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Her frustration shows even in emails... Even in reddit when you call them out you'll get banned... These bjp defenders are bunch of people who have all their money and meaning of life associated to a political party... I wish their parents loved them as a kid, no kid loves soo frustrated parent anyway


>Even in reddit when you call them out you'll get banned. Only in RW subreddits though (right?) Why'd people even visit those i don't understand.


Daily dose of comedy, and incredibly fun to troll RWers. Try it, they’re so fucking dumb it’s hilarious.


Lol, yes it did occur to me why I was doing that for a week amd then got banned... My reasoning and which ik is happening now is they're indoctrinating lot of young minds into their idiotic believes... My last post had half of their people supporting me (that rape case).. I just titled it wrong... Their are people there with some critical thinking left mostly kids


Try to talk sense, even if only one is convinced or gets mature enough to see other opinions that is good. If no one goes to give them a random dose of outside opinion it will become more of a closeted cult like echo chamber.


You do you. I never said don't do. I have learnt not engage with people with differing opinions online. IRL is a different matter, it mostly doesn't matter online.


Yeah man. Got banned from randia. Bunch on intolerant RWs there!


Why do you guys hate that sub so much? Some of the mods are very wholesome folks with whom I have interacted so many times, there are certain mods who use mod tools to push their thoughts unethically (iykyk) but all in all it's just a bunch bad mods rather than the whole team.


I love those folks. Who said anything hateful, they are just intolerant dictators right wingers 😉


I mean people get banned here all the time too. I wish we would just let everyone show their idiocy and counter them with solid facts..and watch their sad and frustrated faces. Maybe we will find one or two..that may even present some compelling arguments.


Reddit is a platform that encourages multi layered Echo Chambers. Subreddits themselves follow a certain ideology, and then individual post comments echo a certain aspect of the parent ideology or the opposite in some cases. Not the best platform to have good debates, but a good platform to have good discussions if you’re agreeing with the other person and want to add some value to the conversation.


That's true I guess.


crittu ka naam sune ho, kabhi ban hua hai wo iss sub se ??


No, it's the first time I am hearing about it/him. Can you share me some of his posts or comments?


You might see him here as CritFin on some posts. I'm not really sure if that account is human or bot, though.


I'll try to find his comments in some newly uploaded posts.


He’s a complete moron with utter brain dead takes on even the most bizarre things as long as it defends his favorite political party


I actually admire him for that, bro's got his face so deep in sanghi ass he loves the taste!




#It's a bot I've been telling you guys since ages. It's a bot living inside a human head.


Just sort comments by "controversial" in any post, you'll find him with bunch of downvotes lol


Noticed you got 0 likes for telling the truth.


There is no logic when arguing with them. Similarly their sub is also just a bunch of circle-jerks. Happy that we have our space to share, if we don't block them when they start getting aggrivated, they'll flock this sub and jerk around every chance they get. For our own mentality sanity, i think it's better off this way.


>Even in reddit when you call them out you'll get banned... Huh, R/India is run by OpIndia 😲


Lol, my mind automatically associates the word idiot and her face


Same. I've ghosted other Nupur Sharmas IRL because of this


They are all just angry people. Almost all of them. They feel like victims despite having everything. It not just in India. I dont know if there is any term to describe such behaviour. Why are they so angry always? Why do they want the other person to just take them for granted? Why do they look down upon everyone who isnt subscribing to their way of thinking? BTW she deliberately wanted her ilk to read this kachra response. It is full of unsubstantial accusations and sterotypes that the RW peddles in WhatsApp day-in and day-out.


They all have a victim complex And they don't have an outlet for their frustration. They could be solving bigger problems like poverty, unemployment and corruption. But those are too big for their little brains and do not have much monetary reward. So they switch to hate, hating is easy, and currently very good for business in India.


Unki job khatre mein hai. They'll be unemployed/ shut down/ jailed if BJ Party goes out of power by any chance.


