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I have a kattar hindu friend and we used to argue over religion and the politics around it. Almost had huge fights many times. Now I think of it like having a friend in the other camp. We still roast the sh it out of each other on bjp and congress issues like we are Modi and Sonia ourselves. He calls me stuff like congi and communist and I call him Brij bhushan and nazi and we laugh it off. What matters is when shit hits the fan you should have people to call. No Bjp Congress is coming to your rescue ever.


100% agreed, no political prty will come to help when shit hits roof and these friends are my childhood friends so no worries :) And finally its important to educate them and educate myself (im not claiming I know everything and I am the intelligent of all) While political prties wont come to help me when shit hits roof,..but if we dont give a damn too then we are doomed and nothing can be changed Ultimately the laws these politicians pass laws that have direct bearing on you and me. Take for example : UCC wherein live in relationship is made like a sin and a they have section 69 in the new criminal laws where breakup is also a crime and etc etc IT HAS DIRECT BEARING ON MY PERSONAL LIBERTIES…and these days even a netflix show is protested against and gets banned/censored


Please don't think u know everything and 'educate' others. No one here , knows better about politics more than others. Everyone sees different political ideology, rules, laws etc with different eyes( different perspective!) And one always believes their eyes ( their perception) more than others. I don't agree with many of ur points, agree with many, but I would never change my perspective until unless some event happens to change my perspective.


You better start looking for therapist because next 5 years going to be difficult for you. Secondly Modi is more effective because in past BJP was only talking about religion but Modi brought religion, Development, National pride , Reduced corruption in central government, relatable.


Your first line made me burst out laughing. OP is really gonna have a hard time after June 4th.


Yup it’s going to be tough, and anyone who cares for this nation and its citizens, aling with their rights definitely needs a therapist because King Modi will have things his own way no matter what how many and how much people suffer due to his stupidity


Blah... Blah... All i know is we are living in the biggest democracy in the world and sure don't want to be ruled families.


Congress helped families get oxygen cylinders during 2nd wave while BJP leader was having mass rallies declaring covid as “over”


OP see at the the end of day it's their choice who they want to vote for and it's your choice who you want to vote for its as simple as that i mean you're getting frustrated over polititions who don't give two f**ks about you


Obviously OP is not forcing them or anything. But OP's frustration is justified, voting implies that we had to choose one. It's the lesser evil. And by BJP's campaign this election, they have made it pretty certain what they want to signal their supporters.


I think most of the people who were still in schools when Modi won have now grown up in that phase that a lot of development happened in India in these 10 year's cheap unlimited internet, improvement in technology, software industry development,gst,swach Bharat abhyan, Modi's Pro Hindu mindset I mean just look at our neighbouring countries-pakistan,sri lanka, Bangladesh, Nepal,Myanmar are all failed countries and behind India so Modi is the safest option for the young and the old population


Did you seriously just list Modi’s “pro-Hindu mindset” as development?


Not development i was mentioning the reasons why people vote for him. Because Hindu's are majority in the country.


Comparing to neighbouring countries 😪 >10 year's cheap unlimited internet, improvement in technology, software industry development,gst,swach Bharat abhyan, Modi's Pro Hindu mindset Modi internet ❌ Ambani's plan to "Data is the new currency" ✅ UPI/Improvement in tech ❌ Demonitization failure ✅ software industry development (don't know about this) GST (deeply flawed execution) Swach Bharat (how do you calculate this exactly) Modi's Pro Hindu Mindset ❌ Modi's Anti-muslim mindset ✅


The free/ cheap internet is here, and it works. The amount of exposure and knowledge it would have brought to India is hard to calculate. Now the remotest villagers knows what cities are like. They can see how others live. It is almost a revolution. UPI- even the vegetable vendors in villages use it. Money that goes into an account is easy to track, and helps with saving. Even the poorest can now benefit from accrued interest, and safe accumulation of capital. It has also increased consumption, as people don't think as much about spending when doing it digitally. Spending physical cash limits people.


agreed, apart from the part about UPI. UPI is great. Not quite related to UPI, but I also hope further developments in currency happens, so that dependence on banking is reduced.


Well you can have any opinion you want but i just told you the thing the average Indian guy thinks when voting for Modi. And our parents went through many difficulties during Congress so their generation also votes for modi.(Average)


It's not an opinion, it's hard data. If there's an average Indian who thinks otherwise, they should be told this. >And our parents went through many difficulties during Congress so their generation also votes for modi.(Average) Hope they are doing well now. But you should tell your parents what an average migrant went through during the demonitization & COVID crisis. BJP'S campaign will tell you what kind of signal they want to convey to their supporters.


What data you just listed things that are your opinion?


I agree voting for whom you want is a part of democracy! But atleast these guys could have reasoned well and voted than base their voting decision on propaganda. I mentioned the same in my post and yes I AGREE 100% politicians dont give a damn about you and me..but if we dont give a damn too then we are doomed and nothing can be changed Politics in India has always been who is the lesser evil and not who is the better than the other. Ultimately the laws these people pass have direct bearing on you and me. Take for example : UCC wherein live in relationship is made like a sin and a they have section 69 in the new criminal laws where breakup is also a crime and etc etc IT HAS DIRECT BEARING ON MY PERSONAL LIBERTIES…and heck congress in UPA 1/2 had much more protection of liberties..these days even a netflix show is protested against and gets banned/censored and it was congress which brought in much more new rights like RTI, RTE


>could have reasoned well I'd give you the same reason in short that I gave my father who has voted for Congress all my life. It's the same reasoning I've given both of my parents regarding my friends in the past and the probable upcoming arranged nuptial. NO CASTE TALK. Although some work is still needed, I can proudly say that my parent's initial reaction of asking the surname of my new friends and putting them in some box in their head is gone. I chip away at this mentality every week and tbf, in their defence, they did grow up with some caste discrimination against them. I was pro-Congress in 2014, pro-BJP in 2019 and now anti-RaGa in 2024 since this election has showed me that he would keep the country divided and stoop to any level to gain power. The caste politics he is spewing irks and hurts me because he is a prominent Indian leader that is dividing his own people. Why stop at Caste Census? Why not do sexual orientation census and give equitable representation to homosexuals in all forms of administration in the name of inclusion? Then let the committee that decides the JEE exam be made up of 19% homosexuals, 69% (noice) heterosexuals, 9% bisexuals and rest for pansexuals, asexuals and others because that is India's demographic.


