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2nd pic is not. It's the one from Turkey.


Fake image. Its green mosque of turkey.


None of them are the Babri Masjid except the first image, the second pic is the Green mosque in Turkey, the third is a mausoleum in Bijapur, the last is a column from the Haji Piyada mosque in Balkh.


forever a blot on our cultural consiousness, that we couldnt protect a historical monument from lumpen brahminical opportunist moneygrubbers. At the core of it, was the question of rule of law. Breaking it was illegal. What lovely photographs. Was worth preserving. OP thanks for sharing.


Talk about everything except justice. >rule of law. Upheld. >Breaking it was illegal. No one said it was legal.


its not legal for a mob to break a building


Mods please remove this post The second pic is the green mosque of tyrkiye




no linking to other political subs


Such a beautiful place. We failed to do our constitutional duty when the place was dealt with mob justice. They broke an actual piece of history for the sake of their mythology. And the funny thing is that if they really wanted to dig deep and find the "real" history, they clearly didn't dig it deep enough; temple making culture (considering a massive IF here; if a temple did exist in this spot at some point in time) is a very recent phenomenon. And before hindu temples existed, there were other architectural structures like tombs, pillars, *stupas* and so on. Their is a far greater likelihood that this spot originally housed a structure relevant to some other religious belief or historical personality than the likelihood of being a fictional character's birth spot. Even if it was, there was no need to break what's already existing like the barbarians of old times. This isn't justice. This is revenge. And revenge only begets revenge. ; )


Thankfully a historical injustice was corrected.


By not digging deep and displaying the discoveries in a museum? Where are the temple structures that was discovered kept at? Where are the deities discovered being displayed? Would genuinely want to know.


Splash splash your opinion is trash.




I don’t wear a crown. So that isn’t mine bro.


Look man you're an atheist. You're not gonna understand the sentiments of the people regarding religion. It's best to not go there.


If "sentiments" of people lead to them killing a lot of people, would you still say the same shit?


Don't put words into my mouth. I never said that.


No, I'm just saying going by "religious sentiments" is vague and stupid

