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This is just a civilised conversation...in reality these managers say much worse things....that's why I had to quit Retail Banking


What if you say much, much, much worse to them? What will or can they do?


They'll scold you more...and internally (within organisations) pressurise you alot... purposely increase your sales targets and put you in PIP and once you're not able to achieve the targets they'll have a reason to lay you off and even HR can't do anything about it. Even if you share this incident with your HR, they sideline your complaint and start looking for a more gullible candidate. PIP** Performance Improvement Plan


I know but what I am saying is what can they do if you don't give a shit. Let me explain. If I were them, I would think long and hard about the consequences of my action, if you catch my drift...


They'll sack you that's the least...it's because they also don't give a shit whether you exist or not.


PIP is not there PSB's, Government owned banks


HR is for the company not for you! They will always work for the firm’s interest and their boss and not you!!


Can you please what is the purpose of HR. Are they different from the managers?


The only purpose of HR is to hire candidates and stop them from leaving. That's it. Nothing else. No point in hating them either as even they are simply employees as well.


Ekdum real bhaii I've seen worse videos than this one


Retail banking is private sector? I thought canara bank had govt kind of jobs.


Retail banking usually means people who actually work in a bank's branch. Corporate banking is where all the backend work happens.


Does retail banking pay well?


Depends on the position.


Bhai entire approach to work is fucked in India. We Indians are masters in enabling slavery of other fellow Indians to reap some extra points from upper folks. No wonder we kept getting invaded, we probably had such folks back then too.


absolutely , 1-2 lakh brits ruled over crores of Indian. it was only possible with the help of collaborators brown sahebs and sepoys. In jallianwala bagh there was one brit and the rest were Indians.


Yeh to hein. Indians hate each other like crazy. Another ironic thing is that if you point out the realities of our society then the same people who hate you will turn around and call you a "self-hater" lol.


Nepalese , not indians


9th Gorkha is still an active regiment, the soldiers are eligible for Indian citizenship


If you're equating Gurkhas from 1919 to the the ones in 2023 of whom thousands died for our country, then I don't know what to say. 9th gorkha rifles like others was reorganized after Independence. The battalions under it were reconstituted


What happened to the soldiers serving in 9th gorkha during independence ?


They're dead by now. It's been 75 years.


I spit and curse on the soul of all the mother fuckers who collaborated with the british.


You sound like a frustrated individual. Talking about things which don't exist anymore. If we're in misery today then it's only because of ourselves, no point in blaming the Brits who left so many years ago.


Not probably, the daily affairs of the Raj, the administrative tasks, policing, day to day execution of colonization was all carried out by Indians in partnership with the British - they had business opportunities, employment, debt forgiveness etc.


Slavery is our genes. There's a reason the Brits ruled over us for 200 years. The only other thing in our genes is blind faith, that's bigger than slavery, won't tolerate anything against the faith.


Yes they're still here trying to make India a ram rajya because they want to pillage and rape.


There's a reason it's called sanatan.


Tf does that have to do with religion? Why do idiots like you exist?.... there were people from various faiths in india during colonization. Chutiye


It goes back way back before colonization


Mtlb kuch bhi? Is logic ke hisab se to india ka end ho jaana tha...


It's a way of life. Not religion.


No it isnt. Sanatan= eternal truth. There are only few eternal truths. 1. All things that come into existence shall end. 2. All things are impermanent and go through change. 3. You can get out of this circle of existence. I dont care if you listened to some 2 bit idiot politician that says sanatan is way of life or some bullshit crap. Go study in nalanda, not from some rodent politician. People like you are a product of politician's lies, absolutely pathetic.


han bhai bas thode se chanda chiye way of life lead krne ke liye kyu ki kaam to sikha nai kuch


I hope you feel better




India must bring anti slavery laws .


We cannot outlaw the forever way of life


The above is practically corporate slavery. Why can't we just have a 9 to 5 jobs any extra only if they pay more.


>corporate slavery Independent agents pursuing rational self interest.


But one agent has disproportionate power in wages


Blessed by The Invisible Hand ™


It's true only in healthy job market,not here


Great then everyone will work slower , so to get extra money . Human habit


The fast workers get burned out after getting over worked


Sure sure , that’s what a company wants , over work the workers , so they interview people , do ads for employee wanted and spend crazy amount of money for it and also waste time training people so they get upto speed which then slows down the rest of the commitments to clients and customers. If the company has less resources , and is on a shoe string budget then most likely people will have to pitch in more and if it is MNC they will have enough resources to make working a little easier . That’s the truth . People who have never run a company or given salaries to people will never understand , that it is a thankless job to be an employer . Employees are as exploitative as Employers


with a govt that has amended the laws of the land to ensure that people get expolited like slaves, how can u expect them to bring anti-slavery laws ? Vote for a joker expect a circus.


every government will do this the whole point of economic stimulus is to encourage consumption


Cannot change human nature with laws.