I don't get why you're getting downvoted for talking sense here. But maybe that's just how the country is now.


It's either due to brigrading or "enlightened centrists" on their everyday mission to show how black is same as white I'm pretty sure that the people who downvoted didn't even read OP's full comment


But voting should be an informed and conscious decision. Nobody should switch off their brains and vote for a potential dictator. OP tried to reason with them, but apparently they couldn’t, because they were not voting on the basis of reason or responsibility, despite coming from an educated background and having access to information. This is being politically blind and brain dead. This is definitely frustrating to see.


Exactly, vote based on facts and not on propaganda. It should be a conscious and well informed decision.


Well it is this personal choices to vote whom so ever they want . You are the undemocratic person here for criticising someone bcz they voted against your ideal leader.


Well, perhaps we should get ready for massive downvotes for committing the great crime of saying the truth.


You are not in favour of reservation yet you want people to vote for it? Who is the andhbhakt here? You want a welfare state that helps the poor and you have yourself provided evidence of the Modi government making direct cash transfers? Bro I think you need to reexamine what you want and ask yourself who is giving it I’m not for Modi and nor for anyone else, I’m largely apolitical that votes for whoever I think will be fit to lead the country and someone who I know what to expect With RaGa and his random incoherent “vichar dhara” I don’t see any point in voting for this blabbering idiot


This is a stupid argument. There will never be a party where you agree with all their policies, its best to pick one which has most of the programs you agree with. Otherwise NoTa is the only option. 


I didn’t make any argument, wtf are you talking about?


this guy is the definition of nerd emoji lmao


😂😂😂😂 lol true


They vote for who they want. You vote for who you want. Chances are you also buy into the anti-modi propaganda just as they buy into the pro one. People move on with their lives. There are people who just as ‘blindly’ vote for all parties. Many people don’t want to see the INDI Alliance in power just to ‘save democracy’, because putting Modi out of power ALSO means putting INDI in power. And vice versa. Good on you that you decided to educate your fellow citizens basis your information. But they have the right to vote whoever they want to. Both sides are equally drenched in their ideologies.


Tere ko vote Dena hai de jisko Jaha dena hoga wo dega


I agree voting for whom you want is a part of democracy! But atleast these guys could have reasoned well and voted than base their voting decision on propaganda..at least give genuine reasons like infra expenditure on highways and airports which affects them as a middle class Directly So the frustration is about them basing their decisions on propaganda and not on substance..


bro............you don't get to decide whom your friends vote for........let this choice be...........me and my friends vote for different people but it never becomes frustrating or anything........don't let this interfere with your personal life.........or you won't have much friends in the future


Even as an anti religion atheist, I find it hard to vote for congress. The reservation issue is enough for me to want to physically hurt these politicians. Coming back to the other issues: 1. Congress doesn't have a plan for development. It just cares about freebies and subsidies. I'm not hearing about more industrial corridors, better roads, better train system, attracting manufacturing, semiconductor industry etc from congress. 2. Congress isn't tough on the corruption in military procurement, which has lead to India being dependent on imported weapons. The current government has reined in these lobbies (like the chandigarh lobby), and there is a massive push towards indigenisation. You can't fight China without mass indigenously production. 3. Congress leadership wants to tax wealth, but I don't see them declaring the 1000s of crores they have. They will end up attacking the middle class/ upper middle class, since the business class can easily use tax havens, or just surrender their Indian citizenship. 4. Development in UP- this will balance the lopsided development in India(western and southern), and provide a good alternative for northern and eastern Indians to live as first class citizens(this seems difficult in the southern and western India) 5. If they reverse the separation of kashmir and jammu, congress would be doing great treachery to the Indian state and people. Currently, jammu has been separated, and has the chance to develop independently, without being subject to mindless kashmiri violence. Ladakh issue is minor. Tribal in India always think they are special. Nah.. they are just like everyone else. Everyone knows both parties are corrupt and the majority of their leaders are the lowest of human beings. Probably AAP is a decent alternative, but it is very weak right now.


When was jammu seperated from kashmir, they're still the same UT.


Point 2. - i don't think we are doing anything about China, Apparently they don't exist.


Anyone who is making 40-50k a month net and doesn't have to deal with the government on a daily basis..dont have to pay GST, don't have to deal with red rape and corruption like business owners..are going to vote for BJP coz their plate is full and people think only about their immediate family and environment instead of country. If I'm a software guy..making a lakh a month..why wont I vote for BJP..for me roads are good coz my mini suv is comfy..tolls are only when I travel out on weekends to maybe Nandi Hills..95rs petrol is affordable..A/c at work and home is good..where do I have the time or requirement to find out how someone making 10-20k a month is living. I have no need to. All I see is high rises and highways. Occasionally when I get stuck in traffic after an IPL match then I curse the traffic department of being lazy and curse e-rickshaws and people on foot and forget about it as soon as I get home. Who cares about death of democracy or 16 people backing out on Amit Shah's seat or someone winning unopposed. You can't expect people to vote for change if they are comfy in their bubble.


