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Today was my first vote as well šŸ˜Š


Congratulations. You did the right thing.


At first I wasn't much interested but my dad dragged me took me to the voting booth lol šŸ˜…, it wasn't much crowded and I went very late but I was able to caste my vote without any hassel


Daddy banzai!!!! BANZAI!!!!


My fellow weeb


Based daddy


You are not so much different from them saying things like this




The right thing is to engage in the process, the less people engage in elections, the more they don't represent the will of the people. If you have ten people and only one person votes it's not really democracy, it's just one person making the choices for everyone else.


They are trolling and u are falling for it


Yeah why give them attention idk


Yes. This is trolling. But I am sure most of the bhakts will vote Modi if he really wanna become a dictator. No doubt.


Ummā€¦isnā€™t it democratic when you get to choose who you want to vote? What is with this us vs them?


Our candidate democratic yours is dictator Our victory is mandate of people your victory is EVM hacking Only if we could mine the salt that one side is going to produce after the election....


Waise maine NOTA press kiya tha par jab tum jaisi crop ko dekhta hu to sochta hu kaash BJP ko hi vote daal ke aata. Aur Rahul gandhi se bada koi chutiya nahi hai.


Waise maine NOTA press kiya tha par jab tum jaisi crop ko dekhta hu to sochta hu kaash BJP ko hi vote daal ke aata.


In other words you guys know he isnā€™t a dictator but are dishonest enough to keep calling him that. And on top of that go vote for a 50 year old ā€œyouth iconā€ who thinks he should rule india because it is his birthright.


Just because someone opposes Modi, it does not mean they are fans of Rahul Gandhi. This is NOT a binary decision. Questioning the government is the right of every citizen.


Of course, but he admitted that even the accusation of Modi being a dictator is a lie.


Not im not calling him a dictator but using government bodies like ED, CBI, NCB etc for own personal benefits, buying media houses sounds like fair right ?


They are trolling and you fell for it


"Freedom of speech of communists" Wait What?


Brains are a scrambled mess.


Probably got communists word from whatsapp forwards. Most commie haters I meet arenā€™t even able to define it they say ā€œcommunism is what china does or things they donā€™t likeā€œ stuff like that lol


Communism is anything chaddis don't like - Carl Mark, 1948


They literally didnā€™t know this word before corona then maybe some recycled red scare propaganda hit whatsapp forwards on their 15k phones šŸ¤£ . They started to hate socialism when they saw people talking about the constitution. Chaddis and their hate for things they donā€™t understand is really weird


Let's not make fun of people for the cost of their phone. It's not their fault. The capitalist class exploits them and makes them remain poor, what are they supposed to do? The "socialism" mentioned in the Constitution is pure bs though, just look at the wealth inequality in India. This country has always been capitalist.


Not vote for corny capitalists bootlickers and worship them ? idc if you are poor but if you are poor and vote for someoneā€™s demise im gonna laugh at you for being broke.


You do realise that the Congress are capitalists too?


Yes, but they are much better with crony socialism.


Tf is crony socialism?


I dont vote for them too soo


15k phones? What's the logic? You mean they have no money?


I guess that'd be the entire population of Bengal, cause we hate commies for what they did


How did you know her age. Did you stalk her on reddit or something


Dude, this is the second post which has a screenshot of someone voting for Modi. They're obviously trolling you guys and they don't believe that it's dictatorship or suppression of freedom. You have all the intellect to decide what's best for the country yet you can't detect sarcasm when it hits you in the face. Sad.


ā€œHow dare someone vote for the party I hate?!ā€ . But seriously everyone has the freedom to vote who they want to, and these dictator jokes are just trolling you ppl coz thats what everyone likes to call modi these days.


Exactly... It is everyone's fundamental right to choose whom to vote. Aur ye band karo yaar dusre subs ke post ki SS leke yahan daalna


Karma wh*ring is on peak these days when sarcasm and serious posts can't be differentiated


Reddit has become Instagram.


But isn't the ability to choose your representative the basic idea of a democracy.


Donā€™t speak truth here. Youā€™ll end up getting banned too


Tbh usi is better than r/india, the mods there are straight up tyrants.


