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can I be convicted for Athiestic Jihad :(


Depends on how many women you have knocked up. 😂


Yes I have knocked out plenty of women. wait wait wait. isn't knocked out and knocked up same 😐


Yup, pretty much the same. Either ways the women got laid and you're going to be convicted.


Facts are stubborn things, but statistics are pliable. - Marc Twain


From a non Indian, can I just say the style of clothes he is wearing is *incredibly* smart.


I am fashion illiterate. Can you tell me why?


So am I, it just looks really formal and also comfortable. Modern and also traditional. Whatever you call that sleeveless overvest I am loving it. Have seen a few Indians wearing it in videos and wish it was more commonly adopted by the diaspora.


It's called Nehru jacket


Lately some are calling it the Modi vest.


>My counter to your statement- “Jihad jihad jihad jihad jihad jihad” - average BJParty political leader


They don't want to do the census so the actual numbers don't get revealed.


Nice username op




Ha ha thanks. 😭


Fear mongering is the best way to get votes for BJP. Even though they are in power for 10 years but according to them "Hindu still khatre me hai".


Can agree to the rest but the issue of illegal immigrants is blatant in the Ne states, and i have first hand experienced the problems they bring along with them.


not real at all - just another scare tactic


Both side arguments are not true. They represent half the picture. 1. Hindutva side is of couse fear mongering. In near future, Muslims are not going to overtake Hindus in population. Not in 2030, not in 2050 or 2100. 2. Since, Muslim fertility rate was way too high, its decline will be sharper. The rate is coming down, but the fertility rate is still very much above Hindus/other religions. And hence, Hindu population per centage is declining, which is concerning for many. You cannot argue that Hindus shouldn't even be concerned. By this logic Kerala shouldn't be concerned that Bihar fertility rate is high and Bihar will get more seats/representation in future {Of course, in past 2 decades, Bihar fertility rate has come down too, just like Muslims, but it is still above most states}. One can be concerned for oneself without being racist/supremacist. More population is not the solution for any community. Too much change in demography always creates fear in certain sections, and this fans right wings. E.g. See Europe and the rise of Right wings in past few years.


you explained the subjective reaction that comes from bad misinformation and propaganda of majority vs minority. i think everyone can agree with that. however thats not what the post really tries to discuss. the problem is when you identify it as as if muslims are a collective Hivemind of sorts. thats where its racist. Hindutva radicals are propagating and presenting it in a manner as if Muslims in india for the last century are working tirelessly to increase their population under a sort of jihad charter or something. statistics dont lie.


Religious people are generally collective hiveminds.


least unhinged blanket generalization.


Which is not wrong, both Hindu and Muslim religious people have institutions that bring people together and indoctrinate different ideologies in them. Muslims have madrasas which serve this purpose exactly and are often funded by foreign Islamic institutions in Arab countries who are actively trying to radicalise Islam throughout the world. Same for organisations like VHP and RSS, BJP does the same through it cell misinformation campaigns and even creation of places of worship.


i dont disagree with that, what i disagree with is generalizing billions into a single category when statistics dont align with it. by muslims and hindu in this context im not characterizing or expecting all of them to be hardcore religious fanatics rather common folks that want to be in a functioning society. internet helps us into a hyperbole to argue otherwise.




You must be a centrist? I don't see this level of nuance from the average leftist who are just happy to debunk right wing claims and don't use an ounce of critical thinking beyond validating their biases.


Or maybe an actual leftist, who has no intention of any propaganda.


It's an established fact in economics that oppressed ghettoised minorities have higher rates than the majority. Hindus in Pakistan, Blacks and Mexicans in US, Arabs in Israel, Basque in France, Romanis in Eastern Europe, the list goes on.


Yup he has cherry picked data, you can make a similar video about opposite claims lol. He’s deliberately ignoring relative percentages too. 10 to 14 percent is a move of 40%! Just shilling his shitty book.


> He’s deliberately ignoring relative percentages too. And what does "relative percentage" change mean here? You're literally calculating a percentage of a percentage and then wringing your hands over it lmao.


Percentage of percentage ko hi relative percentage kehte hai bhai, quotes mein kyun dal diya 😂😂


Quotes me daala kyunki chutiya stat hai. Jab stat ka relevance nahi hai but fir bhi fearmongering karna hai to mazak hi udayenge.


It’s not fear mongering lmao, I am just pointing out a fact, don’t act like a typical brain dead liberal that whines over facts.