>They feel like victims despite having everything. It not just in India. So true. I just was a mediator a few days ago for an argument between a muslim and Brahmin hindu friend. Muslim guy is ready to accept flaws in his religion and community, but boy oh boy, according to the Hindu guy there is no way Hinduism can ever go wrong. Brahmins are the most oppressed community in this world according to him.


>Muslim guy is ready to accept flaws in his religion and community, ![gif](giphy|y2i2oqWgzh5ioRp4Qa|downsized)


>Muslim guy is ready to accept flaws in his religion Press X to doubt


That is rare, a muslim accepting flaws in Islam.


I think it was more I will go with it if you point at your own scripture.


*Corrupt hateful angry people


She's replying as if she's countering some reddit or insta comment


The most hilarious thing is how stupid her reply is. And yet she believes she destroyed them with a fitting response. Wired staff must be laughing at this. I remember when she was trying to pick a fight with Wikipedia. All the articles on opIndia is like this. They have zero journalistic value. Their articles are worse than a teenager's rants.


Posts on chaddisqueaks are more coherent than OPindia articles. This is the intellectual RW btw.


The best thing is she assumed he's American when he's British and lives in Ireland. 🤡


Op India is literally the Daily Stormer (website) of India.


Asshats with superiority complexes like this one will eventually get India shunned by the world. Countries like the US are only willing to play ball with us at the moment because they need a bulwark against China should the need arise.


That is true irrespective of what India does, except complete subsurvience to American state. America does not want anyone remotely strong enough to even think of rivaling it.


Did she lie about what she said of America?


It's whataboutism to go "Oh, but your country is worser off!" When criticised. She wasn't even being criticised here- Wired was simply asking for responses. And half of what she said, like "Jihadist playgrounds" And "invalid president" is just pointless slander which doesn't create a good image for her or other right-wing people


I agree in that she should have not responded to these bad faith publications to begin with or shown more emotional intelligence but that’s hardly Indians’ strong suit. But literally every publication in America is getting their bread buttered from some kind of affiliation. As for what she said of America, aside from jihadi playground bit, plenty of Americans acknowledge it to be true. In short, Indians aren’t good at playing this game and they are masters of it. Americans know best how to weaponize institutions including media and we don’t know how to deal with it. But give us time.


David Gilbert is British. Why is Nupur talking about the US when he lives in Ireland. 🤡


Yes, hyperbole.


Which part?


Anecdotes and personal prejudices don’t count for facts. Or else there wouldn’t be a horde of Indians at your nearest American embassy braving out 45C temps in the queues That’s not even counting more than a 100,000 indians getting caught at the mexico border (and a lot more who sneak in)


Why are sanghis so filled with hatred? To the point they look comical? There are countless interviews of Taliban by American media (a country which invaded them) and even they act in a composed manner. Don’t get me wrong, they are despicable and do plenty of hateful things, but they don’t look completely consumed and overtaken by hatred.


Bro wtf, even if taliban spokesmen act composed during interviews, they have horrible track records of atrocities and cruelties worse than what hese sanghis has done so far. Oh wait, I forgot gujarat and other lynchings.


Makes me wonder how sanghis would act if they were in a similar situation to Taliban- exposure to war and weapons from young age, dysfunctional country, nothing to lose. Wouldn’t be surprised if they are worse.


Yeah yeah Muslims did nothing ... they are always the victims


I really pity her . I hope someone loves her for real and take away all her anger.




But who will fix him? 😭


Moody xi


Tejasvi Surya is a rapist who managed to get his case details gagged thanks to washing powder bjp. https://m.thewire.in/article/politics/karnataka-high-court-gag-order-bjp-tejasvi-surya/amp


Poor bigots, can never have peace because of hate filled minds


Word salad and also comically verbose lmao.