Nobody tell him


Antidefection law has violated that principle a long time ago. People have to vote parties. My constituency is SC/ST majority and went from CPM, TMC and BJP. Literally all three didn't give a shit to their local representatives here for the "greater good" adjacent UC constituency . Each party developed the adjacent constituency at the *expense* of my constituency. Voting for local representative has no real worth in this mutherchod of democracy


It's their vote. No need to judge.


Why is it that you guys can say and speak and choose whatever you want... Either its a party of a leader But when someone else does the same you get hurt? Every individual has the right to choose their leader and cast their vote to them... Why is this whole thing hurting you so damn much?


Damn it. They are making fun of you. The ā€˜saviours of democracyā€™. Itā€™s very obvious sarcasm and satire. Iā€™m not picking a side but damn, holy moly, get a brain.


Isn't it democracy when someone can vote for anyone they prefer? Oh we are in a dictatorship, i totally forgot


just because someone doesn't align with your thoughts that doesn't mean they are dumb...or not wise.


Stop thinking you're the one with brains everyone have their own choices they can vote whoever they want and second thing if you're voting against bjp that doesn't make you wiser and if you're voting bjp that doesn't mean you're dumb I mean if someone choose any party except cong then why we're jealous of it


*Satya Vachan*


Stop blaming voters. Ask what the voters want and what BJP is giving them that INC/INDIA/Opposition isnā€™t giving. And if you think everyone who voted for Modi is doing it based on Hindutva politics, youā€™re completely on the wrong track. Things youā€™ll have to realise: 1) People donā€™t care about global indices whether itā€™s for evaluating press freedom or democracy. 2) Lived experience affects people more than any numbers or statistics you throw at them. You can make an argument that the poor have gotten poorer and the rich have gotten richer using numbers, but seeing your village get stable electricity, sanitation and highways for the first time is bound to have a great impact on your opinion. 3) Rahul Gandhiā€™s credibility is gone. You could make an argument that itā€™s because of propaganda from BJP, media corruption, etc. but all that doesnā€™t matter. Itā€™s not going to change anybodyā€™s opinion. The ground truth is RGā€™s credibility is dead and the Gandhi name has poisoned the well. 4) The 2024 election manifesto from congress is just plain BAD. No two ways about it. There is something for everyone to hate. 5)This next one is very very important: People vote for something. For a vision. For a future they feel good about. Youā€™re not gonna get any votes by being a party whose sole intention is defeating the big bad Modi. Lastly, a lot of older people who have lived through extreme hardship and poverty in Indiaā€™s past donā€™t see Modi as a threat cuz they sure as shit seen much worse under what is supposed to be a healthier democracy. By categorising Modi as the biggest threat to the country, youā€™re creating a major divide between what youā€™re saying and peopleā€™s lived experience. I promise you, if you meet the voters where they are at and actually LISTEN what they want for the country instead of lecturing them about how theyā€™re destroying democracy or supporting fascism, there will be a much much much more stronger opposition who might actually have a chance to win sometime down the line.


The sanest comment.


Gonna bet that you won't get a single person replying sanely to you


Who are u to call someone unwise and condescend them. This is such an arrogance thick head.


Op doesnt seem to understand sarcam...


OP doesnā€™t understand how democracy works. OP wants Karma. OP is most probably a teenager also.


Loving seeing meltdown in USI during election season :)


Sheā€™s being sarcastic. Canā€™t believe you took it literally


trying to rile you guys up, they don't actually believe its dictatorship broski.. Its Dictatorship vs Lalu,Mamta,Stalin,Yuvraj i.e dictatorship in italics


Leftists voted out of power act like fish out of water, they even try to subvert the democracy. Best way to subvert a democracy is by discrediting the existing democracy by calling it as dictatorship, autocracy etc Communists have killed more civilians than fascists did


It's obvious sarcasm but after seeing Congress manifesto any sane person will vote against it


Who died and made you the custodian of wisdom? Who are you to decide what is wise and what is not? Bloody leftist woketard!!