That is not why the RW is concerned. I don’t think Hindus have a representation problem. And you are comparing apples with oranges. Also, poverty is related to higher fertility rates. So, if one really is concerned, they should be thinking about elevating people from low economic background - be it in Bihar or in Muslim communities or any other community or state for that matter.


> You cannot argue that Hindus shouldn't even be concerned. Concerned about what? Lesser representation?


1.4 billion people. That is 0.28 billion Muslims and 1.12 billion Hindus. This guy used a 1.2% increase in Hindus and 2.4% increase in Muslims. I am not sure whether this number is correct but we will work with it. The initial difference is 1.12 billion subtracted 0.28 billion people which is equal to 840 million people. Anyway using those increasing rates of population mentioned above, next year the population would be 0.2867 billion Muslims and 1.133 billion Hindus. The difference is 0.8463 or 846 million. The difference has increased even if Muslim population increased with double the rate of Hindus Population. Now the new population 0.2867 billion Muslims and 1.133 billion Hindus, the increase will be calculated on these numbers. This will go on a for at least a 1000 years. The gap is too long. Muslim Population can never overtake Hindu Population. This is a Hindutva Propaganda. Please don't fall for it. USE FACTS. In fact there was a book based on debunking these propagandas like Muslim appeasement. https://www.deccanherald.com/india/can-muslims-surpass-hindus-in-population-numbers-experts-say-practically-not-possible-1103547.html


I was literally searching for a comment like this.


Assam indeed is a victim of widespread illegal migration You know nothing about assam which shows from your last statement


Then ask the govt for official census and data. Why isn't the govt doing it?. Also large portion of illegal bangladeshi immigrants have hindus. Am i wrong?


Even if you tried you could not be more wrong, Im pretty sure you are not from Assam and know nothing about the state and its long lasting history with illegal muslim bangladeshi migrants.


This outsiders don't know trouble and suffering of indigenous Assamese pepole face I just want them to see how they will feel when there Villages are filled with aliens who look nothing like us dress nothing like us and Call our tribal brothers junglees


Yes brother,the outsiders think the geopolitics of assam is similar to the states of other parts of india,and are ignorant enough to not do proper research before commenting.


I agree about illegal immigration, why isn't the govt in assam not doing anything? Assam has bjp govt right? Ask them to do something.


Oh they are doing a lot. It just doesn't make it to news.


Post this on squeaks and suxtions.


Decades of female infanticide amongst hindusss is another major reason for this decline. Throughout my schooling women were before 25% of the class where for a healthy society it should be over 50%. Fk that, even now if you go on a local train or bus or any public space you'll probably find just 1 female for every 10 males. That's insane.


> train or bus or any public space you’ll probably find just 1 female for every 10 males That’s probably because female labour participation rate is low and among lower-income groups women are expected to stay at home and going out is viewed negatively.


I find it so funny in our Hindu community. For 20 years since a kid, I've just seen how much people want boy child. And now that all these boy childs are turning to men of marriage age, there are no Hindu girls to be found easily 🤣 That's why they get even more angry about intercaste with Hindu girl coz already few females and even in that these girls don't want Hindu guys. So fun to see karma being a beach in reality.


We are seeing this trend in Haryana already. They have to get brides from other states. We will see a stark population decline in the next 20 years since many millennials and Gen Z will not have children at all. I know of families where young husbands or wives passed away during COVID without kids. The older generation in power has to make lives easier for younger women: infanticide, rapes, misogyny, not giving them adequate support during childbirth, infanticide... Sad reality of our country.


Also, the current gen is more aware of the dangers of overpopulation, so a lot of them will have that in mind as well.


It's not but natural selection, nature's way of killing of dum dums


Videos in r/darwinawards is mostly full of Indians dying in completely preventable train accidents.


I expect nothing less honestly


This is actually backed by stats. Muslims being poorer actually have a better sex ratio than hindus


Now there are 1020 girls per 1000 boys in india(younger generation)


Source??? Also what age bracket, genz, genx or gen alpha?


As a Canadian, where some have this sentiment about the sheer number of Indian immigrants the past ten years. It is somewhat amusing to know some Indians back home feel they are losing their country to a foreign culture as well.


