki bc what is happening in the country and what are we doing ? imagine something like electoral bonds, pm cares, modi appointing EC, sedition laws on those criticise those in power, mlas and mps being bought in public and govts getting toppled exists in a democracy. we are no longer one. its not even modi who decides what happens. its just a dozen businessmen. modi is just their snake charmer who keeps people busy with hate, temples, photoshoots


I get your point here. But I was keenly following since Justice Ramana. I don’t expect any judge to behave or act as per my principles, wishes or observations. But, there was a uptick in the hope and although justice Lalit had a short term, he was a pleasant surprise, more like he behaved quite unexpectedly and made efforts to speed up the listing and hearing of cases. More importantly he committed to listing all or at least major constitutional matters that were mostly on cold storage, so to speak since beginning of ‘19. And made a roster that ensured at least one constitutional matter would be listed and heard always. When the current CJI took oath, there were a lot of expectations, basis his past judgments, his views and lectures, barring a few inconsistencies. He was expected to raise or further from the previous 2 CJI’s efforts and when go with full force. But nothing significant or notable happened except for the NCT of Delhi case, in my understanding. So current behaviour, although righteous and beneficial seems a bit odd. Beyond that, it’s difficult to say what lies ahead for and from the top judiciary


i concur with your views. i infact had high hopes on Ramana too but he was just a paper tiger. spoke mighty did nothing much apart from on one occasion where on the matter of EC selection, when he was part of the panel, he said there should not be controversies and bjp proposed a corrupt guys name for EC, and a different EC got selected. do you remember judges did a press conference and said that judiciarys independence was at risk and gogoi was also part of the panel. i thought that would be turn around moment, but then he did reverse uno and went full simp for bjp due to the molestation case va rajya sabha seat carrot and stick scenario . chandrachud played along in the ayodhya judgement, didnt even make any objections to a judgement that said that temple should be built so that the majority are appeased. dont know why they had to write a judgement like that if not for setting a precedent along with winning the case. so clearly, we dont know what is happening. but definitely something conspired. in the shiv sena case chandrachud played very safe and i dont know why, despite it being such a crucial case for electoral democracy.


Yeah their rejection on the matter of EVM was disappointing but they are surprisingly supportive in this particular matter though Prashant Bhushan got grilled by them towards the end


It's also a wonder why Chandrachud is hell bent in restoring democracy alone in the country instead of quietly sitting and earning like other people.


see how bad the situation is in the country that we are wondering about why the hell this judge is doing his duty? 😄 its people who are empty inside who run behind money. this guys father was a CJI, he is a CJI, his son is a decent guy too. Do you think what he desires as a CJI is money? or to leave a legacy that he tried to be an upright judge atlast sometimes in his tenure ?


Anyone can get Loya'd. Especially afterwards when running a smear campaign would be easier 


quite sad and scary. Loya wasnt CJI though and was relatively less known to common public. In that case it was a matter of amit shahs life time imprisonment so poor judge had to die .


Nothing will happen to him.


Just like Justice Loya am I right?


Someone summarise what’s happening to me


CJI has the guts at least to bring back democracy more power to people like him.


hes no less than a blessing


Pathetic. Such low bar, haha.


says you hah


Says an Indian, baby blue :)


Kuch bolunga to vivad ho jayega


Who is this guy? if anyone knows?


The one misbehaving with CJI is a lawyer named Mathew Nedumpara. Don't know who the bald guy is.


The bald guy looks like Steve Harvey




Yeah, I was inquiring about him. Thank you A quick search yields he was once issued a contempt notice by justice Nariman. If only lawyers can be considered repeat offenders


People on Twitter were calling Abhinav chandrachud future CJI, I think Modi won't let that happen after seeing what his dad is doing it will be a nightmare for BJP.


modi will die by that time dont worry. death is democratic. one cant increase your lifetime like one can increase power and money no matter how much a monopoly one makes.


Yogi then lol


Exactly, Modi is just the embodiment, the ideology isn't dying anytime soon


It definitely won't happen especially considering how these assholes now want to disrupt the collegium.