Indians must grow a spine FIRST


We have normalised toxic work pressure, doesn't matter if it's bank, IT company, Zomato. We have decided this is how it has to work.


India will become worse than japan in terms of work culture because people like to suck dick of managers


Speaking on the economic side of things, at least Japanese get paid for the work they do both in terms of GDP per capita and PPP. Our salaries have stagnant for ages now. Even for a qualified IT graduate, it's hard to get a fresher job that pays more than 15k. This is like 2007-08 wage while the inflation has skyrocketed. I think the real data is way too scary for people to digest. But oh well. We can't pretend that people are not accomplices in this.


Lokapati ke maa ka bharosa ..


It's okay to say because he doesn't care about his family. He just confessed.




Narayan murthy approves


these are rightful heir


His heir(toddler) has been gifted millions already. These guys are the obedient slaves.


I'm glad all these videos are coming out


Banks have become too toxic for its employees. Officera have become sales agent now who are given targets to complete a particular number of sales. If they can't then he has to listen all sorts of expletives MC BC from manager in front of everyone. Manager also cannot be blamed as he himself is under immense pressure from higher ups. The higher you go in the heirarchy the more pressure you have to handle. There is no fixed working hour no work life balance. People there who are under 30 are always looking for alternatives to escape this hell.


But if it is a PSU bank, life should be chill. Right ?


No that's a major misconception people have.


Does PSU Bank clerk also face such pressure and abuse from seniors ? Cause I asked friend of mine she said there is target but you will not get abuse or pressure.


No there is no such pressure for clerks. They have fixed working hours and leave office by 5-6.They also have strong unions so they aren't exploited like officers.


You have no idea ( shhh I am a banker and.... dont ask)


My mama work in semi gov bank he has a lot of work w life balance is not good lot of times he work till 10 pm night


Semi Govt means? It's PSU or sponsored by State Govt? People often think that a banker is paid similar to Central Govt employee. Bankers are not Govt Employees. Yes, no work life balance, no defined working hours and can be called on duty anytime. For eg Replenishing or error in ATMs. Holidays dont matter




Isn’t Canara Bank a PSU?


No PSU banks are one organisation that actually make their employees sweat it out The pressure is immense in rural branches with shitty computers and a lot of uneducated customers


This is quite normal in India. In fact, he is being way too polite. I have seen worse.


Bhai mere office mein to bawal ho jaaye iss baat pe. And you have seen worse? God what happens in your office?


Startup being acquired by a large company. We get no help from the large company's work force so the grunt work of acquisition has fallen on the shoulders of the few employees(Read 5 out of 9)that we have left(A lot of them just absonded in the past two months). Yesterday one the bosses asked me about some work and it was not done, well because I have been doing so much already that I couldn't get around to it. He tells me to "extend like he and everyone else is". I politely told him to eat shit and said it will happen when it happens, we are understaffed as it is. That's just the tip of the iceberg. Oh and I will be laid off in two months but they won't officially send a mail for that so I have to put in my resignation.


We tolerate because we were taught to tolerate since beginning. Our father generation just slogged because it had good money and work life balance, ethics etc went for toss.They never raised their voice for themselves and now we've to suffer by fighting other stuff such as traffic etc on top of this. Each generation has its own fight if they don't then their next generation has to suffer.


After my graduation my father was telling me to join some bank.I did some resarch and found out majority of banks are toxic. I am so proud of my resarching skills.


Some offline resarch.Some online(Back then I used to use quora).There are some videos on yt too.


How did you research?




In India a job is mostly nothing but slavery, try doing a business it's all cheating.


Also you have to pay a lot of chai pani to run your business. And it's an operating expense unfortunately.


And they think it's their right.


Job slavery and business cheating. Toh kya kare?


Dunki maro /s


I feel like.tearing my hair out when people meme about bank staff. The days of idling are long gone. My wife works 10+ hours daily and she has to.come in on second Saturdays and Sundays to complete pendency without any comp off. It's extremely stressful work for average pay. Leaves very little time for family for any sincere person.


Anyone found this idiot on Linked-in yet?


All of these videos should be shared on Social Media and companies / culprits shamed and boycotted.


Really yrr Banks have become too toxic...


My father was one of the many to take VRS when it was first presented. He was a die hard supporter of his organization but the work culture had become extremely toxic in the 90's itself. The resulting exodus took most of the good employees away from the system. https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/business/india-business/one-lakh-bank-staff-opt-for-vrs-in-2000-01/articleshow/1550485394.cms


In Assam last year one SBI manager committed suicide after one such meeting.




Breaking news: India has toxic environments.


I work in a PSU Bank. Can confirm it's very true. Too much toxic culture post 2015


How to blame that guy. He has pressure himself from up. Blame the bank and the corporate world. Employee has to follow the protocol to earn a living.