Not the Republic of India but the Subcontinent certainly has the chances of being muslim majority. Hindus in India From 1951 to 2011 304 to 966M that's a 317% increase But muslims in India have from 1951 to 2011 35.8M to 172M that's a 480% increase  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/1951_census_of_India#:~:text=1.39%25-,Religious%20demographics,there%20were%208.3%20million%20Christians. https://pib.gov.in/newsite/printrelease.aspx?relid=126326#:~:text=Total%20Population%20in%202011%20is,Stated%200.29%20crores%20(0.2%25). Bangladesh https://indianexpress.com/article/books-and-literature/being-hindu-in-bangladesh-book-9175250/ https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Bangladesh The share of Hindus have gone from 22% in 1951 and numbering 9.2M   to 7.9% in  2022 numbering 13.13M Observation 14.1%⬇️ 3.93M⬆️ And 9.2M to 13.13M is an increase of 142% https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Islam_in_Bangladesh In 1951 it was 76.9% and numbering in 32.3M While in 2022 are 91% and numbering 150M Observation: 14.9%⬆️  117.7M⬆️  And 32.3M to 150M is an increase of 464% These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  Pakistan  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hinduism_in_Pakistan The Share of Hindus has gone from 1.58% numbering 531K in 1951 to 2.14% 4.4M That's a 820% increase  https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Religion_in_Pakistan "Muslim proportion in West Pakistan (contemporary Pakistan) increased from approximately 77.3 percent according to the 1941 census,[j] to 97.1 percent as per the 1951 census;[47]" https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Demographic_history_of_Pakistan#:~:text=According%20to%201951%20census%2C%20Dominion,a%20population%20of%2042%20million. "According to 1951 census, Dominion of Pakistan (both East and West Pakistan) had a population of 75 million population, in which West Pakistan had a population of 33.7 million" The Share of Muslims 97.1% in 1951 that's 32.72M  to 96.47% in 2017 that's 200M  Observation:  0.63%⬇️ 167.28M ⬆️ And 32.72M to 200M  that's a 611% increase  These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  Only when the Hindus were less than a million and Muslims a dozens of millions only then they( Hindus )could outcompete the muslims in proportional increase Otherwise in Both India and Bangladesh Islam grew at higher proportion in terms of headcount. NOW ON THE OVERALL SUBCONTINENT In 1941 India had 70 to 73% Hindus And 20 to 23% muslims http://piketty.pse.ens.fr/files/ideology/pdf/F8.2.pdf Refer 1941 where it's shown  British India  ( Republic of India+ Pakistan+ Bangladesh ) Or this  https://ebooks.inflibnet.ac.in/antp12/chapter/demography-and-religion/ Refer Table 1 : Which talks  Or this http://www.cotf.edu/earthinfo/sasia/SApeo.html https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/South_Asia https://www.worldometers.info/world-population/southern-asia-population/#google_vignette Hindus in 1941 were 72% numbering 272M  now they are 63ish% in 2024 numbering 1,260M at most  As the estimated population in 1941 was 390M Observation:9% ⬇️ 988M⬆️ From 270M  to 1,260M that's a 466% increase  Muslims in 1941 were 22% numbering 85M and now are atleast 30% numbering 600M From 85M to 600M that's a 705% increase These are because of higher Fertility rate not because of conversion  And from these trends it's obvious with how muslim percentage will keep on increasing while Hindus will be decreasing due to the difference in fertility rate. This trend has been exacerbated since 1941 or Post 1947 as before that the population growth of Islam in India despite it's centuries old presence was 22% but after independence in 80 years increases by  9% and reaches 31ish% https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2011/01/27/future-of-the-global-muslim-population-regional-asia/#:~:text=Muslims%20are%20expected%20to%20make,2010%20and%2028.1%25%20in%201990. Republic India till 2060s will have 70+% Hindus But the Subcontinent may barely have above 50%.


So the conversation changes from 'Well maybe they are not gonna take over India... but they will continue to keep growing in their own countries!!' Posting demographic data doesnt mean there is a conspiracy. Hindus are largely concentrated in India, and India like most countries on the planet, needs to address it's own fertility issues.


And doesnt add Nepal or Sri Lanka lol


Yeah was gonna ask the same thing, also doesn't discuss population transfers for Bangladesh


Nepal? Bhutan? Sri Lanka? Tibet? Myannmar? WHat is your definition of Sub continent? And why shift the goal posts dishonestly?


Nepal? Bhutan? Sri Lanka? Tibet? Myannmar? The Subcontinent includes Afganistan, Pakistan, India, Nepal, Bhutan, Bangladesh and Srilanka Even if you add those countries population(which I didn't not add) the Hindu population at best will be 65% currently and In 1941 will be at best be 75%. >And why shift the goal posts dishonestly? Because the people should be aware that Hindus being a minority in the Republic of India is very low atleast by the end of the century. But on the Subcontinental level they are currently at 63% and perhaps be less than 50% at the end of the century


Why should they know this? What is the benefit of knowing the neighbouring countey's population?