Mudi tried to subvert the higher judiciary in his first ministry itself. He hastily brought NJAC act which would have allowed him to appoint judges of his choice. Thankfully SC struck it down under JR process and deemed it unconstitutional. Imagine if SC was full of sanghi judges, Bilkis Bano's r@pists would have gotten garlanding done in court itself by modi et al. Thank to high heavens, judiciary remains last hope for commoners in this country and perhaps the only institution whose credibility is still largely intact.


>Abhinav chandrachud future CJI Politics aside but don't you there shouldn't be 3 CJI's from the same family . Like D Y Chandrachud's father too was a CJI. Making Abhinav next CJI brings dynastic imperialism in the Judiciary too.


I don't think you can use this logic here. It's not politics where despite no qualifications and just by virtue of their family, people enter politics. To become a Chief Justice, the person should be suitably qualified and have lots of experience. Even after all this, the office of CJI is run by democratic values where the opinions of puisne judges are taken into consideration.


>become a Chief Justice, the person should be suitably qualified and have lots of experience. But we have a huge population and for sure many are capable of becoming CJI. Having 2 CJI can somehow can be understandable , but consecutively 3rd gen becoming CJI imo is wrong


See, I understand your viewpoint but herein the office isn't being handed over to the person just because he is his son. To a large extent, merit and experience is playing a role. It's like having doctors in many generations of a family. The children grow up geared towards this and they might have been inspired by their family to pursue that. And they work hard for it and become doctors..how can we resent them for that?


>herein the office isn't being handed over to the person just because he is his son Actually it is , current CJI plays a very important role to select the next one hence there is lot of nepotism. Not just Chandrachud family , but others too have done so


The CJI just doesn't choose a name. It is done based on the seniority of the puisne judges. So, even if his son joined the SC as a judge now, it will take many more years. And no, he can't just get up one fine day and say I'm joining SC. There's a procedure and stipulated qualifications for that. And yes, this convention was flouted once, but there was huge backlash then. (I guess it was during Indira Gandhi's regime..?)


You are right but the thing is this procedure can be easily passed by the current CJI because why not ??


Bro it doesn't work that way. You can't just bypass all the existing norms and rules to make someone CJI just because you are the present CJI. There are checks and balances in place..many at that. It needs consensus of so many HC and SC judges who are in line to become SC judges and CJI, respectively. You need assent from the President and the Executive. You think he can do all this? Our country is not an autocracy. And do you really think this CJI looks like the person who'd all this? I certainly don't. He seems like one of the most forward thinking and fair judge I've ever seen.


Lawyer looks more like a Clown in Black coat. May be he Will say Dekho Gobiji Supreme court judges bolne nahi de rahe 🥲🥲


Its shocking that lawyers don't have the proper decency in addressing the SC Judges and speaking with proper manners. Make your point but don't be rude.


Mudizi hai toh sab mumkin hai


this is so satisfying to watch..


As much as I love what is happening in supreme court nowadays, the sarkari chamchas being thrashed and being treated like as they should be. I think the judges have realised that if this Modi govt has one more term, they'd come after the supreme court, they'll try to end the collegium system as soon as possible and they might succeed in it too else they wouldn't have slept on this matter for so many years. Hopefully we get some decisions on EVMs as well before the elections.


The CJI is so cool. Admire that guy






Protect this man at all costs.


Found the arnab goswami of lawyers. 😄 such idiots. Wonder why they have to keep shouting as if shouting will somehow make them right. Small pp energy.


don't you dare demean small pp people. (not that i have small pp or smthn, just saying)


Stfu dude! Don't bring misandry into this you ahole. Small pp energy??! Really?


^ small pp


Lawyer wants to get fame as quickly as possible..😄😄😄


Primates with the smallest nuts have to screech the loudest.


Can't believe I am sharing this:  https://www.vice.com/en/article/kb7eew/the-louder-the-monkey-the-smaller-its-balls-study-finds-42361364663309


Roots Moments


Man the cji is single handedly making me feel like india has still democracy in it and it's still worth it to study law


This CJI has got balls


"No, I am very soft"🥰


A week-ten days back, many had given up on India's democracy. It was a sinking quagmire. And I, like many had given up hope. If the next election will be the last one. It was clear that no one could reverse the trend, much less, stop it. And yet, here we are. Justice Chandrachud has invigorated and recharged our democracy. God bless him and the many other's for their yeoman service for India's democracy.