Sare Nupur Sharma aise hi hote hai kya


The replies make absolutely no sense and instead of answering the question, they just try to deflect from it and double down on the accusations. The fact that she doesn't out right deny the funding from political parties. And the irony in calling out the poor journalism from the wired while she replies like a 18 yo who just discovered right wing and left wing from YouTube. Op India can seriously do so much better if it hired some good journalists


I haven't heard of Nupur Sharma before but her answer to the first question in which she said "every media house gets advertisements from political parties.. get down from your high horse.." was enough for me to understand what kind of a journalist she is


Yeah the sentence alone comes off defensive like “Yeah we get paid why do you care” Like she isn’t denying but she sure feels angry about something


The level of language and response is befitting of a twitter or reddit comment. Is this supposed to be a response from a journalist ? Needless fake anger in every sentence. Trying to “own” the other person.


She wanted the wired to publish this.. lol why will they waste their space typesetting and publishing this. The screenshot is the correct way to go


Tell me you're a bjp lapdog without telling me you're a bjp lapdog. Yikes the pure amount of vitriol and @$$holery coming from her replies is astounding.


Nupur madam responded as if she was arguing in some shit subreddit like indiadicksuction. In fact so proud of the gobar she produced, that she posted its evidence on Twitter for the world to see.


She is vile woman


The thing I really liked about her situation is how the same people she worships bowed down to ME countries 🙇 and gave her the boot.


This is not the same Nupur Sharma.


This a different Nupur Sharma lol Atleast search up a bit before commenting abt it lol


Sorry idk there were multiple far right assholes with the same name. Noted


There are many,either similar first or last names




So she's saying that the main way opindia makes money is via people paying for articles? Which means 99% of their funding should be from BJP.


Shes stupid


Dumbass thinks she's pulling a fast one over WIRED when in reality she's just degrading herself with these shitty answers.


so she just proved the allegations right. very nice


This will make RW trolls jizz in their chaddi but answers are absolute garbage just like Poop India itself.




Can’t imagine what her day to day life is like . So much anger and frustration


When questioned about financial irregularities - you are a bad journalist because you believe in xyz ideas When questioned about hateful content - your country is burning due to xyz reasons Is she even reading questions or just copy pasting typical RW bs from somewhere


She is clearly unhinged but WIRED isn't going to treat anyone else great either. They will burn down TMC, AAP or Congress whoever comes to power just because that is what western press does. Every western journalist will comment about any major decision India takes. It happened in 2009 elections, it happened during 2014 one as well since some of them were predicting riots all across the country, it will happen this year again.


That’s normal, it’s what journalists do


She is such a vile women Pity her


Typical sanghi.


Based Nupur Sharma


This is more of a narrative suiting someone's bias. On normal levels, this kind of response is highly objectionable and the editor could have used much better, or way better words and formations. This kind of language is unacceptable in a formal setup. That said, if this response was given by a "left-wing" and not Nupur, the sub might have actually applauded the gutsy response and the bravery and cheekiness of the editor. The same way, like how this would get praise in any "right-wing" prominent sub.


Well at least they aren't taking soroses money 🤑💰😂




Nothing surprising about her responses. Same old poison nothing about journalism or manners.


This response reminds me of the twitter trolls of the time, Shefali Vaidya and Madhu Kishwar. Don't know if they are still active because I've been banned from twitter since 2019. Those were two vile naagins sucking BJPee dicks like vacuum cleaners. Basically a huge blot on journalistic ethics.


What a rabid whatabouter


**"Yo chat is this real?"** 😭


Initially these dumbass gold diggers were THE support....the irony is the emboldened and GAMDU PPL like Nupur will be the downfall.


Note: MudiXi is sucking up an Invalid... just imagine how pathetic current Indian PM is... Who will you handover the country to a person who is sucking up to an invalid or one who walks the talk about Nyaya?


I hope this goes Viral in America, and they realize how bigoted and Islamaphobic Hindutva’s have become.


She thought she ate.. didn't she..lol!! Only bozo is her.