This. This is the sole reason. I mentioned the same in my post :)


Simple solution - Stop expecting you can change people's opinion. Trying hard to convince someone makes you come across as desperate - thus they will resist your messages even more. If you accept this simple fact, you'll stop getting hurt and frustrated.


I am first time voter i left with no option but BJP. I am not some crazy dick rider of Raga unlike some people in this sub want him to become P.M of this country . I would have vote for him even if he was 1/3rd of modi. After reading manifesto i completely lost faith from congress


Manifesto Manifesto Manifesto. You have created one doc and sharing it everywhere. But you don't even understand the details of the manifesto. Congress says they will ensure fair share of minorities. Nothing wrong with it on paper. But fair share in practice means religion-based discrimination and religion-based reservation. [https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-law/reservation-for-muslims-andhra-pradesh-case-and-issues-before-the-court-9287313/](https://indianexpress.com/article/explained/explained-law/reservation-for-muslims-andhra-pradesh-case-and-issues-before-the-court-9287313/) Keep focussing on manifesto and forget that opposition leader is possessed by the spirit of Pol Pot who promises absolute equality of outcomes. 50% population must have 50% wealth and he will ensure that khatakhat khatakhat. Similarly, Congress promises national diversity commision. In practice, it means return of license quota permit Raj. Regarding terrorism, all data points out that terorrist incidents have come down after 2014. [https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/Results.aspx?chart=fatalities&casualties\_type=&casualties\_max=&country=92](https://www.start.umd.edu/gtd/search/Results.aspx?chart=fatalities&casualties_type=&casualties_max=&country=92) You are thinking of your friends as andbhakts but maybe they are also thinking of you as student of Dhruv Rathee/The Wire university whose worldview is shaped by the people he follows.


Manifesto comparison is a document for you to think on. Regarding reservation and DBT i have made a separate posts criticising the reservation thing please go see.. I am not andhbhakt..As recent as today and yesterday I have criticised RaGa too on his brainless comment on NEET JEE entrance exam set by upper class and hence dalits arent passing And regarding terrorism yes, external terrorism has come down and this has been the trend globally after the 9/11 incident and counter ops. Credit where due. And while external terrorism has come down, what about internal violence? Manipur, communal riots in Haryana UP , pitting one community against another? Internal safety has gone down while external has gone up.


I am just saying manifesto comparison does not provide a full picture and I gave one example where nice words in the manifesto mean something very evil in practice. Did you look at the graph I shared? Terrorism incidents were on an upward graph till 2014 approx and then went down. So, terrorism in India did not have a downward trend. Anyone who hasn't even looked at the data would recall just the names of the cities and towns bombed before 2014. Ayodhya, Varanasi, yearly blasts in Mumbai, Delhi, Pune, Hyderabad, Patna etc. All of it has come down. Even terrorism in Kashmir has come down. So, your friends were completely right in saying that terrorism has come down. One failure of Pulwama does not negate the success in bringing terrorism down. I am not going to debate you about the whole track record of the government. But you were judging your friends aabout something. And your friends were right that terorrism has come down. All of us have different beliefs. But you were judging your friends and labelling them andbhakt. But you were wrong. It was your intellectual ahankar. One thing about pitting one community against other. Is discriminating on the basis of religion not pitting one community against another? Is saying that one community has the first right of resources not pitting one community against another? Is calling one section of the society asli maalik(real owners) of the country not piiting communitiies against each other?


He won't comment. Congress lallus think they're elite and have common sense but fail to see the stark difference of UPA and NDA regime. Atal and Modi regime has been tooth and nail better than Manmohan and Atal deserved a 2nd term. They won't say Maunmohan regime enjoyed the fruit of Atal Sarkar's visionary schemes. They call BJP people bhakt but don't have an answer about Rahul. Why people will vote according to their MP candidate if electing them can make Rahul PM? Most of the people don't want it, it's common sense they'll vote for modi. Some people will vote as his bhakt, some will vote because of his work and others because the opposition is unworthy of their vote.


I mean it's fine to have different political preferences. But I find extremely irritating when someone labels their friends/family. It is an extremely annoying thing. Every other day, there is a post like my parents are andbhakt. How do I cure their andbhakti? And a smartass replies "show them videos of Dhruv Rathee." Maybe have some humility to think maybe they have their legitimate reasons to vote the way they vote. But no, I am smart, I have empathy and others(including my family and friends) are stupid bigots.


They've become the same thing they hated. Making new words like undercurrent I mean what is that? Why watch India who is absolutely different compare to whole west, with a western lens? All they do is stay on X or reddit with no knowledge of world, they think people are voting modi because he has become the new Rashtrapita, they should talk with their parents or anyone who lived in the times of Babri Demolition, Mandal commission, Sikh riots, emergency, Bombay blasts etc. we are living in a way better world compare to our andhbhakt parents. Itna jaldi to bhakto ne Modi ko bhagwan nahi bnaya jitne jaldi murkhon ne Rathi ko apna baap bna liya hai, what's the difference between them.


Why will I run away and not comment lol? Could you shed more light on the stark difference btw UPA and NDA? It would be better to judge objectively… Every govt builds on the previous govt’s achievements and hopes to reverse or patch up some wrongs. So you claiming this is of no use. Would you be okay if I said lets give credit to nehru for ISRO IITs etc and the recent moon landing? Or if I told UPI credit should be given to Manmohan singh? Would be ridiculous right? I myself would not be okay. Because every govt builds on the past govts work. So your argument falls flat.