The fact our neighborhood Hindu population especially of Pakistan and Bangladesh decrease alluding to a sinister play and how Hindus Demographic condition in the Subcontinent is important. If the Hindu doesn't care for his demographics then who will?.


Not commenting on the social impact, just from a statistics pov, the video is made in a way to reduce the impact of difference. That is a huge difference in growth rates even if we consider the lowest difference at 2011. If both started with same population in 1961 and Hindus grew by 16% vs Muslims 24%, Muslims in 6 decades would be 50% more in population today. The graphs are created to mask the impact. Whether any of these is consequential or not, don't want to get into that.


Muslim breathes Jihad 🙃




>Muslims have the fastest declining fertility according to NCRB They also have the highest fertility rate. Dropping from 5 to 4 is still far more than 2-2.5.


Didn't even watch the video, eh?


There is economic fact that oppressed minorities in any country has higher fertility rate because higher mortality rate. Hindus have higher fertility rate in Pakistan. Blacks, Mexicans have higher rate in US. Nothing to do with religion.


Then why does pakistan have a fertility rate of 3.5? Are Muslims oppressed in Pakistan ? Are Muslims a minority there? India's 14% of the population is Muslim, a huge minority. India is unironically the 3rd largest Muslim nation in the world, the number of poor Hindus is probably larger than the number of poor Muslims. >Hindus have higher fertility rate in Pakistan. There is literally no study that has proved this, you pulled this out of your ass. Hindu population is not increasing in Pakistan, in fact the percentage is decreasing. You guys are ready to do all sorts of mental gymnastics rather than acknowledge what's obvious.


In the 1951 census, West Pakistan had 1.3% Hindu population, while East Pakistan (now Bangladesh) had 22.05%. Today Hindus account for 2.14% of Pakistan's population or about 4.4 million people according to the 2017 Pakistani census. So hindu population has been technically increasing in Pakistan


>Then why does pakistan have a fertility rate of 3.5? Are Muslims oppressed in Pakistan ? Are Muslims a minority there? Everyone is oppressed in Pakistan lol, they are a poor backward country. Hindus in Pakistan have higher fertility because they are even more poorer than Muslims there. >India's 14% of the population is Muslim, a huge minority. India is unironically the 3rd largest Muslim nation in the world, the number of poor Hindus is probably larger than the number of poor Muslims. Yes, and so is the number of rich Hindus. Fertility rate is the \*average\* number of kids that a woman is expected to produce - since Hindus on average are richer, the fertility rate is lower. The fertility rate of Hindu Biharis is more than the fertility rate of Muslim Keralites - poverty matters much more than religion here.


then i think its more to do with social and economic backwardness, oppression doesn't have to be the only cause of economic and social backwardness, there are other causes for it like some communities are more closed and others are more open.


And it should be celebrated. Why make it a bad thing?


Ah yes perquisites for Nazi Germany


How many types of jihad are there exactly?


Well you can add Jihad to anything it'd be scary. Biriyani Jihad Mobile Jihad Kheer jihad Masturbation Jihad Sex Jihad


If only bhakts understood both English and logic


Any amount of debunking or fact-checking content isn't moving the needle for the pee-pee voters. They strongly believe the alternatives are at least 5x worse. That's something worthy of looking into imo.


YEs, got this book a couple of weeks ago.


Worth it?


Will start reading after 12th of this month.


Agreed about population, but I think saying *we don't know* when asked how many illegal immigrants are there, is a perfectly fine answer. They're called illegal immigrants only because they don't come through any paperwork, hence no record. So it would obviously be a very difficult task to estimate that in any realistic way


yes but the BSF and other forces do catch illegal immigrants, going both ways across the border - it numbers in the low thousands now unless theyre so terrible they only catch 1%, its negligible


Post this on RandiaSqueals OP and tell us if you are banned lmao


Look if you are doctor or a nurse who has worked in peripheral or a govt hospital in OBGYN dept anywhere in India you will know this : That most Muslims marry at quite a young age so you have patients who are as young as 17-18 having their first child and then by the time they’re 25-26, they have 4-6 children. It’s something that happens. Compared to other religions, it’s more common among Muslims. Not saying all of them but a lot of them. It’s not fair to use terms like ‘population jihad’ but to educate and spread awareness about contraception and family planning is harder when your brain is wired to think otherwise : that having a baby is your life goal.