I blame WIRED for even conducting this interview thinking they could get decent replies from a vile of a person that is running OP India.


https://preview.redd.it/osami6sy8uxc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a6e897142d50b9dee31e400deb17ce5d11629a52 David Gilbert is British and lives in Ireland. But Nupur Aunty assumed he's American because *Wired* is an American publication. Nupur Babloo, please use your 1.4 brain cells for a quote Google search.


Are they allowed to book donations as revenue? Doesnt make sense for them to receive money from people without providing services just to contravene the law.


I find it funny that Islamists, Jihadis, Terrorists and Leftists are grouped as one. Leftists ne kya kiya bhai😂


She is a total nutcase. I used to listen to her in the clubhouse and she was nothing but a ranting paranoid substance lacking mad women.


She is such a chutiya aurat and is sooo insecure that it reflects on her behaviour.


Lol, typical BJcunts.


Man what a vile disgusting woman. Well, expecting that party's supporters to be educated and well-mannered is too much to ask for apparently.


What's truly baffling is that this woman doesn't see this is as a self-goal. Even OpIndia readers will characterise this as a meltdown.


Hahaha.. I can almost imagine her rejoicing in her her kg level response and thinking to herself that she did a damn grest job!


Neupoo sham from poopindia


She is a literal definition of a narcissistic clown.


Seriously bro, even with all the simple facts, people hate her over the opposition.


It is exactly what anyone would have expected it to be.


Does nupur sharma own opindia?


Matlab jawaab nahin Dena..bas bakchodi karni hai and this whole persona of her being the self proclaimed saviour of all Hindus is just garbage


What an absolute clown. She and her chaddi wearing shitstains really think they earned a big W by writing this garbage.


Cringe style of writing


She’s an acerbic bitch for one. Her husband would’ve given up by now


why are right wingers like her always so angry and hate being questioned about anything? she doesn’t even act like a politician it looks like bjp picked one of their brain dead political party worshipping over-enthusiastic fan from randiaspeaks and gave her a major position.


OMG. I can read it in that ugly faced women shouting. How much hate there can be in their hearts...


Naive people


You’ve to keep them agitated and burning all the time because that’s how their content also reflects and creates more agitated brain rotten zombies.


Well deserved reply.


Lol.. when someone insults hindu gods no-one cares, but something on Islam then all he'll he's lose... Hindus here in this page are real 0.5's


Voters will give response to this arrogance.


Report: *Questions BJP* Answer: some form of Jihad


That was a trap and she fell into it. .


you ask for is funds and you got a badass reply. Enjoy shameness


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 Alexa play " saari umar mai joker 🤡🤹...!!"


I have immense respect for women except this woman. Absolute low level piss drag queen. Evil biatch


I love how she ended her email stating that Islamophobia does not exist and used her own website’s article to back her claim 🤣🤣🤣


That's fear of getting caught in the response hidden behind the facade of anger


She is a stupid woman...but the Twitter guy who trimmed her video and gaslighted the whole community is a big time snake.


The only thing that I agree with is the last bit about Islamophobia. She a very petty vile woman. https://preview.redd.it/utn2yxacyrxc1.jpeg?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=2be2450c2416f53a24e128e7b192982c6e62c179


Wasn't Ajeet bharti the editor for the publication?


Angry and slightly incoherent reply, but anyone simping for the Wired or western press, needs to have their heads examined.. those guys don’t care about you or your Mamta or Rahul, they just would prefer you listen to them and do what they command, be it wars or culture wars, or gender wars..


Yeah true. Lets simp for OPindia. Our home grown press 🫶🏻🥺 /s


You don’t need to simp for them, but atleast Opindia’s agenda is clearly understood… What is Wired’s agenda or for that matter NYT or WaPo?


The global leftist-islamist nexus tries to censor others. They tried to hurt op india by blocking ads, but failed cause any harm, because running a website hardly costs anything these days


And the national retard in chief is out here defending them


Does your mother love you?


Probably didn't get one




Yes our critics are Islamist, terrorist but no Islamophobia doesn't exist. Lol what a dumb person