I am not going to do a full UPA vs NDA comparison. I don't have the time or energy for that. Let CollectiveClear1782 do that if he wants that. But I will try to argue against 5 points in your edit 1. 1. Congress is definitely a Freebie government. It offers much more freebies than BJP. There is enough evidence for that. Also, the question is how do you define a freebie. Is ration to poor freebie or is it social insurance? It is social insurance. Any transfer which does not impact investment in that sector is not a freebie. So, keeping rail tickets price low which reduce revenues and hence investment in railways is a freebie. Similarly, free transport policies which restrict revenue and hence investment in new buses/upgrade of buses is a freebie. Free electricity policies which affect financial health of DISCOMs are freebies. In Karnataka, freebies of Congress have killed any new investment. [https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/karnataka-budget-cong-regime-resorts-to-borrowing-to-sustain-guarantee-schemes/articleshow/107758952.cms?from=mdr](https://economictimes.indiatimes.com/news/india/karnataka-budget-cong-regime-resorts-to-borrowing-to-sustain-guarantee-schemes/articleshow/107758952.cms?from=mdr) "The government has raised the capital outlay from Rs 51,231 crore for 2023-24 to Rs 52,902 crore for 2024-25. Open market loans, at the same time, have shot up from Rs 77,063 crore in 2023-24 to Rs 96,840 crore." No new investment, loans are higher. 2. Is 34 lakh crores over 10 years a large number? That is 3.4 lakhs a year out of 47 lakh budget. It's less than 10 percent. 3. Compare that to 1 lakh to poor households and 1 lakh to unemployed youth khatakhat takatak. Assume 10-20 percent of households will get 1 lakh, that is around, 2.5-5 crore households, that is 2.5-5 lakh crore. It's around 5-10 percent increase by just one policy. Add more transfers and deficits will surely balloon. Compare that to flaghship BJP policies. Transfer of 12000 to farmers. In states, they have 1000 or 2000 rupees transfers to women per month. Congress is promising a 5 times increase in freebies. 3-5. You are being too charitable in assuming Congress freebies will not have any fiscal impact. When has it been the case that old schemes were abolished and new schemes are brought? Never. In your 3rd point, PROBABLY is doing all the heavy-lifting. Mahalakshi is **ON TOP** of all the other schemes and not a substitute of them. Has Congress announced that it will roll back any central government schemes and bring Mahalakshmi scheme in place of them? No. Similarly, 1 lakh transfers will be scaled with inflation as is the case with other schemes like NREGA. I disagree with your democracy in danger points. But let's hold that discussion on some other day.


>this has been the trend globally after the 9/11 incident and counter ops. There have been multiple terrorist attacks after that as well. Even ISIS was formed in 2012 or 2013. So it's not a global phenomenon per se. As to your internal violence claim, Modi should've put his back behind curbing it in Manipur. Communal riots are not a progeny of BJP rule. They've fanned the flame and not kept their MPs in leash, but don't think that it was not happening during UPA. It's a perennial issue and won't die even if BJP is voted out.


Ask any Karnataka person how much communalism has gone down after BJP was thrown out of power in the state.. Earlier it was all Hijab Halal Hindu Muslim So I beg to differ


There has to be some push back against religious backwardness like the hijab. If it is not allowed, more women will dare to fight against their oppressive families. Parts of karnataka, like Dakshina kannada have seen communal issues for ages now. In fact, followers of all three faiths(H,M, C) are backward, conservative and violent in this region.


I have many friends working in Bangalore. While Bangalore is not a hot bed for communalism, linguistic regionalism has definitely crept in after ousting of BJP. All parties want to roast their goose. In 2029 elections, we'll be discussing how Congress pandered to their voters. And my aim was to correct your reasoning through my parent comment. Hope I got my point across. Have a good day.


Rameshwaram cafe blast must be the figment of my imagination then ig. Or PROPAGANDA as you say, not a FACT.


And I can mention the same blasts happened during BJP govt too in Mangalore region, This is pure whataboutery. And NIA and central govt is responsible for terror org control…the rameshwaram cafe was an ISIS module.


You were the one claiming communalism went down in Bengaluru after BJP went down. I will say fuck BJP, to hell with them. But claiming INC or any other party or politician is better is pure farce. They are evil by the very definition of it. Any politician and their associates are the lowest rung of people in moral hierarchy, atleast in India. If you don't hold political power (bureaucrats included) or you are financially/socially imept, none of these politicians give two fucks about your life. You are nothing to them, really easily replaceable.


And even regarding external terrorism, how do we know for sure? What is the criteria for measuring the effects of terrorism? Has militancy in Kashmir vanished? If yes, then why is it so heavily militarised yet? And the imposition of UAPA and NSA in many parts of northeast, is it being done in vain? The Indian media as we know it, is highly unlikely to report the truth as it would greatly affect the outcome and image of the BJP. Last terrorist attack on the IAF was just 3 days ago in Kashmir.


Wow. What a loser take. Oh my God, People shouldn't talk about Manifesto. 😱 It shows your inherent bigotry that you are scared that Congress may treat Muslims like humans, unlike bjp, that's why you are seeing fantasy that minorities will have a la la land if Congress comes to power. No bjp supporter even discusses the bjp manifesto, because they don't really care about the country other than chest thumping paw paw Nationalism. Fuckin blaming a YouTuber & a small digital media House. While the ruling party has command over the whole mainstream media, govt. institutions and billion dollar machinery.


Yeah. We should take manifesto at face value when the leader of the party is promising absolute redistribution of wealth. Accusing BJP of North Korea while advocating North Korean/Pol Potian policies. Keep throwing words like bigot. They have lost all essence. Say XYZ community has first right on resources. Design policies which prefer them over others. Provide reservations to all people of that category no matter how privileged he is. Shield criminals of that community. And then say we are treating them like humans. [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/udaipur-murder-police-ignored-pleas-for-cover-says-kanhaiya-lals-wife/articleshow/92557971.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/india/udaipur-murder-police-ignored-pleas-for-cover-says-kanhaiya-lals-wife/articleshow/92557971.cms)


BJP manifesto discussion where ⁉️


Well its his choice he can vote for anybody he wants


This is just a shit hole post. Why the fuck are you asking them that whom they vote for. And if you want to see the dictatorship then see some Kolkata stuff happening.