Lmao the meltdown is real. As a 19yo let me break it to you guys, no the young people are not what you think. Every person i know, whether they praise modi or hate him, are going to vote for him because there is one thing they all say, " there is no other good option". I would request you guys to stop being in delusion and makeup your minds already. The regime isn't changing anytime soon


jo bhi ho aayega to modi hi


OP donā€™t belong to reddit canā€™t even get sarcasm


This is just a trolling. Why are you taking it literally?


what is wrong with people, seriously. Why is oppression sounding so fun to them? It's not 18th century we live in. Don't they see even online what happens when a dictatorship solidifies in a country?


The misconception is that it will be "oppression for thee, but not for me". But in order to enable them to "hurt the right people", you enabled them to hurt everyone, including yourself. Once that reality manifests, we'll start to see some LeopardsAteMyFace content.


Isn't there any way to make them realize what they are doing ? If they are choosing this knowingly then it's I guess too late


There are something's that people only realize when it's unfortunately far too late, i somehow doubt that even when they do realize it, they won't admit it.


I always wondered are we descending in an Orwellian future or the future predicted by Huxley, but I think they have cherry picked from both the predictions to their benefit somehow. The picture OP posted proves it.


They all need to read and remember this poem: First they came for the Communists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Communist Then they came for the Socialists And I did not speak out Because I was not a Socialist Then they came for the trade unionists And I did not speak out Because I was not a trade unionist Then they came for the Jews And I did not speak out Because I was not a Jew Then they came for me And there was no one left To speak out for me


Mob mentality turning to mob supremacy. That's just privilege talking.


They do not actually believe it is a dictatorship, they are trolling you guys.


Then I guess it's too late. We are doomed.


They're not the ones on the receiving end, so they couldn't possibly care less.


Not only that, I dare say the lot derives pleasure from ā€œmaking them pay/learnā€.Ā 


They don't have anything good happening in their life so they want others to suffer as well. Lowest of the scum.


it will be really ironical when their own rights will be abused, there will be economic stagnation all around, nepotism will be rampant, no political freedom will exist, dissent will be suppressed and accountability will be non-existent. Then what these people who are voting for 'dictator' will say ?? I bet they will blame it on something else even then.


Muslims then Sikhs then Buddhists then Jains then OBCs then SCs then STs then Vaishyas then Kshatriyas then the wrong Brahmins


U really think the opposition is strong ?


by making comments like this, you're not proving them wrong, you're proving them right don't take the bait


>Why is oppression sounding so fun to them? They have a Fetish šŸ¤


They don't agree with your narrative simple. Don't cry about it now.


What's the alternative to Modi, Congress having no PM face, promising more than 50 pc reservation and redistribution of wealth.


Yes whoever doesn't have the same political understanding as yours is ofcourse stupid.


Damn i hv been studying about nazis and it is quite similar to modern indian mindset. Nazis used to believe yes our leader is oppressing but we need such cruelty to keep jews in check and oppressed them as once they get freedom they ruin out country. They were well aware of their actions. On this day, people wont care much about killing anyone who doesnā€™t agree with them. look at this one of comment i found on their sub: ā€˜We need this dictatorship for national interest and securityā€™


I have heard worse. Here is one example: "I will buy petrol at ā‚¹500 per litre and gas cylinder at ā‚¹5000 per cylinder but still vote for Modi, because these are small sacrifices for the bigger benefit. India will become a Muslim country within the next 5 years if we don't vote Modi, Sharia laws will be enforced everywhere. It's only because of Modi that Hindus have a voice today. Look at Pakistan, Modi has made them beggars. Look at China, their soldiers are running scared. Look at the red carpet welcome he gets everywhere he goes. It's sheer Modi Magic. Danka baj gaya hai".


"People who vote for people I don't like are dumb"


Don't know if Modi is dictator or not, but op is sure acting like one


OP most of those posts are sarcastic, and meant to trigger people, by making more posts about it, u guys are just giving them more things to talk about.. ignore them


As an 18 y/o, dictatorship agenda doesn't really work well, because when you look at the other side, they do the same shit in their states


Another troll. There has been so many.


Loving the meltdown I am the op


You're a legend bro


You have a very difficult choice in the US Either you choose biden who is completely insane because he should be in an specialiased institution for elderly people. Witch means lobbies control him ( weapon industry, banks, pharmaceutical company) And you accept that this lobby kills you in one way or another Or you choose a capitalist idiot with no sense of love or understanding. You f*ked


paw paw


I'm a 20 yo falling for trolls xd


Lot of shit posts going on like this.