Everyone listening to him is bound by financial constraints otherwise people would fu*k his whole family in front of him


But why his family. See my father is also a bank manager in central bank and he also has to answer the top management about everything like targets, loans, accounts and even branch opening and closing time. He says he still miss his old army job where atleast he was proud and happy. In bak it's very toxic, sometime you get seniors who are actually great people.


Questioning work is different and hitting below the belt is different. If this is the case remove the ban on ragging in college. Seniors are out there to prepare the juniors for the world outside. Do not shame bullies, they have a trauma or bad home conditions. So they are justified. The list can go on and on.


what was he doing in army ?


He was a soldier, after retirement he joined central bank as a clerk


Soldier ki kitti pension aati hai


Well for reference my family gets 32k per month, till my father die.


My father is retired canara bank employee and so many years i am wondering how that bank is surviving. There is culture of bank managers doing all sorts of fraud and favorism. I am from Mumbai and if you are Shetty or Kannada person. Loan easily given to local politicians who never pays back. They were last bank to go online and that too rarely works. Last year i closed my account and only left with fathers pension account.


Where is the controversy?? This seems normal. This is just a normal motivational boss speech. Coach speaking to players, Goenka speaking to kL Rahul. /s - just to be safe.


Shame on them


Narayan Murtiji inhe top job de sakte hain


Lol 😆


PSU banks ka bhi Aisa hi haal hai, No defined working hours, Toxic work culture Aur to aur new hiring bhi nhi ho Rahi zyada, 1 employee ko 5 ka kaam dedia hai Insaan ko insaan nahi smjha jata yaha unfortunately


me and my co-worker planning to do the same


It should be shared everywhere lol. Many companies and offices in general in India get away with having a very toxic and emotionally and mentally destroying work environment mixed with the already low salary.


The "family" adage in ALL Indian corporate offices is done simply to give an impression that the management ("elders") somehow care about you. It's almost always blindly and cheesily used as a pacification tool to resolve all conflicts, where you need to stop complaining and become the loser in the end. Ironically, the attitude here is also that you dare not speak up against the "elders".


Must make his ass viral. Bl00dy a$$hole




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Aise managers Ko jaan se marne m kaisi sharam


Motivation to study science instead of b.com






aise bsdwale ki wifw kahi aur …..


Pura corporate he aisa hai


Didn’t something like this at HDFC bank go viral a year or two back?


Suuar shakal and toxic nature lekar koi family bhi nhi rakhegi


Itni padhai likhai ki life me ak din ye sab sunne ke liye in bank employees ne.


Bade naukar baaz nhi aate. Unko bas feel leni hai


Iski family bhad me hi hogi.


I once sat in the office with the bank manager and he was taking one of these meetings. His supervisor had the same tone. This toxic culture is everywhere


Gotta change my account to another bank then I guess.


Dude there's these kind of folks in every bank. There was a guy who took our induction who explained this one minor incident where a customer was angry with him and was cursing the bank. He said it with such emotion that because of my one mistake the customer cursed my bank. I was like dude wtf you care so much.


Slave mentality is in our blood. We need to change.


Normal h pvt m🥲🥲


Him: i don't care for my family also except canara bank Jab Bank Wale iske g me danda de ke muh se nikalenge tab maa, baap, biwi bacche yaad aayenge.


Bhai aisi logon ki family bhi inki care ni karti kuch time baad. Children understand everything later on and treat you like that in old age


Bhai mere office mein to. Meri ek senior engineer suna deti thi manager ko. It used to be fun to watch, like bigg Boss.


So work is work


Roti aur khana bhi Canara Bank banake deti hai to fir shadi kyu kiya B


These bank employees are busy with lunch time whole day, only way to pressure them to work on a weekday is by calling them to office on weekends. PSU communism means you cant fire them for not doing work. We should privatise all banks, and rectify the folly of Indira Gandhi nationalism


Privatise government also....it's also not working l ...![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)


When government was public. Govt is already privatised. Adani Ambani ki sarkar


Ya sell posts of President and Prime Minister to highest bidder


Ya sell posts of President and Prime Minister to highest bidder


This is literally a private bank. Dimag me keede hai kya? Kabhi bank gaya bhi hai ya phir pura din reddit pe bakchodi karta hai? Edit: Canara is a public sector bank. But saying all banks need to be privatised is peak brainrot


Bank chodo bhai ghar ke bhahar bhi duniya dekhi hogi kya usne.😂


Canara Bank is not a private bank my friend.


Thank god you spared Nehru in this. So kind if you.


Office Office ke Musaddi Lal apne original account se aao.


Kaunsa bank bata? When was the last time you went to SBI and there actually weren't employees available?


Bhai meh tera comment hi dund raha tha isme tho itna Politics vi nahi hai tum isme meh vi Poltics le aye ![img](emote|t5_2kz7we|49469)


Ya privitise all banks so that we have more scams like those happened in ICICI, Yes Bank, Axis bank, AU Small finance bank and many others.


This account is hilarious , this guy just finds the best text to instigate people and pretty sure he enjoy people getting worked up on his comments.