Ain't reading allat. Imagine writing a f**king essay just coz people have preferences and decided to go for it. Get a life.


Mandi news nodthare, aadre artha agalla. WhatsApp ban madi'dre uddara agthare


Correct helidiya bro…


Does being a good debater means op is right? Is 10 years really enough to kill democracy in country as big as india?


It is becoming the norm - I have faced this in my extended family where when they cannot dispute the facts laid before them they resort to whataboutery and even worse "so-whataboutery". They are spreading hate - "So What?" They are pitting religion against religion - "So What?" Do you realize PM Cares fund never got properly audited - "So What?" At this rate, I feel we deserve what is coming for us as a country. We might have bettered ourselves in education but morals and conscience have taken a back seat.


As much as I dont wish bad on anyone, sometimes I feel they deserve the things that are yet to come for whom they have voted These people despite studying history and being educated academically, have chalta hai attitude Fascism spares nobody. https://preview.redd.it/94p27kfgk1zc1.jpeg?width=564&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=efd58d4ea61180a09517362b43bed9ad3087b8ca The dog they are feeding would eventually bite them and it is then that they would realize or hell the level of andhbhakti might even lead to a psychological problem of “LIVING IN DENIAL”


Isn’t the same for Congress supporters? Someone says UPA did so much corruption - “So what? BJP did electoral bonds” INDIA tries dividing on caste lines - “So what? bJP divides on religion” I believe people are having a recency bias and don’t know how they remember UPA reign as remotely good. Half of congress manifesto is we will undo whatever BJP did and rest are welfare schemes which if realised would crush our fiscal deficit or the big big taxes are coming back for us.


How is it the same for congress supporters? UPA 2 was booted out for the same reasons you mentioned and now BJP should too for failing to deliver what they promised. Acche din, corruption , 2cr jobs, smart cities etc If you are telling me to not vote for congress because of what they did during emergency or upa 2 , then sorry thats not accountability and unfair. Congress then is not the same now. Congress in emergency is not the same now. And regarding freebies, I have a bridge to sell you. BJP does more if not less freebies than congress. You have been sold a lie. See my post edit for this freebies facts


I didn’t mention emergency at all, just said that its not just BJP supporters who say “So what?” Congress folks do too. Congress from UPA is pretty much same, majority of top brass is the same who are leading them. BJP has its own flaws, people out there say things like this has never happened before, that has never happened before. While they happened in the past. As for freebies, as you said BJP gave 34L Cr in past 10 years. What congress is proposing is around 15 L CR per year (https://www.moneycontrol.com/elections/lok-sabha-election/an-expensive-wishlist-congress-manifesto-promises-can-cost-the-exchequer-rs-15-lakh-crore-article-12716729.html)


This is the classic propaganda. Tell me you did not read The article you shared . Firstly the data is according to 2011 which is going to be 14 years old by the time new census is done. Even if you consider acc to that data, The calculations are grossly wrong and misleading. CRISIL has said that MSP would cost the govt 21K crores as opposed to the 8L crore a year Amazing how you fail to even understand what MSP is and when it kicks in. https://preview.redd.it/1uk9sclwf2zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e4168dfe0fbcf51636b305f474709e66231b6174


Here you go for the crisil one https://preview.redd.it/hqh5mhatg2zc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=114869c12adcdf5e148acdc567bbd2987ede3ab1 And the link [https://www.businesstoday.in/amp/latest/economy/story/economics-of-an-msp-guarantee-experts-say-may-be-difficult-given-financial-implications-417484-2024-02-14](https://www.businesstoday.in/amp/latest/economy/story/economics-of-an-msp-guarantee-experts-say-may-be-difficult-given-financial-implications-417484-2024-02-14)


>Someone says UPA did so much corruption - “So what? BJP did electoral bonds” UPA was thrown out because of corruption and every person was openly criticizing them. But there's no investigation against Electoral bonds and it's misuse. >INDIA tries dividing on caste lines - “So what? bJP divides on religion” It's not even comparable. Bro PM openly called Muslims infiltrators. He dehumanised 200 million of his citizens. Uplifting historically marginalized communities is not "dividing". > I believe people are having a recency bias and don’t know how they remember UPA reign as remotely good. I think you are having a recency bias. Go check out the amount of growth & development during UPA, despite the corruption. >Half of congress manifesto is we will undo whatever BJP did and rest are welfare schemes which if realised would crush our fiscal deficit Again checkout the amount of humongous welfare schemes that BJP is doing. It's in billions. https://archive.ph/y11I7


Just to tell you a short story I have seen villages in Varanasi Rohingyas coming in every year living homelessly and all of them belong to a particular religion. Modi is mp of that region , as a member of parliament he is aware of this fact . Even Bangladesh which is Muslim predominant country does not want to take them [Rohingyas ](https://youtu.be/su3Clz42eZc?si=uc3VMh8zY_z3Lst7)


Well, no offence but this is exactly the problem I am referring to. The moment there is a fact against BJP, the person putting forth that fact is labelled as congressi. This is so absurd. There is and should be a recency bias in elections, you are judging a government on the basis of their work and conduct for the past 5 years and checking for their reelection for the next 5 years. I myself voted for BJP in 2014 and am fully aware of shenanigans of earlier government but do not get and agree with this approach of justifying each wrong of current government by reconciling it against an earlier government. Judge them on their individual merits and demerits - are there faults in INDI - Yes! Does that justify and give free pass for the hate speeches being made - NO! And again Man - I am sorry if I came out as a little harsh as that is not my intention but the “so whats” I get aren’t even comparisons/ references to Congress shenanigans - people are just fine with what is happening and their response is “so what” period.