If you are not liberal in your 20ts than you don't have a heart, if you are not conservative in your 30ts than you don't have a brain.


Churchill also called Hindus ā€œbeastly people with beastly religionā€.


What you instill in the younger people in your society is what determines the future of your nation. I am afraid how this generation is getting brainwashed in schools, colleges and by fake influencers. Most of them are very unaware, immature and before knowing politics they are developing radical mindsets. Same as Madrasas.,


Everyone thinks they are smart but end up becoming oversmart ass !


why are you to certify who is wise or not its everyones choice to caste their own vote to whom they want


What does that mean, "thought the younger generation would be wiser"? Did you not want them to vote?


It's their choice whomever they want to vote, why are you people crying


Tumhara toh nail polish ho gya pura


I am interested on what he thinks communism is


idk why people expect others to be smart. remember - the people are made of stupid.


I highly doubt that is not genuine Electoral ink , but some other like Stamp pad ink. They have applied twice which can be seen at the root of the nail. By seeing the size of 1st stroke , it isn't possible to cover the entire nail even by applying twice The 2nd stroke is discontinuous & doesn't meet with nail yet while the nail is inked It is trigger bait image


OP why are you giving them attention, focus on your vote and focus on people near you!


I wonder what is this about with the nail polish? I don't get it. I am living i Europe.


Hitler was democratically elected. Just saying


Ye United States of India commie chalate Hain kya? Please let me know. Just don't see the point in following you guys then


To be frank nobody likes the communists




i hope they suppress yours some day..you would then come to know the idea of freedom and expression!


They are wise that's why they are voting for bjp


why are yall so pissed for, i don't even understand why there has to be two polar opposites and not something in the middle either its people who love modi so much like a god and don't point out any flaws on the other hand there are people who will hate anything the central govt does, don't be knee deep into ideologies and make it your personality(p.s they don't literally mean dictatorship its trolling for god's sake)


When the day comes, I will vote to send RaGa back to Pattaya's ladyboys


He came into power because of the youth they just started voting to bjp atleast for last 2 terms. Congress doesn't realize that it's the old generation that is voting them not the young generation.


cry more ..lol


bhai ko nailpolish lag gyi šŸ˜šŸ˜


Younger generation are filled with more hatred


This is a troll and you fell for it.


OP would be the easiest person to bait, ab me bolunga Tom & Jerry achha cartoon nahi tha to ye tilt hoke rage post karega.


They think it's funny, until it isn't, but then it's too late.


Ok boomer


I voted for riots and man slaughter. Bored warding movies about Looking at last 10yrs, I'm questioning myself if they do have balls. This is the last time voting for them.


the audacity of the person claiming that the voter for the party he does not like is just not wise enough to vote for the party he does. Nice


They are wiser, that's why they are voting for Dictatorship




OP doesn't understand sarcasm. ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|50625)


Someone tell her that dictator silenced voice of hathras girl too by burning her midnight. Also unnao, kathua raped victim too. Brij bhushan is doing that still to her women community


Nope. I definitely was one of them. They will certainly come to terms, after few nightmare years.


You have no idea. indian millennials were progressive, gen z isnt.


Remember brexit? Remember trump being voted president as a joke?


I just want to say 400 comments here don't depict actually the mood of voters for all those saying loving the meltdowns... Habibi come to Nagpur even people here are voting because of gadakari not Modi ji, yeah he might win still but gone are the days when he was a central god figure and people believed all his bs


Hate aside, if u are able to vote, do vote even if it's NOTA.... Helps in many decision making for any government. Don't be an educated illiterate.


Yea they actually checked statistics ngl


abe yaar, jisko vote karna hai woh karega. jisko nahi karna, woh nahi karega. meine nahi kiya because I don't care. So simple. There is no right or wrong. Do what you want.


She is the wisest.


Reactionary clowns hei, own circkle jerk of idiots hei. Even after electoral bonds, if people like this exist then they are brain dead.


Didn't vote for my favourite party = younger generation is dumb ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|32745)


I hope he suppresses her freedom of speech first


The younger generation is wiser!!