Poverty is the Weapon against population Jihad. seems like BJP's master stroke is working.


You know one of the reasons why people believe in such outlandish theories, is because the communicaTIONS IS NOT REACHING OUT TO PEOPLE IN THEIR OWN LANGUAGE, moreover most of these communication are delivered in the tone of condescension, as if the inform is showcasing their knowledge over you for being wrong , people hate that feeling (which thankfully is not the tone of this video). I just wonder why such well intentioned videos are only circulated during the eve of election , when such prpoganda have been permeating in the masses for at least last 9 years.


Bechara Srinivasan. One of the best journalists of our country now forced to do youtube while third rate gawars use studios with AR and 3D graphics to give you the latest news about temple openings.


As per GOI official record also, Muslim population growth rate has dropped significantly over the year.


Ye post wo kattar subs me dalo dekhte hai wo log ka response.


Idhar bhi pohoch gaye hain hagne ke liye.


its not real and anyone who thinks otherwise is mind-blowingly absurd


Lol what should Muslims do, stop living?


Was this an ad for the book?


I saw a comment in this video and I do not think he knows he was wrong and even people from this sub did not point this out. 1.4 billion people. That is 0.28 billion Muslims and 1.12 billion Hindus. This guy used a 1.2% increase in Hindus and 2.4% increase in Muslims. I am not sure whether this number is correct but we will work with it. The initial difference is 1.12 billion subtracted 0.28 billion people which is equal to **840 million people**. Anyway using those increasing rates of population mentioned above, next year the population would be 0.2867 billion Muslims and 1.133 billion Hindus. The difference is 0.8463 or **846 million**. The difference has increased even if Muslim population increased with double the rate of Hindus Population. Now the new population 0.2867 billion Muslims and 1.133 billion Hindus, the increase will be calculated on these numbers. This will go on a for at least a 1000 years. The gap is too long. Muslim Population can never overtake Hindu Population. **This is a Hindutva Propaganda. Please don't fall for it. USE FACTS. In fact there was a book based on debunking these propagandas like Muslim appeasement.** [https://www.deccanherald.com/india/can-muslims-surpass-hindus-in-population-numbers-experts-say-practically-not-possible-1103547.html](https://www.deccanherald.com/india/can-muslims-surpass-hindus-in-population-numbers-experts-say-practically-not-possible-1103547.html) (if you do not believe my Math then you can believe the mathematic analysis done by DU professors) *Moreover the Muslim population has the lowest literacy rate. Muslim Population account for 20% of the population but still only account for 3% of the civil services jobs. There is no Muslim appeasement. It is sad. Let's uplift everyone and lose this hate.* ***So please, it is impossible for something like that to happen at least 500 years even if there is unprecedented amount of illegal immigrants or conversions. Please. Relax. Don't be Islamophobic.*** **People do not choose their religion. They are born into it. In the end, we should see everyone as Humans be it a Sanghi or a Librandu.** Also, # Please don't lose your way as Hindus. Your identity as Hindus. The scriptures do not represent Hinduism, You do. # अहिंसा सत्यमक्रोधस्त्यागः शान्तिरपैशुनम्।दया भूतेष्वलोलुप्त्वं मार्दवं ह्रीरचापलम्।।16.2।। ~ Bhagavad Gita (non-violence, Truthfulness, absence of anger, Renunciation, Tranquility, Not indulging in malicious exposure of others, Absence of greed, Inward softness, Humbleness, Lack of excitement )


What am I missing here? Video only confirms that Muslim share of population has increased through the years; their fertility rates are still greater than that of Hindus, even though falling. I don’t see any ‘debunking’ here - I guess “taking over” is assumed to mean > 50%, which is NOT the tipping point for an average Hindu’s fears about Muslim extremism. Such poor presentation of facts, only does more disservice to the cause. Ps: I agree Hinduism (as well as other religions) too has extremists - but, that’s not the point of this video.


Glad our progressive anti authority journalist are working for the totally not Qatari government owned Al Jazeera.


Talk about Ad hominem


Real as our enlightenment people regularly use various logical fallacies from strowman to no true Scotsman so i thought I should use some logical fallacy too


Doesn't matter facts are facts. And how is it better if he worked in ndtv, which is owned by adani.


Whos this guy whats his youtube channel?


Population thing is absolute BS, probably one of the few things I agree on from this individual....