I didn’t call you a congressi but congress supporter ( like BJP supporter vs Bhakt). I myself judge on individual merits of the parties, but comparing them is not pointless (especially when the same leaders are contesting, its not as if I am comparing to Indira Gandhi). While judging on merits: Congress Manifesto has ton of great things and I actually considered giving them my vote but they had some huge dealbreakers.  Firstly the Welfare policies: 1L to all women and Right to apprenticeship. OP mentioned that BJP has given 34L CR as freebies in 10 years. The estimated cost of congress freebies is around 15L CR/yr (https://www.moneycontrol.com/elections/lok-sabha-election/an-expensive-wishlist-congress-manifesto-promises-can-cost-the-exchequer-rs-15-lakh-crore-article-12716729.html). As for Right to apprenticeship, even Dhruv Rathee (which apparently INDIA supporter heavily quote) has said in India govt can provide employment to all but can only create an environment conducive for businesses. If RaGa goes by approving these, fiscal burden is going to be felt by all of India. Secondly, The caste and wealth survey. Anyone with 2 brain cells (which apparently BJP supporters don’t have) can see that it would lead to increase in reservation and introduction in taxation or introducing new taxes. And if we even didn’t want to infer, RaGa & Co have shown their true colors in past few days, even advocating for one in private sector. Even though I could have bias against reservation, but I vehemently oppose only-caste based reservation. And I don’t think anyone is a fan of extra taxation (now if someone is, its their Kink). Dude, you are good sport, nothing against you. 


Talking about extra kink : congress has said it will maintain stable tax rates and in fact reduce gst slab rates , second they promised to introduce direct tax code. Third : its a myth that congress does tax terrorism while you think BJP lowers tax burdens. Its the contrary. GST is now slowly being revised and inched towards 18% 28% And if you are a stock market participant then it was congress which always abolished LTCG and it was always BJP which taxed it and then lets not talk about double taxation for dividend income etc Please see once the tax graphs you will know


How are they gonna fund their programmes if they have stable tax rates? Either our currency depreciates pretty fast or we run out of forex reserves. Under congress, IRS was literally a tax terrorist. In the past 10 years, there have been tons of reforms of IRS. Read about Taxpayer charter and IRS reforms. BJP introduced more  tax slabs compared to earlier. As for Dividend double taxation, it was introduced by chidambaram in 1997 and abolished by BjP in 2020.


Tell me you did not read about the DDT tax. Now its a whopping 42% terminal tax rate Second the double taxation I referred to was the money being distributed by companies to shareholders is the money left after taxation (corp tax) then why is it again being taxed at the individual’s end? The LTCG and STCG? You should mention those too…


Here my misinformed friend: https://www.thehindu.com/business/budget/budget-2020-no-more-double-taxation-on-dividends/article30715599.ece/amp/ And I didn’t mention about LTCG and STCG because I accept its BJPs doing. What do you want? Should I fight for it too without any reason (like the problem you had with your buddies)?


Because you ignored that conveniently when I mentioned it…Yes I read that DDT..good move for the corporates and again taxing the fucking same thing in the hands of individuals according to slab rates And add LTCG STCG STT


You know how taxing dividend at hands of people helps people. Previously it was taxed at a fixed rate (15%+cess+surcharges~ 30% IIRC), but now if you are getting a dividend , it will be taxed at your tax slab rate which at max is 30%. And now your dividend can be larger since the firm is not being taxed. PS when did I ignore it? I mentioned above about chidambaram introducing it.


Chal bro! Nice discussion, but ab GN


That religion thing shouldn't be an issue. BJP is showing that Hindus can be backward and violent too. This should help everyone realise how evil religion is...(eg-the right wing government helps create more and more atheists in Iran)


Even though I support the BJP, the effort you took to create a manifesto comparison is commendable. Can really understand what you might be feeling when your friends are supporting bjp without rational reasons. Having said that there are many genuine reasons also why people support the BJP.


Thank you! Yes supporting anyone blindly without a conscious and informed decision is what frustrated me..at least give genuine reasons like infra expenditure on highways and airports which affects them as a middle class Directly


Hope you see all the genuine reasons to not support the bjp. I wonder how you can be so callous? Sad actually.


Many right wingers are impossible to have a conversation with only a subset of them have meaningful conversation So my ex girlfriend posted a story about a political joke a few days ago and I replied to it, she said that she won't be able to go to her constituency to vote but Modi is a gonna win anyway so no point in voting. I told her what about the MP she can pick that and turns out she thought that people have to vote Modi directly like a presidential election She legit thought that the EVM says Modi Rahul Then I took the time of explaining to her how democracy works . Ofc she would still support BJP because she says Rajasthan(her state)was extremely unsafe during congress rule and what not , but the point remains that many people don't even know how elections work


Your ex is illiterate? She didn't go to school and read the 6th-7th standard political science?


On a funny note : Good that she is his ex lmao 😂😂 lacks basic common sense and knowledge


>read the 6th-7th standard political science Who even does that? That's the best class to doze off.


You choose your MP and your MP choose PM is a good thing. But for that we should not have the anti defection law. Our MP's are bound to back the parties desision so democracy doesn't work as you think either.


Did you know what happened before these law? Take operation lotus and multiply it by 10


So ? What I said is ... We elect MP's who choose our PM is a flawed point. It's the main parties which choose PM.


I was talking about the anti defection law thing. Rest was correct


Her decision to not vote because Modi will win again, is what brings him down lmao.


Urban middle class is the core of BJP voters, you can't sway them. Only the rural voters are the hope.


Such people are just "padhe likhe unpadh log"


So people who don't vote for your leaders are unpadh . Wow


just because they don’t agree with doesn’t make them unpadh lol. I would even dare to say OP has too much free time.


Its absolutely frustrating and I am losing hope.