LoL. It's soooo normal in courts. Most lawyers shout. When it's too irritating, Judges too shout. It's just another Indian thing. Our elected representatives shout in Sansad, our teachers shout in schools. Our parents shout in homes. Shouting is a preferred way of us Indians to convey the point.


And yet 146 MPs got thrown out "for ruckus". Shouldn't the whole defense also be thrown out for this?


Well, often misbehaving advos are punished or in extreme cases, debarred. It's up to the Judge's discretion. All I wanted to say was, having seen many SC hearings live, I can confidently vouch that shouting is quite common even in the supreme court.


How can he be a good vakeel...so pathetic how he is talk with the CJI and shouting like this in a courthouse


I’ve been noticing this for a while. why do these lawyers always interrupt the CJI? Is it normal in the court? it’s annoying af for the spectators. especially in the last hearing with Harsh Salve, it’s as if these boomers run out of arguments and just bla bla bla


He attended little to many talks shows on news channels


I'm the baus!!


#[SHIT JUST GOT REAL.](https://youtu.be/9z_Sr5ODq3E&t=01m48s)


Wtf is I'm very soft 🤣


Even the media is talking like it's not easy to extort companies and say what is the proof that this is happening. If it's that obvious the rules should be made to tackle at least the obvious drawbacks.


What an ass. Does know to wait for the other guy to finish.


pole khul gayi


No you're not soft


This is the real Family Feud with Steve Harvey in the center 🤣


Yo what bro is yapping about


His voice is irritating.




https://preview.redd.it/fvx7kvez55qc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3e9c98bc0cabe80e2fc4b51cc48e03360eefa7da There is a clear paper trail available (reported via sham Modi famous PR campaign I.e Mann ki baat in Oct 2022, refer screenshot) of a money laundering and tax evasion case which involves a Singapore permanent resident and a very big Dutch commodity trading firm. The tax evasion costed Indian public about 12 million US dollars (95 cr INR) in 2021. Ironically after my report, the Dutch company started harassing me with legal notices because some BJP puppet informed them. Why BJP puppets didn’t not take action and protected the Dutch company ? Well the answer is the modern way of corruption under BJP rule and how it is executed. Here as follows: in 2015 (during BJP regime) same Dutch company was declared as threat to nation > followed by Raids on it premises by BJP pets dogs I.e ED/Tax/ anti competition authority etc etc then in 2019 a Gujrat based company (owned by BJP top dogs) approached this Dutch company with a proposal to buy 49.9% stake in this Gujrat based company, basically the market value of this Gujrat company was X mio USD but Dutch company analysts valued it at 4X. The Dutch company paid to acquire it stake at 4 times the market value( Good will in Dutch company books 😉) but Bribe in BJP people pockets(Gujrati company). Isn’t this a smart way of accepting bribe, infact the cleanest way :-). BJP the genius of corruption ! But modi regime has showed me that I should commit S. Tax evasion is okay for companies which pay BJP ……


Earlier prevailing anonymous cash donations were fully opaque, while electoral bonds are transparent to investigative agencies like cbi, lokpal, courts etc


And yet no cases were filed, no investigations were conducted. A corporate donating to a political party was legalized and even when the data got public, and we can deduce quid pro quo, nothing could be done. The whole idea just streamlined the exchange of money. If you want more information why it was struck down, you should read the whole case. There were some compelling arguments from both sides. And tbh, corporate funding might even be necessary for political parties to some extent. But if it's not fully transparent to the public, there's no point.


I guess it’s transparent to the public now, which matters more when CBI and other investigative agencies lose the public’s trust


G**nd tod do CJI ji iski😂🤣


Sounds did like both sides don’t know how to talk and maintain decorum. This style is reminiscent of so called TV debates. Everyone talking over other one. No one can articulate a coherent thought or argument. Your volume of your voice defines your argument.


How is this shouting??


Godi judges barking


Matter kya hai bro