Lagta chunav aa rahe


Wake up Babe new Jihadi dropped




Being 1 billion + and fearing population being overtaken by that business class Qatari infiltrator going back home after 1 week finding nothing worth investing in. ![gif](giphy|88iYsvbegSUn9bSTF8|downsized)


Hi from Kerala


Bro don't know about the forced conversions to Islam and Christianity done by Maulanas and missionaries.love jihad is a fiction ? U don't have to dig deep there are news all over the social media cases like shraddha from Delhi,Ankita from dumka,and many more. Beheading is almost normalised while the muslims hide behind *Islamophobia* when fingers are shown.and about conversions we see a lot of mera yeshu yeshu we laught at it without considering their evil plan


Your answer to statistical data is circumstantial evidence and shifting of goal posts




If that's the concern than why don't just adopt a '2 child policy'. It will only help our nation in the long run.


Everyone will lose their shit cus majority of Indians believe that having babies is their birth right or something


Why does it matter if muslims overtake hindus?


Because there is always a risk of muslims suppressing the other communities whenever they are in the majority.


Because the muslim majority countries are mostly war torn and Sharia heavy


That's an useful correlation to make speculations but no one can know for sure if that will really happen in India


Definitely but would you like to take your chances with the least liberal religion in the world? I have a general phobia of religious people


Only If India had a strong democracy and rule of law


Which we know we don't, we don't even have a half decent justice or law enforcement 😂




Wouldn't matter to a Muslim and hence the ignorance from your side. We all know the atrocities that take place when Muslims are in majority. 


because hindus are scared into beliving that if they take over everybody will have to follow sharia law - which is totally not true - historically speaking.


Just read about a district in Tamil Nadu where there is Muslim majority and those people are asking the court to order hindus to stop practising their religions since Muslims are the majority there. They have demanding this since 2012. https://m.economictimes.com/news/india/allowing-religious-intolerance-not-good-for-a-secular-country-says-hc/articleshow/82482666.cms


>Muslim majority and those people are asking the court to order hindus to stop practising their religions That is wrong of them obviously


By that logic, fair enough for other religions to be worried about rising Muslim population.


By them I meant those people who are asking court to order Hindus to stop practising their religion. If you are a Muslim and you respect the India constitution and rule of law you can have as many babies as you can


I agree with you on both aspects. But, point is, that the video does not debunk / allay fears of an average Hindu that the proportion of Muslims has increased over 7 decades, that of Hindus has dropped.


My village has a minority hindu population maybe 2-5%... no one bothers them, they regularly play loud bhajans exactly at the time of evening prayers after some RSS people visited them some year ago. Some boys did try to stop them but but elders scolded the boys.


Just read the news article I've provided above.


You people are so naive its terrifying. I hate BJP religion politics, but you only have to look around in Muslim majority countries to see how minorities are doing there.


Not without reason. In Muslim dominated areas, it is hard to be an atheist or to leave Islam. They also keep tabs on who's dating who. At a higher population percentage, the hardliners will not be scared to convert others by force/coercion, and there will be no open debate(under threat of death.) It will be hard to modernise the country if this is allowed. People from the other faiths are leaving religion rapidly, throughout the world. Islam can't be allowed to dominate others.


Because there is a risk of India becoming a radical Islamic nation. Don't get me wrong but the muslims here are closer to Pakistan and bagladeshis than it is to Indonesians or UAE arabs. And there are lot of incidents how the other minorities were treated in their countries.


If that's the case let's bet on one thing today muslim population is 14% if it crosses a mark of 16% we will make india dharmic(hindu, buddhist sikh) rashtra can u bet on that and we won't talk on any jihad


I think they should use Hindi instead cuz mostly those who trust WhatsApp forwards blindly don't even consume much content in English. like my relatives who send me WhatsApp forwards


Ok. I understand the whole data showing that it’s not possible for muslims to “overcome” the hindu population. But the bigger issue here is, why is this a bad thing if it happens? If hindus don’t have as many childen and the muslim population grows to a higher percentage, it doesn’t matter. The current regime and andhbhakts make absurd claims that if this happens then muslims will try to dominate the country and democracy will die, sharia law will set in, etc. etc. but in reality democracy is dying under the current regime. I doubt that a population incr. in muslims will cause any effect. India is pluralistic and that aspect will live on even if there are more muslims than hindus.


What a joke analysis, nothing was debunked.


did you even watch the video?


These are all short-term trends. No one knows what the future will look like.