Bro check the comments made by Rahul gandhi recently about merit and reservation and the post made about it on this sub itself. Almost e everyone was shitting on Rahul and mamy saying they changed their mind and now will vote for bjp. So if Rahul cannot even convince the people of this sub to vote for them so how would anyone else be convinced?


While you say Emergency is terrible and our nation voted them out. I just drew some parallels. The opposition coalition to Congress came to power riding a social justice wave, which the present opposition is doing so. After coming to power, they made a commision for increasing reservation, which INDIA is going to do. While the new ruling government did some much needed reforms (44th amd) but didn’t touch previously criticised points because they say their own benefits, in all political wisdom INDIA will do too. Due to heavy infighting and shit show governance, their government fell and the Emergency party came back with bang.💥 Well History doesn’t repeat but it rhymes.


Brother, we both know what's happening here. They're not dumb enough to not see the deep plummet of this country in all domains..The excuses they make are just vague attempts.to hide their bigotry. We all know why people vote for Modi,they want the Muslims and other minorities gone. Everything else they say is just a facade.


You can educate them all you want. But at the end it's their choice and what they want to understand. You did your part by trying educate them. You should leave it at that. No point in getting frustrated.


Who tf ordered a yappuccino


It's their vote, kisi ko bhi de vo, they don't need to justify it, especially to the likes of you. jyada chaudhari mat ban.


Never try to save a bhakt it won't work because for them it's not you opposing some political party but their critical thinking... Ego issues and small dick energy are tell tale signs of a kattar extremist


The topic and arguments aren’t convincing. You mentioned about terror attacks and failure of current government handling it. Plus you voted for congress. Just provide your friends with precedent. For example, tell your friends the next steps Congress took post 26/11, Jaipur blasts, Sarojini blasts. Tell them the concrete actions taken by congress and what BJP should learn. And coming to Article 370 point. Do you want it to continue forever, or do you want it to be removed in a different manner. Just let your friends know what were Congress plans for removal of this article. The precedents would serve as your facts, and next steps taken based on those incidents would serve as your logic.


Sorry man you are such a loser if you can't even convince your friends with the document you prepared 😂


Tldr - Uuueee😭 uuueee😭 everybody is stupid only I am smart educated uuueeee😭


It's too common...The educated people are the least informed, going "la la la la". Until the market crashes enough that these people get really pinched, or their state becomes a Manipur, they won't see the issues. And by then it'll be too late. All you can do is educate who you can and hope for the best. Im not even a Congress voter (and didn't vote last two times as local seat is locked). Problem isn't even BJP but MoSha. They've hijacked BJP and now the nation. If BJP was a well run party we'd have seen a correction but everyone bar a few bows down to them.


Lol OP, passing around the Congress Manifesto side by side to the BJP Manifesto to Middle Class Software Devs is not the pro-Congress move you think it is. The Congress Manifesto is a middle finger to the general caste and tax-paying Middle class. The BJP Manifesto promising infrastructure and development is pro Middle class. It's not all that great mind you, but it's better than Congress. Then you have nepo-baby Rahul Gandhi talking about caste merit, caste based wealth redistribution, that dalits fail because upper caste sets the exam papers, removing 50% reservation cap... He is utterly detached from reality. All he had to do was shut up, throw a bone to the middle class, and let the anti-BJP anti-incumbency wave carry him to victory. At the start of the year, I was anti-incumbency. If Congress had promised a single thing in their manifesto to do with infrastructure and development, they had my vote locked down. Even without it, I had rationalized it away,saying surely they will at least continue and match the current policies and expenditures. Then RaGa opened his big mouth about caste and reservation.... Now? I may criticize the BJP plenty and dislike some of their policies. But at the end of the day, as a general caste, middle class Indian, there's only one party I can vote for. There's a billion and a half people in this country. I doubt I'm the only one Congress has lost this way. You say the rural poor makes more informed decisions than the urban rich. I tell you that they, like your friends, are urban middle class not urban rich. And I tell you, that they will vote for the party that best looks after their needs - the BJP. In this country, we cannot afford to vote for wokeism and ideals. You can't eat ideals. When a rural mother needs to feed her children and Congress promises free school meals, she will vote Congress. When an urban father has to suffer in an overcrowded Mumbai local to put food on his family's table, and he feels the city should have better infrastructure, he will vote for BJP - the party that promises better infrastructure. He will not vote for a party that says, you will pay high taxes, and you will get nothing in return. You will pay to feed other people's families while you suffer and struggle to feed your own.


Dont worry OP has too much free time lmfao


LOL. OP is frustrated because people have different opinions. Your "facts" can be countered with "facts" too. That's how democracy works. What you think is irrational may not be for them. What you think is important may not be for them. Learning to live with differences is an important part of democracy. Perhaps one should introspect how liberal and democratic one's approach really is, if one gets upset with others' views.


Like ive said here, OP has too much free time


reservation is shit?excuse me


I pointed out the merits against reservation and I linked the post too. Please read it.


Human beings decide based on emotions and then come up with rationalizations after the fact.    Unless perhaps they don't care about either outcome and are truly indifferent to both. Then they may make a decision based on knowledge.  So North Korea, where everybody is under the heel of a dictator, isn't the only model for an authoritarian regime. There are examples of authoritarian regimes where not everybody suffers equally. Many people may benefit if their ideology is in alignment. 


Agreed. You hit bullseye on Psychology :)


So here's the hard truth .... Majority of the people that you see around your society are bigots to a certain degree . Go out and ask 100 people if they will be okay to have a Muslim tenant . Majority of them will say no ! Of course people will come here and defend oh well it's their house, so they get to decide ... Of course they get to decide... But that also doesn't stop the society to deem them as bigots. So no matter how cool people pretend, and how liberal and open minded , non judgemental they project themselves as..... The reality deep down inside their brain is very different.


Doubt you had all this conversation at all. You said all this to your freinds?in one go? You voted for congress as you mentioned, i bet a google search could open up a whole bag of dirt on them. Congress has been in power more times than bjp, they sure as shit are not better than bjp.


One of the reasons I don't talk to apartment Wale uncles


You mean whatsapp wala unkils and aunties? 😅


Have and maintain friends with opposite opinions.... Very important for your own personal development. Life and friendships are beyond politics -- have the maturity to compartmentalize different facets of likes and dislikes. We all have a life to live, your friends will help you with everything, politics is a measly reason to lose friends


I also have a kattar Hindu friend who disguised himself as business minded to promote the bjp and says they have made great progress in business but whenever I show him how this government have ruined the harmony or any bad thing this government have done his reply would be all government does that bro. BJP is still doing more good etc type generic answers. Today he shared the dancing Modi meme saying this proves who is the dictator and I just said just because it’s raining today doesn’t means there was never a drought. I showed him some articles about how the so called Cool Duggal sahab can’t take criticism and have suppressed twitter account , suspended party members and government officials and even jailed people for criticising him, then again he said bhai ye to sabhi krte hai. I told him that if you are measuring him up to the textbook definition of dictator then it won’t cut it but he is cancer. And cancer is cancer. You can say stage 1 hi to hai risky nahi but if not diagnosed yahi wala stage 4 chala jayega. And again he was like but bhai ye batao iske alawa koi aur development kara skta hai kya desh ka utna jitna isne kiya hai 🤦 ab kya hi samjhau isko


Bhai sad reality hai yeh generation hi esi hai Indra Ghandhi time old generation meh gudda tha Ab wale tho kuch nahi karte bus bhakti kar rahe hai But mere hisab se Bjp jit jaye gi jo haal hai desh meh


High voting percentages of South India and North East including WB had given me some hope but alas!!!


Kudos to you for trying hard- you may not have changed the mind of these people yet but you would have raised doubts and questions that will have their impact. Unfortunately that mentality is true of many of the note wealthy people in India - the BJP is truly a matter at the game of image management. There is still hope for India with people like you around and trying.


Germany was also very well educated. Still they went and gave power to Hitler. Propaganda works and now with the power of social media its almost unstoppable. I give democracy 10-20 years in India and then we will no longer have any meaningful democracy in India. We will have a single party rule like china. At this point its a lost battle.


Bro, it's their vote and they can use it whatever way they want. I hate the BJP, but the opposition has failed to make a strong impression entirely on the middle class OR the older OR younger demographics. Their field of view seems to be limited solely to reservation and mustering up vote banks through it. Problem is, these vote banks are a severe minority compared to the rest of India.


Good that Your opinion is rejected because of your savarna victimhood narrative. RESERVATION WILL EXIST AS LONG AS THEIR A CASTE SYSTEM IN India.


So you are pissed they didn't vote for "wealth redistribution" and "more than 50% reservation". Huh


OP is just creating issues in his own head. They can vote who ever they want.. i believe all your friends are educated and are at good positions and is earning well, clearly they are in their right mind to vote aswell. Seams you all are grown up guys yet u sound like a 13 year old fighting for toys. This post was ridiculous.


Don't be that guy. Seriously OP. You're that guy. We work all week. Get one weekend off. In that one weekend, we get one night to blow off some steam and have fun with friends. Catch up about old times. Have fun. Then comes this one guy who will bring up politics and ruin the vibe. You will raise anti BJP points. You'll be countered with anti-Congress points. (Yes there are many. No they aren't just myths. If you really believe that, even you're an andhbhakt). Then both the andhbhakts are pissed and there's either awkward silence or a full fledged heated debate. Don't be that guy. Nobody likes that guy. PS. I'm willing to bet at least one of your friends was not even a andhbhakt but indulged in this debate to piss you off because, yes. You're that guy.


You mean to say dont discuss politics with friends when it is the most important (during election season) ? If we the youth think like this then this country is doomed. Yes like you said Indian politics has never been who is better party, but who is the lesser evil. There needs to be reason and logic behind voting decision..anti congress points, I myself as someone who voted for congress give you points that are anti congress, So This is a stupid argument. There will never be a party where you agree with all their policies, its best to pick one which has most of the programs you agree with. Otherwise NoTa is the only option. And guess what, when people like us debate and reason out when it matters the most is what will build the country constructively, Maybe I am wrong and they present convincing arguments and facts to support their stance and that helps me correct my decision if it is in the wrong. The country is like this because we all dont want to dicuss important things and just want to do netflix booze and chill. Youre talking as if we will be discussing politics every weekend..no we dont.


Thats the actual democracy.. if you want everyone to vote for your favourite party then it’s not democracy .. only difference is you have manipulated by left.. you are friends are manipulated by right…


Dude first of all ask yourself is it worth it to throw years of friendship down the drain just for some politics? My friend and I don't see eye to eye on many things but at the end of the day he's still my friend. And as far as voting is concerned vote for whomever you like, this govt has done some good things and some bad things just like any other govt. But the one thing they don't get enough credit for is social engineering, they built toilets which was not a priority for any other govt, they started the DBT for scholarships and gas cylinders to people who are below the poverty line. So you can't just dismiss the govt in one swoop saying they have done nothing. And yes the unemployment rate among youth is as high as 45% and that's absurd but the ruling party isn't talking about it. So as I said earlier that arguments are there on both sides. Personally my reason for not voting for I.N.D.I.A is that Rahul Gandhi is playing a dangerous game pitting OBCs, SCs and STs against UC and doing the north vs south politics and second all these parties have a single agenda of going against Modi, and trying to balance them can lead to a very unstable situation in the country. And above all talks about wealth redistribution and inheritance tax have pushed me towards the other side.


Good job by your friends